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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. I was too . It was unlike her angelic image she portrayed :):)
  2. This is bad move from Farmaajo and Khayre, and very amateurish politicking. This guy Abdishakur was never a political heavy weight but they made him one now unnecessarily. Let him talk and say all he wants but to to go your way to arrest an non factor and kill many young men in the way is beyond comprehension. Hassan Culusoow you used to face worse opposition than what Farmaajo is facing now, but I can not remember him going and arresting an opposition member like this. It is counter productive and damn wrong. Tell me what are they getting out of it except causing clan hatred and giving ground to Al Shabab? Nothing. He is out now more embolden and empowered by this experience, and I am sure he will milk it by presenting himself to his clan that he is their saviour.
  3. Holac, It is not simply let them have the elction. There is a lot at stake for both Maamul. Both states claim Sool and Sanaag and at the moment there's a political stalemate, where Somaliland has strong support in around Las'anod however they do not have similar support from Sanaag (except Erigabo) and Buhodle district. Puntland seems to have accepted that Reer Lasanod's have chosen Somaliland over Puntland and therefore not to make any moves until the tide swings to their side. They seem to be concentrating on Reer Sanaag, Buhodle and the other smaller towns. For example Reer Sanaag are seeing bigger projects partly or fully funded by Puntland such as the Eldahir road, Makhir University, Water catchments and many water wells. It is Somaliland which is got a lot to lose and not Puntland. Somaliland needs to show to the international community that election is taking place in all the districts they claim and hence they deserve recognition. But this is not easy as Puntland will not want to cede any more land to Somaliland and would rather Somaliland keep to the peaceful stalemate they unconsciously agreed.
  4. This would not surprise me at all as I have been told by people who travelled Berbera Garowe triangle that they were astonished the widespread poverty that they see on the way to Berbera. Somaliland have few big family runned companies the likes of Dahabshiil, Oomar etc who are super rich at least in the Somali standard, but that comes to the detriment of small and medium sized enterprises. Puntland on the other hand does not have big companies as such but S&M is thriving hence wealth is better disbursed.
  5. Whatever one thinks of Edna, you have to admire her resolve in sacrificing her time and resources to make a difference in what she knows best: health. Sacrifice is something unknown to us Somalis. I think we are quite individualistic people.
  6. Farmajo/Khayre government are doing good job so far. Mogadishu is stabilising, goverment services are being expanded, corruption is being eradicated and now what we want next is to deal Al shabab with a blow that they will not be able to come from it. I am sure they are working on it. All in all I am embraced.
  7. Galbeedi you are right. Hirshabelle barely exist and it just in name. The few services that exist in the towns come under it, is provided by the TFG and Amisom(security). For example, education, security, healthcare still come under the TFG. Also, why pick a fight with Puntland when Puntland has welcomed this new admin. They could learn a lot from it instead going through whole lot new learning curve.
  8. Salah bro Ha ku farxin dad muslim oo islaynaya runtii waa wax laga xumaado in dadkeenu macnodaro iskulaynayaan. Allah ha kala qaboojiyo. Ameen
  9. These Xildhbaans from Hirshabeel are showing their true tribal colours. Xildhibaan oo xaal qaado. The money for Puntland is coming from the World bank and not from the TFG coffers. it is a money they have assigned for training and paying for the civil service. Puntland had to meet stringent conditions in terms of proper audit trail for existence of these Civil servants and putting in place good framework of financial management. It has been in the pipeline in the last three years and they only partly released it last year.
  10. For Farmaajo to go to Ethopia to demand not to welcome his own regional states is embarrassing and counterproductive. First, most of the regional states bar Somaliland come under the federal constitution and it is simply agreeing a foreign policy conduct that is built in the constitution with the regional states. This behaviour is antagonising the regional states who have already showed that they want to work with the federal government in stabilising the country and establishing strong government institutions. Somali state is not ready to pick fights with neighbouring countries and should prioritise stability and establishing strong national army that can secure our borders. Anything else is habar fadhidaa lagdin la fududaa.
  11. Maakhir, instead of namecalling and insulting a person why don't you critize his policies. Its naive of you to attack him with Fadhi Ku dirir jibes such as his mental issues when you could discuss what your expectations of him were and where his performance came short. If there is a foretell of where Farmaajo euphoria will end look no further than the complaints against Abdiwali Gaas. I think Somali leaders promise a lot and we the people don't question how they are going to fulfill their promises i.e how they are going to pay for their rosy projects. We need to face our delusions of we are blessed with resources.The reality is the country is broke and whatever little there is, it's not enough for the huge obstacles that is facing any leader. Add this to the constant bickering of clans and sub clans over silly posts that any leader has to navigate through.
  12. Gooni Correction: Puntland did not claim strikes so far except low level officer who I heard has been disciplined. No minster or senior officer ever claimed to be orchestrated from Puntland. I think Galmudug was quick to nail the blame on Punland. Wixii dhintay Allah unaxariisto somalidana Allah mideeyo.
  13. Galbeedi, Sxb ha isku daalin ninkaan wuxuu rabo ilaa iyo hada lama yaqaan. Waa uun ismuujin iyo reerkayaga qori waa qaadan karaan ii fiirsha. Reerkiisu haday rabaan xukun meesha ay u maraan waa yaqaaniin. Midna ogoow tani lama mid aha Cade Muuse iyo C/laahi Yusuf. C/laahi termkii baa ka dhamaaday wakhti kororsi aan sharci ahayn buu sameeyay taasaana dagaalka keentay. Dad badan oo reer mudug ahna waxay u arkayeen inuu gardarnaa. Laakiin wiilkaan Galan xukunkii markii laga qaaday buu maleeshiyo reerkiisa aruursaday si uu loo dhaho meel ha la geeyo ama uu gorgortomo. Meesha dhibku ka jirana waa Aruntii muxiyadiin ee reerkiisu khalad ugu hiiliyeen baa uun la kobinayaa. Puntland iyo Soomalyana inta ninka reerkeena qori u qaada gar iyo gardaraba aan u calan wadleyneynio dawladnimo lama gaarayo.
  14. I can't understand how WE of all people can be xenophobes. We travelled far and wide and experienced first hand racism and xenophobia and then at home we take it on poor people? Sheik Dahir is great Sheikh and I can understand his concerns but where is the Daawah of when you see Munkar you stop by whatever way you can rather than calling a deportation of poor largely muslim Oromos? Are we becoming Saudi Arabia that deports people like animals?
  15. ^correction He is quarter Paki as he himself proclaimed. Sadiq is unknown product nevertheless is good for Muslim community who have seen growing islamophobia.
  16. Ma naqaan, adiguse maxaad ugu diidi ma intay yihiin baad taqaan?
  17. Holac, it won't have any effect on Bosaso port for two reasons. Bosaso will always be first choice for the ships and boats to and from middle east due to its proximity to that region. Secondly, Gara'ad port is intended to mainly serve as commercial fishing hub and not export/import. Gara'ad is about 300km from Ethopian border so if the Goldogob custom is opened that means 80 million hungry Amharos to serve fresh fish to.This will increase business activities and prosperity in the region which also have positive impact on Bosaso port.
  18. The problem with Gaas is he promises a lot he can not possibly deliver. I think he was naive to come up with the statement such as "We will not accept 4.5 even if they bring Ban Ki-moon". Being PHD holder with no political experience have something to do with this. Other than that I believe he is very sincere to bring change to Puntland and so far he has delivered great projects, dealt a blow to Alshabab, strengthen security and worked very hard to negotiate new projects for the state.
  19. Xarardheere is controlled by Alshabab for a long time without any one challenging them. Galmudug threatened few times to capture Xarardhere but reality is they are well entrenched there.
  20. Dowlad hub lasiiyo ma joogto. Hubka waxaa ka horeeya inaad ciidan la timaado. Kuwaan AK 47ka gadanaya ma tank bay cafinayaan?
  21. Asad they hit villa Somalia and killed 8 people, 4 from the same family including a policeman who was Omar Abdieadhid's body guard.
  22. As they villa Somalia and killed 8 people, 4 from the same family including a policeman who was Omar Abdieadhid's body guards.
  23. Malistar you remind me of Said Sahafi the former information minster. The American tanks were literally few kilo metres away and he was brieging reporters his side were winning. What NISA you are talking about Alshabab are resurging and getting bolder. Today they fired motors at will to Villa Somalia and eight people including a policeman that worked in the therw got killed.
  24. So what about all other hundreds of suicide bomnbers and Alshabab foot soldiers that caused mayhem and havoc in Mogadishu, where did they come from? which qabiil were they? What about the two men who smuggled and handed the laptop to Borleh? I hear the tall one of the two is from president's clan, so where does he fit in the Somaliland conspiracy? Is not I am defending Somaliland and there might be some truth in it or at least they tolerate Alshabab as long as they are not shooting them. But equally Reer Mogadishu have lot to answer as they produce more Alshabab fighters and colloborators than any other qabiil and I notice when suicide bombers are from them, no mention of qabiil and its just Alshabab factor but one or two Alshabab from somewhere else then the qabiil conspiracy comes in. Why haven't we heard from the people who were behind Lido massacre? Where did they come from?
  25. Lol@Kings sirens kulahaa Wallahi waa iga qosliseen you bloody racists. Guys get your facts right. He is not Reer Boqor but could be related to them from mother side, who knows. Galbeedi, this guy was the governer of Bari for the last five years and was only replaced few months ago by Abdiwali. If it is true that his grievances are legit did they just came about now and did not exist in the last five years. That is why many of his clansmen are not buying his BS and right now he is on the run. I believe some disgruntled former officers are targetting Abdiwali hiding behind sub-clan grievances just becouse he is professor and new comer to the Puntland affairs to get concessions for their own personal gain. Otherwise they wouldn't dare doing sometging like this to Faroole or Abdullah Yusuf. Bosaso and Bari in general are seeing a lot of development including the runway, port refurbishment, and mini-highways. There are a lot of money going into this developments and the most people to benefit whether directly or indirectly are the Reer Baris who own most businesses and the real estate in Bosaso. Why these developnents are going to Bosaso one may ask and not to other areas in Puntland. It is because the importance of Bsaso to the whole of Puntland economy and some one to come and claim the city for his clan is being foolish. Take away the port, the airport, livestock Market and business community from other regions, Bosaso will be inhabitable desert derelict like Berbera.