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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Jacaylbaro;920320 wrote: Ha noo iman dee ,,, adiga waan lagu rabina That's unbecoming of your legendary hospitality
  2. NGONGE;920321 wrote: What are the Chinese up to here? I thought they were into family planning and stopping the endless increase in their population. Surely they should be championing these women! Wax ka daran bay ka baqayaan - namely - ashax xumada reer yurub in aay ku soo fikato. Something about the side effects of selective abortion - in the preference for boys over girls.
  3. LOOOOOOOL@juus gareen topic :D thats an all different topic alltogether. War 'kala xiran' ma qorin - dib u eeg waxaan qoray. Waxaan u malaynayaa in aad fahmin waxaan ka wado 'dhamaystiran'.
  4. NGONGE;920315 wrote: ^^ What £50? He didn't understand anything. Not possible - you mean he didn't get my PM message? Tut tut
  5. yeah - I saw you on AJStream this morning Welcome back - now where is my £50?
  6. ^^Ka daro dibi dhal Bal maxaa isu keenay gabadh dhamaystiran iyo mid curdun iyo mid kalo xiiran - aan ka ahayn gabadhnimo?? Adiga iyo Che - category maleedihiin? Hadday tahay maya - mid baa la idin yeeli
  7. nuune;920305 wrote: Anigu waxaan oran lahaa aid is not the solution, aid creates corruption, aid makes people lazy, aid waxaa weeye waan ku leeyahay ee yeel saan kaa rabo. +1 Couldn't agree more
  8. Committed to what? My opinion on this is no more aid!
  9. nuune;920300 wrote: Boojaal aan ahayee i badbaadi = ages between 15-17 yr olds Waan bislaadee i cun = ages between 18-25 yr olds Waan bakhtiyee i jiid = ages between 26-32 yr olds Waan holcayee i dami = 33-38 ys olds Waan kala daatayee i tuur = 39-42 yr olds Nothing new yaa Sayidka , It is all there in the books, sxb, though my category list is usually long, but I have squeezed it to make them look like xeyn ari ah now, just for those reading it. :D Yaa Nuune, waxaagu waa da'naceyb (ageism), not to mention misogynous - either that or this is a clever ploy similar to Ngonge's mad women theory and you want all the 'dhamaystiran' girls to be left to you and Che. If not the later - then waa in aad ragana categories u samaysid BTW - The Sheng Nu category is lost on you since is not so much about about age - but rather education, quality and independence of woman. - Read the bit about 'marrying down' Blessed - the best time to get married is when young (<20s) as per the advice of our prophet (SAW). I would only add that young people who get married young not to have children at least minimum for the first five years.
  10. Leftover? If this is what confident, educated and mature women are considered to be, I for one will be rummaging around the fridge. - Rob Tell
  11. Over 27? Unmarried? Female? In China, you could be labelled a "leftover woman" by the state. .........Huang is a confident, personable young woman with a good salary, her own apartment, an MA from one of China's top universities, and a wealth of friends. Still, she knows that these days, single, urban, educated women like her in China are called "sheng nu" or "leftover women" - and it stings. ........"Ever since 2007, the state media have aggressively disseminated this term in surveys, and news reports, and columns, and cartoons and pictures, basically stigmatising educated women over the age of 27 or 30 who are still single," .............The proportion of unmarried men that age is higher - over a third. But that doesn't mean they will easily match up, since Chinese men tend to "marry down", both in terms of age and educational attainment. "There is an opinion that A-quality guys will find B-quality women, B-quality guys will find C-quality women, and C-quality men will find D-quality women," says Huang Yuanyuan. "The people left are A-quality women and D-quality men. So if you are a leftover woman, you are A-quality." :D ......................But it's the "A-quality" of intelligent and educated women that the government most wants to procreate, according to Leta Hong-Fincher. She cites a statement on population put out by the State Council - China's cabinet - in 2007. "It said China faced unprecedented population pressures, and that the overall quality of the population is too low, so the country has to upgrade the quality of the population." FUNNY ARTICLE - Read the rest here
  12. Baashi;920189 wrote: Af laba daan leh baan ileyn muranka deynayn e! Inna Abdulle Hassan was right when he coined this famous stanza taken from one of his memorable poems. NG, awoowe details are important. They are not irrelevant. As they say the devil is in the details. The issues you thought of as being trivial have the potential to make or break the political settlement after a promising start. Small things in policy and schemes or even in engineering design, if overlooked, can cause serious problems later on. Awoowe it is often details like the ones you seem to dismiss that often prolong a task or make it difficult or challenging. Government made its move. It’s demanding lifting of arms embargo. The author of the article, Xiin, Rahima and I support the move and sympathize with the government as it has to address huge, monumental security challenges. The criticism stems from numerous unfinished businesses that I think government should give the utmost priority. Security forces (police), securing government premises, reconciling different interpretation of provisional federal constitution, readiness, recruitment policies, national bases, and on and on should be front and center of the government’s effort. True there are political forces (supported by clans) who mistrust government in Mogadishu (for clannish reasons) that will not support it if they suspect their interested are not taken into account. These clan-based political forces were vocal before this government made demands relating to arms embargo and they will continue to be vocal every step of the way. That’s given. I am at loss where you are going with this obvious reality that everyone in the forum seems to acknowledge. As to this clan influence stuff you are peddling from post to post let me say this one more time at the this risk of sounding like a broken record YES clan is strong undercurrent of the majority of political activities in both Somalia and Diaspora (the only exception I can think of is nationalism and Political Islam -- both political stripes do exist). Agreed 110%! And I would add any rational and informed Somali who argue with you on that point does not have facts on his/her side. Now, it is one thing to say the clan is a major factor in Somali politics. It’s quite another thing to stretch that factual nugget into a litmus test for all and every statements folks made on current events. I see you are throwing yourself in Habar vs. Habar politics and declaring your political allegiance on that basis. That’s your prerogative. But I don’t think you should bully Rahima or other nationalist or Islamist who espouses different understanding that transcends clan politics into following suit or tell her to declare allegience to her clan first before she could share her opinion on political issues of the day. Accusations, finger pointing and impugning others intentions does not substitute for discussion awoowe . Xiin don’t deal with one liner brigade. They are not here to discuss issues. Folks like Abwaan (still waiting a report from him ) and others of similar mold excel accusing others but have difficulty in penning coherent and articulate thought silent readers of SOL could follow and understand. I guess we made a good run on this and got a lot of mileage out of it. Nimanyahow af laba daan leh baan, muranka deynayne Daleelaha cidlaa lagama shubo, hadal daleeleede Markii laduqayay Xiinfaniin wuxuu, doonayuu helaye!!
  13. Subax wanaagsan mid iyo kuli. p.s. Dr Cornel West - where art though this morning, - more important where is my £50 for my charity?
  14. Rahima - that post wasn't directed at you - I already know qalanjo qabiil ma leh That question was directed at Stoic (of the useless sujui clan) and Ngonge (casiir drinking carab)
  15. NGONGE;920005 wrote: ^^ I will give £50 to your chosen charity if Norf understands any of this or the meaning behind it. You got yourself a deal
  16. To Ibtisaam: Heedhee Sahraay heedhe Sarta hilibka dheehaaga Samaydaada dhererkaaga Sarajooga muuqaaga Sanqaroorka jaahaaga Dahab iyo xariir saran Uma baahna saantaadu Hadda silis ha xidhan maaha Luquntana ha sudhin mahaa Waxan uga socdaa heedhe Marka aad sunuud hayso Waxa suuq mug-weyn yaalla Ha la simin kitaab weeye
  17. To Norf: Saaxiibkayow Abu Sahra heedhe Anba saaka qaybteeda Sirsirraan ka joogaaye Xadhiggiyo bal eeg suunka Iyo sabarka gaadiidey Iyo salabka ii qaaran Iyo suudha guudkayga
  18. NGONGE;919717 wrote: ^^ War ayeeyda o ducay dee. Without her pulling that tiny nose of yours every day of your first six months on this earth you wouldn't have had such a Cyrano de Bergerac hooter. Saxiib - sheekadaadu waa tii dhex martay labadii islaamood ee is af fahmiwaayey - lady burco vs lady xamar: in a heated exchange: when lady burco said: "ma anoo laandheer ah baad adoo laangaab ah ila tiranaysaa" to which lady xamar replied: "haddaad laandheer tahay - ninkaaga kugu dhib qaba"
  19. NGONGE;919717 wrote: ^^ War ayeeyda o ducay dee. Without her pulling that tiny nose of yours every day of your first six months on this earth you wouldn't have had such a Cyrano de Bergerac hooter. Saxiib - sheekadaadu waa tii dhex martay labadii islaamood ee is af fahmiwaayey - lady burco vs lady xamar: in a heated exchange: when lady burco said: "ma anoo laandheer ah baad adoo laangaab ah ila tiranaysaa" to which lady xamar replied: "haddaad laandheer tahay - ninkaaga kugu dhib qaba"
  20. Mintid Farayar;919674 wrote: It would make sense to hand the killers to the region where the crime was committed, in this case - Puntland. Let their justice system deal with them. Just my humble opinion... NGONGE;919691 wrote: Article 35: Extradition of Accused and Convicted Persons and Political Asylum 3. The Republic of Somaliland may extradite to their countries convicted or accused foreigners if there is a treaty between the Republic of Somaliland and the country requesting their extradition. :D @ extradition How about - the alleged criminals are proven guilty and then they are handed over to the family of the sheikh (AUN) - as per the dictum of our diin and xeer
  21. they are trying to sell it now to somali channels
  22. Hello everyone .....ehm ehm ragu meella badan bu ku kala dheeryahay - taasna ha la ogaado