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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Denial is river in Egypt. Sxb don't get me wrong I got nothing against this great website and I am sure it helps a lot of people who don't happen to live near any Somalis etc, but it also disadvantages small number of users who are addicted to the website and to the Internet in general. How could we help them was my question and the reason behind starting this discussion. The least you could do was give your advice to this young men and women instead of smelling coffee! I am not making up anything they exist and I know them in real life. Just go through this website, you will see people posting and replying to hundred posts in a day and repeating this act day after day, add that to the time they spend reading other people's replies, its day's work. These are young men and women who could have used all these time applying jobs,revising on their College and university lectures, and basically doing something meaningful for their Lives, but all on the drain. Its sad.
  2. Paragon For matter of preventing this looming calamity, every Somali male that reached puberty should marry four wives and fast before the age of 35, otherwise you risk this: Male biological clock 'ticks too' Scientists say they have found more evidence that men as well as women have biological clocks and that they start to tick in their mid-30s. A French study of over 12,200 couples having fertility treatment suggests the chance of a successful pregnancy falls when the man is aged over 35. It adds that the chance is significantly lower if he is over 40. Previous studies have shown that both natural and assisted conception is more difficult if the man is over 40. The researchers told a European reproductive health conference that it was likely the problems were caused by DNA damage in sperm. Miscarriage risk The researchers studied couples who had sought treatment for infertility at the Eylau Centre for Assisted Reproduction in Paris between January 2002 and December 2006. All were given intrauterine inseminations (IUI), also known as artificial insemination, where sperm is inserted into the womb when the woman is ovulating. It is given to couples where the woman has no fertility problems and is less invasive than IVF. The men's sperm were examined for quantity, their ability to move and swim and their size and shape. Rates of pregnancy, miscarriage and births were recorded. HAVE YOUR SAY I started my second family at 55 and now have three boys aged five, seven and eight. Leeroy, London Read your comments In addition, the researchers analysed detailed data on the pregnancies, which allowed them to pinpoint factors associated with the man and the woman. As expected, maternal age had an effect in women over 35, who had a significantly higher chance of miscarriage and lower rate of pregnancy. But the team also found that, where the father was in his late 30s, miscarriages were more common than if the man was younger. And if a man was over 40, the chances of a successful pregnancy were even lower. For those couples, a third of pregnancies ended in miscarriage and only 10% of treatments resulted in pregnancies. 'Growing evidence' Dr Stephanie Belloc, who presented the work to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) conference in Barcelona, said: "This research has important implications for couples wanting to start a family." She said such couples should be offered IVF (where an egg is fertilised in a lab dish), and where the outer membrane of the egg seems to block sperm with DNA damage, and ICSI (where a sperm is injected directly into an egg), where the best sperm can be selected for use. "These methods, although not in themselves a guarantee of success, may help couples where the man is older to achieve a pregnancy more quickly, and also reduce the risk of miscarriage," she added. Dr Allan Pacey, a fertility expert at Sheffield University and secretary of the British Fertility Society, said: "There is growing evidence from a number of studies to show that men are not totally immune from reproductive ageing . "
  3. MMA you could have been helpful if you addressed the questions. Its not just a simple interaction (fadhi ku dirir), some people live by it and die by it and have no social interaction outside the net. Yes, this is true for small minority but nevertheless needs addresing, given how many talents are being wasted that could have otherwise been the futute back bone of our cvommunities in here and in our country. About me, I do hang around here and there and contribute one or two posts once in blue moon and hence I could not possibly have emotional attachment as my contribution is minimum. If I put it in short how do SOL help you? and what its your advice to people mentioned above.
  4. Since I joined this Website 6 years ago, I always thought that the reason why people like myself come here were to socialise and spend some Time online with like minded Somali people. However, over the years I have seen this website becoming the life line of some people where they have emotional attachment and something that they can not be without. More over, this website has became a base for people who want to bring about 'change' specially political change. They think by convincing the crowds here they think they will impact the people on the ground. They write long thesis,exchange messages, stay online until late etc Wether you agree with this or not,some people spend unpropotionate of their precious time by trying to achieve this unachievable goals wasting their time that they would have otherwise used to help to better themselves and their communities. Therefore, my questions to you all are 1.How does SOL help you? 2. Do you believe you influnce on people by urguing for your political thinking? If so how does this bring change where its needed. 3. Do you think SOL is addictive and have long wasted your precious time? 4. What do you think is the best way of balancing the pleasure that is SOL and your other important commitments? Your thoughts are welcome.
  5. OK let me speculate what is likely to happen if this threat of these MPs materialise. Half or less than that will relocate to Mogadishu claiming to have impeached the president and nominte another president, the other half of the MPs and the president, the primeminster will relocate into Baidoa and Jowhar. The latter group will vote to bring IGAD troops to the country including Ethopia and after few months will vow to return low and order and will attack Mogadishu with full force. There will be bloody war ofcourse and many Somalis will die. The situation will then depend on if some group of the two come out as a winner, if not things then go back to square one and new warlords will emerge taking the country into further fiefdoms. Let us pray we never wake up into this scenario and these ****** sort things out for the sake of the poor people. What I predicted happened after two years!!!Did I dream on it, asked myself. Or may be I should change my career and become a political analyst?
  6. ^^Yap. Trial and errors my boy..but you sneaky one how did you figure out?
  7. Allamagan their perceptions of Somalis are divided, you have the educated South Africans and you have the common people who are the majority. The educated people know the Somalis for what they are, refugees struggling with their daily lives. The commoners think Somalis are some kind of some super race who takes their share of provisions from South African government. They question where Somalis get all those wealth they don’t have, they must be getting favours from the government, they say. The other thing that inflames tensions against Somalis are the small business owners who think they can’t compete Somalis in same level field as they believe they have bigger capital than them or they think the prices will come down as result of competition. The thing that I’m amazed with is that how the government is ignoring this issue, I think they’re forgetting how Somalia was among many African countries that fought for their freedom they enjoy today. As to your question of what they think of Somalis, in their first encounter with Somalis it was confusion. The blacks who are the most uneducated, uncivilized of all the races in South Africa thought we were coloureds. The coloureds thought we were half black, half coloureds or simply coloureds. The white people and Asians were the only ones who bothered to ask us where we were from as they recognized us as different. Most of them didn't even know where somalia was, some thought it was a province in South Africa!!
  8. Subxannallah maxaa meesha kasocda!! I remember back in the day we used to be very nervous going into those townships that Somalis nowadays dare opening shops and businesses, because they’re very lawless areas and hardly there any police presence. The crime is dominant and they are ‘no go areas for whites and coloureds’ as they’re exclusively black Only townships. Our Somali brothers should have come to conclusion that there is no place for them in the townships. I know opening shops in the big, mixed, and more civil towns are hard but they could be business partners and share profits that way. May Allah help them.
  9. As much as I applaude the idea, its not feasible in our life time. May be if petrol was to be discovered in our land, then we would have a flow of economic migrants to our land, otherwise what kind of people in their right mind would go to a country its people dont even want to go to.
  10. For some one who they called him "Mlendo", I think its alright for them to call Kenya and Tanzania or that matter their home. Believe me you, these generation of somalis have so many things in commom with the natives that they live in than with the next somali Mlendo. I lost a count how many times my cousins who were born and bread in TZ bursted with the comments like " Nyiyi wasomali umeharibu nyumpani kwenu unataka kuharibu kwetu" Translation: "you Somalis you messed up your country and you want to mess up ours". After living there for quite some time I dont blame them, that's all they knew. I myself fell in love with the place and call it my second home.
  11. Samafal

    Islamic Quiz

    Question: What was Supplication(Ducaa) of Prophet Hud when people of Aad was trying to kill him and his Campanions while their destruction was imminent? that was the final showdown with Kuffar(Gaalo)of Aad? Question: What happened with Qoom Yunis or People of Yunis(Jonah), where was their location of his town in near east of today,the name of the city that was? and what was their total number of the popluation at that time? and at last What the three Darkness Allah(SWT) safed from him? The supplication of Nabi Hud AS when threatend was " call Allah to witness and you bear witness that I am innocent regarding what you ascribe as partners to Him. Therefore, scheme (Your worst) against me and grant me no respite. I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is not a moving creature whose forelock is not (held firmly) in His Hand. My Lord is surely on a straight path, (Qur'an 11:54-56" The people Yunis accepted Allah's message and Allah rewrded them with good life thereafter. The people of Yunis lived in ancient town Nineveh. Its site is believed to be marked by two mounsds on the river Tigris near Mosul Iraq. The three darkness he has been saved, one of them is the Shark and I have no idea the rest. My question, What is the insect Allah talked about in the Quran he inspired it to eat the produce of the earth and pprovide humanbeing a drink that is healing for them (medicine). Quote the verse.
  12. This man is not alone and I hope many more face his fate too.
  13. Congradualation to both of them, special congradualtion to my friend Farah Osman. Guurkii lagu waaro oo lagu nasto Allah ha idinka dhigo, amiin.
  14. Here is a map of whole somalia showing even the smallest village. Explore your country's geography people:
  15. Samafal

    Meet Up

    Meet ups are not bad thing and all accounts please go if you are invited and able to go one of them, but be warned as to who you trade with and who you befried with. There are people that are the best thing that you wish for a humanbeing from what they write in the forums, but on the real life that is not what they are and soon you will regret getting to know them. Just be little bit extra cautious while you are at specially if you are a female.
  16. Inaalilaahi Wa inaalilaahi Rajicuun. May Allah forgive her sins and reward her efforts. For sure she was a gift and an outstanding figure in the muslim world. Her book "Ayaamu Xayaatii, The days of life" was the first arabic book I started reading when I was young and was learing Arabic.
  17. Samafal


    ^^ Why are are you not applying ? I want you to be applying so as we can be matched On serious note though Hibo, you are doing a good job and you are good at it too, have you thought about opening up a money paying business yet? May be you should give a thought.
  18. Congragulation friend; Wiil iyo caano kii lagu waare lagu nasto Allah kaaga dhigo, Amiin.
  19. Lool, dont worry its my country too
  20. This is hilarious!! A Tanzania guy having seen blisters in both of his friends's ears asked him what happened to his ears. He said that while he was busy ironing his clothes, the telephone rang, and he mistakenly put the iron to his ear instead of the receiver. So the first fellow asked him what happened to his other ear, and the reply was - ‘That fool called me again’ !
  21. Samafal

    London Nomads

    Good to know most of the London Nomads are safe and well, We pray for our sister diamnete a speedy recovery Inshallah.
  22. Puntland does not need ID cards, Somali ID cards should be enough becouse it is not claiming to be a separate entity and anyway there is no need to do it. And off the topic, Puntland needs to change the name from Puntland to "Bunt" as first there is no "p" letter in the Somali alphabet and second it needs to remove the English word of "Land". What do you think?
  23. You are trying twist and turn my words to fit your aims. Sxb, stop running around, I am not here to defend the president, and dont care whether you call him a warlord or a prince as you seeminly offended by me calling your heroes warlords. OK, he is a warlord and he has a lot of road blocks ok?