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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Diinta in lagu jees jeeso waa dambi wayn marka waxaad idinka utaqaanaan ugly waa someone else's beauty. Sxbayaal Xabad a self proclaimed atheist yuusan baxar idin galin. As Alshabaab are brainwashed there are kids brainwashed by agnostics and atheists who do not have any leg to stand except being obnoxious. We Somalis we are already badly divided on clan lines we can't afford to be divided idealogically so these people and Alshavab are danger to our existence as Umad.
  2. Asad for your information Puntland MPs are shared based on districts and not on clan lines, alas the districts may still use clan to share power from one term to onother. For example the Bari region which is the biggest and most populous has the most number of MPs representing them closely followed by Sanaag. So although no one man one vote but still each member of MP know which district he represent and selected from.
  3. Why People seem to want only Kenyans out and not Ethopians, Ugandans, Burumdians and the rest? Kenyans are the weakest of them all and in my opinion the least worry. Somalis can take Kenya on in any day any time. Their soldiers are poorly trained poorly equiped and they not known to be warriors as you would say of for example the Ethopians. Marka sheekadu waa oohinta orgiga ka wayn. Timir lafbaa ku jirta. Some people don't seem to have got over the Jubaland debacle. Hence, Alshabaab is not a priority. Alshabab are more dangerous than Kenya is and as long as we sympathise with them and lose focus these other countries will continuee dominating us.
  4. Oromos are persecuted group in Ethopia due to their sheer numbers the TPLF regime does not trust them hence they enjoy little freedom and rights in Ethopia. Many of them do not consider themselves Ethopians and rightly so. Majority of Oromos are muslims and our brothers we should help them however we can. We should not spew hatred especially when you are Somali. Maahmaahdii Somalida ahay nin guri dhalo ah ku jira dhagax ma tuuro. Somali people have travelled far and wide and we complain couple of thousand Oromos?
  5. Xabad waxaan u gartay hadalkaaga sideeda aamuska ah gabdhaga halagu silciyo oo yaan kor loo sheeg sheegin ceebta jirta. Macnaha tabar kale ma jirtee Aamuska ku dadaal
  6. Gooni, kolba taa kama jirto Sacuudiga wadamada kale sida Emirate waan maqlay arab ma ogola. Pakistan iyo Afghanistan waa dad dhaqan adag naagahooda marka horeba kaligood masoo baxaan iskabaa daa inay wadan kale ka booseeyaan. Somali balo waxaan ku dhignay gabadha aabaheed baa gaari/dooni/diyaarad saaraya isagoon waxay mudandoonto ogayn, waa arin dadyoowga muslimka aan uga duwanahay. Sxbyaal aniga hadaan heli karo gabar Somaliyeed maalin dal aan dalkeeda ahayn joog na dheheen, laakiin kumanaanka usoo silcaya xuquuq la'aanta la exploit gareenayo waxaa dhaanta inay si sharciya ku yimaadaan oo xuquuqdooda laga warqabo waa meeshaan ka iri weeso ma noo dhowrna.
  7. Xabad inay futo ufoorariyaan sheekadu ma joogto, subax Allah keeno bay ufoorariyaan iyagoo boqolaal ah sharci darana ah hadii la kufsado xataa kama hadli karaan. Marka saaxiib nin weeso u dhowrantahay ha iska dhigin waxaa laga yaabaa nin gabdho ilmo adeer taa ah ay Yemen soo maraan jidka lagu kufsado hadana guryaha wixii la rabo lagu sameeyo maxaad u qabankartaa hadaba? Mar aan tagay ninbaa wuxuu iiga sheekeeyay sida gabdhaha Somaliyed markay kasoo baxayaan Yemen Pills ilmaha dila horay usoo qaateen si aysan uur uyeelan. Marka arintan haday jirto dowladu waxay ku yaraynkartaa dhibta tahriibka ka qabsata iyo inay xuquuq ay ku yeeshaan guryaha dhexdeeda ah. inta vadan abuse nimanka ma aha waa naagaha arabta ah oo aan naxriisan maxaa yeelay waxay ogyihiin inaysan xuquuq lahayn. Tan Somali kaliya guryo kama shaqayso Indonesian, masaari, morokaan iyo philiphinese waa ka shaqeeyaan si sharci oo waliba safaaradahooda ayaa udooda oo ilaaliya xaqooda
  8. Thousands of somali girls already work in Saudi Arabia illegally and in appaling conditions without any rights, add that the So if this means that they will be legal and can claim their rights then be it. You can talk about somali pride and all that but there is no pride in work especially when you are from poor country.
  9. Kkkk habaar miyey sheekadii taktay. Nichilas Kay tell the world that Somalia is no longer failed state and here came our friend and tell us Somalia and reer bari ( notice how he singled them out) are dead finished. Only if words could kill! In my opinion Somaliland is in worse shape than Somalia and Puntland. If any one was following the Somaliland politics you would see how low and clanish is everything Somaliland. Their goverment can not even re-open cement factory that belonged to the Somali state becouse clan x does not approve it where Abdiwali Gaas tamed his reer Mudug lot and forced yhem out the state properties whether people liked or not! Then who is collapsing?
  10. Gaas has his own short comings one of it being the economy and hence affecting the budgeted revenues and in turn paying the civil service and soldiers on time. But let's put things in perspective. The economy was deteriorating already in the last year of Farole's tenure due to lack of Somali Shilling notes hence dollar rocketing to the roof affecting low income people to survive on less. This was further excercipated when big cash cow individuals and businesses moved money from Puntland to Mogadishu to invest in high rocketing property market. Also lack of good infrastructure such as airports and seaports made it hard for Puntland to compete with the likes of Bernera port, Hair ga is airport and Mogadishu air as sea ports. That's why he's always banging about infrastructure and these should improve when big infrastructure projects materialise. All in all I think he has done well given the circumstances he was working under. Also security has improved tremendously in the last last two years. He weaken Alshabab's hold in Puntland and chased them out from Galgala town. There are a lot of changes taking place but he might not be the one sees their fruition in the time left for him.
  11. Adam, have you been in hybenation Mudug has been divided in the last 25 years and if it is to be united it is up to the people in North and South of it to come to the negotiating table to decide where to join together Galgadud or remain In puntland. One part has no given right to unileterally take the region to where they want. That's down right provocative. Juba on the hand has never been divided into different states or ministates ( in the case of Galmudug). The tribes in Juba overlap in all the three regions. So if you want fair game play right.But if you have undue bias against Puntlanders due to political goal scoring go ahead and entertsin us.
  12. Any Somali King/sultan/garad can represent on behalf of Somalis.
  13. Reer Gedo kulaha war go and listen to former defence minister. He said 98 percent of the so called SNA is from local warlords and clans. Thats why embargo is not lifted and financial is not coming through.
  14. ^LoL@nafaqada reerka. Sxb There is no one inclusive goverment in Muqdishu. The whole Somali army is from one clan and even most senior officers are from one clan. How is that inclusive? And shamelessly you want the armies embargo to be lifted and financial aid to be provided to onesided so called goverment. Add these to the civil service, their ranks include former mooryaans and checkpoint crooks and yeah that's inclusive goverment. Believe me sxb you can not trick any one, we can read through what Hassan is cooking. In the end, we will have goverment for all or there will be many goverments running the show. Puntland is not taking the country hostage every one who follows somali affairs know who destroyed the country and has been taking this country hostage in the last 24 years. You can not rewrite the history. You know if it was not Puntland Hassan would not be calling himself president today. Puntland had invested heavily in forming inclusive goverment where national concensus is the norm. But Hassan is ruining the efforts of well meaning people to dictate for things he knows nothing about.
  15. Malistar you speaking like the goverment is owned by your family. The Goverment was formed to serve all but if tried to dictate things you know the people you dealing with. Hassan is president by name, he will lose that too. So its better for you to come down from your high horse. Sxb cid cid u dawladaynkarta ma jirto. Dawlada ama waanu wada lahaan ama way ina wada dayn. The choice is yours.
  16. Gooni waa ra, yi fiican laakiin markaas xataa puntland 2.5 bay leedahay reer Galgaduudna ma jecla reer ka MJ inay hoostagaan oo shaki baas oo in jookarka loo ragayo bay aminsanyihiin marka see loo heshiin?
  17. Gooni problemka Puntland ma keenin ee danteeda uun bay garatay. Waqooyi Galkio haduu cid ku darsamyo horta soow in la waydiiyo ma aha? Sooe ma maamulka uu ka tirsanyahay in la waydiiyo ma aha? Qabyaalada iyo cid riixa intaad iska daysid xaq u hadal. Tan kale yaa mudan in lugu biiro? Ma meel wax ka jiraan mise meel cidla ah?
  18. If others can't establish federalism becouse of lack of unity PL will go it alone, let Bay & Bakool controlled from Hamar. No one is forcing you anything, its just so wrong a region cobtrolled by Puntland for 16 years and is doig well to just join unruly and underdeveloped bitterly divided region a.k.a Galgaduud just becouse Galgadud, Hiiraan and Lower Shabelle can not and will not agree to form a federal state due to tribal conflict, same reason they could not agree to form national goverment when they overthrew the then goverment of Siad Barre. So its simple if you can't form a state, you will come under the national goverment and others will selfrule. You can not destablise others who are even older than The TFG itself becouse of lack of unity within yourself.
  19. This was idealogical differences between two men and nothing to do with where some one is from or their tribe.
  20. In 1998 when Puntland was being created south Mudug clan was invited to become part of the state but they vehemently rejected on tribal reasons. Then Puntland just incorporated North Mudug which consisted Galkio, Jariban and Goldogob. The constituition of Puntland clearly stated that Just Northern Mudug was part of the state and not the Southern Mudug. Now Abdiqeybdiid wants to use the name of North Mudug, an area where he does not control and nopthing to do with his state to fullfill two region condition for forming a state. They should have clearly label it as Southern Mudug to avoid confusion and contreversy.
  21. Where does it say he has been hired or that matter he was a goverment employee? Sxb the article says he was just regular visitor of madaxtooyada and used to hang out there and in the hotels where goverment officials stay. This is worst encompetency of any sort of governent and big embarrasment to the president. The fact this man was unchecked probably becouse of his close clan connection with Madaxtooyada tells you the level of incompentency of this goverment especially the president who its his home turf is unimaginable.
  22. If she is scared for her life why is she publicing herself infront of Newspapers? Hypocrite trying to milk western islamophobia iga dheh. I am sure no Somali except her few relatives knew about her case before she went public. I am from the UK I never heard about here before these 'I am Somali infidal come and interview me and make me famous'. Her mother got on with her life why doesn't she get on with her Gaalnimo in peace?
  23. The international media has picked up this news. It good publicity for Somalis to organise an event like this: استقبلت الجالية المهرية في الصومال السلطان عبدالله بن عيسى بن عفرير باكثر من سبعين سياره وكان على راسهم مشايخ قبائل المهرة ( بن نيمر + الجدحي + بن عتوني + السليمي + وبن عفرير ) وجمع غفير من شيوخ واعيان الجالية المهرية في الصومال . وقد اتى سلطان عبدالله بن عيسى بن عفرير لمشاركة تنصيب ملك قبائل الدارود ، حيث وجه الملك ورئيس اقليم بت لاند جامع كاس دعوة شرفية لسلطان لتقوية العلاقة بين الارضين . والجديد بالذكر ان الجالية المهرية بالصومال تحتل حيزا من الاهمية كونها مصاهير وابناء عمومه لفخد المجيرتين وهو فخد الحاكم لقبائل الدارود ، وقد ابداء السلطان عبدالله بن عيسى بن عفرير اعجابه باستقبال المهيب من قبل ابناء المهرة هناك . ومن المنتظر ان يلتقي بن عفرير شيوخ ومشايخ واعيان الجالية على انفراد بعد انتهاء حفل تنصيب ، ليتطلع على اوضاع الجالية في الصومال ، ولكي يؤكد لهم انهم في حيز التفكير وان سلطانهم ليس ناسيهم ، ويعتبر هذه الزيارة الاولى من نوعها لسلطان للقرن الافريقي لتطبيع علاقات المهرة خارجيا والتقى السلطان مع جاليات المهرة في افريقيا .
  24. Lol Yaa sugaya ma kuwa cararay reer reer waqooyi iyo faataalayn
  25. wadh it was distraction from Sillaanyo. His enclave is divided than ever before. Clans are uprising and undermining his authority and opposition parts have cut all links with his government. Clan skirmishes are ravaging in Berbera area and people got killed just last week. Poverty is increasing in the enclave where there are no natural resources and business is dominated by few fat cats and the rest are left as beggars. The young people in the clan enclave are leaving for Tahriib in their droves. recognition is distant as sky is to the earth and no country has even indicated that they wanted to listen their cries let alone recognize them. so what does he do? Use the old and tried trick: Distract the masses and start a war he can not maintain and visit places in the dark of the night to invoke unity among his warring tribesmen. That is all is happening. If he really man enough he would have stayed over a night in Badhan and would have maiantained his militias in Taleex for few more hours but he is old enough to know what is to follow.