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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Qaar ka mida Dadweynaha Reer Hargaysa cabsi ka muujiyey Waraabe Qaar ka mida Dadweynaha Reer Hargaysa cabsi ka muujiyey Waraabe qaar ka mid ah Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Xaafadaha Magaalada Hargeysa, gaar ahaan Xaafadaha Shacabka iyo New Hargeysa ayaa dareen Cabsi leh iyo Saadaal xun ka bixiyey Waraabe si xad dhaaf ah ugu soo badanaya Xaafadahaasi,kaasoo habeenkii marka ay cagtu yaraato sida Eyga u soo gala xaafadaha dhexdooda, Daweynaha Xaafadaha Agagaarka Cusbitaalka Guud ee Hargeysa ayaa sheegay in middooyinkii u dambeeyey uu xiliga Habeenkii ee cagtu yaraato ama la kala hoydo Waraabahaasi si baraad la’aan ah oo aan cabsi ku jirin isaga dhex yimaado Xaafadaha, isla markaana wakhti kala duwan lagu arkay isaga oo Guryaha iska hor maraya ama hor taagan,waxaanay tilmaameen in waraabahani khatar ku hayo nolosha dadka iyo Xoolaha ay haystaan, gaar ahaan Riyaha iyo Digaaga oo inta badanba Guryaha hortooda xero aan aad ku adakaun looga sameeyo. Mid ka mid ah Raga Waardiyayaasha ah ee Habeenkii ilaaliyaha Meheradaha iyo Xaafadaha Dhaktarka ku dhaw ayaa Waaheen u xaqiijiyay in uu tiraba Saddex habeen oo aan kala fogayn Waraabahaasi ku arkay Xaafadaha dhexdooda iyo Hareeraha Laamiga hormarta dhakhtarka isaga oo Maraya xili ay Meheradaha Ganacsiga iyo xaafadaha qaarkoodba soo jeedaan,kaasoo hore aanu u arki jirin balse muddo dhawr bilood ah Guddohood halkaasi uu ku arkayay. “Habeenkii Sadexaad ayaan waraabahan ku arkay isaga oo laamiga iska dhinac taagan,waxaanu habeen walba galaa Xaafadaha Dhakhtarka ka dambeeya,markaa bahalku waa Gu’haan oo laba mid uun buu Saadaalinayaa, in dalka Colaadi ka dhacayso oo laga Qaxayo iyo in Abaartu sii daba dheeraanayso” ayuu yidhi Mr Shabag oo ka mid ah Waardiyayaasha ilaalisa Meheraha Dhaktarka hortiisa ku yaala. Nin isaguna ka mid ah Dadka Meheradaha ku haysta Agagaarka Cusbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Hargeysa ayaa sheegay in Waraabahani uu Muddooyinkan dambe ku soo batay Magaalada gaar ahaa Xaafada Shacabka,isla markaana xiliga Habeenkii lagu arko Xaafadaha dhexdooda isaga oo maraya,waxaanu xusay in uu isagu tiraba dhawr jeer ku arkay eeriyada Cusbtitaalka,habeenada qaarkoodna isaga oo Cusbitaalka gelaya laga eryaday Albaabka hortiisa. Dhinaca kale dadweynaha ku dhaqan Xaafada New hargeysa ayaa qaarkood sheegeen in Waraabe badan oo aan hore u soo geli jirin Xaafadaasi hada joogo,kaaso wakhtiga Habeenkii ah Xaafadaha dhex Meeraysta,waxaanay intaasi ku dareen in Waraabahani Haraad dartii ugu soo badaanayo Magaalada si uu biyo uga raadsado meelaha Biyaha lagu keydiyo ee qasabadaha Xaafadaha. lama oga ilaa hada sababta keentay Waraabahan ku soo badanaya Gudaha Magaalada balse dadweynaha arintan aanu wax ka waydiinay ayaa isku raacay in Haraad awgeed uu Magaalada u soo galay,isla markaana Khatar ku keeni karo Bulshada iyo Xoolaha ku dhaqan Gudaha Magaalada hadii aan wax laga qaban
  2. LOL qarax galabta ka dhacay magaalada hargeysa Hargeysa: ( Qarax bambaano oo ay ku dhaawacmeen ku dhawaad 10 qof ayaa maanta waxaa uu ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa ee Xarunta Somaliland, kadib markii qof hubeysani oo bam ku tuuray gaari halkaasi marayay. Sida ay sheegayaan wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Hargeysa ee Xarunta Maamulka Somaliland, waxaa galabta qarax mambaano uu geystay qasaare dhaawacyo ah uu ka dhacay xaafada Xiddigta ee degmada Maxamuud Haybe ee magaalada Hargeysa kadib markii nin sitay bamka gacanta laga tuuro uu ku qarxiyay gaari marayay halkaasi. Qaraxa oo aan ilaa iyo hadda la sheegin cid ku dhimatay ayaa yimid kadib markii sida la sheegay ay murmeen ninka bamka tuuray iyo darwalkii waday gaariga la qarxiyay, waxaana halkaasi ka dhashay qasaare soo gaaray dad ka agdhawaa goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay. Inta la ogyahay 9 qof ayaa ku dhaawacantay qaraxa kuwaasi oo dhamaantood ahaa dad xiligaasi marayay hareeraha wadada uu ku socday gaariga bamka lagu tuuray, waxaana dadkaasi qaarkood xaaladooda la sheegayaan inay wanaagsantahay sida ay warbaahinta u sheegeen saraakiisha caafimaad ee Isbitaalka Magaalada Hargeysa. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland ayaa saxaafada u xaqiijiyay in gacanta lagu dhigay ruuxii bamkaasi qarxiyay, waxaana uu sheegay in arintaani aysan la xariirin falalka argagixiso. Gaariga bamka lagu qarxiyay oo aad u bur buray ayaa la sheegay inuu in mudo ah yaalay goobta qaraxa uu ku haleelay, waxaana durbadiiba goobtaasi gaaray ciidamada amaanka ee Somaliland. ismaaciil cabdulle sabriye gurey warar sugan oo xaqiiq ah kala soco kala xariir
  3. ^ That is as old as this one below Deadly car bombs hit Hargeisa The attacks were a shock to many in Hargeisa after years of peace At least 29 people have died in a wave of coordinated car-bombings across northern Somalia. Most of the casualties were in the Somaliland capital, Hargeisa, where the presidential palace, Ethiopian consulate and UN offices were targeted. Two suicide attackers also killed six intelligence agents in their offices in neighbouring Puntland, the region's president says. These are the first suicide attacks in the two relatively stable regions. Somaliland has declared independence from war-torn southern Somalia but this has not been internationally recognised. The region is a US ally in the fight against Islamist militants in Somalia. Body parts Puntland's President Mohamoud Musa Hirsi Adde said that the attacks in both regions were coordinated, reports the AFP news agency. "The whole plan was organised from the same place and by the same people," he said. Somaliland President Dahir Riyale Kahin says the government is ready to defend the country. Somalia's problems are not security but political Seyoum Mesfin Ethiopian Foreign Minister Eyewitness: 'Terrible day' Regions and territories: Somaliland The BBC's Jamal Abdi in Hargeisa says he saw body parts flying through the air after the attack on the Ethiopian consulate. One of the buildings in the consulate was levelled to the ground and eight people were killed. Our correspondent says the explosions shook surrounding buildings violently and there was gunfire after the last explosion. He says the attacks came as a real shock to many people after years of peace. Guards outside Somaliland's presidential palace opened fire on the attackers blocking them from entering the compound. One car managed to get into the heavily fortified UNDP office complex before the explosives were detonated. Eyewitnesses at the UNDP office said the attackers parked the car next to one of the buildings, which suffered the worst damage and heaviest casualties. There is a lot of anxiety around the city and cars have been blocked from approaching the three locations. There is no information about who was responsible for the three attacks, which took place within seven minutes of each other. But some suspect Islamist insurgents, given the coordinated nature of the bombings and the targeting of Ethiopia. Rare criticism The al-Shabaab group, which the US describes as a terrorist organisation, refuses to join peace talks until Ethiopian troops agree to leave Somalia. Most of the casualties were in the Somaliland capital, Hargeisa Ethiopia helped forces of the interim government oust Islamists from the capital, Mogadishu, in 2006 - since when Islamists have staged regular attacks in the city. The bombings come as regional leaders meet in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, to discuss the ongoing crisis in Somalia and the performance of the transitional federal government. On Tuesday, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin made a rare criticism of the Somali government. "Somalia's problems are not security but political," Mr Seyoum said, blaming disputes between the country's leaders for the prolonged crisis. The transitional federal charter, which was adopted in 2004, expires next year when a constitution is supposed to be drafted and elections held.
  4. Gaalkacyo baad ku wareertay! Burco boor badan nooga waran Gaalkacyo kaa waraysan maynee Tan kale hal topic oo kuguma filna miyaa?
  5. Salax & co your ignorance is perplexing! In every city in the world crimes of any sort happens and Galkio is no different. But overwhlemingly, Galkio is peaceful and developing very fast. few individuals who hide their faces and kill innocent people is a challenge to the authority and the police. But thr people are civilised enough to have one of the best health service in Puntland, and one of the best schools in whole Somalia (Omar Samatar). So fix yoursleves!
  6. That is the city I recognise while there about a year ago. Galkio is now one of the largest, most prosperous and peaceful city in Somalia. Just a couple of days ago Netco updated its energy infrustructure with $4 million dollars! That's some investment!
  7. Sxb this issue is not going to go by every day bribing some individuals, there needs to be a real settlement and that could come if the people of these regions are left to decide where their destiny lie. But the bad news is the current Somaliland leaders are dumbwit and will not comprehend this mere fact. In the nextfive to ten years the same issue will stand and same Somaliland will still be talking not comprehending a thing. The issue is very iserious and will be a big destablising factor in the whole region for years to come.
  8. I for one would not be surprised if Dahabshiil gave money to Somaliland admin for SSC war. War is very expensive for this admins, remember Faroole was asking money to businessmen for the Galgala operation. They do ask and they do pay, I don't know what compels them to pay, could be they want to preserve their business interests as otherwise they will be made to pay in onother way. It could also be out of clan affiliation. That said, Dahabshiil is fantastic business success and the man behind it has good business acumen but he is humanbeing and he's Somali as well, so all is possible. This is a bad publicity DS does not want and should come out and defend its public image.
  9. ^So the the SSC mole tape is a genuine since Taano mentioned to him that they are speaking to people from Taleex and soon there will be a new dvelopment?
  10. Amazing stuff!!! For the sake of entertainment could it continue or is it all out? May be he could try again you never know with Waraabe, He never learns!!
  11. Good step in the right direction. Its about time clanism take the back seat. Enough is enough.
  12. La xawla wala quwata ilaa bilaah! Islamicly speaking we can not believe whatever we hear until its certain beyond doubt that the allegation is true. So we need to be careful here. The allegation this lady is making is huge, it even engulfs the community as a whole when she says that he was selling her pics in front of her store as if Somali are bunch of perverts craving for pics of naked women!! But why the police and the court sytem will not do anything? since it will be easy to prove the blackmail if not the rape?
  13. If you guys think this is good thing then think again. What this is a land annexation by clans and each clan is racing to lay a claim on certain towns and villages before the rest and this triggers other clans to also lay a claim on same piece of land. There's no real negotiation, no reconciliation and no compromise. Any one who knows anything about Somalia especially the south wil tell you that there's no one single region that are dominated by one clan but are shared between alot of clans. I can't understand why all the clans can not get together and come up with more viable states rather than each day seeing a small town with presidents, partliment and minsters. Puntland and Somaliland modal is a good example of grass roots, bottom up nation building whereby clans negotiated, compromised and reconciled to put their differences aside for graeter good. But this other modal will bring more disintegration and unnecessary conflict in the future. Allah Yaclam
  14. I guess they talking about Buhoodle, Laascaanood and Sanag here? Good they are coming to their senses that these land belongs to Somalia and not Somaliliid. Also read how Ethhopia laisagu dhadhajinayo! ooh Lord..Just wonder where is your dignity?
  15. Somalina how did you miss on this I dont know (:
  16. Somaliland should vacate Las,anod for their own good. The fact of the matter is the people in these regions are extremely against seccession and if they did talked the talk and not walked the walk they are doing it now. They have never been so determined before. Every where you look at it the region is embracing itself for more fighting and bloodshed. Only, Silanyo can stop this by doing the right thing and withdrawing his clan militia from these regions alas we will see things to esclate even more.
  17. Ibti sis since you need 250,000 people to to tick their nationality as Somalilanders, do you really believe that there're that many of them here and even if they are will heed your appeal? It would make sense if we found out how many Somalis live in the UK rather than how many live in certain regions of Somalia. In that way at least we can be a force to be reckoned with and respected by the politicians and councils and they would listen to us more. But imagine after people heed your appeal it turned out that there are only 200, 000 people who ticked as Somalilanders that wouldbe invalidated and would not count, as you said. But think how much weight that will take out from the Somali ethnic camp census? Let us leave the twisted politics back home and be realistic and pull together as Somalis while in these foreign lands.
  18. Saalax Truth hurts, waxa runta ah ayaan sheegay ee cuqdad ma taal, cuqdada iyo caadifadu soo ma aha waxa aad gooni goosadka utihiin oo afka iyo adinkaba aad ku haysaan?? soo waxa qabyaaladu idiinku badantahay ma aha? Teeda kale dad aan ku rabin ha isku dhajin, Sanaag, Sool iyo Cayn iyaga iskaba daa waan lasoconaa sida ay idiin rabin, Awdal waad ogayd few months ago inay Somali flags la soo baxeeen? Come on you can not make flags in one day, these were ready made flags and that spoke volume. I'm also aware the majority of the Awdal diaspora you talk to are against seccession.
  19. Saalax;697506 wrote: Samafal what you mean 2.5 regions? that doesn't make sense if you are trying to speak to us as a clan we also have strong presences in Sanaag, Western Sool & Northern Sool. If referendrum shall ever take place alot of settlements in the so called (SSC - Sool , Sanaag, Cayn) would vote for seperation alongside Togdheer, Waqooyi Galbeed/Maroodijeex, Awdal. Resources nagu filaan waan haysana alhamdullilah we don't need your fruits and farms in the south keep it to yourself. LoL@Resouce nagu filaan waan haysana. If we take it for your word why are your children dying for hunger in your biggest city then? The fact of the matter is Somaliland does not have any natural resources as like Southern Sudan and does not have a large well educated popupaltion to become self-suffient and feed its children and the nations of the world are not ****** to recognise non viable state . And on the question of regions, honestly speaking Its only 1.5 regions that want to seccede badly, every one knows Reer Awdal do not belief in seccession, but they are intimidated into following the crowd. No doubt they will jump out in the first opportunity available. And for you to have a referundun such as the one that took place in South Sudan, the Somali goverment will need to give the go ahead and adminster the referundum and if that happens we know the dream of seccession will be dead, but its only choice you have to get out of this madness.
  20. So now the whole Somaliland project depend on Xaabsade, a man who has defected many times before from South to North and forth and has no political belief and is in it for the cash? That's a failing project isn't it? people need to get into their head that wether it is Kalshale clan fighting or not the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn will never buy into the Somaliland phantom, its idealogical, so it is better for Somaliland clan to go it alone with what they got, which is 2.5 regions (Somali Galbeed, Awdal and half of Togdher not sure about Awdal though). That way they can live in peace. Laakiin intaan Qaran aan jirin aad iska dhaadhicinaysaan saas baad uqaylinaysiin, marna ubaryootamaysiin, nabadna helimaysaan.
  21. Even some layman opinion is quest for recognition? Who on on earth in their right mind would recognise two regions without no resource, no expertise no nothing? Saxiibayaal this will take eternity, embrace yourselves.
  22. ^Gaagaab or no Gaagaab people have the right to protest peacefully and give their opinion. Gaagaab and Dr Biixi both are two bitter men who failed their responsibilties while they were in goverment and I don't think any one have apetite for their little games. That said Faroole has been disappointment lately and his support is draining by the day. He needs to act on Sool & Sanaag issue and show support to the people in this regions otherwise it has a potential of destablising other regions in Puntland.
  23. ^lol are you sure? Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Dhurwaase rabaayad ma noqdaa?
  24. Xuduud baan soo xiraynaa ma calaacal kaan bay keentay? Meeqaa la, diin sheegayey wax aad walaalow ku waydeen ku helimaysaan gacan ka hadal Siilaanyo nin ka siyaasad xun uma dhalan Somaliland, qabyaalad heer u ka gaaray wuu qarsan waayay ilaa uu ciidamadii maamulka uu aqoonsiga uraadinayo lasafay jufadiisa Saxiibayaal, runta aan isku sheegno hal qolo ma maquunin karto mana samaynkarto dowlad madax banaan ee aloow yaa idin dhaha Soomlidiina dhinac ka raaca...