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About Samafal

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  1. Lafta lafta kkkkkkkk Just watch there is no name calling like he does for Dani, Madoobe, Abirahman Abdishakur or HSM. It is like he is referring to one of his mates. Allah qabyaalad ciyaal macne maleh gashay xumaa!!!! Where are the NN crews, they use to call this guy a nationalist but look at him bootlicking Amxaaro, Subxaana Allah.
  2. I hear the girl who conducted the interviews was jailed and later freed by Cirro admin. Wonder why? I think he felt it was ammunition for Puntland to use as a proof for SL's support for Daacish and Alshabab.
  3. The country needs skilled foreigners in the sectors such as engineering, health and education but they should be properly vetted before entering the country. The fact that foreigners want to come and work in Somalia shows the country has great potential to achieve economic development.
  4. So just because some idiots behind a screen God knows if they are real wrote some stupid words, you are going to deny their human right and your Islamic brotherhood responsibility?
  5. Waxaagu wishy washy waaye iyo halagaa sheego. Markii aan uhadlo waqooyi koonfur baa hersaysaa. I am adddressing real problems that exist and putting forward solutions, you don't to have to agree with me but you need to debate with respect young man. Mida kale if you are not loyal to Puntland cause, then what is the whole point of Puntland, we might as well embrace centralism. I would 100% favour complete centralsim than chaotic tribal fiefdom whereby every small clan is waving some discoloured flag. It is not only Sanaag, it is happening in Raadcasayr and Goldogob a mere town with less than 30k population.
  6. Sxb horta I have not seen any questions he has raised. All I have seen is empty criticsm and I have all the right to ask him what he was actually accusing him of. I am not here to defend Deni nor do I believe giving leaders a blank check albeit Somali ones. But that does not mean anyone whether a supporter or opposition cannot be scrutinized and their statements and stances questioned. In regards to the missteps or mishaps you mentioned I am not disputing or confirming though I am in touch with people on the ground. However, neither me nor you are military strategist or specialist in the mountaineous rough terrain warfare, but my little brain tells me such terrain will always cause heavy casaulties if you really wanted to flush them out. So if you and Makhir are coming all guns blazing, bringing forth Dani's blunders everytime there are some Puntland casualties on the battlefield, brace yourselves because if we really want to be victorious we will have to commit solidiers out in the open and fight. Otherwise, years down the line we will be talking about why something has not been done. Also, it is not possible you kill more than 200 soldiers, capture 250 k square km and you hardly suffer any casulties. Americans with all their military gear could not face Taliban in Torah Borah mountains and mainly relied on bombing from sky and footsoldiers of Northern Alliance. Why? Because they knew there will be heavy casualties. By the way I am not questioning Makhir's Puntland credentials though I am always perplexed the halfhearted commitment and loyalty demonstrated by some from Sanaag community who entertain themselves ever elusive glorious regional state called "Makhir". If you are part of something you commit to it and throw all your weight behind that cause. Rather all I ever see is moaning from sidelines and acting if you are just honored guests. Didn't Ilka Jiir nearly win Puntland presidency and lost by small margin? Why then cause confusion and seek division with non existent entity that never materialise? Sanaag traditional leaders signed the Puntland creation as all the other tradional elders from Mudug, Bar, Nugal and SSC and I think it is about time they take their position as fully fledged part of the union and leadership.
  7. Yet this region along with Bay & Bakol produced one of the worst droughts Somalia have ever seen that has reduced Somali name one which is synonymous with hunger. Why?
  8. Far from it, I am not one of those who attend such parties. But if you are criticizing Dani, you can criticize him for anything but not how he managed this war. The preparation for this offensive started a year ago making sure all the soldiers were well trained and paid. He put together all the logistics that they could need and available. Also, he managed well how he rallied different clans and showed leadership by temporarily moving the government seat to Bosaso. At the moment he has the highest popularity rating he ever had. From corner to corner people are showing unity and solidierity for the ciidanka. Marka waxaan ku waydiiyay meeshaad wax ka aragtay bas? I know Daacish should have been finished in 2016 when they captured Qandala under Abdiwali Gas's weak leadership. But Puntland had other challenges such as the Tukaraq war, Galmudug war and it is around that time Daacish establish foothold in Bari region. Puntland was fighting many fronts: Somaliland, Galmudug, Alshabab in Galgala and then Daacish with so little resources.
  9. ^Lol waa saad jeclaanlahayd. Puntland has the upperhand. The PDF have killed 200 to 300 of them and wounded many more. The estimated number of these Daacish are about 700 to 1000 men. As we speak most of them are holed up in small strip of mountaineos caves. Their food and water are scarce and in the next few days will run out. They will either be forced to surrender or massacred. Watch this space. Maakhir, what are you exactly blaming Dani for? Ma labo wiil oo reerkiina ah baa ku dhintay marka strategy is wrong?? Meesha badar lama cunayo waa la dhimanayaa calaalka jooji.
  10. Waliga ma maqashay: Waan soconwaayaye aan ordo". Sodoo kale Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa: "Tiisa daryeelaa mid kale kudara". Sudan iyadaava ciidankeedii wali dhisanyihiin maxay Somalia oo ciidan ladheego jirin.