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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. adaa u diiday - with your way duushay rhetoric
  2. the operative word is the adjective word - but we agree on the flight of fancy the ceesaan took. now be warned shimbirtaatada taydaa ka weyn - as they saying goes - nin kuu digay kuma dilin
  3. ^is this a five minute argument or the full half an hour ??
  4. ^^so longs as the beginning and the end numbers are the same - you'll just have to keep looking over your shoulder you'll never know when i might dial that number - and you end up flying like the infamous ceesaantii duushay
  5. ^what is that g0t to do with this thread? oh i get; you just want an argument with Ikhwans of SOL:D
  6. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL@alaabtaas iyo football illeyn my little joke went as far as that. JB - I've got your number! - you can not just changed like that unless aad toobad keentit - your number starts with 666 and ends in 187 - if you know what i mean
  7. ^^ it sounds your boss is full of excrements
  8. LOL@ngonge and JB - laba kala daran indeed Faheema - ahlan horta - ma aniga ila hadlaysaa mise ngonge? warya jb - hadda ma waxaad leedahay alaabtii kuma soo ghaadin?
  9. Jacaylbaro;726435 wrote: I guess it is time get a new number then ,,,, Things u send to people are so scary man ,,,,, So I don't wana receive hotline calls Weli Ingiriiskaagii ma hagaagin bay ila tahay - bal haddeer maxaad ka hadlaysaa?
  10. ^waryee Ngonge, miyaadan isku xishoonanayn ? maxaad marwada cuqdadaysan 'warya' ugu leedahay? :D
  11. ^^Somalilander by default - yaa kala dee? I got your number, mate (btw that is figurative so to speak - don't take it literal and throw out your phone with the xashiishka)
  12. markaan soo galay miyaa mesha laga kala cararay?
  13. BTW - what happened to my duca thread for the politics section - was it deleted? anybody know?
  14. Somalilander by default - how are you doing this morning - after meeting Ibti and Alphy do you still think that those from Europe are "pound, kinky, arrongant and i-am-above-all type of people"?? ;) what about the friends in europe -do they still ignore you; when you call them or send them an email ??
  15. where my people at? where ever you are give me some love and then give me some more!! Subax wanaagsan one and all - maxaa la sheegay? *****aykum wasalaam
  16. ^^^^ stop biting your self and run home before you poop in your trousers
  17. @bariis madow Alxamdullilaah as long as she is enjoying her self that's what matters.
  18. Hello one and all! see la yahay? Ngonge iska waran? how is dahabo?
  19. congratulations to the united nation's children. they played a good game.
  20. Illahayow naga qabo Ayoub ibn Sheikh - A Blues listening, Lauryn Hill fan and who thinks he is from poet country, but more importantly thinks everyone suffers from the same thing as him and by telling us what suffers from - thinks that he is only being a concerned brother Ayoub Aamin dheh
  21. Knowing a man who knows another man is not manliness warya You either give orders or you see to it for yourself!