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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Where is this story at now? Xiin - keep us updated.
  2. Amistad - if you are for real - here are the contact details for Sh. Atom Paltalk account: Account Name: We are not Al-Shabaab - Alshabaab are us. Password: F-u-c-k Faroole Dial Number: +252 Galgalashada Galgala Good luck
  3. There were long queues in the post office - 30minutes long. A drunk jamaican entertained us - he kept shouting profanities and burping, coughing and sneezing on this white woman's hair - she kept running around - trying to get away from him. After he got bored of her - he turned his attention to an indian cashier - pointing at her, he shouts: 'look at her - she can't do proper job - lazy cow' and he counts he in an indian accent "wond, tuu, tidhi" - he points to all the empty cashier desks and shouts that they should give him a job.
  4. Originally posted by Amistad: They also wanted someone from Shabab to show up and speak for a balanced discussion, so here is your chance if you are a supporter in mind, spirit, sympathizer whatever to speak your stuff. p.m. me for details. can they part take thru Paltalk?
  5. Ciid Mubarak Kuligiin. Juxa,how are you my dumaashi? - indeed ciid and children go hand in hand. Ibti - i have send you an email, please respond - thanks
  6. Juxa i did the same thing today and there was no 'woman' in sight and don't you mean you like MRS xaaji cumar.
  7. is not only Mancunians who call 'dinner' a tea so do the Liverpudlians whom i know you are fond of.
  8. can the game be played in reverse i.e. Somali>English? if so here are mine: Nuqul Nuqli
  9. indeed you are somali - evidence: disputing my right to greet all somalis. then if i am to go by your earlier statement - dhaqan gaalo baad samayneysaa
  10. labadiinaan iga koreya - soomaali ma ahidin miyaa? Juxa, haddey adiga kuu sheegannah? Salaamu Calaykum Soomaali oo dhaney Salaanta kowaaddi waa tan idinku imi Salaanta labaadna waa tan idinku xakumo
  11. LOL@ Ngonge - wasn't you - the father who wanted his five year old daughter to make dinner for him war naga kala yaray bahasha - hana bah dilin waaliddiinta. Originally posted by NGONGE: Jamal's problem is entirely different. He has two sons, one good and the other bad. He tells the good one off all the time (to keep him good) and sweet talks the bad one (to make him good). His wife believes he's doing it all wrong. His relatives are all fond of the bad kid (because of his personality). Jamal's good son is a secret drug user. I know him - but his real is Jaamac
  12. Salaamu Calaykum, Soomaali oo dhaney.
  13. Blessed - I feel I am as entitled to praise when they succeed and do well as I am blame worthy when they fail. It comes with the job of being a child's guardian... good point - but you have got to remember and accept that that their success or failure is not within your control - you are there only as their guide and protector from harm - the rest as they say is up to them as far their free will goes and Allah (SWT). C&H - what percentage would you put on the parents then? given that you said they did everything yet the children turn out to be monsters. Even Hitler had a mother. Lets us not harp on too much about the negatives as if thought they overshadow the positives. i am of the opinion that the so call deadbeat dads for a lack of a better word are tiny minority and fathers are very much interested in their children 's future. unfortunately the lack of helpful fathers/husbands seems to a phenomena in black/African communities - people act all shocked and surprised to see a man with three little children shopping - as if thought it was occurrence. KK - Have you not heard or seen a child threatening their parent that if they don't let t hem certain thing then - they will be packing to Social services and parents total capitulating
  14. TARBIYADDU WAA BARASHO Erayga discipline (tarbiyad) waa eray Laatiin ah macnihiisuna yahay “barid.” Marka aad waalid tahay, waxaad tahay bare/macalin. Qaabka aad u tarbiyeyso ilmuhu wuxuu kaa caawinayaa inay bartaan akhlaaqda. Halkaan waxaa ku qoran saddex siyaalood oo wax loo tarbiyeeyo: Kalgaceylka ilmahaaga Halkaani waa meesha u baahan inaad awooda saarto. Caruurtu waxay wax bartaan marka ay ogyihiin in la jecel yahay lana caawiyo. Halkaan waxaa ku qoran fikrado: - Jeclow ilmahaaga, wax kasta oo uu sameeyo - Dhageyso ilmahaaga - Marka ay fiican yihiin - u sheeg - Ka rajee ilmahaaga wanaag - Hubi in ilmahaagu bed qabaan - muuqaal ahaan ama maskax ahaanba - Wax san u horseed
  15. Loss of status also results from the fact the children often gain responsibilities as interpreters and advocates for their parents in formal contexts, acting as mediators between the family and outside institutions Abdi was interpreting for his mother during parents evening at his school - on his report card there were lots of 'F's - when his mother asked about it - he told her it meant 'Fiican' - his mother asked 'oo ma af soomaalibaa" to which he quipped back "maya, waxay u taagan tahay 'Fine' only if he was to used that quick wit to apply himself
  16. CB - do you agree that somali parents' authority, power, care , protection and nurturing for their children is being eroded, stripped of them, diminished etc.
  17. "It is shocking to see Finnish boys and girls drinking, smoking and kissing in the streets. The immigrant adolescents (Somali, Iranian, Iraqi and Bosnian) boys and girls also have started to behave exactly like Finnish adolescents. It is difficult for us Muslim parents to bringing up our children in society like Finland, because we cannot control them. They are taught other social values and lifestyle in the schools" (male, 48 years). [34] & .....Our children have right to drink, to have sex before marriage and disobey their parents at home. Children's opinions and wills before those of their parents. The way our boys are educated in the schools in Finland and the way the teachers and social workers want us to bring up them at home is like to educate them to be criminals in the future" (males, 50, 54 years).
  18. Juxa, Dumaashi, Waalidnimadu waa arin aan sahlaneyn. Maalmaha qaarkood waa wax wanaagsan, xiiso leh, isla markaana farax ku dheehan yahay. Maalmaha qaarna ma sahlana mana hubtid inaad howshaada waalidnimo qabsan karto iyo in kale. Waalid noqoshadu ma aha wax xun. Waalidnimadu waa howsha ugu muhiimsan ee aad weligaa qaban doonto. As for mine - Masha'Allah - that is down to their mother - i just play with them while i still can beat them at the games Few people who neglect children are not what is causing the phenomena of somali youths out of control - that happens when the authority and control of the parent is undermined by the state and decadence of the western world. I agree with you though as community we can twig couple things like actually talking to our children more often and practising that lost art of store telling - you know those stories with moral endings etc. and being sincerely being interested in the lives of our children. Having said that - there are limits and barriers placed in front of these parents even if they were and wanted to go about doing these little twigs - for example - how can a mother of six, seven children all close to each other, living in two or three bedroom able to afford to do that - when the husband is working two jobs and still is not enough so they feel the need to claim c.ay.r and therefore can not be seen together - ooh the dilemma... i know, i know - they shouldn't have been in that situation in the first place right? how nice and easy it is to say then get out of it once you are in there.
  19. Originally posted by CarmeloBrown: finland? how reflective is that of all somali experiences. there are no guns, gangs, pimps nor sex trafficking. isnt this what you wanted to talk about? There are plenty of guns and gangs in Finland - i would even go as far as say - much more than the UK - Guns are legal possessed by over 90% of the population. quite easy to get hold of. As for pimps and sex trafficking - it happens - although Somalis engagement of it has been recent and mainly involves around passing on their white girlfriends to their friends and then later claims of gang rape. and no that is not what i want to talk about - i want to talk about whether or not the parents are worthy of all the blame or are they blameless, or bit of both. According to the research i posted the parents are saying - their parenthood has been taken away from them - do you agree??
  20. Originally posted by Boom Boom: The parents in our community do not know how to raise their sons, FACT! I may not have children but that doesn't mean that I cannot criticize parents who raise drug dealing sons and violent criminals. Have look at my last post - what are these mothers to do?? Dhaqancelis! did i heard you say?? - only leads to Dhaqanxuncelis. There is something mentally wrong with the males in our community. They have no common sense and are driven by greed. They kill one another for drug money. Sorry, but after watching the documentary, I have lost all respect for them. :rolleyes: Oh well, there is always Basil Brush - Boom! Boom!
  21. 3.6 Somali parents' views of the Finnish family model "In the Finnish schools, our children and particularly the boys are forced to adopt the Finnish youth life in order to be accepted in this society, their Finnish counterparts and their teachers. In one hand, it is a good thing but on other hand it is bad because we are Muslims and our way to bring up to children is different from the Finnish or Western way" (female, 45 years). [32] & The way the Finnish authorities want us to bring up our children in Finland is not conform to our religious traditions, cultural norms and values. Particularly, the boys cannot be educated according to our religious traditions. Based on the Finnish cultural education, one can see how Somali teenager boys are behaving in the streets. They are drinking alcohol that is forbidden in our religion. Several of them do not want to go to school and have become their parents' humiliation as well as that of the Somali community. Many of the Somali mothers and fathers have already lost their authority over their children" (male, 50 years). [33]
  22. 3.5 Somalis' use of contraception and the difficulties of raising large families in Finland Respondents, particularly women, reported that they had decided to use contraception because they did not want more children. They revealed that, contrary to what many Finns think of Somalis, many couples do not want large families and use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Whilst the Islamic family must take decisions according to Islamic jurisprudence in order to justify their act to Allah, respondents justified their decision with regard to: the changes in family structures; the difficulties of bringing up to several children in Finland; and the social-cultural changes that followed migration. Most Somalis who used contraception felt they had good justifications according to the Qu'ran. Referring to his experience, one man said: "I am using condoms because it is our responsibility my wife and I to bring up our six children, we do not have any help as we should have got from our parents and relatives if we were in Somalia. Whatever assistance we may receive from the social assistance in Finland, it is our responsibility to bring up our children, feed them, and guarantee their health and wellbeing in the family, according to Allah" (male, 37 years). [28
  23. 3.4 Changes in the family structure All respondents experienced changes in parenting practices, family structures and gender-household relations because of the cultural differences between Finland and Somalia. They described the changes as difficult to cope with. Several Somalis, men and women, discussed changes in family size and complained that apartments were designed for family sizes of 1 to 2 children and were not suitable for Somali families which often had between 5-10 children. A woman living in an apartment of three bedrooms with her husband and five children said: "Seven persons living in an apartment of three small bedrooms and sitting room is like being in prison, there is no space for everybody. Especially, in the winter time, when it is very cold and the children cannot go outside to play, they are shouting and crying inside; everybody gets crazy. In this country, they do not build big house with several rooms because families are small. In Finland, couples have often only 1 or 2 children or one dog. In Somalia, in our houses, there are always enough rooms for several children and the relatives who stay with us. We Somalis, it is very hard to bring up several children in the Finnish small houses" (female, 38 years).
  24. .....Respondents commented, however, that they were strict about religious routines and prayer and worship times and did not allow flexibility unless their child was ill. Three respondents we spoke to shared the same view, they all said: "We tell our children to worship Allah, to pray five times a day and when it is time for prayer, there is no excuse unless the one is really sick and cannot move. Religious education is very important factor in children's upbringing in the Islamic family" (males, 37, 47 and 39)