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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Abwaan;791463 wrote: Wixii jirran Ilaah ha caafiyo....Jirrada ayaananba isku si u aqoon...Name calling again? That will not derail me from the path ah inaan caddaaladda ka hadlo......sheekada maalayacniga haddii ay kuu socon weysey waad is xanaajineysaa miyaa? cid carruur loo koriyo meeshaan ma jirto, fikirkaaga khasab ma ahan in lagula qabo ama hal hees la wada haddii aad isbuufinayso Hakugu taagnaato...! Cadlaad? cadaalad eey xaal qaado. xanaaq ma jiro laakiin si aan kuula doodo baan garan wayey. Ilaahay xaqa hanawada tus. Cafis iyo misaamax boowe.
  2. NASSIR;791458 wrote: Samafal, Boosaaso waxey kamid tahey degaanada reer Maakhir hadaad dhulka iyo dadka dega kala taqaan. Tan labaad, su'aasha ah maxaad u dhisi weydeen Badhan iyo Dhahar, waxaan leeyahey labdaba hor'umar weyn baa ka muuqda. (Aqri Badhan report @ Wiki) dadkeedaana u horseeday ee maahan mid ka yimid meel kale. Dhibaatada ugu weyn ee gobolka Sanaag waa kaabayaasha dhaqaale sida laamiyada, dekedaha iyo airportyada in kastoo dekedo yar oo wax lagala soo dego jiraan. Iyo productive land oo aanan heysan system wanaagsan. Lama dhiso karo kaabayaasha dhaqaale hadii laba maamul ku hardamayaan degaanka iyagoo strategy qaas ah isticmaalaya taasoo ah Qayaano, hanjabaad, dagaal, been abuurid, isku dirid beelaha wada dhashey iyo waxyaalo kale. Tusaale waxaa u ah mashruucii dekeda laasqoray. Lacag ay dowlada federaalka ugu deeqday mashruucaasi waxaa si toos ah u lunsadey madaxweynahii hore ee PL. Marka xalku waxay ila muuqataa in wax laysu ogolaado oo aanan reer reerkale degaankiisa sheegan. Waad ku mahadsantahay sida wacan uu aad uga jawaabtay. Laakiin wax halkaa loogu talagalay baa la cunay waa hadal wayn, maxaa cadayna oo haysaa. Soomalidu waxuun baa la iska eedayaa waxa ku tiritayn ah iyo waxa run ah lama kala yaqaan
  3. Taleexi;791441 wrote: Samafal: Dhanna PL buu u xaglinayaa, dhanna mubaadin danta Soomaalidu isugu mid u tahay buu iska dhigayaa. Saaxiib, horta wixii khayraad ah ee wadanka ku jira gobolkuu doono ha ahaadee Soomaali baa iska leh ka fikir ahaan. Waxa sed bursi ah ee ka dhacaya Xamar ha ahaato deeqaha waxbarasho iyo waxa la midka ah dad aan damiir lahayn baa sameeyey haddiise dad xil kas ah bahasha gacanta loo gelin lahaa sheekadu si xariir ah bay ku dhamaan lahayd. Midda kale, hadduu reer Sanaag dhisto Bossaso lagama xigo oo waa wadankoodii. Ma waxaad naga dhaadhicinaysaa reer Maakhir wixii magacooda lagu guranayey 20-kii sano ee ugu danbeeyey lagama hagran. Reer Khaatumo waa ka tashadeen aayahooda, waxayna walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed ee reer PL ka rajeynayaan inay si deris wanaag kula noolaadaan, nabadgelyada iyo wixii horumar ahna iska kaashadaan. Ta kale waa in madaxda PL ka waantowdaa sheegashada Khaatumo sababta oo ah game-kii waa laysku fahmay - you can fool some people sometimes but you can't fool all the people all the time . Ugu danbayn Abwaan has a point, let every region comes to the table representing its constituents alone. Iga gunid once Khaatumo institutions are built and it becomes a viable admin which is both responsible and accountable then merging with Maakhir will be an option. A good option I may say. war anigu meeshaan rabo aan u xagliyee, adigu ii sheeg lacagta lagaa u canay meesha lagu maalgashtay? Khatumana cid tafta haysata majirta inshallah. hortiin nabad gadashiin nabad. Hadalkale uun yaan maqal oo waa la is khilaafay
  4. Abwaan nin jiran baad tahay Allah ha ku daweeyo. Anigu aan kala faaiidasano oo wax is tusno bay iga ahayde hadba meelbaad u boodaysaan waxaad rabto iyo waxa aad ka soo horjeedo adiga xataa inaad taqaanid u malaynayo. Halkaa inagu ekeeh Su,aasha aan Nassir waydiiyey waxaan kawado iyo meesha aad u leexinaysid isma laha qofkasta oo aqriyana oo maskax fiyoow waa ujeedaa inaanan lahayn maxay udhisteen. Waxaan kawadaa hadii idinkiiba aydan maalgashanayn meesha aad kasoo jeedaan sideebaa dawlad uga sugaysaan inay idiin maalgalin. Aniga dawlada Puntland baan ogahay magaalo aan cabanayn iyo tuulo waanala dayacay lahayn majirto.
  5. NASSIR;791399 wrote: Abwaan hadalkiisa waa run and I agree. Hadaanan loo dhameyn in reer walba deegaankiisa maamulo dee nabad warkeeda daa. Dhibaatada ka jirta PL iyo SL waxa weeye reer baa waxwalba isku fuuqsadey kadibna ogoleyn in cid kale xor u noqoto degaankeeda iyo aayahooda weliba been laga faafinayo iyo isku *** dhexdooda ah. Ama aan wada cabno caanaha Maandeeq taasoo ah hor'umarinta kaabaha dhaqaale ee deegaan walba iyo maamul hoosaad loo wada dhan yahey. Maxaa la isku fuuqsaday, bal ii sheeg aan ku dhagaystee, xagee dawlad laamiyo dhaadheer ka dhistay, xageebayso dayacday. Anigu waxaan taageersanahay in Sool iyo Sanaag ay dawlad gobeleed noqotaan, ilaa iyo hada wax hadal haye reer Makhir iyo SSC ha is ku darsadaan ma arko? maxaa dhacay? Tan kale cidaan iyo gobol aan kala qaysami karin ma jiro. hadhoow waxaa dhici doonta in Dahar iyo Badhan kala goostaan. Waana caqliga meesha yaal. Jiiroow, rag baa meesha ku sheekaysanyee nacsnimda kala tag
  6. Abwaan nin yahoow horta waxaa fiican in qofku meesha xanuunaysa abaaro inaad hadba qori is mariso ma fiicna. Dagaamada Awdal, Sanaag iyo Sool kama aanan hadlayn. Waxaan ka hadlayo waxaad tiri dadbaa sad bursday, iyo dadbaan xaq ku taagnayn, marka ilaa iyo hada iimaadan sheegin waxa ay ku sadbursadeen marka laga hadlayo Somaliweyn. Arintaan SSC, Sanaag waa local grievance, local grievansina mar walbuu wuu jirayaa. soomalidu waxay rabaan inay madaxwayne wada noqdaan, mana wada noqon karaan. Arinta Southka anigu ma lihi yaysan federaal noqon, adigaa waxaa tiri, federalism dagaal 20 sano oo kale ha lis dagaalo weee. waxaan u fahmay inaad leedahay dadku kuma heshiinayaa federalism. Dadkale oo koonfurta kasoo jeedaa lehna waan arkay: Puntland iyo Somaliland waa hal qabiil oo meel wada daga, marka way u fududahay inay hal maamul wadayeeshaan, halka koonfurta aysan u fududayn. marka walaalow halkaas baan ka imaanayaaye dooda ha inaka dhabqin. Haduu wax lakala yeesho, waxna lawada yeesho ma ahan inaay tahay waxaaga kula lihi, waxaygana kaalihi. Maxaaa yeelay, Khayraadka si siman baa loo qaybasan qofkasta oo muwaadinana dalka meesha uu rabo buu kadagi karaa, oo cid juujuubaysa ma jirto. Nassir Suaal: Adiga waxaad ka timid Sanaag. oo kay meesha ugu wayn magaalooyinka ugu wayn waa Dahar iyo Badhan, maxaad idinka udhisan waydeen? reerkiinu wuxuu dhistaa oo daaro dhaadheer ka taagay Bosaaso? maxaa magaalooyinkaas loo dhiswaayey inta aan dawlad la is gaarin? Waxaan tagay tuulo hada degmo laga dhigay oo ku taal Mudug layiraa Bursalax. School hoose dhexe, Schoole sare, Boolis station, suuqyo Wadada ku xirta Galkacyo, intaas oo dhan waxaa dhisay dadka dagaanka iyo dibada? iyaga dawlad wax uma qaban iyagaa dhistay soow umqalmaan inay dawlad gobeleed ku dhawaaqaan?
  7. OK. waxaad leedahay Federalismkooda xaq kuma dhisna, yeey boobeen, maxayse ku sad bursadeen? inaad ii cadeyso arintaas waa jeclaan lahaa. Hada waxaa lagu heshiiyey syttemkii dalka laakiin marwalba nabad bay u baahantahy si uu hirgalo. Su,aasheeydii hore oo ahayd koonfurta centralka ha ha ku koobnaadaan dadka federalka rabana ha loo daayo maxaad ka tiri?
  8. Abwaan Adiga ma federalism ayaad leedahay soomaliya kama shaqayn karo mise Puntland baad leedahay wax sad bursiya bay rabtaa? Iima kala cada warkaagu Dad badan waxay qabaan federalismku inuusan ka shaqayn karin koonfurta oo qabaailo is diidan dagan yihiin, marka ma kula tahay in ay haboon tahay in Southern regions ay hoos yimaadaan Dawlada dhexe meesha Puntland iyo Somaliland loo daayo inay ahaadaan autonomous regions sida Tanzania ku tahay zanzibar iyo dalal kale oo badan?
  9. This very clever from TK airways part. They got flights to Addis and Nairobi but do not want use those routes as they are already in full capacity. Khartoum rounte may not already on full capacity therefore the extra Somali passengers are boost. This is good as they dont have to worry if the Mogadishu route does not become profitable in the short term.
  10. I dont see the urgency of Khatumo leaders to travel? All of them?
  11. cidii aduunkoo dhan baa iska soo xirxiray waayadan. Inkaartii Soomaali wayn baa ku dhacday
  12. Corruption in Somaliland must be the worst in Somalia. There's no a day but there's a corruption allegation against incompeten minster on television.
  13. ^ Waxay ku cara baa ba'aan bay raadinayaan iska dheh. All these hatred becouse local buhoodle boys taught them a lesson!
  14. That's a classic example of how not to wash your dirt in public. You gotta love how most of them claim a rather a long title as if it puts weight on whatever he wants to say. That's sad reality of where we are. May Allah save Somalia from its own destructive people and its external enemy.
  15. Somalia and Kingfolks stop with segregations and calling for divisions. Somali resources is Somalia resources and its for all. These people if they have a clan concern, honest concern or whatever concern, they have the right to air it and for you to refute in a civilized way. what i dont like is when people are full of clanism and hatred but pretend they are for the national interest.
  16. Prof. Abdiwali spoke very well and that's kind of politics Somalia needs.
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;784776 wrote: Waa markee ciyaalka isku camiri jireen with their petulant melodrama-like playground behaviours. Daa'uud, ha isku daalin dadkaan, the neo-qabyaaladists. No wonder kuwa goosashadoonka wants nothing to do with certain folks. I can understand now. Iyagaa ka daran separatists. As though dadka inay ka xigaan camal dhulkaas iskugu camiraayo. We will always question what is not good for Soomaaliya, regardless the expected knee-jerk, pettish reactions or not. Boowe, adigu qabyaalad ma ka maran tahay inta aan dad kale la gaarin. I have been seeing you in this forums in the last 10 years and my impression about you tell me otherwise?
  18. Carafaat;784789 wrote: Samafal, you are justifying the current status quo of separate admins in One City with the argument, that it will create mistrust to create one admin. Sxb, the intention of creating one admin is to cooperate, to build trust and to unite on a common goal. Therefor your argument is invalid. Little Resources? There is more trade going on in Gallkacyo then most other cities, that can't be an argument not to unite. Abwaan, I agree. I'm not justifying anything sxb, I'm just telling you facts. I would love to see Galkio that is not divided on clan lines but that's against the reality on the ground. What i'm saying to you is due to the the reality on the ground and lack of disarmament of freelance miltias on both sides is a barrier to a peaceful co-existence of the two communities and having one admin can not bring the solution without facing the root causes of the problem. The problem is every time the two admins and elders agree on anything, there comes unruly miltias that provoke the other side and causes mayhem and mistrust. Galkio needs a period whereby the two admins there restrict and disarm their militias and become the sole rulers of their own areas, free from gangs and armed clansmen. Only then they can talk about having one working adminstration.
  19. This is very good and must be a piece of brain stimulating exercise for those young souls. Well done to the engineers of the future and job well done to Galkio youngsters.
  20. Column Views Reasons for Turkish Involvement in Somalia Today`s Zaman Online Saturday, January 28, 2012 Column by Abdullah Bozkurt: “Turkey challenges Iran in Somalia” Turkey`s relatively newfound interest in engaging with Somalia was triggered by a combination of different events, from the extension of humanitarian assistance during a time of great famine to the desire to establish a foothold in a strategic location so as to benefit from future trade deals. Not only have a number of Turkish government agencies been actively working on the ground, but also a host of nongovernmental organizations in Somalia are working to bring about positive changes in what many have called a “failed state.” It is not being widely discussed, but there is another underlying reason behind Turkish involvement in Somalia: to curb Iran`s meddling in the affairs of Somalia and its immediate neighborhood. All efforts expended by Turkey will undoubtedly bring good fortune in terms of political capital, which Ankara intends to spend on countering Iranian influence in the Horn of Africa -- a place Iran feels is perfect to act as a fallback position when the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria falls to democratic opposition mostly consisting of Sunnis. For years, Iran has been cultivating relationships in Somalia and the surrounding area, hoping to gain a footing in the geostrategic location of the Horn of Africa. Considering that one of the main Iranian shipping lines crosses through the Arabian Sea and by the Gulf of Aden, Iran certainly values its presence in Somalia from an economic standpoint. In July 2009, Iran had to send two warships to the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia to protect Iranian commercial and oil cargo ships from piracy. But there is another important rationale behind Iranian interest in this region that weighs in heavily against all other considerations. From there, Iranians believe they can create or incite schisms within a number of African nations while also keeping Sunni Arab Gulf states occupied with mounting unrest and insurgency among Shiite populations in the southern Arabian Peninsula. For example, intelligence reports detail how the Mullah regime in Iran has been providing arms and munitions to the insurgent groups in Somalia, including al-Shabaab. Tehran has been funneling most of its aid to insurgents through the “Christian” dictator of Eritrea, Isaias Afewerki, who has been cozying up to Iranian regime for years. This is kind of ironic, yet a perfect case of the convergence of mutual interests. The Eritrean opposition claimed that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards provided training to the radical Shiite Houthi rebels in Eritrea when they were fighting the Yemeni and Saudi governments. According to a Saudi official with whom I spoke last month, classified Saudi intelligence reports detail many similarities between the tactics employed by Houthi rebels and those used by pro-Iranian Shiite groups in Iraq. This footprint shows Iranian involvement in both cases. In 2006, then-Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Ghedi publicly accused Iran of providing weapons to Islamic militants who had seized control of much of this country`s south. In the same year, the supply of arms by Iran to radical groups in Somalia was also detailed in UN Security Council reports, which found Iran in breach of a 1992 UN arms embargo on the region. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Speaker of the Somali Parliament Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden. In the last couple of years, Iran seems to have shifted its tactics away from aggressively supporting armed factions towards using soft-power methods to influence Somalia`s Transitional Federal Government. The retreat of al-Shabaab militia from Mogadishu and other places amid intense pressure from African Union troops deployed by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has undoubtedly accelerated this Iranian shift. Seeing that Somalia is desperate to get international aid, Iran has been using humanitarian assistance programs as vessels to deliver important cover for illicit Iranian government activities in Somalia. At the moment, the Somalia government does not mind this as long as aid is coming in, which is the first and foremost priority for Somali leaders. Accompanied by two planes full of many Cabinet members, celebrities, journalists, NGO workers, and businessmen, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the Somali capital of Mogadishu on Aug. 19, 2011, making him the first head of a government to do so in 20 years. This certainly ruffled the feathers of the Mullah regime in Tehran. The visit came on the heels of an emergency meeting held by the member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Aug. 17 in Istanbul, which secured a pledge of $350 million in aid. On Aug. 23, 2011, just four days after the Turkish prime minister made a landmark visit to Mogadishu, Iranians hastily rushed their foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, to Somalia to hopefully lessen Turkey`s rising clout there. Salehi surveyed the camps set up by the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) and offered to build a hospital and an orphanage in the capital. Turkey has since opened an embassy, started work on an international airport and on water supply and waste disposal projects, offered Somalis scholarships to study in Turkey, and made plans to build a new hospital and roads. A Turkish fundraising drive among private citizens that was launched during the holy month of Ramadan last year has so far raised $334 million. According to International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates last October, Turkey topped the list of countries that provided aid to Somalia when comparing the amount of aid given with the countries` gross national income. Furthermore, Ankara successfully mobilized the rich Gulf nations to extend financial aid to the fragile transitional government in order to build government agencies, including an army. Fearing the Iranian specter looming large over their heads, the Gulf nations have been forthcoming in delivering cash to the Somali government. Somalia is happy to receive financial assistance from Turkish and Arab Gulf donors because it comes with fewer strings attached than that supplied by the West. As a result, Turkey was able to translate international political support into concrete financial help to the cash-strapped Somali government -- a key to consolidating the transitional government while curbing the appeal of terrorism. Turkey`s interest in Somalia did not start with the huge famine that exposed some 3.7 million Somalis at risk of starvation last year. Ankara was also involved with the Djibouti Peace Process (DPP) that started in May 2008 under the auspices of the UN and ended with the election of Sharif Sheik Ahmed as the new president of Somalia in January 2009. It hosted a major UN conference on Somalia in stanbul in May 2010. Now, it also supports a UN political map for the transition from AMISOM to a UN peacekeeping operation in Somalia, provided that a phased approach is adopted by the Security Council that will not be tied to a rigid timetable but rather set by conditions. Turkey has offered to help train and equip the Somali army as well. In contrast with the Iranian engagement, Western powers seem comfortable with Turkey leading the charge in Somalia. Especially Americans who realized early on that Turkey is perfectly positioned to invalidate the Western imperialism argument the Iranians are using to agitate sensitivities among the Somali Muslim population and to recruit hardcore militants to insurgent groups appreciate the Turkish role very much. The US and its allies do not seem to mind the rhetoric Erdogan uses to bash the West as long as it does not transform into a policy and helps curb Iranian influence. For example, just two days before the Mogadishu visit, Erdogan harshly criticized Western arrogance and the failures of capitalism with respect to Somali famine during his address to the OIC. The US and its allies kept silent to the barrage of criticism leveled by Erdogan. With Ankara in the lead, the involvement of other Muslim nations such as Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia can serve to curtail radical Iranian Shiite ideology from gaining firm ground in the Horn of Africa. One senior Turkish Cabinet member told me that Turkey is also in contact with al-Shabaab and other insurgent groups in order to encourage reconciliation among disparate groups in Somalia. For example, Turkish recovery and reconstruction efforts are not limited just to areas controlled by the government but also extend to other areas in order to win over the hearts and minds of most Somalis. He said a smear campaign has been launched there by some powers against Turkish efforts but he affirmed the Turkish commitment, saying the negative campaigning will not deter them from actively pursuing engagement with Somalia. While he did not state so outright, he implied that Iran tops the list of those spreading black propaganda against Turkey in the Horn of Africa, an unexpected place where Turkey and Iran vie for influence. (Description of Source: Istanbul Today`s Zaman Online in English -- Website of English-language daily published by the Zaman media group, supportive of Fethullah Gulen community; URL:
  21. Waxaan ka helay sida fudud oo gabadhu sida batrool loo baaro u taqaan, maxay batrool qoday!. Waxaa maqli jiray hadii aad been sheegayso been run u eg sheeg.
  22. Carafaat, the problem is not the two admins and if today Galkio becomes under one admin nothing will change unless there's complete demobilisation of freelance miltias that roam in and around the city and tackling the root causes of the problem which is scarce resources. But it will become worse in my opinion due to the mistrust between those two communities. Added to this, is the problem of Alshabab who wants to instigate clan war so as the place becomes lawless in order to become a launchpad for their misguided Jihad against Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna wal Jama and even Somaliland. You said you hate Galkio? I love Galkio is one of the best places to live in Somalia, try it. Besides people who say there are alot of people killed in Galkio have no information about the city. Galkio was peaceful in the last 19 years of Somalia's civil war, except few skirmishes that happen here and there compared to Mogadishu, Kismayo and Beletweyne. It was only in the last 2 years there has been ocassional killings and disruptions.