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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Third World Comedy Tonight in London was the title suppose to be funny?
  2. TFG speak SomaLish (Somali + English) - i can understand that - but Dowlada Midnamada Qaran speak Arabic and sometimes Somali - hence i need an Arabic translator.
  3. ^do you speak arabic Juxa?
  4. Can you two take your exchanges else where
  5. Sheh - reduce the tarif your on to the lowest one possible and pay the minimum per month for the reminder of the contract.
  6. ^maxaan kugu samaynay? has it something to do with why you are still taking exams
  7. send them a text message saying "the phone owner has died" if they say when " yesterday" dheh.
  8. anyone going to this meeting - i wanna see if some y'all gonna shoot your mouths off like you do in SOL?
  9. Inna Lillaahi wa inna Illahi Raajicuun - Allah ha u naxariisto.
  10. ^^^ displayed on the wall permanently .
  11. welcome back Juxa how was the test? Ibti - obviously you don't know somalis drink cabbiyaanka kulul.
  12. Cabbitaanka ilowday - 1950's bottle
  13. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Ninku dhinta miyo ka baaxey? :confused: diinta miyuu ka baxay? no, its much worse (in somali context) qabiilkiisu ka baxay
  14. Judge me not – as ye know me not Childhood is often divided into 5 approximate stages of moral development: • Stage 1 = infancy-the child's only sense of right and wrong is what feels good or bad; • Stage 2 = toddler years-the child learns "right" and "wrong" from what she or he is told by others; • Stage 3 = preschool years--the child begins to internalise family values as his or her own, and begins to perceive the consequences of his or her behavior; • Stage 4 = ages 7-10 years-the child begins to question the infallibility of parents, teachers, and other adults, and develops a strong sense of "should" and "should not"; • Stage 5 = preteen and teenage years-peers, rather than adults, become of ultimate importance to the child, who begins to try on different values systems to see which fits best; teens also become more aware of and concerned with the larger society, and begin to reason-more abstractly about "right" and "wrong." No two children are exactly alike, so no one method of discipline can be applied to all children with equal success. Neither will the same form of discipline work with the same child in every situation at every age. Good discipline, therefore, is contingent upon the right relationship between adult and child, not the right techniques. It is also imperative that adults be self-disciplined teachers. Having said that – it is also imperative to note that none of these can be taught by teachers alone – Children learn from modeling, so parents must model disciplined behaviour. Self-discipline involves self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-respect. A parent's relationship with her or himself, therefore, is as important to good discipline as is the parent's relationship with the child. for there to be any chance of real effect to take place with regards to interactions between pupils and teachers – there needs to be a basis to start from and well established expectations, understanding of causes and effect, rules and regulations and ultimately and I even say more importantly – who the pupils see you as the teacher:- Friendly Teacher A friendly teacher, as the very term suggests, acts like a friend for his/her students. A teacher-friend, in fact, combines both the guidance of a teacher and the understanding of a friend. We all, at some point of time, aspire for an understanding teacher. Such a teacher acts like our friend, philosopher and guide. Funny Teacher A funny teacher is like a God-sent to the students. Such a teacher always wants to see his/her students smile ands make learning a pleasurable experience. They are not clumsy, as most people think them to be. Rather, they are witty and bring in humor in the most subtle form. Ideal Teacher An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. Lenient Teacher A lenient teacher is easygoing and takes things as they come. He/she is not overly finicky about things, such as doing homework on time or not sitting quietly in the class, etc. Such teachers very well realize that being strict with a child can only make him/her withdrawn. However, this does not mean that one can do anything in the class of a pampering teacher. Strict Teacher A strict teacher is very tough on students. He/she always insists on adhering to the deadlines. Such a teacher dislikes any mistakes or carelessness on the part of the students. Students have to be extra cautious under such a teacher. He/she is like a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toes. No more seriouse replies from me :cool:
  15. ^war ninyahow i daa - haddaan kula kaftamona waad ooyeysaa
  16. Xiin - his positions have not changed - he threaten to resign few times - he was and still is one of few who knew how to do his job properly - unfortunately there were too many barriers.
  17. Originally posted by Ducaysane: awal ma aqoon sanaayeen? yeah they were known as The Lads.
  18. Which of the avenues? Rosemead Beatrice Walrond Or around the back at Lonsdale Avenue Disclaimer: just in case the houses at those avenues are raided - it wasn't me - blame juje and cheap phome calls from Somalia
  19. Acuudubilaahi mina shaydaani rajiim - Bismillaahi raxmaani raxiim. admin - i love you too - can you please give me special privilege to bully my cyber cousins. honest - they don't mind.
  20. WARYA!!! :mad: ma aniga oo ah Sayid baad jajuus igu yeedhaysaa? ma adigaa? - haddii aad tahay - fadlan ii soodir magacaago saddexan, qabiilkaaga, dhalashadaad wadanka ku gootit iyo ciwaankaaga. Mahadsanid
  21. who is the spokesman (or woman ) of ALShabaab in SOL?
  22. Ok waan gartay - walaal - i can make referal for you to the CAMHS - a place just for you? what do you say - you can bring your cousin Garoodi
  23. as per your signature 'humanity is an ocean' so how is water found in the moon a big story? naga daa ninyohow - stick to the orange mobile motto. horta weliga biyo ma soo dhaamisay? mise waxaan ku waydiiya 'dhaan' micnihiisa?