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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Indeed it is Mashruuc and the Somalis are just spectators of it. This whole Alshabab saga in the South and central Somalia is a joke and not being taken seriously by neither foreigners nor the Somali entitites in those regions. What puzzles me is how are the powerful clans and maamul Gobeleds in South Sentral Somalia who when they are fighting other clans are fierce warriors and all powerful are letting few Alshabab individuals running riot unopposed in the most of the towns and villages in those areas? That would never happen in Puntland, and from experience it hasn't happened. So the only plausibe explanation could be that the people in those areas are in cohoot with Alshabab or there is total indifference between chaos of Alshabab and statehood (dowladnimo).
  2. It is good news but how are they going to be different from all other ones that have been trained by different countries over the last few years that only Allah knows where they have ended up. I don't undestand how soldiers that have been trained in a countries where they have differing training regimes and languages will gel together as one unit? Do the TFG have a programme where they standardise practices for all these brilliant youngmen? I doubt. After this is same government that allows a foreign country to train and control soldiers in their own soil.
  3. Lol wallahi waad Iga qoslisay yaa waye wadanka Indhaha la'a oo aad sheegayso? Gooni sxb, waa runtaa Kuwait baa fund garaysay mashaariicdaa laakiin doodaadu sal ma leh maxaa yeelay waxaad ka hadlaysay Carab, Kuwaitna waa wadan Carab ah oo waliba Khaliij ah. Laakiin mid waa kugu raacsanahay Imaaraat Somalia horay wax uguma qaban marka laga soo tago taburucaad cunto ubadan wax kaloo sheegi karo Somalia kama qaban xitaa Kuwaitu waa hada. Laakiin waa meeshaan lahaa Interestigu ma la han kanaa wax II qabtay Iyo kan baa jeclahay, ee waxa uu noqon karaa keebaa wax kuu dhibi kara, keeba dantu Iskiin baday. Dowlada Khaliij Iyo Somalia danta ka dhaxay waa Allah Iskeen baday. Exportkeena Iyo Importkeenu wuxuu ku xiranyahay Iyaga boqolkiiba 90%. Marka dagada Berbera, Bosado Iyo mida Muqdisho canshuurtu waa Is dhimaysaa adeer Farmajo marka wiilasha boqol uu siiyo ma cirkuu ka keenayaa? Mida aad tiri ma boqolbaa loo waayey askarta, wlal horta hadaba boqol waa la siiyaa waana loo heli karaa laakiin tashiilaadka ciidan u baahanyahay Intaas waa ka badanyahay, Maamulada hada jirana dhaqaale waxay rabaan ku qaban karaan ma jiro wadankeenu waa sabool. Maxaad umalaynaysaa ciidamadii Africa ugu xooga badnaa ee Siyaad bare uburbureen? Daryeel la'aan buu meesha gaarsiisay. Tan dhaqaalaha waa dhici kartaa In ganacsigeenu meelo kale uu badalankarno laakiin Dubai waa International hub oo wadamo badan bay Isku xirtaa saasa keenaysa In Inaan ku xirnaano Iyadoo aad noogu dhoow. Ganacsigu waa xagee baad wax qiimo jaban uga soo IIbsankartaa saa wax saaratid ee ma ahan wadankan baan jeclahay ama necbahay. Tan kale, wax seef la boodnimo loogu badali karo ma jidho ee wax walba wakhti Iyo daganaansho bay ubaahanyihiin.
  4. Horta doodaada waxay ahaan lahaydba waxaa Isku fuuqsaday caydaada aad nin madaxwayne u ah dad Iyo gobolo dhan aad cay Iyo habaar Iskugu dartay. Marka waxaan ku dhihi sidi nin u hadal ha hadlin sidii gabar foodley ah. Hadii cadaalad la samaynayo, dadka Somalia hada madaxda ka ah xataa marka lagu daro Farmaajo waa ninka ugu aftahansan uguna dagan, waxa uu ka hadlayana si quman oo aan aflagaado lahayn uga hadli karo. Laakiin, Somali oo jaahilnimo ks buuxdo waxaan afxumo ha ahayna aqoon buu ka dhashay. Bal hada facebook dadka ra'yiga ka dhiibta fiiri wqofkasta qofbuu caynayaa ama habaarayaa wuxuu ka galabsadayna ma sheegayo. Waan la yaabaa runtii. Dalku wuxuu ladagi la'ayahay dad xunkaa Inagu badan.
  5. Gooni Airportyada Garowe ,Hargaysa iyo Jaamacado hadii ay yihiin guryo meel laga taagay kan Turkigu kuu dhisayna meel qurxoon sidaa tiri dee nin iska doodaya oo waxa uu jecelyahay difaacaya tahay doodaadu qiimo kuma dhisna. Turkey iyo UAE iyo inta kalaba interest la'aan ma aha ee kuwana wax qabadkooda in la inkiro kuwana la yiraahdo waxbay natareen macno masamaynayso. Dawlada ayaa laga rabaa inay interestiga kala duwan isku wado oo strategy la timaado. Tankale, markaan lahaa dowladaha Khaliijka "have strategic importance", macnaheedu ma ahan waan jecelnahay ee waxa weeye dantaadaa ku jirta. Isksba iloow waxtar, ganacsiga Somalia wuxuu ku xiranyahay dowladahaas haday noqoto waxa kaliya aan export garayno oo ah livestock suuqa kaliya waa Khaliijka. Ganacsatadeena ugu waawayn waxay ku xiranyihiin khaliijka. Marka hadii dagaal furan lala galo dowladahaas anagoo awalba la tacaalaynay xagjarnimo ciidmadeenana siin la'a boqol dollar, maxay arintu noqaynaysaa? Sxbyaal oohinta caqliga aan ku dhisnayn aan iska dayno.
  6. Gooni sxb cid walba waa fahansantahay meesha iyo abaalka ay noo galeen Turkidu. Laakiin sidaas ooy tahay hadana Muqdisho kaliya bay ku egyihiin waxtarkoodu waana sax oo waa wadan aan dhaqaale wayn lahayn marka ma wada gaarsiin karaan goboloda oo dhan. Hadalkaaga carab nacayb baa ka muuqda. Laakiin waxaad ogaataa mashaariic badan oo Puntland iyo Somaliland ka hirgalay waxaa fuliyay carab sida Airport Garowe, Makhir University, Muqdishu University, Hargaysa Airport iyo schoolaad tiro badan oo ay carab gacanta ku hayaan ama lacag siiyaan. Sidaas oo kale carab sidii laga rabay yaysan Somalida ugu soo gurman laakiin ilaa iyo burburkii wax way natarayeen. Marka walaaloow Abdiwali wax hada lagu maago oo uu sameeyay ma arko aan ka ahayn Imaaraatkuu tagay.
  7. There is nothing new that Abdiwali said is alarming. He stated how UAE and Somalia's relationship has been historic; and how UAE is important for both Somalia and Puntland due to the fact that it is our greatest trading partner. Which is all true and has been uttered every TFG minster that has opened their mouth. Even to this day, the president is sitting on the the parliment's decision banning DP world. Why? He understands the magnitude of escalating the matter is not in the interest of Somalis. Look, let's be honest if it wasn't Turkey, would Somalia declare to be neutral about gulf crisis? No, No. It wouldn't have made sense if they did. Because Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt have strategic importance for Somalia than little Qatar that hasno historical alliance with us. So now, you should understand the importance of UAE to Puntland is equavalent to the importance of Turkey is to the TFG. If Turkey is given the boot the whole HAG will be up in arms criticing the govermernt, listing the so many projects Turkey is implementing in Mogadishu.
  8. Cadnaan, I don't know how old you are but Dabadholif ma lihin is not good enough. I believe every clan in Somalia could be accused of Dabodhilifnimo and yours are no different. It is about perception. Tillamook, Boowe I only asked a question and I am not in the business of insulting a whole clan just because I disagree with one person. I just wanted the youngman to look himself in the mirror before he slurs a whole community.
  9. ^LoL@sweeping statements there. Now, educate us about the contribution of HAG block to the Somali race?
  10. If I know somali mentality and the current disappointment of Rer Puntland with the professor, the peace loving darling Mr. Gaas, come January 2019 Morgan will be Puntland leader, thanks to Warlord Biixi's aggression.
  11. The PMP training (formerly Saracen) was well before any agreement they made with the TFG and hence Puntland sees it separate from their military training in Mogdishu, hence Puntland urgument is, TFG's minstry of defence ediction does not have effect on the PMP project and they should get on the job. If you listen carefully to Abdiwali he is reassuring the UAE that it is business as usual in Puntland and whatever disagreement they have with the TFG is nothing to do with Puntland. CleverI thought! because somali proverb goes: Sidee xero loo xagtaa ilkana u nabad galaan. He is basically does not want to confront the national government that seems trying to exert its sovereignty, while at same time preserving the Puntland local interest I.e UAE has been good to Puntland in supporting PMP in its hour of need and that should continue
  12. Abdiwali spoke very well and in a balanced way. He clarified things and some fake news that has been circulating in the media, while making sure he does not contradict the central government statements. After all, UAE-Puntland agreement to build and fund PMP is separate from the TFG UAE in Mogadishu, and that is what Somalia suspended not the Puntland deal.
  13. Allah ha u gargaaro but SomalI embassy must evacuate these ladies home. That said, Somali waxaan nahay damiir laawayaal Wallahi. We are the only Muslim nation I know of, where fathers and mothers allow young girls to criss-cross from one continent to another putting them in the harm's way. Our women are vulnerable and suffering everywhere. I still can not forget this story I have been told about Somali women who cross alone into Saudi Arabia via Yemen. They take anti pregnancy tablets with them in case they are raped by Saudi Badeonis who smuggle them into the country, which I have been told is regular thing.
  14. The comments by the separatist supporters is very interesting and familiar: "Thank you for an elaborate report, however, we are not creating a new state that never was, we are restoring a state that once was. The United Nations holds the key to this. Biya and his troops are just wild animals. Sisiku is the Interim President whose legitimacy comes from the English speaking people. Ask to go with the military and you will see the truth for your self" ,Albert Ndze
  15. Thousands Flee Villages in English-speaking Parts of Cameroon BUEA, CAMEROON — Thousands of people are fleeing villages in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon less than a week after President Paul Biya declared war against anglophone separatist groups. Fleeing villagers complain troops are engaging in rape, killings, and harassment, but the military says they are out to defend the population. The number of people traveling along the Kumba Mamfe Road in the English-speaking southwest region of Cameroon has drastically dropped. It is along this road that goods from Nigeria are brought into Cameroon and vice versa. Thirty-two-year-old merchant Takem Ethel said she and her peers suspended business trips between Cameroon and Nigeria after President Biya declared war on separatist groups. "The number of checkpoints are just unbearable," said Ethel. "Since the president announced that he was fighting against terrorists, it is as if he removed his hungry lions called the military from their den. Those who want to be killed can travel. I still have my life ahead, so I will not move." Ongoing violence Violence in the towns of Mamfe and Eyumojock last week claimed the lives of at least six soldiers and a police officer. Eyumojock is also the hometown of Julius Ayuk Tabe, the man who said he is the first president of Ambazonia, the state the separatists say they have created. The government of Cameroon says many fighters were being trained there and across the border in Nigeria. Residents say most youths have escaped to the bushes to flee the heavy presence of the military. Nyeke George Likiye, an independent analyst in southwestern Cameroon, said he has written to the national government to complain about the troops. "They are doing their job in excess proportions," said Likiye. "There are some arrests, some unreasonable arrests that are being done, people are being tortured, people are being beaten. This is not correct." Military denials General Melingui Noma, one of Cameroon's highest-ranking military officers, denied the southwest has been militarized or that soldiers are committing atrocities. The general said he is aware of alleged excesses but insisted the military is there to protect the population. "We know that if we want to overcome this crisis, we have to make sure the population is with us," he said. "How can you go and embarrass and harass people whom you want to take information from? If they cannot give us the correct information, if they cannot tell us the truth of what is happening in the field, you will see that the population will then turn and follow those secessionists." Schools have been closed in most of the English-speaking northwest and southwest since November of last year, when lawyers and teachers called for a strike to stop what they believed was the overbearing use of the French language. Violence erupted when separatists joined in and started asking for complete independence. President Biya has said he is not open to any negotiation on the form of the state and that Cameroon is one country.
  16. Oodweyne , Read this muranka iska daa: Sxb you see wax gacanta loogalinayo Somaliland majirto. Also, SDF is for development and enhancement of public services, and this $25 m is drought prevention and will most likely go through the UN aid agencies same like $25 m given to Puntland 5 /6 years ago by Japan.
  17. Sii soco soo soco game bay fahmeen ragaan. Hada TFG kusoo biirtay , lacagtii Somaliland sicir barar baa kudhacay ,oo waxba ma gooyso. So it is Puntland turn. Let's see how long Puntland can entertain them.
  18. Hehe Sxb show me where they say that or proof of change of policy. This is just a pledge and believe me no penny is going to Somali coffers it will be spent on hotels in Nairobi and useless meetings here and there. Only couples of millions will ever be used for any substantive projects.
  19. This money will go to NGOs. UK does not give direct aid to any entity in Somalia. But support them in certain areas working with the concerned ministries. The Somalis may have a say of how it used but does not manage any of the monies.
  20. Dr Ali seems angry, desperate man , and would say anything to get attention. He has been insulting Ina Gaas and Reer Puntland in the last 5 years without getting no attention. His core supporters left him and SNM under Biixi give him the cold shoulder so he is expected to take his frustration onj president Gaas and Puntland.
  21. LoL ,sxb this is a village of couple of hundreds of people, almost all of them fled so who is he providing social services to?
  22. Hanjabaad and overconfidence seems to be one sided. Bal intaas far waaweyn noogu qora hadhoow yaanan wax kale maqlin. Laakiin, qofkii maanta isleh dhiig muslim ee soomaliyeed baa aqoonsi keenaya bal aan eegno waxa la dhaxlo.
  23. Holac, I am not pulling a joke on you. I believe Abdiwali had shortcomings in the last four years, not least in his over reliance on PMP and PFS foreign funded and administered armies. But in terms of infrastructure development, water supply, rural government services and other basic services he has overdone most of his predecessors. I think he understands his priority, and the need for sustainable developments leads to economic independence and self reliance. Check this article by Horseed. I think it very objective and balanced:
  24. If it was up to me I would cancel the next Puntland presidential election next year. It is pointless choosing between jobless politicians who all they do is stay in Nairobi hotels and call themselves presidential candidates. Abdiwali is doing a good job and needs another five years to complete projects at hand, and establish one man one vote system through political parties . Changing presidents every five years destabilises government's strategic plans, slows economic developments and diverts much needed resources to electioneering.
  25. Galbeedi, Ninyahhow let's for the sake of argument say that what you posted is correct although you provided no reference, so what is the solution? dismantling federalism? Falling back on centralised government perhaps? But Siad Barre's was strong central government, and Ethopia did have big influence then, or not? Remember SSDF, SNM, USC? These were our downfall so you see central system is not a panacea.