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Everything posted by Xidigo
Originally posted by Nephthys: Wow! A woman who wants a child without all the male jug-jug that goes with it! Goodluck with that. lool Bishaaroow wax baa kuu dhiman
^ Adeerkaa iyo ilaaliyayaashiis maxaad uga reebtay? Inay ugu horeeyaan ayay aheyd.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tsunami: [QB Xidigo I mean tell me who you are? I feel we are from the same village. I know you are not serious about the Is-cadde business, in its other sense. [/QB] Lool Waxaan is lahaa inankan halkuu fariidnimada intaa le'eg ka keenay , war ilayn tuuladii fariidada ayaad ka timid. :cool:
LOOOL@Dayuus, kelimadaa ma maqlin in a long time.
^ Ala, ma Haneefaad is cadee ku leedahay oo miyay madow dahay?
Somali children in malnutrition rise sharply over past six months 2008-07-26 10:55:51 Print UNITED NATIONS, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Somali children suffering malnutrition have increased by 11 percent over the past six months, to reach nearly 180,000, according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The internally displaced persons (IDP) concentration areas are among the most at risk of malnutrition, according to UNICEF. The prolonged conflict and civil insecurity in Mogadishu and its surrounding areas have led to an influx of displaced people into temporary settlements across the country. Afgoye hosts one of the biggest IDP settlements with a population exceeding 300,000 people. Analyses indicate that the nutrition situation in Afgoye is critical, and is further complicated by limited access because of the security situation. Northern parts of Somalia are also hit hard by the deteriorating nutrition conditions, worsened by skyrocketing food prices and the devaluation of the Somali shilling. The urban poor and displaced are the most vulnerable populations, with thousands of families from the conflict-affected south forced to seek temporary refuge in the northern parts of the country. Starting in August and throughout the remainder of the year, UNICEF and partners will provide rations of 10 kilo of UNIMIX a month per child to about 7,500 under-five children in Bossaso IDP camps, as well as to children in Garowe and Galkayo camps, combined with a therapeutic feeding program for severely malnourished children. "So far we have been lucky to be strongly backed by our donors. However, with the recent increase in malnutrition rates and the need for accelerated humanitarian assistance, more funds are required for us to continue and expand our programs effectively," said Christian Balslev-Olesen, UNICEF Representative to Somalia. Editor: Jiang Yuxia web page
Soomaali Fara badan oo ku geeritay xeebaha u dhexeeya Libiya iyo Talyaaniga. (Updated:-Thu.24.July.2008) Doonidani ay saarnaayeen muhaajiriinta Soomaalida ah ayaa waxaa ay ka shiraacatay Xeebaha Dalka Libya 20 bishan taasi oo ku sii jeeday dalka Talyaaniga. Tahriibayaashani oo intooda badani ka cararay dagaalada ka taagan dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ay naftooda ugu biimeeyeen saxaraha isku xira wadamada Sudan iyo Libya iyo weliba Badweynta u dhexeeysa Wadamada Libiya iyo Talyaaniga halkaasi oo ay ka raadinayaan nolol dhaanta tan ay uga carareen dalkoodii hooyo. Dadkani Soomaalida ah ee ay doonida kula degtay Bada u dhexeeysa wadamada Libya iyo Italy ayaa waxaa tiro ahaan lagu qiyaasay in ay gaarayeen 35 qofood oo isugu jiray haween iyo Rag oo dhamaantooda u badnaa dhalinyaro. Weli wax war ah kama soo bixin dowlada KMG Soomaaliya oo ku aadan dhibaatooyinka Ay dhalinyarda kala kulmaan biyaha wadamada Libiya iyo Italy iyo weliba Xeebaha u dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Yemen maadaama ay masuuliyada Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay saaran tahay Dowladaasi. Ma’ahan markii ugu horeeysay ee muhaajiriin Soomaali ah ay ku nafwaayaan badaha u dhexeeya libiya iyo Talyaaniga waxaana bishan oo kaliya lagu weysan yahay dada gaaraya 150 ruux oo Soomaali ah kadib markii ay la quustay doonidii ay saarnaayeen dadkaasi. Source Shabell source"]http://boramanews.com/642319.htm]source[/url][/url]
loool@qasabad jabtay. That should be a warning to those Solers who may tell him about their personal business.Their story may end up here. Is he talking about the verical veins?
If I could be anywere at this moment , I'd be in sogsoglay iyo salaxley iyo libaaxley, subulaha harawiyo, Samow Boorama. :cool:
Radovan Kradzic arrested! Now lets get Gen. Morgan!
Xidigo replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Dabshid: Afweyne , Gabyow , Gaani and Morgan? where are the rest? All war criminals must face justice! Please do not forget to add SNM gang. Infact, they should be on top of the list. :mad: -
Originally posted by Gediid: ^^^^U make sh!t up faster than anyone I know.AW DAL kulahaa waar 1986 ayaa AW DAL aabo siyaad sameeyey from carving up waqooyi galbeed.I guess since aad magaca soo sameysey kan ku darso markaas.Abu Aw Dal(Waqooyi galbeed) 1986? What? You must be kiding me. Bal hada dib wax ugu noqo oo soo baadh the name of that region. Siyaad bare ma uusan bixin magaca e Waqooyi galbeed ayuu ka jarey gobol ahaan 1986. Edit, Is that how much you know about somalia and Awdal's history? Were you born yesterday?
Tell her like its yaa Che Originally posted by Gediid: Xidigo The clan from Hargeysa,supporters of the snm back in the day....Now can U try to answer the question please Aboowe clan clan ha lahaane anagu waxaan rabnaa Soomaalia to be one. Ma fahmi intaa. U ducee in Somalia nabadi ka dhalato oo aan Xamar ilaa Lawya cado dhex mushaaxno inagoo xarago besteen ah.
^^@ Dabshid Xiinoow, Dameeri dhaan raacdey ha noqon waad sax saneyd markii horee. Odeygu wuu cadhoonayaa waayo calankii iraniga ahaa uu odhan jirey waamid yar oo sariirta iyo furaashka ugu jira ayaan caawinay inuu gogol iyo daahba ka dhigto. NG, it does not matter whether I can debate or not but what matters is that I, Xidigo, dragged you from your rotten closet. You have been playing the neutral dude while silently cheering for the SNM gang. Maro boob ayaad wada tihiin ee naga fuqa. Awdal is and will always be a part of Soomaliya and the day Riyoode leaves the "office" would be a brand new day for Awdelites. Do you know that Riyaale cannot even go back to his own region? Do you ever wonder why? And speaking of paper bags, the only thing that is made of paper is the fake dream of secession. It is no secret Somaliland is a one clan show and Riyoode is their front door man. And if the idea of Awdelites hating your fake dream gets you so hot, why don't you help your clan debate their way into recognition? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ibtisam: P.s. Why does everyone keep calling her the "girl or lady"?? Sexist ***...*** She has a forum name like everyone else. Ma ila aragtay horta thanks! waa bilaa ixtiraam iyo hoos u dhig. Karbaash ayay u baahan yihiin. The likes of Duke, Dabshid iyo Qabiildiid(Nayruus) :mad:
^Waryaa inanka mathematiciankoow dhulka aayar fadhi baan ku idhi. SNM waxay ka dhigan tahey waan wada ognahaye.
Afrogirl, Can you change that avatar. I think it looks offensive
^Alaylehee maxaad been isku sheegtay. :rolleyes: Originally posted by Al Burcaawi: ^Does that mean SL is seperate from Somalia? 19 pages down the line and no one has stated the obvious,,,,,,,,,,, Burcaawiyow, Somaliland is still part of Somalia, praise the Almighty. Furthermore, the Booramaawies are sick and tired of your bullshit. You can fool some people some time but you can't fool all the people all the time. The day will come when the likes of you will be singing "Soomaaliyeey toosoo" with a big grin on your face. Originally posted by Lois Lane: Many speak of facts while supporting an entity that does not exist. Afkaaga caano malable lagu qabay, Loiseey.
^ Lool Why not xiniinya madoobe, A&T waa nin lagu jiro runtii. Sheeko Cajiib ah!
^The boy, stop defending and cheering for the dabdlf even if he is your uncle.
waxa la yiri Dhagax tuurkii hargaysa ka dhacay ayuu ka qayb galay oo dakhar wayn ayaa ku maqan.
^^Adigu horta iska aamus bal, A/Y oo Xaaraan kunaax habaar qabe ah ayaad difaacaysaa caawo iyo bariba eh. :rolleyes: