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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Could this article cause the same hubble-bubble as the thesis of Farmaajo did in the so called parliament??
  2. ^^ :D Oodweyne - or so you and your apprentice would have us believe - but as I am academically inclined - I have to be mindful of other opinions regarding your hibernation from SOL vis-à-vis recent changes in SL political landscape and your sudden reappearance . But all things considered now - I will have take your word for it - at least until such time that I have irrefutable evidence contrary to your claims
  3. Illeyn halkan baan ku dhejiyey. LOL@Paragon - Greetings to you my old friend - I did not get what Ayoub was talking about - illeyn ninku wuxuu ila haa - meel xun baad dhigatay isbaarada. - what the hell do i know about isbaaro - after all i am from Qardho - where no such thing exist Admin - Please move this to the politics section and put it on top as reminder to evil does or retards as Ngonge would have us believe
  4. ^^ who is not a 'novice' in Somalia? - murderers? warlords? thugs? thieves? and they have another thing in common - they are all not 'nice' people.
  5. This what happens when you don't define things properly; people assume things - my fault really. Ok - lets start again - first of all Unity means different things at different levels. here is dictionary definition of Unity: ities, plural 1. The state of being united or joined as a whole, esp. in a political context - European unity - economic unity 2. Harmony or agreement between people or groups - their leaders called for unity between opposing factions 3. The state of forming a complete and pleasing whole, esp. in an artistic context - the repeated phrase gives the piece unity and cohesion 4. A thing forming a complex whole - they speak of the three parts as a unity 5. In Aristotle's Poetics, each of the three dramatic principles requiring limitation of the supposed time of a drama to that occupied in acting it or to a single day (unity of time), use of one scene throughout (unity of place), and concentration on the development of a single plot (unity of action) 6. The number one As evidenced by the replies to this thread - majority of people including the lamb (as opposed to sheep) by the name of Ngonge, did not get my drift - instead they all assumed that i was talking about the number definition of Unity. When in fact i was talking about or rather lamenting about the loss of unity in as far as it is defined in number 2. Unity of purpose and common interests, which the business sector in the Somali peninsular seems to practise at the moment. So, I'll ask my question once again - How can we in SOL achieve unity of purpose and common interest for the betterment of ourselves and our people where ever they might be?? p.s. - that does not mean we all become so serious that we stop all together any fun in SOL. Just that it would be good and worthwhile to see once in while if not often us discussing something beneficial for all of us and reducing the negativity that seems to draw most of our attention in SOL.
  6. Jacaylbaro;729910 wrote: 26 June should be a sample for All Somalis as it was the first day oo Calan dhul Soomaali leedahay laga taagay. But sadly, for obvious reasons, it is not celebrated as such. wow- jacaylbaro making sense for once or twice - well done mate. joking aside - i agree with you 100%.
  7. :D@We beat Tuujiye's team 3-0. He thinks we beat them 1-0 Somali iyo indha adeyg -
  8. First of all - Alla ha u naxariisto marxuumka - sabar and imaan to his family and friends. Secondly - I am deeply concerned about the comments of made by Aaliyyah in far as they come across as very bigoted statements to make, but i am having to hold back harsh criticism of our sister for the sake of giving her benefit of doubt for her poor choice of statements and more importantly because i do not want to come across as any where near agreeing with the despised individual by the name of London2010.
  9. Ngonge - Farmaajo's biggest achievement is getting your political guru out of the self imposed exile (of the wilderness kind), in which he has being hibernating in, ever since your uncle (clan wise) got elected into what some SOLers call the Villa Morgan; the infamous residential palace of the muggers of the suggestible duriyada populace - how is that for an achievement? apparently he even got an achievement certificate on the 51st anniversary of Somalis independence day Now - to provide a counter balance to the heavy Qardhaawi officiating provided by KK in the exchange between Gabbal & Norf. I hereby declare that the said TKO was in error. in defence of my friend Norf - Gabbal and KK have discounted the fact that those demonstrations were not so much in support for Farmaajo's achievements but rather they were just an expression and outpouring caused by unsportsmanlike behaviour by the Sharifs - they saw prevailing in front of them. that is to say that it was nothing more than a rightful indignation underwritten by the Somalis' sense of fair play :cool:
  10. ^Thanks for the kind words Taleexi. Maskaxda ii dhis'so - bal ii sheeg in aanan keligay ahayn.
  11. Individuals and Groups operate under certain conditions that allow them to do what they do with impunity in the current Somali arena - one can not simple change the situation by changing the individuals or the groups. We need to change the conditions that allow them to exist. How can we as individuals best contribute to changing the condition of ourselves and those that surround us?
  12. - To unite Somalis? Watching the daily rants of SOL and Panorama's Land of Anarchy - I wonder what will it take for Somalis to wake up and see the reality as Somalis we are living in - more importantly for them to ACT?? I am hopeful - but for how long?
  13. ^I second that On top of that i had three phone calls from non somalis - calling to ask if i am watching .
  14. Subax Wanaagsan All. @ Taleexi. waa sidaan maleeyay A.Blondy- beenta naga daa wiilyahow JB - Adigunah ha nagu daarin AB.
  15. but in the mean time - here is my contribution
  16. 26th of June - Somali Independence Day 1st of July - Somali Union Day It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. the opening chapter of Charles Dickens Tale of two cities
  17. No, No my friend unless you mean a female from Qardho caused you to abandon your facebook - neither Qardho nor Taleex are known for anything resembling suuro, i would even go as far saying by both genders.
  18. I have never been a member of another somali or other nations' forum. I am very loyal member of SOL. I started reading SOL during one lousy and boring work day back at the end of 2001 i think. The joke section drew me here. At the beginning of 2002 I became member. The rest is history as they say.
  19. LOL@at the partial suuro. what gives odey taleexi? Abu Salman - lower expectations lead to lower outcomes - higher expectations lead to higher fall.
  20. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;729406 wrote: Sayid iyo Taleex, xaalka dalkeena ku suganyahay inay Shariifyada kuwa la baxay ka weyntahay waa ogahay laakiin mid ka mid ah Shariifyadaas (waa Shariif Sh. Axmed) in uu saan u dhaqmaayo ma moodin. Ileen kursi aan awood lahayn jaceylnimo loo haayo qof wax walba uu u sameynaa. Such a complete turnaround. Fair enough, hence your shock and utter disappointment. People plus Power tend to produce those surprising outcomes most of the time. Put your lot on principles and goals and a system that envisages the realisation of those goals and principles. Never put your lot in with individuals or even groups regardless of how much you like them or agree with them.