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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. sxb isdaji cid wax kugu haysata ma leh. Tankale, ma ogtahay oromadi qaarkood inay ku hareen oo heshiis lagalen Somalidii ee markii dambe gaaladee ay dhaheen wax oroma ah kuma harin Jubba Valley "they were completely assimilated". Dadkaas oromada aha inay wali joogan wali qarkoodna Warday sheegto qaarna qabiil kale kudarsamen so ma ogid, qaar gooni utaganyihiin? Marka meeshu waa qabiilo badan lee ku iri. Tankale qabiilo geel lay ah oo kayimid dhinaca Baladwayn oo dagalada ku jirin baa dagan iyagu xataa xaq bay uleeyihiin inay sheegtaan.
  2. Odaygu Alpha Conda his hero ma isa soo arkeen mise?
  3. Haatu, waxba haku dhex wareerin Waamo iyo qabiiladeeda. Hadii qabiil laga hadlayo Kismayo waxaa. xaq u leh Baajjuni inta kale kooyo bay kutimid. Magaalada Kismayu waan ku koray lakin kuma dhalan. Hadii lilaah loohadlyo reerka Ahmed Madoobe iyo Reerka Gedo dadka uguyar bay ahaayeen. Baadiyaha udhoow niman giirgiir la dhaho oo kabacdi Hblock iyo Dblock kala sheegtay baa ubadnaa. OGsku dhinac Xuduuda ayey ubadnaayeen. Marka meeshaan in lakala sheegto maba ahan. Taariikhda Jubba waa documented soo akhriya Somali oo qabiila kala duwan ah baa Oromo iyo Boni ka kacsaday. Hadana waa in la wada dagaa.
  4. Salax are you saying Guinea president has never met Biixi in Guinea? Who is that guy that he is sitting with?
  5. MMA sxb xirsigu waa wax nooga yimid carabta marka eraygana waa eray iyagu ay isticmaalaan. Sida erayga television aan isticmaalno siduu noogu yimid. Eraygu asalkiisu waa "yaxrisu" . Erayo badan baa farcama sida xaaris, xaras, xirsi. Erayga Soomaaliga s ama siin ma wato. Sida xirmo, xarig, xeero, xargo. Anyway, waxaan waxay ubaahantshay Somali linguist expert which I think me and you midna ma aha. Soomaaliga erayo hodan ah buu leeyahay laakiin sida ludaha kale erayotabal caaro ahna wuu leeyahay.
  6. Rising? Apart from this Gunea affair and angry UAE, it was tough times for seccessionist entity. Recognition was not forthcoming, and their prifile weakening as Somalia slowly recovers politically, financially and diplomatically. It is true for Puntland too.
  7. Erayadaa isku hausataan kuligood waa af carabi. Mid waa ilaalo (xirsi) oo loolajeedo shaydaankaa kaa ilaalin. Waa wax quraafaad ku asal leh. Midna waa waraaq "qardaas".
  8. What? Berbera? Are you dreaming? What significance does Berbera has Now? Zero. Your delusion make you see things man. No wonder you have been telling yourselves you are country for 30 years. Your screwed logic of country is Army, finance? No mate. It is also about alliances, interests, importance of having friendly countries on world stage. Why do you thing Saudi Arabia and UAE, went bananas when Somalia declared a neutral position in regards to Qatar saga? They just wanted to show the world that there many countries on their side than they are on Qatar's side.
  9. The irony of their complaint is that they talk about "Somali brotherhood", when in fact they were the ones who sided with Kenya that want to snatch Somali - land. What brotherhood are they talking about? Also, their complaints are misplaced as they know that no Somali government would allow seccession for any entity be North or South. So do they expect Somalia to look away while they go around and seek to divide the country? Kkkkkkk
  10. ^ Somalia is internationally recognised country which is a member and has representatives in the world's international organisations such as UN, AU, Arab league, IGAD. Furthermore, Somalia has friends who might have strategic interest in Somalia so no country would want to have diplomatic fall out with a such country unnecessarily for supporting a small insignificant region of Somalia which does not have any value on world stage as there is no one country in the world that recognises it. Even Western Sahara with its 20 plus countries recognised has more use than Somaliland though Morocco has absolute control over it.
  11. Sxb this Guinea thing is got Kenyan fingerprints all over if you ask me. Kenya is fuming and want to hurt Somalia so they would ask Guinea a non significant poverty stricken country to do what they could not do themselves which is to invvite a regional president as a leader of an independent country. As you said, Somali government should reach out to all African and other countries and remind them to respect Somalia's territorial integrity and recognised borders. They need a diplomatic offensive so as countries respect them, and know the consequences of interfering the internal affairs of Somalia.
  12. In regards to Khayre's, it is clever thing as most of the audience would not know and would not care. They would just admire his grasp of his Somali language for a Xaayoow person from Dayniile. That is unless you are some disgruntled seccessionist hell bent on disliking anything Somali. In regards to Ghana's president, it was dumb thing of him to do especially when he did it in English and it is well spoken in the country by average person.
  13. I don't think they hate him because of his policies or what he did or didn't do per sec. It is just the culture of Somali blood to hate whoever is not your clan or you think not deserving to be in the helm because of their historical squable with your clan. Having said that he needs to reign on his clan who think they own every inch of Jubba and them alone should have the presidency. The target should be to create an atmosphere whereby any one and every one regardless of their clan affiliation have same opportunities to succeed in every aspect of life they want whether politics or business. But if the idea is to dominate other clans, then he will fail as the ones before him failed such as Jubba Valley alliance etc.
  14. Dahireeto don't be so paranoid kkk. I did not say anything to do with Deni but what I am surprised is your sudden, unconditional support for Deni unlike Abdiwali ( or at least you were not so keen on him as you do now). By the way neither do I share subclan with Abdiwali but to the contarary my sub were so anti for clanish reasons. I just saw good on him with his focus on development and making Puntland self-sufficient. Deni have got long way to prove himself and has my support so far but it is too early to make a call.
  15. Dahireeto I love it when my uncle is president ma iska tiraahdid kkkk. Somali dhan waa reerkeena madaxwayne ha noqdo mucaaradaooda iyo taageeradooda.
  16. First of all Dalmar the Audio link does not work. Secondly would you be kind to tell us which minority clan does Caasho's father belong?
  17. Daanyeer haduu wax xoolo leeyahay futadiisu ku daboolanlaha or Maah Maah on those lines. Hadii ciidamo iyo raganimo jirto wiilasha yaryar oo afks duuban ma iska dhiciyaano? Xarardheere which is part of Mudug ( remember indhojeex occupies half of Mudug only) are controlled by Alshabaab, so only God knows where these brave, mighty and numerous Indho Jeex are???? Any one????
  18. Tallaabo adaa sidaad khaniisiin warkood udhagaysanay baadiyoobaye cidkale ha baadiyeen
  19. Tallaabo marka bro believe what you want to believe just do us a favour don't bring those idealogies to the country We divided as we are we can not have religious sectarian on top of what we grappling with already.
  20. Tallaabo bro listen to brother Nouaman and also I would sincerely advise you to seek guidance from Allah as I think you are good hearted but going on a wrong path about this. May Allah guide you and me and the whole Ummah, and prevent us western fitnah.
  21. Tallaabo I clearly read the Quran Alhamdulillah. I would like you to address the specific matter I put to you. The verses that you referred to do not address of the specific questions I asked you. Quran explain everything, but does it tell you how many times we pray a day and how many raka's we pray for example?
  22. So considering you adhere to the five pillars of Islam: Towheed(monotheism), Praying. Fasting, Paying Zakkah, Hajj to Makkah. Now how do you perform the five pillars? For example, the Qur'an does not go into detail of how many times we should pray, how many rak'as each is to be performed. Likewise, the Qur'an does not tell us how much of our wealth we have to pay in Zakkah, how many days we fast and what nullifies our fasting, how we perform the pilgrimage in Makkah and whole lot more that islamic Jurisdiction derives from Hadith you reject.
  23. Holac what made you say that? No balbalaadhi meesha wax aad uwado? Puntland is peaceful except the stand off in Tukaraq, the ecenomy is not booming but is doing OK ( by the way it is not booming anywhere else either). The new president is trying to insert new energy and enthusiasm, but faces a lot of challenges specially how faces Tukaraq issue. So that is why we don't understand where is your question headed.