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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. i thought ayan was in hargeysa preparing for the mooge festival or was that the italian dude?
  2. what is so hilarious? and who are you refering to as do-gooders and fake somali lovers?
  3. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: We do not believe you man . my words were not for you - but for Jaceylbaro - you are also entitled to your believe – as I am entitled to believe that you are simpleton blinded by cuqdad. JB – wasn’t it you who was said to: “Cuqdadda iyo waxaan kugu jeclahay camal xumaan taase”? and now that I have given you my answer what is your response? are you still cheering for massacre of your fellow somalis and muslims - becasue certain members of that clan once part took in the massacres that were committed in the 1980s? Ayoub – thanks – I guess certain people can not distinguish what is banter and what is bad?
  4. there are certain reasons why I tend to stay clear of these sorts threads filled with ignominious pile of horseshit as it only arouses my indignation. But I am forced to respond to Jaceylbaro’s deriding remarks (followed by Xaaji Xunduf’s in agreement comments) about my advice to the participants of this reprehensible thread. Jaceylbaro, you know nothing of me to accuse of me hypocrisy. Yes my advice also applies to the massacres that were committed against innocents Somali Muslims throughout 1988. I have friends and extended family members who related their stories and the horrors of being hunted with planes even in the refugee camps inside western Somalia where these killings are going on today. My own immediate family members have also lost dear ones. As Malika has rightly pointed to you, I was not in any position to know what was even going on, late alone to condemn anything. There is a village called Salaxley outside of Hargeysa where my uncle (my mum’s oldest brother is buried) because he had the courage and honour of saving the lives of three young boys who were rounded up to be shot. Instead he was shot by one his subordinate who was relative of General Gani because he dared to free and let escape the innocent youths. His brother who was captain in Mogadishu was also arrested and put prison without trial for simple being related to man that was considered traitor for doing an honourable act. Despite this I do not hold any ill intentions towards anyone from that clan. I wonder if you can say the same thing? Next time before you open you big mouth – I appreciate if you ask your questions nicely without presumption or presuppositions. habbeen wanaagsan - i am out.
  5. to the originator of this thread: Your stance is disgrace to anything resembling let alone being of humanity and humility. My last advice to you is delete and desist – i am not here to argue with you. che & nina - we can only advice.
  6. This is one of the ugliest thread in SOL history. I am truly saddened by what is being typed by the guys who calling themselves Somalis and more importantly Muslims. It is one thing to exchange harmless banter and call each nicknames and what not – but is another thing (on another level to extent it can take you out of the fold Islam) to cheer on the killing of your fellow Muslims on the authority of infidels whilst your untie the rope of Allah that holds Muslims kin and kith together – as you guys are doing with the exception of Che and two sisters. People (and i am being kind here when i call you people) have sense of shame and limits. Where are your empathies, honour and your God given intellect to differentiate what can and cannot be tussled as if though you were discussing football teams. The subject matter is your kin and kith, your fellow Muslims lives and freedom being wasted and tramped on. Please show some decorum and taste – fear Allah and stop what you are doing. You can have difference of opinion, political stances, without resorting to cheering for your Muslim family members being killed.
  7. ^Cidnah! shaqooyinka ma kala bedelanaa?
  8. Done! shaqo doon baan beryahan - meesha shaqooyin ma laga heli kara? iskoolada ama waxda waxbarashada? shahadadii MA'da waan sugaaya
  9. Malika mahadsanid habaryar, lakiin uma shaqay'yo Hammersmith & Fulham. lambeth kuma dhacan in ay waxyaalahaas ila yimadaan. Ohdraq ka waran? soomaali badan ma joogaan meeshaas?
  10. ^ama kor ka qosol ama hoos ka qosol - annagu haddan nahay reer qardhoo 'eri' waa 'word' 'ari' waa 'animals' 'ri' waa 'goat' 'orgi' waa 'billy goat' as for the micnaha magaca Qardho - tarikh yaqanadu dhowr sifa u kale bixiyaan: 1) Qar (cliff) - waxay ku taala meel ay ku kala go'aan buuraha Karkaar 2) Qard (Get-Ready) - waxay ahan jirtay gob lagu diyaar garoobo 3)Qardab (Raw Fire) - sheeko kale waa jidha oo dhehaysa - ciidan baa rabay in aay kusoo dulaan cidaan meshaas fadhiyey - cidaankii qardab baa lasiiyaye - markaasay Qardho u bixiyeen Geelle - hadda wuxuu leeyahay magacaygu soomaali ma aha - oo muxuu yahay marka? mida kale - weli waxaan ka sugayaa jawaab 'thread'kii aha Bar ama Baro. Ibti - Lol@maran? maxaa maran walaaley? bal isu eeg Burko iyo Qardho on wikipedia - mid waa qadami (qardho) midna tariikhdeedu waxay bilaamatay shirkii 91 (burko) OZ - ma eastleigh baa tuuladadu? fyi - qardho maalinwalbaan jooga saxiib - xata waxaan ka mid ahay dalada guud ee amaanhayaasha iskoolka ugu weyn qardho - :cool:
  11. Sorry Malika, i got called to that Qardho thread you right they do deal differently with white difficult parents - mainly due to the fact that a) they can express themselves better b) no prejudices/racism etc c) difficulties mainly arise from academic issues where somalis mainly arise from pastoral issues also we somalis tend to have different view of justice and injustice - we look to who started what rather what happened there after
  12. ^war bal faduushan fiiriya - feeling jealous are we – that Burko can not command three pages without commotion. KK - - u sheeg abaayo! Oz - another one for the list of vagabonds and vagrants Geelle T. - intaadan saxin dadka kale qoral kooda - magacaga maad saxdid. xaggee 'h'du kasoo gashay geelle? ma 'h'al geel buu leeyahay?
  13. @ngonge - that will do! KK - are you one of those pushy parents - who wants their child to be treated fairly (meaning extra special)?
  14. oz - mambo jumbo! - any better? ngonge - can create scenario of difficult somali parents - hopeful one where the solution does not require backside kissing
  15. ^^ i have request from hammersmith and fulham regarding training for schools wanting to know how to deal somali parents - i was tempting to say to them - leave the somalis alone - but know they are requesting a scenario of a difficult somali parents :eek: :mad: i don't know how to respond politely!
  16. Malika mpendwa, (michnihiisa ma'aqan) how do you deal with somali parents?
  17. ^ oo gormuu morgan pirate noqday - sow adigii ugu yeedhi jidhay kawaanle? maraarka qarkood - libaaxyadu way cararan - tusaale: Libaax baa waa wuxuu damcay in uu gaado lax keligeed ah oo dooxa daaqaysa. Isagoo gaadmadiisi wata oo caws isku qadhinaya, ayaa sarqan yar ka fikatay. Meeshu islaha laxdu waa carareysa – intay dhagaha taagtay bay xaggii libaaxa usoo dhaqaaqday. Libaaxu wuu yaabay, balse wuxuu isku yidhi; ku orod oo qabo intaysan cararin – markuu orodkii bilaabay – laxdiina waa kusoo oroday. Libaaxii wuu istaagay, sheki baa soo galay, laxdiina waa istaagtay oo xaggiisay soo eegaysaa iyadoo dhegaha taageysa. Libaaxii wuu fekaray; laxdaan keligeed ah oo meshay ka carari lahayd kugu soo ordaysa armey wax kale tahay. Wuxuu go’aansaday in uu ka tanasulo ugaarsigeeda – oo wuxuu bilaabay dibagurasho. Markii saas dhacday laxdiina waa ku soo dhaqaaqday – libaaxii intu naxay buu cararay – laxdiina waa ka daba oroday. Maalintii oo dhan saas bay laxdii libaaxii ku baacsaneysay – ila – dad ka reeben. Laxdu indhool bay ahayd – oo sarqanta ariga bay raaci jidhtay
  18. ^^ miskiin - bal ila eeg waxaan hoos ku xusan oo adigu qortay - haye! - yaa 'qarwaanimo iyo obsession' hayaa? Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Qardho waa meel xun oo dadka dagan ay cadiifad iyo qabiil ka buuuuxdo waxaana dagan hal jilib oo qura cidiikale oo dhexdagtaa waa la dhibi. This is not a hearsay, its a fact and it happened my cousins who were born there and lived there for their entire live. After long years of abuse they had to move to Bosaaso. That is the place you guys are glorifying Its a SICK PLC. Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Hargaysa is bigger than Kismaayo. But Mogadishu is way bigger than Hargaysa and Kismaayo is way bigger than Qardho + Boosaaso combined. Maxaa la isku hayaa oo kale! Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Haatu Qardho subag lagama helo bariis cad oo kaliye ayaa yaale. However, Sayid is trying to shovel it down our throats . Juxa, I actually know the wadaad you are talking about in Southal.....he charges people for reciting Quran on them and he does Jinni stuff as well. Sayid baa u baahan in loogeeyo ninkaa Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Cara, markaad xanaaqdid waxaa dhahdaa Huz baa laguyiri specially towards people from Qardho like Sayid Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: lol@ Sayid. Huz baa lagu yiri boowe! Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Dee waan soo gaabiyay maraxyahoow! Boowe qardho iyo bariis cad laga reesay. Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Maya mawaalnide Qardho ayaa lagaaga heesaayaa.! Originally posted by Xaaji Dhagax.: Haatu Qardho subag lagama helo bariis cad oo kaliye ayaa yaale. However, Sayid is trying to shovel it down our throats . Juxa, I actually know the wadaad you are talking about in Southal.....he charges people for reciting Quran on them and he does Jinni stuff as well. Sayid baa u baahan in loogeeyo ninkaa
  19. LOL@is he too from Qardho? oo haddana ma Abu Zubeyr(aka Godane) baad ka hadlaysaa?
  20. ^Libaaxu bidaar ma leh - sayn buu lee yahay! ma garatay? mise kuwa 'wax fahan!' baa ka mid ahayd?
  21. Waryadahee, Cade muuse ha caynina. kaftana badan bey ka samayen marku meesha joogay oo ay reer bariga asalka ah is af-fahmiwayeen.