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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. No, I have not insulted him and insulting opponents are something reserved for CBB cult. I am just using publicly available info that he himself admitted and applied a publicly known facts on how: absent fathers shape who a child turns out to be. Ta Ta kiddo!
  2. What evidence do you have that he was a foreign agent?? Ahmed, I believe is strong man that could have not been bought by this political novice and charlatan as he did to Sharif Hasaan of KG & Ahmed Xaaf of Galmudug. Ahmed was offered 20 million dollars to vacate Jubaland presidency and refused. That is someone who has confidence in himself and "Mowqif". It seems Fahad is really full of anger that he could not succeed in his endeavour to unseat this man and hence mostly likely attributes his project's failure to stay in power to that. Imagine if he succeeded that he would have had almost all the states in his pocket and re- election would have been a walk in the park. Puntland alone would not have mounted a much opposition and most likely they would have attacked Puntland and Somaliland after their re-election.
  3. ^ Single mother baaa korisay hence he did not have a father figure in his household. That might have had a psychological damage on his emotions as a child and can explain his elusive and aggressive bully like behaviour. Nothing to do with insulting Somali mothers.
  4. Niman waa wayn oo wadamo horumaray joogay intaa oo qof caabud noqday!!! Mise Laandheere raadiskoo dhan ma koraan kkkk. Waa kaftan dhable intaas, Jimce wanaagsan.
  5. Sidii dhoocil baad u hadlaysaaye agah!! He is public figure he can be scrutinised if you are related to him stay away from these forums and restrict yourself to CBB cult media, I suggest.
  6. This affirms my belief that Fahad has led Farmajo to his down fall. Taking your advice and putting your trust in a political novice must be his biggest regret and crime he committed against Somali people.. I am already looking forward to part 2 and uncovering the CBB's brain child.
  7. Sharcigaa qof walba ka wayn, waxaan qabaa qof walba oo la tuhmayo must be brought in front of court of law, regardless whether they are presidents or street cleaners. Full stop. Fahad has many allegations against him and must clean his name in court. This happened and this happened is neither here nor there. We can not have a country where criminals go unfettered. I told you before just because some criminals got away, does not mean we can not bring some other to justice.
  8. How do you know he did not loot? Did others loot too, proof please?
  9. So you are happy peace caravan to be overshadowed by a house for a millionaire? Eesh Calaa Wadani!! This is what happens when your loyalty is to a man not the country.
  10. This is face saving PR exercise and would not cut. There must be a full investigation of all the atrocities committed by this cult and their leader, and consequently a trial so that those who imprison, torture and kill people with impunity know that they will not go unpunished.
  11. All Puntland politicians are either corrupt or incompetent kkkkk. Ninyahoow Laandheeronimo raadiskii bay naga hortaaganyuhiin ma iska tiraahdo . I ask you one question, bias aside, do you honestly believe that Said Deni is more corrupt and incompetent than Farmajo, discuss?
  12. Where did you see them? Do you know his job before he was made deputy NISA chief?
  13. HSM is supposedly immoral and corrupt. So it only make sense that the morally righteous saint must always take the lead, no?
  14. Madaxwaynuhu sooo isagii joogay Galmudug goormuu qof kula kulmay madaxtooto? Mise waa beentii iyo fake newskii CBB.
  15. So, you don't believe in the country's justice system created by your saint leader? Or you know crimes were committed but you want impunity for your men? Then don't cry when Mahad Salad does the same thing to your clansmen and cult members tomorrow.
  16. I am not judging anyone. There are numerous allegations against Fahad including this one and I want to see him before a court of law. Adiga marka ka towbad keen taagerada indho la'aanta oo qof caabudka ah, nin dhalinyaro ah oo ladulmiyay ha uga hiilin nin xoog badan oo ha'ad dhan madax ka ahaa.
  17. Sxb I am with the victims and not fat cats regardless of their clans. This young man is wiping tears as he has been left paralysed from torture and mistreatment he endured while he was unlawfully imprisoned. I am disgusted with you to talk like this. You live in the comfort of Canada where you enjoy rights. Canadian secret service have no rights to kidnap you, torture you and imprison you indefinitely and without attorney. This is a criminal act and Fahad & Co must be brought before a court to answer for these. If they found guilty they have to pay for it and if they are not then they will be freed. Surely , this must be something you would encourage that leaders of all level are made accountable to the rule of law so that the next ones follow the rules.
  18. Nah it is taxation on deplorable CBBs for being deplorable to the drought stricken victims of theirs , that is fair in my books . Do you believe any president and his henchmen leaving office must let go free? Shouldn't they be held accountable and questioned about their misdeeds?