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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. CNN) -- William Kamkwamba dreamed of powering his village with the only resource that was freely available to him. His native Malawi had gone through one of its worst droughts seven years ago, killing thousands. His family and others were surviving on one meal a day. The red soil in his Masitala hometown was parched, leaving his father, a farmer, without any income. But amid all the shortages, one thing was still abundant. Wind. "I wanted to do something to help and change things," he said. "Then I said to myself, 'If they can make electricity out of wind, I can try, too.'" Kamkwamba was kicked out of school when he couldn't pay $80 in school fees, and he spent his days at the library, where a book with photographs of windmills caught his eye. "I thought, this thing exists in this book, it means someone else managed to build this machine," he said. Armed with the book, the then-14-year-old taught himself to build windmills. He scoured through junkyards for items, including bicycle parts, plastic pipes, tractor fans and car batteries. For the tower, he collected wood from blue-gum trees. "Everyone laughed at me when I told them I was building a windmill. They thought I was crazy," he said. "Then I started telling them I was just playing with the parts. That sounded more normal." Don't Miss Malawi halts nursing brain drain Malawi's Mutharika wins second term That was 2002. Now, he has five windmills, the tallest at 37 feet. He built one at an area school that he used to teach classes on windmill-building. The windmills generate electricity and pump water in his hometown, north of the capital, Lilongwe. Neighbors regularly trek across the dusty footpaths to his house to charge their cellphones. Others stop by to listen to Malawian reggae music blaring from a radio. When he started building the first windmill in 2002, word that he was "crazy" spread all over his village. Some people said he was bewitched -- a common description for people with perplexing behavior in some African cultures. "All of us, even my mother, thought that he had gone mad," said his sister Doris Kamkwamba. Villagers would surround him to snicker and point, Kamkwamba said. Ignoring them, he would quietly bolt pieces using a screwdriver made of a heated nail attached to a corncob. The heat -- from both the crowd and the melted, flattened pipes he used as blades -- did not deter him. Three months later, his first windmill churned to life as relief swept over him. As the blades whirled, a bulb attached to the windmill flickered on. "I wanted to finish it just to prove them wrong," he said. "I knew people would then stop thinking I was crazy." Kamkwamba, now 22, is a student at the African Leadership Academy, an elite South African school for young leaders. Donors pay for his education. His story has turned him into a globetrotter. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, an avid advocate of green living, has applauded his work. Kamkwamba is invited to events worldwide to share his experience with entrepreneurs. During a recent trip to Palm Springs, California, he saw a real windmill for the first time -- lofty and majestic -- a far cry from the wobbly, wooden structures that spin in his backyard. Former Associated Press correspondent Bryan Mealer, who covered Africa, wrote a book, "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind," after hearing Kamkwamba's story. The book was released in the United States last week. Mealer, a native of San Antonio, Texas, said he lived with Kamkwamba in his village for months to write the book. The story was a refreshing change after years of covering bloody conflicts in the region, Mealer said. Kamkwamba is part of a generation of Africans who are not waiting for their governments or aid groups to come to their rescue, according to the author. "They are seizing opportunities and technology, and finding solutions to their own problems," Mealer said. "One of the keys of his success is ... he's never wanted to rest on his laurels."
  2. Well said Khadar and yes Indhabuur is good candidate for president and has my vote. The guy has balls to ask questions many Puntlanders wanted answers for. Faroole has become a liabilty and sooner he goes the better. But for now for the sake of stabilty he should be allowed to see through his term smoothly.
  3. ^You don't get it. Waxaan umalaynayaa waagaad yarayd Dambarka caanaha waa lagaa dhawray:) . Marka halkaa kasii wad
  4. You talking about the selection process, but parliment as a whole and individually represent every one in the state and they speak about and for any issues that are of interest to all the people in the country.
  5. ^Anigu ilaahay ima dabo dhigin in aan geeljire is laayay aan warkooda doon doono, aqoonsina igama galin. Laakiin waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan energigayga galiyo sidii aan joojin lahayn dhiiga qabaailada is laaya soomaliya oo dhan, waana arin ubaahan istraatigiyad fog oo ku dhisan in dadka la wacyi galiyo waxna la baro loona sameeyo tashiilaad kaa fiya waxa ay isku dilayaan oo ah "Scarce resources"
  6. The MP touched issues that concern people from across the state, from Sanaag to Mudug and when he speaks in the partliment he represents all the people in Puntland and speaks on their behalf not a clan. But thanks for reminding us how things work in Hargeisa. Caqligaaga hadaan raacno, shalay markii Cali Waraabe Airporka laga cayriyay ma reerkiisa la xushmo dareeye?
  7. Topicu waxa weeeye sida geeljiraha isdila aqoonsi looga raadiyo, miyuuna saa aheen?:rolleyes: Mar hadii aad qirtay inay qabaailku meel walba ay joogaan is laayo, maxaad kuligood marwlba noogu soo gudbin waydaa?
  8. lol. OR may be in accordance with Reer Faisal Waraabe Law. That's laymen's urgumet, come up with something better!
  9. Loool. Sxb Somaliland qabiiladoodu waa Somali, maalin walba bay is laayaan, laakiin qof daneeya majirto oo thread ya ufura! Aniga Waqooyi galbeed qaraabo ayaan ku leeyahay waana la socda waxa ka dhaca marka yeeynaan been isku sheegin! any way yaan kaaqasin halkaa kasii wad.
  10. ^ No I'm not saying that. But why twist as if this was extended to SSC clan? (read the title)
  11. Waraa adiga salaafow misha isaga bax, cuqdad waa mida aad qabuuraha usoo quftaan oo taalooyin cuqdad ah u dhisateen.. Waraa Xaaji Xunduf hadii ay kaa tahay News Repoting waligaa laba geeljira ah oo islaayay oo reer Somaliland ah ma aadan noo soo sheegin, Shimbirtii Puntland ka dhuustana waad noo soo tabisaa, marka cid walba waa ogtahay sida aqoonsigiinu ugu xiran yahay amaandarada Somali inteeda kale, iyo sidaa caalam aad ugu tuugsataan arintaas. Marka maanta Ufeyn baa wax ka dhaceen aqoonsigii waan soo dhawyahay ee reerka u sheeg caawa si fiican ha seexdeen eh
  12. Somalis see clan in everything. Where is clan in this? an old angry man was asked a question by a partlimentarian and rightly so, and did not like the question and instead ranted on the man. It was something between the two men and nothing to do with SSC. This is a classisc example of desperate clanish seccessionist trying to put hostilties between two brotherly communities for their own seccessionist agenda. But who are they kidding?
  13. Maya, Maya...een hadii geeljire isku laayo Ufeyn markaas waxay u egtahay in Somaliland mid fiican tahay oo la aqoonsan karo, ufeyna mid xun....aidiguna waa faraxsan tahy..marka aqoonsigu halkaa buu kasoo dhawyahay?:rolleyes:
  14. Laakiin waa marinkii lagu heli lahaa soo ma aha?:rolleyes:
  15. ^Aqoonsigii Somaliland marka waa soo dhawyahay! Soo ma ahan?:rolleyes:
  16. Western Journalists are always lookking out for the bad side of things. As if they don't report any good news they would not get as much audience as they would otherwise. Very sad viewing though.
  17. ^ The governor is Sujui fella born and bread in Nairobi. He is well educated and helped to transform the Minstry of Education. Isaga iyo Mudug folks war baa kala haysta. Mardhow reer Mudug Swahili ku daldalmaya ayaa la arki doonaa.
  18. ^ In his last two travelling was an invitation from the UN and I assume expenses were covered by them. But on the other travelling abroad, he was travelling to seal some important projects for the state. Some did not materialise becouse were blocked by the TFG leadership, it includes anti-piracy projects that went to Djibouti and Training TFG soldiers in Puntland which went to Uganda. He lobbied the UN to move its projects inside Somalia and that was a success. In any case its parliment's job to find out what he was upto. But my point is you can not measure someone's performance on on how many regions he visited, as he could be visiting as many towns as possible but still be ineffective.
  19. Travelling needlessly is weakness and waste of resources. A good leader is one who puts the right people in the right place and let people get on with their jobs and take responsibilties for their actions.
  20. Faroole has has only been in power for two & half years, and to be fair we can not say he hasn't done anything. He has and to name few it includes stemming piracy from the Puntland coast, counterfeit, fighting thuggery and corruption, education, and health etc. The projects for the port and the Airport are still on the pipeline. The port project have already started and the airport is expected to be started soon. The airport project I'm told will be grandier than previously planned due to Itlay promising to contribute exp[ertise and resources. If any one has still any doubt of his achievement cast your mind of how things were before he became president. Puntland was on the brink. I agree that he could have dealt better with the SSC and the eastern regions and for those he deserves to be criticized for. But one thing we need to ask ourselves is that did he have many options with the SSC issue given the influence Ethopia has on both Puntland and Somaliland? No, things are dictatedn from Addis Ababa and until when Somalia stands on its own feet it will continue so. Ethopia trains Somaliland soldiers as its own and does not do the same for Puntland, becouse it sees Somaliland as a strategic partner to counter Somalia the enemy in the future. And that's the truth. We don't know which side is Farole on the current TFG quigmire, but we know Faroole did not get on with Sharif . He welcomed when Farmajo was selected, and asked him to change relations with Puntland but failed to do so on the advice of Sh Sharif. Sakin-Farole relation I think is just a temporary alliance built on the dislike of Sh Sharif.
  21. ^How so? Both Galkio and Bosaso were peaceful until unknown assasins arrived and that's where the two compare? No?
  22. Talk is cheap. As long as the populace are armed to teeth, no lean goverment can change anything. But I dont get it? Why Galkaio is different from other cities which are facing new kind of challenge just as Bosaso? Is Bosaso a thorn on Farole's admin?
  23. ^No one knows but something is sure they're the enemy of the people of Kalkio. But one day Inshallah they will be found and there will be no mercy for them. Allah ha u naxariisto wadaadka iyo inta kale ee la dhimatay. It's time the govenor of Galkio should resign without no delay. He failed and failed miserably. If he does not people will rise up and take things on their own hands which will have grave consequences
  24. Saalax;708567 wrote: This happened in Today. Gaalkacyo: Askari iyo haweeneey ku dhintay rasaas lagu furay goob dadku ku badan yahay Galkacyo, April 03 - Laba qof oo ay midi ahayd haweenay ayaa xalay dhintay kadib markii koox hubaysan ay goor fiidkii ah tacshiirad ku fureen waddo halbawle ah oo dhex-marta magaalada Galkacyo. Qofka kale ayaa ahaa askari ka tirsan ciidamada ammaanka ee Puntland iyada oo dadka wax laayay ay rasaasta ka fureen afaafka hore ee xerada warshadda Galleyda ee Galkacyo. Qofka dumarka ah ayaa iyadu ka mid ahayd dad halkaa marayay. Si rasmiya loogama oga jihada weerarka gaysatay. Hayeeshee, sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada bilayska oo aan doonayn in magaciisa la sheego ayaa Radio Daljir u sheegay in ay ahaayeen rag ka soo tallaabay dhinaca xaafadda Wadajir ee koonfurta magaalada Galkacyo markii danbana ay u baxsadeen. Nooma suura-galin in aan warkaas ka xaqiijinno ilaha ammaanka ee maamul-goboleedka Galmudug. Laba todobaad ka hor ayay ahayd markii sidaan oo kale rag hubsani meherado lagu caweynayey ay rasaas oodda uga qaadeen taas oo iyana sababtay dhimashada labo nin oo dhallinyaro ah iyo dhaawac tiro intaas ka badan. Falka xalay dhacay ayaa la tilmaamay in uu ahaa mid lala bartilmaameedsanayey askariga ka tirsan ciidamada amniga ee Puntland waxana jira warar haddiiba la isla dhexmarayo oo dhacdadan la xiriirinaya hawl-gallo ciidamada nabad-galyadu shalay ay ka sameeyeen waddo u baxda dhinaca waqooyi ee magalada Galkacyo gaar ahaan agagaarka tuulada Beyra oo koox jid-gooyo ah oo kana soo jeedda koonfurta gobolka Mudug ay jid-gooyin dhigteen, kuna baarteen gaadiid iyo dad waddadaasi ku safrayey. Hawl-galkaasi oo dhacay shalay galinkii danbe, waxaa lagu soo qabtay saddex nin oo ka mid ahaa raggii falalkaasi baarshada ah ka sameeyey jidka aada Beyra iyo Bursaalax, kuwaasi oo midkood uu ahaa dhawac xilligii ciidanku gacanta ku dhigeen, haatanna lagu daweynayo isbitaalka guud ee magaalada Galkacyo. Falalka hadda soo cusboonaaday ee baarashada gaadiidka iyo galidda waddooyinka iskugu jira ayaa ah kuwo horay dhaw jeer uga dhacay waddooyin badan oo ah kuwa magaalada Gaalkacyo ka soo gala dhinaca waqooyiga, waxaana laga nastay arrimahaan kaddib markii dhawaan ay ka dhaceen isku dhacyo hubaysan oo dhiig badan ku daatay, sababna u noqday yaraansha is-dhaxgala iyo wada daaqista dadyawga gobolka deggan. Tallaabooyinkan ayaa noqonaya imtixaankii ugu horeeyay ee soo food-saara heshiis dhinacayo badan oo amnigu ku jiro, kaasoo ay dhawaan kala saxiixdeen maamullada Galmudug iyo Puntland. Diiwaanka wararka Daljir. You recycling same news you already posted