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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Congradulation to our sister Barwaaqo. May you become MaRwadii loo aayo oo lagu nasto. And dont forget my share of the 'Sooryadda' otherwise waxay kugu noqon 'Qaan......) All the best.
  2. People calm down, Galkio is as peaceful as any city in the world. Killing of one minster does not change the reality on the ground. You rarely see any one with guns or hear any gun shots. People go about their business as any other city. Tell me a city as big as Galkio is that crimes don't happen.
  3. Allah ha unaxariisto Seefta banaanka. Just wonder why Puntland minsters roam in the city cafes and bars without any body guards as if they dont carry any titles. When I was there I saw minsters eating out in restaurants barely with any body guards. Questions should be asked why such high profile minsters are let loose like that.
  4. Just been there about two weeks ago. The city has grown from village into a big town. My favourire is Bosaaso. Its real cosmopolitan city. I enjoyed my stay there and will do it all over again next summer. By the way they have very powerful internet connection there, much better than thought.
  5. Puntland people will not accept anything less than Republic of Somalia. Succession is not an option and any leader that entertains himself with the idea is committing a political suicide. As some one said before Puntland is not immune to what is happening in the South. Alshabab factor is not even Somalia problem, it is a global problem. Puntland as apart of Somalia should deal with them head on now before the wind of Alshabab hit home. What Faroole need to do? Stop this nonsensical speech deliverings in the west. Build strong military as a matter of urgency and help the TFG defeat the Alshabab once and for all. Then and only then talk about Federalism that can work.
  6. This Sheikh is more concerned of what people call these lot rather than refuting their mad brand of Islam that is more destructive than what could ever be said about them, CAJIIB.
  7. who are these moslem men that you are refering to? Women are being abused in everywhere in the world whereby their rights are denied and physically and mentally subjugated. Its not something reserved for msolem men and even in the countries where abuses such as honour killing takeplaces, this is not so becouse they're moslems but its something inherent in their cultures whether they are moslems or non moslems e.g take Pakistan and India. I listen to the radio on my way to work and I can't believe how ignorant most callers are about Islamic faith. I also see lot of moslems falling for their ignorance and will sweea it as the truth. Somali waxay tiraahda beentii fakataa runtii baa la moodaa. The more we dont challenge these ignirance the more its deemed as the truth.
  8. Never mind liberating the Moslem women, Sarkozy could do a thing or two to liberate his own western women who are pressured by men to conform certain lifestyles as far as going to have plastic surgeries everywhere in their body. Let us put it bluntly, the west use moslem women as a weapon to attack Islamic religion when every other avenue their argument is proven to be baseless, faithless, and most of all logically senseless. It's about time they learn we don't take our lectures from a walking toilet, but almighty god whose revelations we hold dear and whatever they say will tell our moslem women how blessed they are to be moslems.
  9. When you are losing top commanders and minsters on regular basis that says it all. The question is where are the government's foot soldiers? Its not looking good for Sharifka and external intervention is imminent. God help Somalia.
  10. I dont see Alshabaab being stopped by any clan. They're cohesive, determined and motivated and no clan can match that least of all the ones that dominate Mogadishu. They are tired, demotivated and most of all confused whose side should they be. In the end it will come down to old Ethopian invasion and American figher jets to stop these angry young men.The circle and the blight of the Somali people continues.
  11. She didn't recognise Somaliland and its seems to me she has recognised Somaliland as a part of the Federal Somali state. Her words at Igal Airport prove this further. And if anything this affirms the need for the Somaliland people to recognize that the future is Federal Somalia.
  12. Guys don't be eluded by Emperor. He is here to support his man Mohamed Mirre and his thousand men strong from Kismayo. They are fighting under the banner of Hizbul Islam. Mr Mirre is promised to get the Primeminster's position should they overtake Sharif's goverment . That said, I think Duke and Emperor have a point. They supported TFG when their uncle was at the helm. That is pure opportunistic. Now their uncle is retiring happily in Yemen they can afford to play the nationalistic card by opposing foreign troops bombing their citizens as they were played against last time when uncle wanted to return law and order. That is fair? isn't it.
  13. What I saw on TV just now can not be attributed to the acts of god fearing moslems. These are the acts of power hungary thugs and god willingly they will not succeed.
  14. Somalia is going into its darkest hour as young clueless boys are posed totake over the whole country. May god help us!
  15. I didn't know Apprentice has a following in SOL.. Since the first show I become addicted to the TV programme. But this time it clashes with my Evening classes, may be I will youtube as well.
  16. Good choice. Cumar is not new in Somali politics as such, he once put himself forward for the Puntland presidency before the election was disrupted by internal conflict between Col Jama Ali Jama and Col. Yusuf. Now let the work begin.
  17. ^ reigning on you spending can be a bad reason to have a long lasting and deep recession. Any economist will advise the public to pump up their spending to give a rescue plan a chance. So SPEND AND SPEND MORE UNTIL YOU ARE BASICALLY BROKE.
  18. Emperor you are right about that but it's less hassle than naming a man with big ego that will ultimately undermine him and the government. Besides, this way of having two competing men in the top job have failed to work before with Qawm Qasssim and Qawm Yusuf. To go through the same road is suicidal in my opinion. let one man run whole show and see how it goes I say.
  19. If Sheikh Sharif want to bring peace to Somalia I would advise him to get rid off the PM position, and run the show himself! otherwise waligeed is qabqabsi iyo reer hebel ka bixi mayso bahashu... Teeda kale, what is this BS about Galaydh, Cirro etc he should chhose a PM that he can do a business with. onother Mullah with a bit of civility will do.
  20. That would be a good news, wouldn't it?, If the Sheikh brings them to his fold at this critical point of the mother land, he will have to be crowned as the king of the country But I don't think those hard headed extreme men can easily be seduced like that. I smell they came for more sinister plan to execute than to negotiate with good Sheikh. Balse war jiraaba cakaaruu iman.
  21. Sharif should pick a PM from the far right, probably Abu Mansuur. For sure that will do. On serious note though I believe the next PM should be another Wadaad. It should be 4.5 compliant, otherwise people will go mad.
  22. I read the article and I don't see where he says he will fight extremism. Why do people misquote?
  23. Well done to Sheikh Sharif. He is the man of the momment and Inshallah will lead us out of this misery. He comes across as a intelligent, honesty, and well rouned man. Ilaahoow wadanka noo qabooji oon noo daji.
  24. Sheikh Sharif will most likely be Somalia's next president. With his 275 head start and dozens more aligned MPs from the TFG he is almost seems guaranteed to get the top position. But will he solve Somalia's problems? I doubt not but I hope and pray time will prove me wrong.