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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. This whole saga brings me to think that who is better for our country to lead, a man who has been alleged money laundering and theft from national treasure for more than once or less educated, power hungery dictator who otherwise could be thought as a strong any day light and in sober mood I would not risk any of them, is there any other choice?
  2. ^ Really? I missed that bit of Djibouti then..why one athlete only though, are they deprived of sporting capabilties?
  3. ^^ Its was confusing to every one even to the commentators as countries appeared by the Greek alphabatical order, God knows how it works!!! And yeah the skins are there, lets see what they can do
  4. I dreaded to see the Somali team and I did at last!! I didnt know I was this patriotic!! Anyways there were an old dude, apparently the coach carrying the flag which was not good as Somalia is Gold winner once and some good athlete should have represented the country! Good luck to them
  5. Sujui, What is the point of marrying if you going to wear macawis (that is if I understood what you really mean Macawis) Guina, You are not going to run far, be warned! I am a member of peacekeeping military mission that are being prepared to keep the peace in Somalia, not will I keep the peace while I am there but I will take the extra task of hunting you down wherever you might be..what I can not obtain by your consent I will through my intimidating military uniform! So no escape for you dear
  6. Abwaan Jamaaloow maad noo faisrtid gabayga raga qaar tuunjiga ku daahay baa ku jireee....
  7. Hasna, You are slow, arent you.. Gorrmaad soo kacday waa xeero iyo fandhaal kaladhaceen..(if you r fish & chip or sijui you r excused to undersatnd that) People you must be dreaming who is that have the audacity to ask his/her future wife or husband to come to the STD clinic before any thing can happen..gabadhaas saas ah waaba mid indha adayg dhamaysay..its easier said than done
  8. Is that what midgets are telling each other now? Ahh, how adorable! Adi qarxiska jooji yan adna cabir intaan kuusoo qaato aan ku facshirine
  9. Somaalidu waxay tiraahdaa nin dheeri dgug maleh, ana waxaan kusii dari lahaa naag dheeri dhug maleh!! meaning they lacking what they have in height in the brain department
  10. And how did you came to that conclusion? Thanks for liking my nick.
  11. Well before I got married I would ask her if she is virgin or not..if the answer is NO then there is no marriage thing to talk about..but if the answer is YES and I am not still sure I would test with some other TOOL other than that important one
  12. Deenu Naseexa, do you mean DhaaliM? didnt Prophet Yunus(as) Say" La Ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaaka, Inni Kuntu mina Dhaalimeen !" (surah Yunus) second what is Salafiyah Jadiidah? is there salafiyah Qadiimah? and how do they differ! I see they havent been teaching you Arabic while they taught you all this!! for Allah that would have been better for you my brother, Thaaliin and Thaalim are totally two different words, Thaalin means some one who astrayed the true path and have taken different path that does not lead to Allah's way (read end of suratul Fatiha), Thaalim is some who sinned or performed a crime against himself (like prophet Yoonis said)or other human beings. Sxb its my advice to you stop all these, it does not serve any purpose except furthering the hatred between muslims that are brothers and sisters and who are suppose to love and care about each other. Brother we have bigger enemies to fight today than a muslim that we only differ things that are not the basic Aqeeda. Today christians and Jews are learning Quran and the Ahadeeth of the prophet Mohamamed SAW and taking out of context to serve well their only goal of destroying Islam. Wallahi I was in speakers corner last sunday that was what these two infidals were doing in front of hundreds of people. I know they are not harming the muslims but every person they brainwash with their ill-equiped, hate driven doctrine is one person less that could have the potential of understanding Islam if it was really propagated. That is my Naseexa for you, you take it otherwise continue your prefered subject of Sheikh kidha saisd this and that said that and I shall be patient to see what you are to get out of it.
  13. Dr.Salaf when you say "We", who are you refering to? your group? So then does your group pray with the rest of muslims? remember praying together is sign of unity. So its common sense if you people pray with the rest of muslims you would not need to use the pronounce "We" as we are jointly "we" (muslims) but if you people think that you are the saved sect that will enter the paradise then you will not need to pray with other muslims becouse they are supposedly the lost sect according to your idealogy? so what is your stance?
  14. As any one else I was really stunned the view taken by the Salifiyah Jadiidah against other muslims that disagree with them. I have to say the words I encountered from this group began with two young men coming over to my flat and slandering sheikhs and people I hold high in my heart such as Shaikh Sharif Abdinuur, A Sheikh I learned alot of things and believe is one of the honest god fearing people Somalia has produced, may Allah forgive his sins and enter him his Jannah. Any body's words and actions are questionable except the prophet Mohamed SAW and for that reason I gave them the benefit of the doubt that the sheikh might have done or said something wrong and as I asked why do you say the Sheikh is "Thaal Mudhil" and the words that followed were somewhat disturbing and something to be concerned. The sheikh was thaal muthil just becouse he said " Qutubi was good muslim" or something along those lines. May be I thought they did not understand the magnitude of the word "Thaal", Allah mentioned in the quran christians being the "Thaalin", people who astrayed from the path of Allah and how would a muslim could be taken same level as to the christians that believe in trinity just becouse he uttered words of compliment to some one that they dont agree with certain things!!!! I dont have any question about following the Salaf and all that as prophet Mohamed SAW said they are the best people but since when following the salaf became to slander, vilify, and seek for the slightest errors of others. Is this the way prophet Mohamed SAW conveyed the meassage of Allah? After All this was a prophet who when he saw something wrong with some of his companions, never subjected them or done personal attcak, he would just raise the subject to all the people in the mosque and would say such and such things are bad and should not be done without naming or shaming the people who did it. I dont understand the need to talk about other people becouse even if they done or said something bad, you can disprove them by just saying the opposite of what that person has done or said and you r done your obligation. I tell you why talking other people is wrong: It creates enemity between muslims. Preserving the unity of Muslims is Wajib As Allah subhaanahu says "Wactasimuu bixablilaahi jamiican walaa tafaraquue..." from this verse Allah commands us to cling to the robe of Allah (Islam) and not to divide ourselves into groups. In onother Ayah Allah subhannah tells us not to be like those who (christians) divided their religion into groups (shiyacan) and each of them group is happy with themselves. The need for muslims to unite is vital specially when our religion is under attack from every corner of the world. We need to make a case for the religion and defend it jointly from the Kufaars and the enemy of Allah
  15. Since all of you are urguing about Sheikhs and talking about other people, please ponder on this article, it may be telling something importan for all of us. I am not saying some one is wrong or right just be careful all of you: From leading principles to which the Muslim needs to pay attention before he raises any doubt and before he accepts and believes in any accusation is to give priority to having a good opinion over having a bad opinion of his Muslim brothers. He should look for excuses and justifications that will excuse them and clear them of blame, especially when the accusation is directed towards callers to Allah and the righteous. This is the practice of the righteous, people of understanding and wise men from among Muslims who fear their Lord and desire victory and predominance for Allah's Deen. Had it been the other way around - had having a bad opinion of people been given a priority over having a good opinion, then no scholar would have been left without being maligned, no nobleman without faults found in him, and Muslims would be deprived from good examples. That is a methodology that is accepted neither by the Islamic Law nor by any logic. “The basic principle in this rule is the saying of Allah `azza wa jall: “O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.†[Al-Hujurat 49:12] Allah `azza wa jall ordered avoiding much of the suspicion because some of it is sin, and He followed this order with the prohibition of spying, pointing out that spying in most cases does not occur except due to bad assumptions. The way of the Muslim – the general rule - is hiding others' faults and having a good opinion of others. This is why Allah `azza wa jall ordered believers to have a good opinion of people when they hear slanders of their Muslim brothers. And in the story of ifk (the lie which hypocrites invented against A`isha, the Mother of the Believers, from which Allah declared her free and innocent in the Quran), when it was said what was said, Allah `azza wa jall clarified the true position which every Muslim must understand. He said subhanahu wa ta`ala: “Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of themselves [i.e. one another] and say, 'This is an obvious falsehood'?†[An-Noor 24:12]†[Hisham Ismail As-Sini, Manhaj Ahl As-Sunnah wal Jama`ah fin Naqd wal Hukm `ala al Akhirin, Al Muntada, London, 1992, p. 21] Dr. Mustafa as-Siba'i said, “Because having a good opinion and then regretting is better than having a bad opinion and then regretting.†[as-Sibai, Hakadha `allamatni al Hayat, al Maktab al Islami, Beirut, 1984, vol. 1, p. 42
  16. War ninku wuu qaadireysnaa malaha jamaaloow, raguna waa waaleen. Laakiin marka kaftan laga soo tago jamaaloow caleemahaas cagaarani waa na lanahareen hadaan soomali nahay gabdhahana waa in loogu garabaa. war Odey Baashi waa kugu dhacday, macne ma leh duulkaas dhib laga soo mar. waagii aan dhaantada iyo geed ka boodka ku shukaansan jirnay sabana coor cooorkii bay fiicnaayeen. War meesha horta ma cajuusooyinka pagekaan loo furay hadiise loo furay gabdhihi cajuusooyinka ahaa aawaye ragiiba isa soo dhoobay meesha..mase ciroole ma maqli karaanba duulkaasu. Anigu 70 tameeyadii baan bilaabay shaxaarinimada oo meel dirac kadhoow yahay baanba iska doonyaa anoo da,daan ah. bal ragoow tala keena Libaax sankataabtaw adiguna ma is keentay, maxaa kusoo waalay adeer kuwa yar yar baan kugu tirinayaye...sideesa se xaskii aad gashay ma hadaad kasoo baxday.
  17. Samafal

    Going Home!

    I dont know about egypt bro...But tazania torobo mosquito sucking the blood out of ya..dangerous stuff mate!!
  18. War ma kaa dhabaa, wiil balo baan noqday oo aad iyo aad baan xodxodashada ubartay, war meeshii gabdhaha qonofka lagu qaban jiray waa laga raystay oo hada si reer magaalnimo ah ayaad gabadh qoorta ugu soo dhagi. war midaan mid aqal waab iyo alool taqaan ma aha, ma gabdhaheenii ducaysnaa inay meesha joogaanbaad mooday, anigii odayga ahaa baa dhintay oo maalin walba fish iyo chibs waxay yihiin ma aqaane sii wada. waxaaba ugu dareed maalin dhawayd waxay i waydiisay " yaad raga heesa ugu jeceshahay", dhakafaar baa ilaahay ii keenay bal aniga iyo nin heesa day (Wadh), hadii ilaahay kuu roonyahay jamaaloow cabaar baan fakaray dabadeedna dee anigu ragii horaan kaharaye waxaan lasoo booday "Bob Marley"..gabadhii cagaheey wax ka dayday..balaa dhacday..laakiin hada waan ilbaxay oo markii ay waydiisaba waxaan iraahda 50cent iyo nimanakaloo warqad aan ku qortay... ma wax daran baan xifdin karnaa ilaahbaa na lehe.. bal ood ka bood ma ay itiraahdo, saan uga bow iraahdo way arki la hayde. War bal adigu ii waran, warkaaga waa la waayaye, xageebaad ku cawaysaa baryahan, war nin yahhow wadankii abaar baa ka jirtee horta halkaan caws ma laga qaadi karaa markaasna geelii gubad loo diro..
  19. Samafal

    Going Home!

    I am planning Inshallah to visit back home some time this year but dont think I will be residing there any soon given the present situation the country is in but neither do i want to be living in this stressful life too any longer. would any one suggest me some where better?
  20. War heedhe Jamaal saaxiib ciroolana waad sheegtay aniguna mid yar baan hadeer meeshaan kulahaa mid gaban ah oo soconaya baan ahay, hada cebaa dhacday, meeshaan odayaashu isku waraysanyaana waan iska qaban waxaan umalaynayaa inaybasan soomaliga waaweyn akhrin aqoon ee kan waaweyn noogu wada hadaba bal warka u garwaaxsadaye maxaa laga hadlayaa, maxaa tiri reerkiibaad soo rartay oo tiri halkaan roobaa ka da,ay ..oo maxaad reerka u waashay meeshaan naq iyo geelna ma lehee
  21. The answer to that question should be simple and done, that is if the enquirer is sincerer about going to the mosqoue for the sake of Allah. There are things that are an obligatory specificly to men alone (eg:Jihad) and there are equally things that are obligatory to women alone (eg:Hijab) and praying in the mosque is one of those things that is obligatory to men only. That means women are not required to go to the mosque to pray five times a day and its also more rewarding for them to pray at home than in the mosque as Hadith of the Prophet Mohamed SAW explained. That said, we can not ignore that in the modern times the mosques became a place of the muslims educating and learning about their religion, for that objective to be realized, both women and men need to have access a space depending on the proportion of attendees. But what saddens me is some people make this simple issue a big deal to serve their purpose of defending the so called rights of women, and make a base to attack Islam with feministic opinion at their heart and ultimate objective. I think they are resorting to feminism as they know is the only way of making the less islamicly educated, naive muslim women to stand up for what they call their rights, when there is no rights to fight in the first place, but hey why should they care, its serves their purpose "Defaming Islam and its people". Thanks to Allah god fearing, islamicly aware muslim sisters will not fall into this obvious anti-Islamic propaganda from enemy of Allah.
  22. The best way we can avoid the virus being epidemic in our community and country is to FEAR ALLAH, and stay well away from the ZINA(Adultery). We have to undestand this is a desease from Allah that He punishes with wrongdoers and the people who look for pleasure other than the way way of Allah . When I see how we somalis become so cool about adultery and come up with phrases such as "please if you going to have sex use condom..blah blah",is when I start fearing for my fellow Somalis. We have to warn the people from the consequences of having sex outside marriage and only then we can prevent from Aids and the Virus. You are not telling me that you expect a married couple to use condoms, are you? I dont think so, so where is this business please use condom instaed of saying plaese dont commit adultery comes from?
  23. Yeh I saw the program on newsnight and thougt it was very good, investment is just what the country needs to succeed economically i believe this is very good in that it can divert the attention from the political spectrum. The more people compete for businesses the more the economy grows, however the downside of this is that the society becomes material driven and losses the spiritual bond that connect them. The other issue with investment in business, is that we do not want to see couple of them dominate the market in that they will have enormous influence in the future of Somalia and might not always act to the best interest of the people. There is one way of solving this solution and that is simply to have a state governance who encourages bussinesses to grow while at the same time discouraging monopolistic or oligopolistic trading