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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. ^ Now that's a blatant lie and you know it. This is shameful. while they spend the poor people's taxes on bribinng the likes of Xaabsade, Kayse and others for a delusional recognition that seem to be eluding this community, they could have used these funds to save some children's lives
  2. LOOL Dadka qaarkiis qabiil baa ka waashay markaasay nationalist isaga kaa dhigayaan. I dont undertand how some one can see evil in tackling piracy!
  3. Those pictures were taken during the Galgala skirmishes. But why would you post it now? To divert attention from current political crisis facing the seccessionists?
  4. Silaanyo is waging a war and is ordering killing innocent children and women and causing displacements to a large community on the name of clan supremacy hence he is a warlord. Morgan has waged a war and ordered killing of innocent women and caused displacement to a large community on the name of clan supremacy. What is the difference of the two? One is still at it and the other has moved on!
  5. Inaalilaahi wa ilaa ilaahi raajicuun. Shalay meesha waa la isku baaba'ay baa layiri. The death toll on both sides is more than 50 as put by some estimate and can be more. Who takes the responsibilty of these senseless killings?
  6. Fiqikhayre;777284 wrote: We have invited partners who have a key interest in Somalia. We expect around 40 governments to attend, along with the UN, AU, EU, World Bank, the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, and the League of Arab States. We are also inviting representatives of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions, as well as the Presidents of Somaliand , Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWJ). waa markii ay Faisal Waraabe ay ku kari lahayd: Waar haday xeer xeer, udubland iyo waxaas nagu dareen, waar dawladana siilaanyo soomaliya nagu wadaan...
  7. Country once in progress indeed! Never mind, we will start all over again and Inshallah this time aroundwe will learn from our mistakes.
  8. Its clan V clan and that we know how its going to end. Its one clan state (Khatumo) V one clan state (SNM state). So what's your urgument?
  9. Seccessionist tactic has been busted so that is why they are angry. Their tactic has always been to play Puntland against the Garaad clans in order to divide and rule. Now that Puntland has allowed the conference to go ahead peacefully and seem to respect on whatever the Garaads have decided, the seccessionist smell Puntland. No wonder they desperately want to involve Puntland to create division within the Garaads. Puntland is staying away to respect the will of the people and to preserve their newly found unity. The war is between Khaatumo state and SNM state, two equall and neighbourly states and who know themselves very well. If Somaliland attack SSC people they will no longer expecct to be countered by Puntland forces but Khatumo state forces supported by their brethren clanmen from Mudug and Caabudwaaq. That's how things stand Yaa seccessionist so either play ball with who is playing ball with you or drop this Puntland ghost you seeing everywhere!
  10. Its good step in the right direction, however Faroole should have strategised which districs the money is invested in. in my opinion, I would have used this money to appease the oppositio from Bargaal and Goldogob communities. Eyl and Garowe is his own backyard and people will use to oppose him and cause unnecessary chaos.
  11. Mashallah. Jamhuuriyadda Soomalia is on the match. Ilaahow khayr nooga dhig Carafaat, Do you even know what the word 'Mass' mean and what context it should be used in?
  12. Sharing is not bad yaa doctor. You're not are suggesting a country where nothing is got to do with each other?
  13. If you are man and your potential wifey is more educated than you, my advice to you is run, run from that relationshp. The daily nagging and name calling will be too much to bare. Xoolo naag leedahayna ha isku gu dhawaan soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa Dhurwaa baa ka dhaartay.
  14. ^Mashallah. Ilaahay ha noo barakeeyo, mid na anfcana Allah ka dhigo. Nabdgalyo waartana Allah Soomali oo dhan ha siiyo
  15. So all the noise and celebrations came to nothing except killing innocent people!!! Silaanyo is a warlord and he's in league with Caatoos and Yalhoows of the South Jacaylbaro, what have you achieved from this war except killing and taking innocent lives and causing chaos and mayhem? and do you know if you support this, you are like the people excuting the killings?
  16. The son's computer has been hacked into and overruled by the boss in the house. So that can not be seen as fair reporting :) Excuse the boys about anything to do with Somaliland
  17. She has done a lazy research and this should be made known to her
  18. ^niyada iska dhiso. waa la arki doona waxa soo yeera, idinku hadal kale yaan la idinka maqlin
  19. Buuhoodle (RBC) Wararka ugu dambeeya ee naga soo gaaraya magaalada Buuhoodle oo saaka dagaal culus uu ka dhacay ayaa la soo sheegayaa in dib looga saaray ciidamada maamulka Somaliland oo saaka qabsaday. Dagaalka oo qarxay aroornimadii hore ayaa la isu adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala dwan, waxayna ciidamada Somaliland oo magaalada duulaan ku soo qaaday ay gudaha u galeen magaalada. Hase yeeshee ciidamada deegaanka SSC ayaa markii dambe dib isaga caabiyey taasoo keentay in ciidamada Somaliland ay dib uga baxaan xagga waqooyi ee magaalada oo ay markii hore ka soo galeen. Illaa hadda lama hayo tirakoob rasmi ah oo ku saabsan khasaaraha dadka soo gaaray, hase yeeshee waxaa jira dhaawacyo isbitaalka la geeyey. Xarumo la gubay Wariye ku sugan magaalada ayaa Raxanreeb u sheegay in uu arkay labo saldhig boolis oo ku yaalay magaalada ay gubteen ka dib markii Madaafiicda la isweydaarsanayey ay ku dheceen. Sidoo kale xaruntii maamulka degmada ayaa madaafiic ku dhacday taasoo keentay in qeyb ay ka dunto. Barakac ka socda magaalada Dadka rayidka ayaa intiisii badneyd hore uga qaxay magaalada hase yeeshee markii saaku weerarku bilawday ayaa dadkii ku harsanaa magaalada ay bilaabeen inay qaxaan. Mid ka mid ah dadka saaka magaalada ka baxay oo Raxanreeb telefoon kula hadlay ayaa sheegay in carruurttii uu u kaxaystay dhanka xuduuda Ethiopia si uu ugala baxsado rasaasta ka socota Buuhoodle. Inkastoo duhurnimadan dagaalka uu san ka socon gudaha magaalada haddana waxaa weli lagu jiraa xaalad dagaal iyadoo wararku sheegayaan in gurmadyo ka kala imaanaya dhanka Somaliland iyo dhanka Taleex ay deegaanka ku wajahan yihiin. Faahfaahin joogto ah markasta la soco
  20. ^ All major news outlets are reporting SNM miltia has done a runner
  21. Galeydh: Siilaanyo Isma Hortaagi Karo Qadiyadda SSC Abdulaziz Osman - VOA Somali | Washington, DC E-mail Daabaco Prof. Cali Khaliif Galeydh, ra’iisul-wasaarihii hore ee Soomaalia oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta ka qeybgalaya shirka Taleex ayaa si weyn u qaadacay hadalka madaxweynaha Somaliland ee uu ku sheegay in shirka Taleex ay soo abaabuleen koox Qaswadayaal ah. Prof. Galeydh wuxuu VOA u sheegay in shirka Taleex uu yahay shir madax banaan oo beesha degta Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ay uga tashanayaan aayahooda isla markaana ay go’aan ku gaadheen inay maamul-goboleed ka madax banaan Somaliland ku dhistaan. Prof. Galeydh wuxuu sheegay in Somaliland aysan hor-istaagi karin qadiyadda iyo rabitaanka dadka dega gobollada SSC. Qeybta hoose ka dhageyso wareysi dheer oo aan la yeelanay Prof. Cali Khaliif Galeydh.
  22. ^waxaad sheegtay waa wax macquul ah laakiin ducadauyda waxaa kujiray Khayraysan oo soomaali u faaiideeya! oK let me change the wording: "Waxaa tiraahda haday khayr u tahay Allow u sahal haday shar tahayna allow ka jooji" on a side question, wouldn't you wish Somaliland to find oil to boost its recognition quest?
  23. ^ Sida Hargaysaba ay qaadka uga dhergeen, soo ma aha
  24. Maashallah, Allah ha garab galo. Baashe waxaan uma laynayaa waa magac cusub oo aan jiri jirin oo lasiiyo isim.