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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. salaam to sheh.... iska waran (literaly) ibti - have you being to SOHO :eek: masjid?
  2. He will serve in the cabinet under his official birth name of Hussein Abdi Dualeh. - the problems associated with magac kale isku dhiib.
  3. He will serve in the cabinet under his official birth name of Hussein Abdi Dualeh. - the problems associated with magac kale isku dhiib.
  4. Originally posted by Xudeedi: fuming fool who fell victim to clan illness. the kettle calling the pot black!
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Is that all that got your goat? Seedi? And there I was thinking you'll oppose the word 'wiilka'. Edit: "I so wac" always, ALWAYS gives me the impression that I'm invited to stab someone's side with my finger. You know, a kidney stab with the finger. I do it, you shout 'wac'. Then again, it's better than i so qarac I suppose. @ your impression of 'i soo wac" how do you come to that impression - explain - if you can. also you got so used to be called 'odey' now you are rejecting wiilka mise innanka ayaad rabtay in ay kugu yeedho? Buuxo - continue! Juxa - you were doing so well until you mixed with another one sending the mum (who was supposedly singing that song) up north somewhere. ....looks like ngonge was right about something as usual..
  6. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I want you to recite ALL of them. My observations have revealed that not most people know all the words (and some don't know them at all). i soo wac - and i might even humour you with them in an indian accent
  7. Originally posted by Juxa: why are you calling wiilka dhaandhaan? i have never seen seedi kaa falfalxun i like the way aad afafka isgu qasaysid - it takes wakhti dheer in aan understand waxaad leedahay. gormaan ngonge seedi u noqday - mise aadiga isula jeeda - my answer depends on your reply.
  8. Ngonge: 1. Daadahey damale 2. Nuune 3. Huweeya 4. Onkad iyo Hilaac 5. Waxar iyo Naylo and of course my favourite of all of them - which is called Qardho - do you want me to recite this one to you?
  9. "lol@ilko boqol" - did he just call me ilka jiir? xaradheere - maxaa lagu daraa? Qardho - maxaa ku xiga? Burco - something about the nebiga!
  10. "W/s saciid aka ilk boqol [big Grin]" :confused: ma kaangaruu baa ku feedhay - mise soonka ku suuxshay?
  11. "dh" dheh - e.g. dhaandhaan (Ngonge), dhadhan (Taste), dharbaaxo (kiss) now once again salaamu calaykum maxaa ku xiga? hint: said during somali arguments!
  12. salamu calaykum! maxaa ku xiga?
  13. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: meeshaana maxaad ka doontay ,,, waaban kaa shakiyee meeshaas raadkaaga yaala - marka shekigu dhinaacaga waaye - fadlan is sharax.
  14. war anagaa wax aragnay! - bal is eegga - amxaar baa hilib ceerin idin dhexdhigay isagoo isleh ha cunneen - markasaad - hilibkii intaad qaadeen wajiga iskala dhacdeen
  15. "Somali Jewish" - Jaceylbaro, can you shed any light into this?
  16. Xudeedi & Duke and their compatriots - walaalayal talk to each other - not at each other.
  17. i can say with certainty that is not the picture of the said man.
  18. ^and i love qardho more than all of them combined - ma garatay? adiguse yaa ka jeclayd faroole?
  19. this is Ngonge's way of widowing Mrs Gonzalez aka CL - ma garateen?
  20. shalay lama soomaneyn miyaa? mise markii jihaad lagu jiro lama soomo? mise sawiradaan shalay lama qaadin? meel uun bay wax iska qaban la yihiin!
  21. perhaps the allure of updating the galgala front was too much to ignore.