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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Heey Smith and Warrior would you tell us little bit more about this new phenomenon seem to dominate in the Somali politics nowadays since you guys know this matter. My first question is What is Federalism? Does federalism have many different forms? Or is it distinctive? Who is in charge of the country? President (President of the decentralized government) or the governors of the autonomous regions? Who is in charge armed forces? Wouldn’t every region have the control of it’s army For example if the country is to go to war who has the final say? President? How about if the governors do not agree with him? The country would be disintegrated, wouldn’t it? Saxiibayaal I am asking too much question but I need to learn , you know…….I am hopeless about politics and stuff
  2. Heey Smith and Warrior would you tell us little bit more about this new phenomenon seem to dominate in the Somali politics nowadays since you guys know this staff. My first question is What is Federalism? Does federalism have many different forms? Or is it distinctive? Who is in charge of the country? President (President of the decentralized government) or the governors of the autonomous regions? Who is in charge armed forces? Wouldn’t every region have the control of it’s army For example if the country is to go to war who has the final say? President? How about if the governors do not agree with him? The country would be disintegrated, wouldn’t it? Saxiibayaal I am asking too much question but I need to learn , you know…….I am hopeless about politics and staff Thank you
  3. As sister Tamina said read Suratul Nas(Quladhu birabi nas) , Falq (Quladhu birabil falaq), Ikhlaas. Read them into your two palms and rap them (two palms) in to your whole body. Do it three times every night before you go to sleep. Also read Ayatul Kursi (Allahu laa ilaah ilaahuwal xayul qayuum…). This is the way Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W) you use to do it even when he was sick Aisha (R.A) use to do this for him. I would love to relate the Hadiths but unfortunately I haven’t got them here with me but I am sure that is what they meant. There are also other adhkaar to read when you put your head on the pillow. The one I can remember is: (Allahuma inii aslamtu nafsii ilaika walja, atu dhahrii ilaika raqbatan warhbatan ilaika laa malja,a walaa manjaa ilaa ilaika laa maljaa walaa manjaa ilaa ilaika, amantu bikitakikaladii anzalta, wabinabiyikaladii arsalta). It would be good if you can get hold of Husnil Muslim. It is small book and it’s written on it a lot of easy adhkaars. I hope that helps. Also I would like to point out don't tell anyone about your bad dreams because prophet Mohamed said the bad dreams are from shaitan and spit on your left shoulder three times while saying Ahuudhu Bilaaahi Minashaydaani Rajiim. You tell some one you love when you contract good dream. That is all i can remember for now but I am confident there will be a lot of nomads who will be in position to help you.
  4. Tamina, *****aikuma Salaam, and thanks for welcoming me back although i was thinking you is the one missing. Shaka Zulu, Ameen bro. may Allah guide us and show us his true path.
  5. I just wanted to bring this topic back as many people joined the forum since then
  6. Good to know MMA has changed his mind after visting london. May be Many nomads will follow suit.
  7. Samafal

    How many

    looking for a lady who has special diet too looooool .. by the way it is not possible to have 2 wives anymore, they become impossible "females" and some have more muscles than men .. plus 911, 999 on their side... so the only solution for my plan is one women but make sure u produce more.... LOL Moti you cracked me up with you muscle they intimidate you bro?
  8. What an intelligent scholar. Thanks Barwaaqo for sharing this with us.
  9. Nur may be most people here can't read Somali or some of them they read and don’t leave any comments as I do some times. I personally did not see this thread before. You see we are human beings, we have energy for the nonsensical things but when it comes to things that will help us for our Diin we find them boring. You don't have to go far to see this just glance on politics section every litle topic about Somaliland this, Puntland that blah blah have huge audience and spectators who spend their energy and time on day out, day in. But Inshallah don’t despair on us, continue the good work one day we may appreciate your efforts. Thanks
  10. Heey Mujaahid, is this one year happy anniversary celebration or is it end of your days in SOL...whatever it means i am sure your time in SOL was not in vain and so many nomads including myself have benefited from your good advice and your straight talk.
  11. Maasha Allah, There are a lot of useful naseexas going on in this thread, Specially the words of brother Muraaad. Remembering death is very essential part of our Ebaada because it reminds us that we are not gona last in this life, and any time meaning any time and seconds the angel of Death can take our soul. If we really believe in that more than we say it in our tongue we would have given more attention to our sins and undesirable action we do in our day-to-day life. Who would have thought the brother we all known and loved could die that easily after going about his daily routine and retiring for quite night sleep. He was healthy and energetic as we are and I ask my self why him and not you!!!!!! And the answer I come up with is that mine was not yet and my turn is about to come anytime without any notice as it came to my brother. Now we have to ask ourselves what have we prepared for death if it can come to us any time any where? Quite often we go about our lives thinking this is not gona happen to us!!! But who guarantees us that it will not happen to us. Imagine if we were told that we gona die tomorrow what would we have done with the little time left for us? I would think if we really believe in Allah and the day of Judgement, we would have made ourselves busy praying to allah until it happens. So why are we gambling with our live is what I don't know Allah knows best Wassalamu Alaikum
  12. Asalamu Alaikum, what is happen to this topic? P.S Batuulo is Matkey right? if he is then it is boys turn.........let us know thanks
  13. Salaamu Alaikum bro Nur, Walaal aad baad ugu mahadsantahey naseexadaad Jazaakumulahu kheyr. wax yar ka hor bay aheyd markaan kuweyddinayay qof aad tahey iyo meeshaaad wax ku qortid laakiin waad noo timid inshallah kheyrkana saas noogu sheeg ilaahey hakaa abaalmariyee. W/salaam
  14. As no one is attemting to ask a question and Kamila is no where to be seen to approve my answer, i will assume that I am correct and I have this question for the sisters: There is Sahabiyah who urgued with the prphet Mohamed (S.A.W) about Hukmul Idhaar (tradional divorce where the man says to his wife '' you are to me like my mum'' Kind of divorce in the jaahilyah. To put long story in short she was complaining about her husband who said to her that she was to him like his mum. At the time there were no Wahyi revealed to the prophet (S.W) about the matter and he waited a hukm to be revealed upon him so as he can give her conclusive answer and the Wahyi could not come sooner for the Sahabbiyah and she complained to Allah Subxaaanah. A whole verses in the begining of long sura which has been named after the conversation between her and the prophet (S.W) has been revealed by Allah to the prophet (S.W.S). My question? Who was this Sahabiyah? and which sura was has been revealed about her matter? I need the name of the Sura. Hint: She lived up to the time of Khalipha Omar Bin Khataab and one day she saw him walking on the street with some people going for mission and she stopped him and gave him long Nassiha among them '' Fear Allah for your citizens'' and later the people complained to him you listening to this old women while you have important job to do and he said do you know this women '' Allah heard her from his Arsh and revealed her verses so who am I not to listen her. Long question i know but I intend it to be educational as I really like the sprit of this Sahabiyah (R.A) W/salaam
  15. Asalamu Alaikum, Latefah sis, as most of the brothers and sisters said to you before, you should only care about his deen and iiman and Khuluq. If you contend that dont care about his colour, his past sins as Allah forgives those who repent to him. And by the way to say that most of the converts were some time criminals and thugs are far from the truth. We have all sorts of people, from journalist to politicians accepting Islam as their way of life and to generalize them is bit unfair. I have seen some white converts married to somali sistas and seem that it is working for them, but smetimes it can go wrong as any other case marrying somali and you just can not take one case and say it is always horrible. All in all, i advise you to judge him on his merits, and to talk to him more and get to know him more and dont get things rushed. W/ salaam
  16. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileehi raajicuun, May Allah have mercy on her and forgive her sins.
  17. That is Suratul Ikhlaas Ama qulhuwalle, Kamila..........let me know
  18. Muslimah Sis, you are right it is Fatiha or Al-hamdu as otherwise known as. It is over to you girls.
  19. Assalau alaikumn, Dhamaan akhyaarta halka isku timid. Although I didn't particapate the Quiz in earlier stages, I Would like to take this bare opportunity and ask this question to the sisters ( easy one, I hope): Which is sura in the Quran has been named as ACDAMUL QURAN WASABCIL MINAL MATHAANII (The graetest Kuran and the seven repetitions) by a verse in the quran? I hope my question is clear if not let me know
  20. Maasha Allah .. what a piece of wisdom. Thanks Rahima. May Allah make us those who when they hear good (khayr) take as it is, Ameen. And by the way who is Mr. Nur, and where can I find more of his articles. Wassalamu Alaikum
  21. Originally posted by rudy: all i could come up was viagra! well! i guess homie u the man! And what is Viagra to do with this?
  22. I found this article and thought I could share it with you. I hope you will find it useful and if not now may be you will find it useful some other time . HOW TO MAKE YOUR WIFE HAPPY 1- Beautiful Reception After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you: * Begin with a good greeting. * Start with Assalamau Aleykum and a smile. Salam is a sunnah and du'aa for her as well. * Shake her hand and leave bad news for later!. 2- Sweet speech and Enchanting Invitations * Choose words that are positive and avoid negative ones. * Give her your attention when you speak of she speaks. * Speak with clarity and repeat words if necessary until she understands. * Call her with the nice names that she likes, e.g. my sweet-heart, honey, saaliha, etc. 3- Friendliness and Recreation * Spend time talking together. * Spread to her goods news. * Remember your good memories together. 4- Games and Distractions * Joking around & having a sense of humor. * Playing and competing with each other in sports or whatever. * Taking her to watch permissible (halal) types of entertainment. * Avoiding prohibited (haram) things in your choices of entertainment. 5- Assistance in the Household * Doing what you as an individual can / like to do that helps out, especially if she is sick or tired. * The most important thing is making it obvious that he appreciates her hard work. 6-Consultation (Shurah) * Specifically in family matters. * Giving her the feeling that her opinion is important to you. * Studying her opinion carefully. * Be willing to change an opinion for hers if it is better. * Thanking her for helping him with her opinions. 7-Visiting Others * Choosing well raised people to build relations with. There is a great reward in visiting relatives and pious people. (Not in wasting time while visiting!). * Pay attention to ensure Islamic manners during visits. * Not forcing her to visit whom she does not feel comfortable with. 8-Conduct During Travel * Offer a warm farewell and good advice. * Ask her to pray for him. * Ask pious relatives and friends to take care of the family in your absence. * Give her enough money for what she might need. * Try to stay in touch with her whether by phone, E-mail, letters, etc. * Return as soon as possible. * Bring her a gift! * Avoid returning at an unexpected time or at night. * Take her with you if possible. 9-Financial Support * The husband needs to be generous within his financial capabilities. He should not be a miser with his money (nor wasteful) . * He gets rewards for all what he spends on her sustenance even for a small piece of bread that he feeds her by his hand (hadeith) . * He is strongly encouraged to give to her before she asks him. 10-Smelling Good and Physical Beautification * Following the Sunnah in removing hair from the groin and underarms. * Always being clean and neat. * Put on perfume for her. 11-Intercourse * It is obligatory to do it habitually if you have no excuse (sickness, etc.) * Start with "Bismillah" and the authentic du'a. * Enter into her in the proper place only (not the anus). * Begin with foreplay including words of love. * Continue until you have satisfied her desire. * Relax and joke around afterwards. * Avoid intercourse during the monthly period because it haram. * Do what you can to avoid damaging her level of Hiyaa (shyness and modesty) such as taking your clothes together instead of asking her to do it first while he is looking on. * Avoid positions during intercourse that may harm her such as putting pressure in her chest and blocking her breath, especially if you are heavy. * Choose suitable times for intercourse and be considerate as sometimes she maybe sick or exhausted. 12-Guarding Privacy * Avoid disclosing private information such as bedroom secrets, her personal problems and other private matters. 13-Avoid in the Obedience to Allah * Wake her up in the last third of the night to pray "Qiam-ul-Layl" (extra prayer done at night with long sujood and ruku'ua) . * Teach her what you know of the Qur'an and its tafseer. * Teach her "Dhikr" (ways to remember Allah by the example of the prophet) in the morning and evening. * Encourage her to spend money for the sake of Allah such as in a charity sale. * Take her to Hajj and Umrah when you can afford to do so. 14-Showing Respect for her Family and Friends * Take her to visit her family and relatives, especially her parents. * Invite them to visit her and welcome them. * Give them presents on special occasions. * Help them when needed with money, effort, etc. * Keep good relations with her family after her death if she dies first. Also in this case the husband is encouraged to follow the sunnah and keep giving what she used to give in her life to her friends and family. 15-(Islamic) Training & Admonition This includes * The basics of Islam * Her duties and rights * Reading and writing
  23. Asalamu Alaikum, What an article to read. I read and i really enjoyed reading it however it was too long. Thanks bro. Qaqa for sharing it with us, Jazakallahu Khayran.