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Posts posted by ummtaymiyyah

  1. Ok..let me get this stright you didnt marry the guy, got pregnant by him once and then again.. :eek:


    Right i dont even have anything to say if your a somalia and a muslim seriously you make me sick :mad:

  2. ^^


    Make sure you use up all his money so that he cant get a second wife..j/k


    I would think a marriage contract is like a pre-nup Allaaalim..If you and him agree to that then you can put it in there..But you cant make what has been halaal to him Haraam

  3. ^^Allaah Ta'aala created Men to be attracted to Women another reason they cant be friends..No it doesnt mean that they all have to date but whispers of shaytaan come around you suddenly start find your 'close' guyfriend attractive vice versa!

  4. intro i'm new..


    Well sis i believe a guy and girl cannot be friends cause there is a major hadith for that to prove my statement..The Prophet(S) said when a guy and girl are only shaytaan is three..meaning there will be cause for fitnah if i were you i would quit free mixing with the other sex and stick with girls as friends JMO