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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. So the young soldier said he is from the Middle Shabelle so does that tell us his Qabiil? And what would knowing the Qabill of one young man out of thousand tell him?
  2. It is not about one port taking another's, it is about increasing capacity. Bosaso port was at some point in time supplying as far as Burco and was port of choice for most of the Somali traders and business people. But since then Somali economy has became larger and it is needed a port that can handle many ships at same time to unload cargo as soon as possible so as to increase ship's turnaround time. Currently ships wait longer to unload because the port can only handle one large ship at a time. Also Ethipia's economy is growing 5% to 10% and would need more ports as the demand increases. Garacad would supply via Wardheer corridor which if you listened to Abtigiis yesterday there are big infrastructure development going on there including two high ways that would link them to Tuurdubi, the dry port terminal between Somali state and Puntland. So therefore Garacad would complement Bosaso and not take anything away from it.
  3. Garacad depth with the current two berths are 12m, deeper than both Bebera and Mogadishu that is before any dredging as it is naturally in deeper waters. The remaining two berths under construction are designed to handle big oil tankers with up to 17m depth.
  4. Horta when did my cousin Che deserted Al Shabaab? Midakale why do I see some of Farmaajo diehards were Al Shababaab sympathisers at some point?
  5. Lol Farmajists turned Shabaabists. Once extremist always extremist. It is a mindset, they can not help.
  6. Che of 3 months ago would not be spreading AS propaganda but would be tirelessly bombarding us with the immaculate pictures of Gorgor, Waran and danab being paraded on Aden Ade airport. How times changed!!!!
  7. This more than obsession. On TV he was sitting next to Samia of Tanzania. Would that make you happier?
  8. I remember this project stalling because of the a clan there objecting to it. Good to see that it seems now to be taking off.
  9. You making your opinion and how you see things as "facts", but it is just your opinion and I respect that. Remember we differed on on Farmaajo too where you thought he was a Somali hero and saviour, whereas I thought he was a mistake and unfit for presidency!
  10. Over 30 years and we still have not learned our lesson. I hear Madaale is a good guy who is incorruptible. I will have him as a mayor any day instead of my mischievous and corrupt cousin. But our Somali psyche have not reached there yet. Bal dadkaan ma waxaa u daran boqolaal qof ee maalin walba Alshabaab laynayso mise nin magac uyaal ah ay isku qabiil yihiin? Talk about misplaced priorities.
  11. What is Somali got to do with this? Mise wax walba oo xun Xaawaa leh.
  12. Che, is that you? Isn't time you came home and embrace mother of federal Somalia?
  13. Ninyahoow am I listening to different speech? From what I got this he is saying in a long and incoherent African English: Other countries can give you whatever but it is never enough. You need Somali soldiers who are willing to fight for their country and for their freedom and not for a salary that you beg from other countries. He even gave an example of a father and his sons that their home have been attacked . They will fight to defend and die for their honour. He is encouraging for a Somali initiative to defeat Al Shabaab. Marka Soomaaliyeey fudeydka iska daaya oo hadalka dhuuxa. And in a way he is right. Wallaahi I am sure if Al Shabaab were most militant and bravest clan they would have been defeated within months. I believe Somali tribalism was made in the North and it is badly practised in South these days. Everything is about clan in the deep South. Waxaam maqli jiray dadka oo dhaha ciyaal Xamar qabiil bartay aduunka wax ka xun maleh. It is becoming true. With all the killing, bombings, and destruction caused by Al Shabaab, still people don't care much about it but they care about what Qabiil got what position in the government?? Bal what use it is to me if a clan fellow became a minister? If all of them are brothers and sisters but they are competent and capable would be 1000 times better than having close family member who is good for nothing.
  14. We need to move on from this psyche of where someone is from. Rather let us focus on their merits and what they can bring to the table. We must be the only humans on earth who do not learn from their sufferings and repeat the same failed projects.
  15. Latest, Somaliland militia run away after Punt land got enforcement. Why run away if you really came to fight? There are two sub clans fighting over grazing land like most nomadic Somali clans do and you are trying to take advantage of that to say you closed borders? Shameful.
  16. Thanks for wishing us good luck! That must be the best thing you said today . But your second line shows the joke you are!! Who is talking about Somalia's status quo and what is that got to do with a regional state striving for development, peace and tranquility? If anything it is inspires others to believe in them-self and do better things for their regions, states and ultimately to the whole country. Marka, I still have hope in you change your ways and wish well for your brothers. Criticise politicians and even clan domination all you want but coming here belittling other's progress, calling names, wishing for bad omens and trying to play clans against each other is not good and does not help anyone.
  17. Lol! Adigu Faroole building ma haysatid marka iska kharaar. Reer Puntland Xamar waa joogaan waana tagayaan meelkasta oo Somali joogtana khayr iyo wanaag baan u rajaynaynaa Allah cuqdad walaal iyo xaasidnimo nama galiyo sidaada oo kale.
  18. Sxb xaqiiq maadan cabirin ee cuqdadaada baa cabirtay! Dad walaalahaaga ah waxay qabsadeen inaad uducayso ma ahee inaad si xumaan ah uga faalooto waliba waxaan jirin aad saadaaliso qof xanuunsan baa laga helaa!! Laakiin xasadki ninkiisa uun buu dhibaa cidkale wax loogama qaadi karo waa xikmad rabaani ah!
  19. Lol. Habaar meel lafariiso ileen wax kale oo aad samayn kartid majirtee . Tankale If Garcad takeover Bosaso both are Puntland lands. You are looking for friction between communities that is not happening.
  20. Maasha Allah Tabaaraka Allah. Dalka dantiisu waa Dani Dani .
  21. Lol this Tiktokers realised to get famous they need to go to Hargeisa and poke Muse Biixi in the nose . Somaliland police need Al Shabaab to get busy. It seems they really do not have anything to do and bored to their teeth.
  22. Kkkkk 5 years of Farmaajo looking pretty you were quite, I am sure you can be quite 30 days of Hamza looking all pretty, no?