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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. Also, forget about marching to Gaalkacyo, the sole reason why you hate Reer Puntland so much is the fact that in 1998, they declared the autonomous region of Puntland, consisting the Hartiland that included parts of the land colonised by Britain. So, if you had any power, marching to Gaalkacyo would have made sense then. Forget marching to Gaalkacyo, your president was chased to the outskirts of Burco and it took you several years later to do something about it, and by then Puntland was busy somewhere else ( Abdullahi Yusuf took 4000 soldiers to Hamar). Marka booto, been iyo nacayb wada idinku bal cidaad ku dishaan aan aragno.
  2. LoL@crazy claims of Qaat induced Jeegaan is amazing. Wallahi if delusion could win, it would be these lot that would win something. Their bitterness of Reer Puntland reached a level where they claim if we had donethis, this would not have happened. Bal why don't you come true of your wishes and march to Gaalkacyo now? Why if we had? Afterall you have strongest army in Horn of Africa, right? So, go ahead and do it now. This SNM thing you so fondly talk about was the most failed armed rebel group in the country. The only thing they ever did was to throw bullets and hide behind women and children , and that was what led to the dictator levellling a whole town to the ground. Caqli xumo iyo fulaynimo wataas. After that they were nowhere to be seen. They only reappeared when the government collapsed in 1991, sameway SSDF reappeared out of nowhere. And by the way if any rebel group weakened the Siyaad, it was SSDF. They had real army that fought government many battles, where as SNM was just a gorrila movement same way as Alshabaab do. USC have ultimately overthrown the government but the Somali army was already weakened, and they used clan sentiment very well. Case in point how they captured Mogadidhu. But credit of overthrowing Siyaad goes to them and not SNM or SSDF, as if they did not overthrow him, today the government would be intact in those areas as they both have been defeated.
  3. How is this massive corruption when it involves one rogue officer that is on the run. The guy falsified Dagabshiil statements and this has been confirmed by Dahabshiil. The minster is well respected.
  4. Kkkk typical Xaaji Xunduf. You are winning everything of course kkkk Why not, if it makes you sleep better at night. If you have been living in delusion for 27 years, it is very hard to face reality. So keep booto and been it will eventually bring recognition.
  5. XaajI ismaqiiq indho adayg adi waad dhamaysay. Hadaad mas liqdo ma liqin baad dhihi. Ten years ago you were sure recognition will be achieved within 3 years. What came of it?
  6. Peace, yeah bro I know Cuqdad infected fella is sick, but I do want him to keep spitting as other option is throwing himself over a bridge and commiting a suicide, he is that ill. Waraa Ducale, with all that shortcomings from Puntland, Reer Sool & Sanaag are overwhelmingly on Puntland side. They came out in every town in their hun dreds and thousand for Puntland ( bal adigu show me even a village where they came out for you). That is where I say they are proud people and no matter how you bribe individuals they will never take seccession and will never bend over for another clan's ambitions. And relationship of Reer Sool and Mohamadans are same as the relationship of Mama Yonis and Habar Love. So you have your own clan issues so does Puntland, but at the end of the day in Somalia blood is thicker than water.
  7. Xaaji Xunduf, if that's true tell your Cuqdad infected fella that they won't "burn their own cities" and everything will be alright.
  8. Kkkkkk walaahi waad xanuunsantahay cuqdad kugu xumaatay baad qabtaa. Kuye Puntland should never existed Laaxawla Walaa Quwata Ilaa Billaah. War ma afkaad ku tiritiri kkkkkkk Reer Sool are proud people who rejected the white imperalist while you were collobarating and conspiring against the Somali people. They are the Darwishes of Talex. They are the people who forced the whiteman to vacate our land, and the reason why Somalia is free today. They don't need Puntland to tell them what to do or use them. Even if Puntland does not have their interest at heart, they know where their interests and their desires lie. That they made it clear to you that they don't want to be part of your crazy seccession abd they don't to have anything to do with you. Therefore, their interests converge with that of Puntland at the moment. I don't think they special love for Puntland. It is simple as like that.
  9. You call it burning their cities someone else would call it fighting to be free. You held that town of few thousand people for more than ten years and you could not convince them your seccessionist ambitions so what basis is there for your to remain there? It is epic failures on your part and Adeer Ooyaaye knows it very well, and that is one of thr reasons he became a peacelover all over sudden. The stooges such as Ina Ambaashe gave him a false hope that LA people are pro Jeegaanland. All they cared about is their $150, 000 that they collected every month. Can you believe Ina Ambaashe, a man who only controls about 600 militias receives that much and the town and people did not see a penny of these?
  10. Duale, altough like you I don't speak for Puntland, I think they will act on their terms not yours, and will strike at a time of their choosing. All the more to give you more restless and sleepless nights
  11. ^That is the message I am getting mate, but these children twist everything that their leaders say. The day he capturedTukaraq he was all strong, and from Muse Ooyaye to Xikmad Yare Faisal were threatening that they will reach Garowe in no time. Now they saw how Puntland is serious about getting back Sool once and for all, all over sudden Muse Booto became a peacelover, Faisal is quiet, their Wasir dibad been calls for the the Internationsl community to interfere and Duq Taani want to speak to Said Dhere to stop the war. That bit is not lost in translation for me.
  12. The colonial borders were cancelled by the union of Italian Somalia and British Somaliland, to form the Somali Republic. That is the only legal entity the world knows and recognises. Any thing else is delusion iyo marqaan.
  13. Galbeedi you are reading too much into this old guy's lamenting. The white English man have already told them off. Puntland have raised the stakes high and told them negotiation can only happen if you get to Labida Gaatama, so the peace that they want now does not fool no one except themselves.
  14. Kkkk XaajI Booto. Ak47 ka shaqeeya Somaliaonline baad wadataa miyaa? Bal ii sheeg maxaa samaynaysaan hadii Piratesku xabad idinku soo tuuraan? Tilaabada aad qaadaysaan maxaa waaye?
  15. LOL you are speaking as if you are Muse Ooyaaye's spokesman. Ma habeenkii baa ku riyotaa waxa caloosha ugu jira? Kkkk Sxb ninkaan wuxuu leeyahay sifiican baan ufahmay garamgaramka Makhiri ee garabka kadhiganaysidna anigu wax waydiinmaayo Taani waa ninkii dagaalkii koowaad markuu dhacay lahaa runtii dagaal aan horay la arkin bay nagu soo qaadeen. Wuu argagaxay maskiinkaan waayeelka ah oo laga inkaar galabsaday. Foreign minsterkiinana waatuu lahaa dagaalkaa Puntland waa ka waynyahay. Mise, he was speaking in codes as well? About your empty threats and bravado, waxaan ku iri if if ka bax hadii aad Garowe tagi lahaydeen hadii aad UN uqaylin lahaydeen diyaargarooba waxna ha la harina. Aniga iyo adiga iyo cuqdadloowga Ducaala ahna halkaan baan ciyaarta ka fiirsan, yaanana lagu waayin.
  16. Hehe Suldaanka you can twist his words all you like, but I see a man who is nervous, scared and knows very well the depth of what to befall on him and his militia. But that is not the surprise, the surprise is his audacity to ask for peace when he is the one who started this war that Puntland did not want and was not ready for. Let's rewind for few months ago when him and his boss in Hargaisa were threatening with bravado and that they will reach Garowe with no time, doubting the Puntland's resolve to defend itself and its territory. Now all the bravado have been replaced by begging for talks, writing to the UN to interfere. Soomaalidaa waxay tiraahdaa nin wayn wadkiis waa yaqaan. If don't get the trouble that they in, as we speak 80 heavily injured youngmen require passports for overseas medical assistance that is not forthcoming, Lasanod has became another frontline, internal rebellion is getting bigger by the day, and all that Puntland has not raised a finger yet.
  17. LOL waxaan maqli jiray : Hashu iyadaa geela qaniinaysa, Iyadaana cabaadaysa. Bal odaygaa wayn indho adaygiisa daya kkkkk
  18. Tankale dil waa dil. Nin dhiig qabana inaad noo amaanto waa diin xumo kaa muuqata. Ninkaa Muusa ah dad buu xaqdaro ku laayay masaakiin markaasaad leedahay way doorteen!!! Xagee reer Borama ku doorteen dooradhada dhan saduuqyo been oo kaarar laga buuciyay vay ahayde? Tankale bal munaafaqadaada hadii maanta Siyaad Bare madaxwayne lagaaga dhigo ka waran oo lagu yiraahdo Soomalidu waa isdili jirtay, reerkiinu mayeeli lahaa? Iskadaa isage Farmaajo waxaad ku haysataan oo colaadinaysaan Siyaad Barre bay isku qabiil yihiin. Cuqdadu halkaad bay idinka maraysaa. Nimanyahoow dib usugu nowda uu muraayada isku fiirsha: Somaliyaan ka go'aynaa waa nala laayay Laakiin anagu waxaan layno waa Somali isdishay Anagu waa go'ikarnaa laakiin nalakama ho'ikaro
  19. Adiga taariikhda waxay kaaga bilaabataa Siyaad Barre. Reerka cadaawad qabiil dartiis intuu gaal soo adeegsaday uu Darawiish kula dagaali jiray waa layaqaan. The footsoldiers daraawish loo adeegsaday idinkuu ahaa. Daraawishna reerka ay ahayd waad taqaan. Boqoradii majeerteen inay Daraawish is dagaaleen wsy jirta laakiin gaal iyagoo udhaqaynaya m ahayn. Marka hadii aad rabtid inaad ogaato cidii ugu horaysay ee Somali gaal u adeegsada waa idinka taariikhdaasna mid aad dafirikartid ma aha. Tankale Abdullahi Yusuf markuu Ethopianka keenayay Madaxwayne Soimaaliyeed buu ahaa isaga iyo dawladiisii baa keenay oo ay ugu horeeyaan Ali Mohamed Guled Raysalwasarihiisi. Marka dowlad baa dowlad u ogolaatay inay ciidamadeeda ka caawiyaan mucaaradkeeda. Marka wax qabiil shuqul kulahaa ma aha laakiin qalbigaaga cuqdadu dishay wax walba qabiilbuu ka arkaa iyo qurun.
  20. Gacantaada markaad wax ku disho miyay ka ajar badan tahay War waxaan muxuu ahaa Khayaaliga dowlad cuqdadaysan wax walba waa laga maqli. War Jeegaan baa xoog ku dooratay IYo qabyaalad ee reer Borama ma dooran qofkaan dadkaas waa dad somali nasab ah. Waxaad ka garanaysaa wax uyaga oo Idin taageersan ma jidho oo waalida dowlada aan jirin
  21. Gacantaada markaad wax ku disho miyay ka ajar badan tahay War waxaan muxuu ahaa Khayaaliga dowlad cuqdadaysan wax walba waa laga maqli. War Jeegaan baa xoog ku dooratay IYo qabyaalad ee reer Borama ma dooran qofkaan dadkaas waa dad somali nasab ah. Waxaad ka garanaysaa wax uyaga oo Idin taageersan ma jidho oo waalida dowlada aan jirin
  22. Aniga waxaan ahaan jiray iyo waxaan ahay mid cuqdad meel la yuurura waydiin maayo. Laakiin adi waxaad ahaan jirtay waa la yaqaan. Markii Gaaladana aan la diriraynay adigu cagahaad naagaha ingiriiska u dhaqi jirtay oo aad xambaaraysay. Waa wax documented ah. Intaas kaliya ma ahee Soomalodaa laguugu soo diri jiray gaal cadaan dabada kuwadata. Maanta oo lajoogo Somali oo cidwalba is dagaashau hadana wax cuqdad ah isku qabin, adigu cuqdad baad la yuururtaa meel wax aad Somali uqabatayna majidho aan ka ahay habaar iyo ku hadashaan wiilka Adis jooga baan ka jeclahay kan xamar ku dhashay. Abdullahi Yusuf aad afka ku hayso kan maanta madaxda idiin ah baa ka xun. Abdullahi at least waa ninka gartay markii u waraaqda u qoray Cigaal war dowlada aan isku darsano oo adigu madaxwayne noqo Somalina aan isku keeno. Hadii uu taladaa qaadan lahaa maanta waxa xaalada Somaluya kusugantahay waa dhaami lahayd, tuulo xuna wiilal yayryar laguma laayeen. Marka waxaad adigu tahay intaadan cidkale ka hadlin.
  23. ^Of course dhiiga iyo dhecaankii reer Borama iyo Reer Mama Yonis buu usoo daadiyay Qabyaalad indha la'a waa taa cuqdadu ku indho tirtay.
  24. Cadnaan & Che, you are missing the point. If youlook the letters exchanged, it is not about who gets more or less, but about making sure aid does not get into the hands of an entity that threatens the peace of the region. The somali government have responsibilty of making sure that one of the two waring regions does not use aid given on its name to attack the other. It is that simple. No one cares if they even withdrew their aid or not.