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Posts posted by Samafal

  1. Two big mistakes of Hassan which had not been well thought through: seeking lifting embargo and joining East African Community.

    Lifting embargo has created clans seeking to import arms illegally and through unscrupulous countries like Ethopia and Yemen.

    Joining the EAC at this momemnt of time was wrong because Somali's social and economic realities are not equal or close to those countries. The only thing that happened so far is that Somalia's middle class are removing their businesses and their families from Somalia to countries like Kenya with their hard currency and that also means there is less money in circulation in the country increasing poverty and economic hardship. With them also goes the younger generation who are pivotal to any country's development. 

  2. On 9/15/2024 at 11:15 PM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Somali maha  ninkani , Hooyadi ba reer budhlayn aah gaar ahaan reer bosaaso  laakin abihi wuxu ka so jeeda  Ereteriya wa wax dhab ah oo jiira,   Somaliduna  waxay ku abtirsadan abayaashood eeh slaamaha lugu ma abtirsado

    From what I remember Sheikh Mohamed Edris's father is not Eriterian, he is Oromo that lived in Somalia. You are confusing him with Sheikh Salah from Sweden.

  3. 14 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Well I have always supported the freedom of Somali people from Ethiopia really since the people were never given self determination as man who his him self from the hawd and reserve area in moholin and daroor I know the harsh predicament specially during my teen age years how it was  the Ethiopians always saw our region as a place just a territory. With out its people  they want the land but not our people 

    This is Xunjuf when he did not chew for days😂

    on serious note though, imagine the same Amhara that mistreated you that way getting access naval access and becoming stronger than ever??? How would they treat you then? Just imagine!!!

  4. Odaygu waa ka dhacsanyhay and the reason ilmo Ismail will not do well in politics.

    In politics it said, there are no permanent friends and enemies but just interests. Egypt are here beacuse of their own interests not because they love Somalia and want to defend it. 

    I would not advise any foreign troops on Somalia soil at the moment though because that will adversely affect building a credible Somali National Force due to always relying on foreigners forces.

  5. On 9/11/2024 at 3:43 AM, galbeedi said:

    Iliria, even Trump said he want to be a dictator for one day.

    Aren't we all tired of the shenanigans of Mogadishu and everywhere else. The Great Darwiish came to Berbera at the end of 19th century " Isagoo baakoorad laad laadinaya" and within few years created the movement that fought the British, we had the first president rule with grace and left with honor, we had Sharmaarke say " We will vote with one hand and fight with other" rather than postpone the election during the war of 1964. Cabirasaaq was the most competent premier, the Kacaan lifted the nation, wrote the Somali language, expanded education by reaching 75% literacy and earning UNESCO award. Despite the evil rebels of Mengistu, " Dawladii Soomaaliyeed waxa ay ahayd Geed weyn oo lawada Hadhsanayey".

    Even C/laahi Yusuf slept in makeshift house , brought his own guard and managed with less than $ 30 million dollars. 

    Now we get these corrupt and weak men who fly around the world and couldn't achieve anything tangible for their term. They got 40,000 soldiers and 1 billion dollar budget , yet could,'t reach Afgooye.

    Do you think we will debate with C/laahi Dani and Ina Cabidishakur, and entertain the weak secessionists? No , will will march when we get the gavel in our hand. Any decent Somali could do better and manage these few towns despite Al-shbaab. 

    Sir, with all due respect you do not have what it takes  to be a leader from your mere statement above :)

    You just proved to be another Somali madman who if they get couple of hundred men with ak47s and couple of technicals think they own the world. You would be following the same old tried and tired strategies of using the barrel of the gun and force. Somalia needs a statesmanlike who can unite the country and does not have any other alterior motives.

  6. On 9/12/2024 at 1:38 AM, Che -Guevara said:

    Somalia is useless. HSM is more interested in unseating Laftagareen and bringing everyone under his thumb. 

    He learned that from your beloved Farmajo, didn't he? 😂😂

    We cannot second guess what HSM intetions are but his actions of defending Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity are commendable in my opinion and must be supported without ifs or buts.

    We must criticize him for his failures such as not seeking unity at this crucial time for fear of compromising his re-election plans.  Somali leaders are mentallty disabled by re-election. It is centre of all their disputes. For example, Farmaajo's strategy was to sideline Puntland and take the South by force or coercion. He succeeded that at some extent but when it came to it the plan did not work. HSM using same strategy and from begining he sought to sideline Puntland and dominate South by force or coercion. It will not work and it is already crumbling with Laftagareen siding with the enemy for his own personal re-election strategy. Insanity is the of doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different result!!


  7. On 9/5/2024 at 7:36 PM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:


    Where does he mention Siad Barre? Kkk odayga rubuc qarniga mootan waad ku saladhaan.


    Abtigiis can say and do whatever he wants but he knows deep down when shit happens the great majority of the population will always be Somalis.

    It is same for the Laftagareen and who ever thinks the Melez Zenawis's1990s divide and rule of Somalis will work. Most Somali bar the seccssionists will fall behind their government however they oppose HSM. And also Ethopia of today is not Ethopia of yesterday.

  8. 6 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said:

    horta ninka hadlayay ma taqaan, Prof Hasan Sheikh Mohamuud waa nin ab9aal ah, ma ahan puntland ama MJ. Hadii uu runta sheegay oo uu yiri puntland waxaa loo dhisay in ay is dhisto soomaliyana dhisto, maxaad uga xuntahay oo aad u qaadan wayday oo aad faan uga dhigtay. Dhisidaad khalad u qaadatay, mid dhaqaale ma ahan, waa mid siyaasadeed.


    Deni siyaasada somalia ma personlsie gareen, Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud, Axmed Madoobe, Hamsa, Farmaajo dhamaantood wuu ka saxsanaa Ddeni waxayna isku qabteen danta soomaliya, taariikhdaana xusi doonta Deni.

    This person that you are responding to has long term contemp for anything Puntland. Mindhaa islaan aayadiis ah oo reer Puntland ah baa soo korisay. You will never see him say anything positive in any Puntland developments but to th contarary wuu ku xajiimoodaa magacaba. Marka warka ha iskaga dhameen. Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa caanahaaga dhame baa caydaada yaqaan. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Faanka badan iska yaree. It is just another dusty deegaan, even more dusty than the rest. Waxa yar laga dhisay Gatoowe iyo Boosaaso, including garoomada, hay'addo iyo deeq lagu dhisay. They are still using jidadkee dowladii Kacaanka dhistay isku xiro degmooyinka, plus that Boosaaso dekad dowladii Kacaanka dhistay.

    Back to Deni wajimacbuus: Xasan waxaa soo saartay Deni iyo xulufadiisa. Iyagaa ugu shubay codadkooda, pleasing Imaaraadka. He knew Xasan, this Xasan is the same one he worked with in 2013-2017. Marka he deserves whatever Xasan is giving him.

    But with all it's dustiness it has never been the curse of Somalia where famine, Tuugsi and displacement of millions happens every few years. Even more with all it's dustiness it hosts thousands of your lot who live and so happy to live in it's IDPs. So before you talk you need to know where you are from.

  10. Don't write Deni off yet. He has a good chance.

    He has the support of most of Mudug, Sanaag and Bari. SSC is hit and miss and would expect to get a big chunk of them. I don't think any Garowe constituent would assume presidency this year. The closest they would get is if Juxa leaves his minstry position and became a candidate. He is the only viable option to Dani and many people would find him acceptable.

  11. If anything this shows the irrelevance of these odayaal that lived 1000 years ago. Both scientifically and religiously any blood relation that many years ago  cannot exist and it is time Somalis leave this useless tribalism. For example, East Burco Clan and Sool clan are more closer to each other in terms of blood relationship than they are with Marehan & Gabiley Clan, it is a fact Somali tribalism ignore. If advanced DNA could tell I am sure Sool clan and Marehan would have near zero blood relationship or just DNA shared by most Somalis so are the Gabiley Clan & East Burco Clan. This is true for many clans in Somalia who have been fighting for centuries over stupid reasons.

    • Thanks 1

  12. 5 hours ago, Tillamook said:

    Good speech by the president and a very welcome move for the public who need to finally be able to choose their own representatives in parliament.

    Now all we need are viable and representative political parties that will actually give Deni a run for his money and that will challenge on the rules of the election.

    The article below raises good questions that Deni needs to be held accountable for if we are to ensure a free and fair election takes place on January 8th, 2024.

    Madaxweyne Deni TARTAN caynkee ah ayuu u diyaar yahay?

    Khudbaddii munaasabadda kowda Ogoosto Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu ku dhawaaqey in uu tartan diyaar u yahay doorashada 2024 xiligeedi ku qabanaayo taas oo lagu gelaayo nidaamka xisbiyada, shacabku soo dooranayaan Madaxweynaha iyo Xildhibaanada, haddaba su’aasha is weydiinta mudan ayaa ah muddo 150 maalmood ah laba doorasho oo is barkan ama la isku sidkey malagu qaban karaa? maxaa u diyaarsan doorashada? maxaa ku kalifey madaxweyne Deni in uu hadda yiraahdo hala ila tartamo.

    Ugu horreyn Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni waxa uu lee yahay taariikh xusuus mudan taas oo ahayd sida uu u maareeyey doorashadii Xildhibaanada federaalka oo dhamaantood uu ku qaatey dambiil si uu uga qaybgalo TARTAN ka dhacaayey magaalada Muqdisho taas oo calaamad u ahayd dimoqraadiyadda waxa uu ka aaminsan yahay, taasi waxay muujineysaa in TARTANKA uu isu diyaariyo sahaydiisana diyaarsado.

    Madaxweyne Deni waxa uu xariif ku yahay in uu jeexdo halka uu maraayo muddo dheer ayuu ka si shaqeeyaa, waxaa u soo baxdey si uu shanta sano ee soo socda ugu guuleysto mar kale in uu ku soo noqdo xafiiska Madaxweynaha, ugu horreyn waxa uu meesha ka saarey shuruucdii iyo dastuurkii bulshadu ku heshiisey waxaa loo beddalay dhamaan qodobadii caqabadda ku noqon karey damaciisa, waxaana uu gacanta ku dhigey awoodii oo dhan.


    Madaxweyne Deni si uu meesha uga saaro saddex xisbi oo ay dhici karto in labo kamid ah noqdaan mucaarad, waxa uu la yimid xisbiyo badan oo qaarkood ka helin doorashooyinkii 10 cod, Xisbiyada loo jebiyey dastuurka iyo shuruucda in badan oo ka mid ah kama tartamin 60% magaalooyinka Puntland, sababta ugu weyn ayaa ah sidii saameyn loogu yeelan lahaa dhismaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka ee Puntland ee loo yaqaan PEC. Maanta waxa uu naawilayaa in 14 ka xubnood oo guddi doorasho ah u ku yeelan karo ugu yaraan 11 ilaa 12 xubnood, 3 ka imaanaya golaha wakiilada, 4 uu Madaxweynuhu magacaabayo iyo qaar kale oo xisbiyada uu abaalka u dhigtey ay soo magacaabayaan kuwaas oo aan haysan codka dadweynaha.


    Maxkamadda sare iyo tan dastuuriga ah waa halka iska leh go’aanka u danbeeya, waxaa cad in uu meel dhigtey oo aysan ka hor imaan karin damaciisa, waxaana lagu ogaan doonaa sida ay ka yeelaan ku tumashada dastuurka iyo shuruucda kale ee ururada qaarkood u gudbiyeen sida ay ku dhameeyaan iyo jawaabta ay bixiyaan.


    Si loo xaqiijiyo riyada dib u doorashada Madaxweyne Deni waxaa la beddalay qodob dastuuri ah kaas oo dhigaayey in nidaamka Puntland uu yahay baarlamaani, ama baarlamaan la soo doorto in ay doortaan Madaxweynaha, waxaa lagu dhaqmaayey tan iyo sanadkii 1960, haddii nidaamkaas laga guuraayo waxay u baahan tahay shuruuc adag, dadweyne leh aqoonsi ee aan doorasho keliya loo diiwaan gelin, si loo yaqaano muwaadinka dhabta ah ee doorashada ka qaybgeli kara, waa nidaamka kelitaliyaasha Afrika ay doorashooyinka ku boobaan, dal aan shruuc adag lahayn, hubkuna baahsan yahay.

    Wakhtigan aan qoraalkan qoreyno Madaxweyne Deni waxa uu gacanta ku hayaa sharcigii doorashada Madaxweynaha iyo sharcigii Golaha Wakiilada ee Puntland, waa dawaarle ama kharkhaanle shaatigiisi tolanaya, mana jirto cid wax laga weydiiyey iyo Xisbiyo lagala tashtey, waxaa lagu wadaa maalmaha soo socda in Baarlamaanka loo gudbiyo si ay laxanka ansixinta u saaraan.

    Markii ay gacanta kuugu jiraan Xisbiyadii siyaasadda oo aysan jirin mucaarad xisbiyo ah, markii aad haysato aqlabiyadda guddiga doorashada ugu yaraan 90%, markii ay gacanta kuugu jirto maxkamddi sare ee kuu sharciyeyn lahayd waxaad rabto, markii aad adigu soo qoratey sharcigii doorashada lagu gelaayey, maxay tahay sababta aad TARTANKA uga cabsataa, taas waxaa u dheer, ma jiro ciidamo Boolis ah oo doorashooyinka awood u leh in ay ilaaliyaan, waxaana arintaas lagu bartey doorashadii goloyaasha deegaanka ee 30 degmo, waxa ilaalinaayey Ciidamada Badda ee Imaaraadka carabtu dhiseen ee loo yaqaan PMPF, kuwaas oo dastuuriyan meelna ka soo gelin in ay doorashooyinka ilaaliyaan, cidankaas oo xiriir dhaw la leh Madaxweynaha.

    Intaas oo dhan markii ay gacanta kuugu jirto, sow tartan diyaar uma tihid?

    Qore: Ismaacil Xaaji Siciid


    Khudbaddii munaasabadda kowda Ogoosto Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu ku dhawaaqey in uu tartan diyaar u yahay...


    The author is misinformed or deliberately economical with the truth. First of all not all the political parties are in his pocket. Sincad and Mideeye bitterly despise Said Dani. Horseed of Faroole are with the armed rebellion in Garowe. The other 4 don't seem to want to give him a blank check. They have their own political agenda and demands.   He is also implies that the parliamentary system is better than direct vote of the president by the people because people are not well educated to make informed decision. I am sorry to say that I would have the people than bunch of corruptible hardly educated men. They are usually used and abused by the president of the day and are teeth-less without his blessings. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Corruption among Somali regional governments is universal. The problem with the secessionists is they brag while swimming in the same filth.

    The only successful projects are done by foreign companies and the private sector. No one should trust any Somali government to see a through a project.

    The problem is there is no accountability in their systems and it is deliberate so that they manage things how they want it. 

  14. 27 minutes ago, baala xoofto said:


    I thought you were going to remove Somaliland Army from Goojacade? Reality has sunk in. After two months of attacks, Somaliland has not even felt any. In fact, ciyaalka Shaqo-Qaran are getting live training lessons with the ragtag melitia

    Mr. Andre is being pressured by Ilhan Omar. Nothing more and nothing less. 

    President Biihi doesn't take orders from anyone.

    But it was only yesterday you published a press release asking for help against the SSC forces kkkkk. The ambassador is just responding to your request and telling you to freak off.  

  15. 14 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    Anticipating an Attack, the terror cells build sand barriers in the urban and residential areas of Laascaanood.

    A lot of folks on this forum bought the dream that the ragtag melitia had the ability to go into Gooja Cadde. 

    Googarada hoosteeda inay ragga ka soo toogtaan ayay doonayan. Kolka islaanta iyo caruurta iyo terroriska madfac lagu dilo bari ku ooyaan "Laascaanood Genocide". 





    Reference please. This is most likely Mogadishu years ago. You are trying to find consolation from lying.

    Your militia is hiding in the rabbit holes of Goojacade for months and run in there every time you are beaten so why wouldn't they have their own trenches anyway? Come out of the holes and fight in the open and then criticise them for fortifying their defences which I believe they should have done it anyway.

    It is been four days now and you are still doing I believe after what happened to your militias on Monday, this so called military strategy is mere tactics to buy time so you can organise whatever left of your soldiers ad equipment. I hear Bixi have asked clans to join the war so much of bravado being a country. But what could they help him in the short-time especially when many clans do not want to fight  with people who are fighting in their own yard. 

    Families are worried for their relatives fighting in Lasanod. Deep down they don't believe in this war and don't want their fathers, mothers and children dying for a cause they don't believe in.


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  16. 7 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    A Puntland source covering the Garaads calling for cease fire now.

    The elders from Hamar requested a temporary ceasefire until they could talk to the other side same way the Ethiopians requested a temporary ceasefire to look for a solution to this war. But what they would not accept is talking to Muse Bihi and anyone sent by him until his militia withdraws to Oog.

    The ball is on your corner to make your threats of attacks true or accept these Hamar elders' demands to ceasefire and ultimately withdraw to your tribal border.