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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. ^^keep up the glee!! it would also not suprise me if you glittered the stories you copied and pasted here since you deliberately do not show the sources.
  2. Saxiib you defensive verbiage inevitable always leads you to your trademark tirade of obscure wrangling and clear subjectiveness. I do not get what you are on about “primary and secondary issues” – you don’t have to argue for the sake of it even when you agree with my stance on the issue (as you seem to indicate albeit sheepishly).
  3. "raxeesta" @ "free show" hmmmm - i see - it seems you do agree with odweyne. - disappointing! as for Sayid being "laga adag yahay" - history shows otherwise - hence - it would be wise for you not to side step you earlier advise - about not waking the sleeping giant.
  4. Jacaylbaro your gleening at this unforunate events is noticed - becareful what you wish for the others - especially when it effects you too. :rolleyes: @ Sayid Maxamed Atam
  5. On the other hand, I agree with you, that we should allow the internal cat-fight and the merriment we seemed to be afforded as a spectacle as their expense from their own hands should continue for a while, indeed. tut, tut, - i am disappointed that you would find a joyous spectacle in the infighting of your brothers - lets hope that Ibti does not agree with you here as you would like.
  6. ^ my point is that SL is not bankrupted - rather it is bountyful place. as for Oodweyne - my views regarding recognition is more favourable than you think - only difference is that i belief the long sought recognition lays in Qardho rather than with Queen
  7. Oddey Oodweyne, No, but your assertion lent that way. There is a difference between oppression and colonisation and there are agreed ‘universal definition’ of colonisation. As for the "theoretical frame-work” regarding Ethiopia’s constitution as it pertains to gaining independence for certain communities and your political analogy as it pertains to nullifying the union of Somalis – would have fared better if you; yourself and like minded people were arguing for nullification of the union to be done through Somalis under acacia tree rather bending backwards by way begging at halls of western world.
  8. Times like this I am glad SL cannot borrow from international banks and get lost in the debt-interest system. could'nt agree with you more, lack of recognition is blessing in disguise - only they know it not.
  9. Who are the PIS? - a piss taking organisation - hence my warning about not pissing into the wind! as for other side - i am bit bewildered some of the contradictory talking points: “Islam baanu nahay” “al shaahaado la dirir baanu la dagaalameynaa” “Qabiil ahan baa nalooku soo duulay” waxaan u dagaalameynaa in aannu Quraanka iyo kelmada Illahay kor u qaadno” “kharaadka ku jira degaankayaga baa nala ku haystaa” “difaaca degaanka” etc Qabiil or the Qur’aan? So asked a friend whether it was better to fight for the Qu’raan or the Qabiil to which he replied: “Allah will defend his Qur’an and I will defend my qabiil!” ma garatay?
  10. weli ma soomantihiin? - i can't get enough of these raw dates - but they are expensive @£8.00 a kilo.
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: our prophet's (SAW) saying: “Anyone who possesses an Atom's weight of pride (kibr) in his heart will not enter Paradise” Making up Hadith during Ramadan is not good for u ,,,,, accusing others of making up hadith is not good for could always learn though: 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "No one who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart will enter the Garden." A man said, "And if the man likes his clothes to be good and his sandals to be good?" He said, "Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means to renounce the truth and abase people." [Muslim]
  12. Is it me or are the somali people "yahuuda this and that..." obsessed? is now the probably the tenth time some Somali said to me "why are you driving that yahuudi car" when did a volvo cars become yahuudi?? then again i actually researched the internet and to my suprise there are also non somalis asking about why yahuudis drive volvos - and the answers given ranged from: the apparently the same reasons as to why the arabs/muslims drive mercedes more than any other car... to yahuudi not wanting to drive german made cars etc weird!
  13. Salaamu Calaykum Waraxmatulah, dadka sooman, was up dadka waalan, hello to the rest
  14. couple things: to those who are proud of the doings of sh. Atom - it would be well to do for you all to remember the our prophet's (SAW) saying: “Anyone who possesses an Atom's weight of pride (kibr) in his heart will not enter Paradise” and to those supporting the PIS - it would be well for all of you to also remember that famous expression about not "pissing into the wind" for you know what will happen when you do that - kaadidinaa idin ku soo noqoneysa - and you know - kaadidu waa wasakh laysku caddaaba. Ma garateen?
  15. Withdrawn - besides is not worthy it. Ramadan Wanaagsan all - just keep the peace and don't be the advocates of shaydaan
  16. ^good luck with getting straight answer. Habeen Wanaagsan one and all.
  17. Xiinfaniinow - Ngonge has your number here. In hindsight don’t you wish you engaged with my Socratic irony for which you would have come to the same conclusion as almost everyone here - which is to say they all agree to agree whilst stating that all disagree – because of difference in clan? Also when did the guru become right and the apprentice became the one with ulterior motives against puntland - for merely stating the bleeding obvious?
  18. I hate to admit but the 'born again secessionist' aka Ngonge is right on the money here the save the exaggerated ‘complete utter failure of faroole’ - but everything else is true especially mesha ay saaladu iska xirmiwaytay with regard to the self declared imaan it pains me to say it but Ngonge proved his theory that clan is everything. unfortunately that is also his downfall - i.e he is from the wrong clan here - hence why his take on this situation can not be taken seriously by the ones who are from the clan the situation befalls.
  19. for me to contribute effectively - wouldn't it be better for me to see your understanding of irony in this situation??
  20. define irony and do you know of socratic irony?
  21. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Oh you mean connect link-? Oh you can't select Somaliland as a country on there, just region. Goes with being unrecognised dear. ooh! miskiin - i feel like campgaining for the recognition of somaliland on Connect CP - that is unfair - maxaa isu maleeyen in UN'ta yihiin. if DHL can recognise SL so can CCP. Originally posted by sheherazade: Sayid, I know what Qardho is NOT. I see you've joined the paranoid brigade. damn right - you know Qardho is NOT Burco - we don't play Willy Wonka business oh come on - i am the bloody Brigadier General of the paranoid group – Ngonge is my Lieutenant Che - shakaansi iyo shabaab isma qaadan saxiib - mid uun dorro.
  22. ^was the rain earlier with hail storms? - mid miyaa madaxa kaga dhacay - follow the link with Somalia written on it and you will see that Connect CP (THE INTERNATIONAL WHO'S WHO OF CULTURAL POLICY, PLANNING AND RESEARCH) are not affliated with the BBC nor her other profile at Acadedmia.... she maintains them.
  23. Originally posted by sheherazade: LoL, Somaliland is not Somalia. Even I know that. yeah? you also think Qardho is country right? Hey Sheh, how have you being - i am alive - alxamdullilaah - i am too lazy to login to FB incase ehrm, i mean - incase ....... i get lost Originally Posted By *Ibtisaam She will also be offended Her Somali has improved!!! You obviously have not followed link provided - you bloody budh la bood. if Somalia offends you - sanka iska jar it obvously does not offend DR Mire as writes her address as: Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Somaliland Department of Antiquities Hargeysa Somaliland Somalia and her Location as: Hargeysa, Somaliland, Somalia
  24. "Cirifka geeska-afrikow, Caymadii Soomaalow, Dacalkii curadadeydow, Caanadiid ka gaarayow, Aan ku caafimaade, Cudurka naga Daweeyee!!" Our Prophet and the Final messenger (SAW) giving an example of Muslim unity is reported to have said in a Hadith: “The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain” Before I talk about Muslim unity - perhaps I should start with my family, my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandpa and grandma uncles and aunties - whatever our difference, we Somalis are simply inseparable (we can even have different countries but our body is one), Hence If the infection in our system is Ethiopia, then ******IA is the wound and it's Freedom is the Cure. Let's solve the source of Somali problem