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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. STOIC;790030 wrote: My neighbour-reer xamaar-drop some KASHATAA in my house yesterday.Nice lady....Only Sijuis and reer maagaal like reer Xamaar will know how sweet the darn thing is....I have a weakness for Xalwaa and Kashataas..... LOL@xalwa - ana kaa naxaye sujui'yahow - haddad Hargaysa tagto - make sure you say Xalwad - before the same story that happen to the reer magaal from xamar happens to you
  2. Sabaabta Af Ingiriis loogu qora wixii ka soo baxay labadii shir ee lagu qabtay Garoowe? Tan kale - xujooyinka lagu xiray ka mid noqoshanimada wakiilada cusub waxaa ka mid ah: "no record of serious crime or crimes against humanity" Marka waxaa iswaydin mudan; - oo markiii hore xujadaan miyeeysan ka mid ahayn markii la soo xulaayey kuwa hadda jooga? mise dadku hadday caqliyeysteen?
  3. Abu-Salman;790026 wrote: True, all we need are anti-corruption leaders with a vision. We already have enough wealthy entrepeneurs to manufacture all the basic at home: the authorities would have to discourage most imports too apart from some drugs, electronics or production lines from India. Economic planning should be strict and disincentivise consumer spending or firms investment on non-essentials/imports in favor of basic goods/services and the underlying industrial infrastructure. How great it would be to do your laundry with detergents from Burao, have dinner with tuna from Berbera, then go for a ride filling up on fuel refined in Bossaso to buy some ampicillin straight from Garowe before coming home on your bed locally assembled in Hargeysa to read some book printed in Gabiley. I see corruption already: Qardho ka booday on serious note - this kind of industries should be encouraged and congratulated - however regulations are needed to ensure health and safety standards are adhered to.
  4. ^^what you talking about - ملكة سبأ way dhali karta fircoon - adiguse Aadan iyo Xaawo (pbh) kaliye kaa horeyey. Malika - ok my queen - waan ka qaleenayaa
  5. Malika;790010 wrote: Ngonge - have you ever seen a reer Somalia/land admit they are older or old? ..Marka Sayid will die arguing he is only 20 - labadan jiir maa dafaan...Loool Any who - so you lot are still at work? I hear you are the same age as the queen on ten pound note. laba ka jar labaatan kale ku dar - minus whatever Ngonge is having = my real age.
  6. ^^Indeed, just a reminder - that we will all taste death. NGONGE;790003 wrote: ^^ Remind me of my son asking his grandad "when are you going to die?" and the old man replying "after you". :D
  7. Talk about "pre-cooked" and then "microwaved" it = tasteless and unhealthy.
  8. I don't know about Jacaylbaro, but me and my dumaashi are not on our death bed to be singing songs like that yet - adiguse waaba qiratay already. Dumaashi - you shouldn't have corrected that word - dhimaatadaas was more suited - given the song write is dead and Ngonge is........ well ..gonna die one day
  9. How about some please and thank you - or - is that alien to you?
  10. NGONGE;789971 wrote: ^^ Edit: 426 Euros for a direct flight? If the connecting flights cost no more than 100 euros, it'll still be cheaper than the current stuff. It is not a direct flight per say - one connection flight from london to istanbul - one stop over at khartoum and then Mogadishu - still better though.
  11. Oh and re the picture - is it my eyes or does the picture look hazy/smoke/sawir marqaansan and the first lady a bit beaten up around the eyes and chick??
  12. :D The miskiin has finally lost it - Ngonge naxariislaawe - stop bulling the poor kid.
  13. I understand it is via Khartoum - and only from Istanbul - good start.
  14. Ahlan mid iyo kuli, Ngonge - it means the same thing as alwaax only it applies to you this time Dumaashi weli ma joogtaa?
  15. ^well you thought wrong - re radicalised diaspora - I thought your guru would have us believe that this actually would be beneficial for your lot of the Somali constituents.
  16. What is V Day? Victory Day? I am no alwaax (what that means in Arabic) - I just don't do copy and paste like some people.
  17. ^LOL@ Awaiting Abaal - Horta have you repaid the 'abaal' you owed back in the good old sixties - when Qardho elevated you into Somali premiership of Somali politic league? On serious note - I am against the whole conference on principle - as I honestly believe anything decided outside of somalia by none Somalis can ever be good for Somalis and Somalia.
  18. Lol@ red underwear and date with Blue. Malika - what is with the 'aboowe'? I thought you were either - habar yar/habo or mpwenda (sp)
  19. Mintid Farayar;788942 wrote: Two points I pointed out to the 'deaf, dumb, and blind' on this Forum about a month ago: 1) Ali dismissed a proposal circulated ahead of the London conference that Somalia be put under a temporary UN or African Union administration until December 2013. (AFP) 2)The mandate of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions expires in August, and the country’s Western backers are against any further extension. (AFP) And what did the 'deaf, dumb, and blind' people say to you?
  20. salaams one and all Malika - magic wand is xaraam
  21. Aחԁ tһе queen οf england аחԁ uncle sam Dem a flex dem muscle Tһе tribal hustle Blood diamond poodle Survival struggle
  22. NGONGE;788626 wrote: It's been a full year since Dahabo arrvied. Last week, she spoke on the phone to her mother in Burco. We put the call on the speaker phone and laughed our heads off as we listned to the conversation. The mother spoke in Somali and the daughter replied in English. Heh. Xaasidsaniddaa ninyahow - whole year passed before you let the poor girl speak to her mum :mad:
  23. ^^LOL - OK the mrs has confirmed what you are saying - but is not a rat apparently.