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Everything posted by Samafal

  1. This business of replacing people must stop. Let people select their own. There are bigger problems than Madoobe. That what Farmajo could not comprehend and concentrated on narrow goals. If he manages taking care of the bigger stuff like annihilating Al Shabab and building strong army, everything else will fall in place.
  2. Khayre surprised me. I was expecting Sharif in his place. For sure money talks.
  3. Hal xaaraaan ah ilmo xalaala ma dhasho!! A man stealing public money to stay in power, have no khayr for Somalis. Waxba ha isku daalin! There is one thing we could agree if you have in Somalia's interest. Say " May Allah guide the Somali MPs to select for us the one that he knows is best for the country and people even if that is not the we support. Come on say that after me, will ya?
  4. Dadkaas ku faanaya xoolaha dadoow baa in laaluush lagu bixiyo baa wadan inay badnaadiyaan laga sugaa!!!! Laa Xawla Walaa Quwata Ilaa Bilaahi.
  5. Even you doubt the credibility of what this guy is telling us kkkkkkkkk. Galbeedi: So many so and so said this and that. Where do these people tell you these stuff? Were you asleep or awake ? Ninyahoow forget about Farmaajo look for another Laandheere doon aad ku xoqxoqato. He is done deal. Latest rumour is that he might drop out tonight. Let us see.
  6. Come on then, help him and get the video kkkkk. Mise you want us to take your word for it kkkk afterall you lot are known to be truthful. Imagine such video existing and it would be all over CBB's facebooks, Tiktoks and they would use it to their advantage given how they hate Dani and the fact that he is one of their main challengers.
  7. I dare you to provide that youtube video. I dare you!
  8. So tell me what these candidates did or said that make them pro Kenyan? These are why the CBB are more dangerous than Al shabab and they must be defeated. You label everyone that is against your immature political manoeuvring with Kenya and blah blah. First of all Kenya is not known to interfere Somalia as Ethopia. Secondly Kenya is weak neighbour and they have reason to fear Somalis than other way round. So your propaganda is very cheap and foolish to say the least. Tomorrow, your hero will be defeated and humiliated and in my opinion he should not be let go easily. He must be trialed and answer all the brutalities he committed against Qalbi Dhagax and the young NISA girl murdered. He must answer about soldiers brutally murdered and buried in CCW's house. He must answer about the silly wars he started in Gedo, Baydhabo and Baladwayne. He must also answer about the opportunities missed in the last five years that could have been used to unite the country and stabilised. He must never be allowed to stand for office ever again.
  9. If someone is Kenyan agent is Farmaajo by your definition and twisted logic. While Somali government was taking the sea border dispute to the international court, he made his campaign headquarter in Nairobi. Many people believe Al Shabaab work for foreign agents. Anigu I am starting to believe that CBB are funded by a foreign secret service to undermine Somali stability.
  10. It is not only Khayre, all of them are talking about it to seduce the 60 something parliamentarians that hail from Somaliland. On another note though, 16 of these candidates hail from Unuka clan. 16@$40,000 is $600, 000 dollars!!!! Imagine how many schools would that build in Kaaraan, Adale, Balcad and all the poverty stricken villages around Mogadishu??? Imagine how many clinics that money could support?? What a waste. And most of them except 2 or 3 do not even stand a chance of going to the second round.
  11. That is right. And also the killings of the Cadaan missionaries by allegedly Godane before escaped to the South and founded Al Shabab.
  12. Good propaganda by Cadaan. Kulahaa no single terrorist for 30 years, that is not right.
  13. Is there a country in the world where they have new presidents every 4/5 years? Everything does not have to be copy & paste.
  14. LOL. Wax kasta la iska sheegaa afkaa furan camal. It is smart move from Sharifka. Anyways, he is young and have a good future so serving in the parliament suits him well instead of wandering in capitals of foreign countries.
  15. Saaka he did not get the CBB memo: "Fraudsters are us. We got the cards from Abdalla Shideeye market".
  16. Kkkkk This is the cult like culture I am talking about they can not tolerate someone with different views than them. For your information, I am same Qabill as Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and at some point in the beginning of his presidency I was an ardent supporter of his. So was I Qabiiliste then or now?
  17. So all 16 of them are from Kenya and not real Somalis? And you wonder why your wicked cult are staring at a crushing defeat.
  18. If Somalia's hopes and aspirations depend on N&N and their CBB cult, may God help the nation. But I am certain that is not the case. The national army and flag are for all of us and the fake nationalism that we have seen will not be missed. Inshaa Allah the national army will liberate the poor Somalis that are being enslaved by Al shabab. If that happens one man one vote elections will be held and the country will be in peace with itself and neighbours. And we will all going to sing: Dhagdheer Dhimatoo dhulkii Nabadyeey!
  19. CBB project should be renamed: Sore Losers United .
  20. Same thing were alleged to have happened in parliament 10 and the ones before, and there is no way we can prove anything. I hate basing my judgement on hear-says without concrete evidence. Our sore CBB can show outrage all they want but the fact is you have been defeated. Hopefully we will not miss your insults, lies and fake nationalism I say: Good riddance.
  21. How do you know they are buying votes? They could simply persuading her to back their candidate instead of the N&N one.
  22. There is no slightest chance of Farmajo being part of any deal. Have you listened to Saransoor's concession speech? I have never seen a candidate so blunt in pointing out who his supporters need to back up in the next round. Farmajo have infuriated a lot them MPs yesterday. Besides, I don't think he will put himself forward any more. Like the Mursal guy he may sense that the game is up for him and save humiliation of sitting next to his biggest foes. Now the question is where do his 90 something votes will go. There are two camps. The South West camp and the NISA camp. The South West will be all for grabs, and Sharif or Hassan Culusow or even Dani may take some of their votes. The NISA camp are unpredictable and I think they would prefer Khayre over Sharif and Hassan. There is a bad blood between them and Unuka crew.
  23. Did Xasan Abdinoor lost 10 votes from the first round in the second round ?? That must be first time that happened kkkk.
  24. Do you really think he is on the right track on anything?