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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: ^War ninkan yaa inaga qabta oo ilaahay yaqaan! Where is the admin. Adeerayaal bari aroortii ama af-muslin ama mid gaalaad aad mid uun idin ku imaado. This guy should be banned. Qabaa'ilo yaan wax laga sheeginna waynu leenahay diintii in wax laga sheegana tolerance baynu u aragnaa! How do you reconcile these two. :confused: :confused: In the words of my Somali Icon - "in your next post be clear or be killed" Sayid M Abdulle Hassan. (obviously paraphrased)
  2. He was probably a Christian and the wrong clan and preaching. lol i guess that is some lethal combinations in Somalia!!, yes it is justified if he was a muslim, living in a muslim country, preaching christianity in the same muslim community and was trying to deviate and persuade people from their faith. As a christian from other countries or a somali born christian then that would not be justfied becouse there is no complusion in religion. my sentiments exactly. I always thought that the Somali ethnic group and any religions (like christianity & judaism) other than Islam were incompatible . though i heard about undercover atheists preaching the socialist doctrines.
  3. moving them from public positions is much easier than trying to take on the media/ tabloids and all these centres with their bogus research. Agree, it is easier and do able today, (scrabs on stick it note and puts it in the IN tray of to do things) the Muslims do not have the resources to fund and carry out such research. It is time consuming, requires lots of work, effort and time and institution, we are not very dedicated as Muslims, and under resourced.. I don’t think the damage that the media and bogus research has done to Islam and Muslims in general is reversible Disagree Ibti- You seem to have very good ideas and also you see to be dedicated realist but you are also let down by your pessimism . Have bit more optimism sister. Nothing is Impossible
  4. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote: Gumaysi iyo gobanimadu Ma labo lays garab dhigaa? [Maya] Maanta waxa shaki ku jirin in dad badan oo wadankeenii cadawga waydaarsaday [Haa] oranayaan. Nin/Nag la gumaysto malaha xoriyad ey ku dhahan Maya. sababto ah gobanimada ayaay xornimadu ka dhalata. Lakin hadii ad ula jeeday kuwa soo horkacay gumaystaha, armeey isu maleeyan iney iyagu ka midyihiin gumaystayasha.
  5. Dhamaadkii: Hooy, Hooy, Hooyooooo!!! Haddaadu hadey gashaa Hog goortii lagu dhigoo Wadaaduhu kula hadlaan Aabaha looma halwecee Waxaad tahay inna heblee Hooyadu waa lama huraan Waxaad tahay inna heblee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Adduunyadu waa haweeyn Halkaa laskuma hayee Nindoonaba ha hadlee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! =Oraahdan wax ka rumasan ma jirto, haddii la fiiriyo Somalia manta (Sayid) ---------=0=------------ Hirar gaagaaban iyo Hawada yaan ka hadlayaa Waxba anigoon hambeyn Hubaashiina aan hayaa HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Hanfada ruuxii noqdaa Hawraar kaama hantiyee Waxba anigoon hambeyn Hubaashiina aan hayaa HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! .... HOOYO ......
  6. Qaybta 4aad ee Hooyadu Waa Lama Huraaan Sidii awr haama wada Dusheedaan halabsanoo Hah goortaa nama dhehdee Waa noo sii hoorsatey HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Marada ay nagu hantiday Haddaan hoos uga dhacnaa Wadnihi bey ka hinqatoo Calooshey ka halcateye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Alaabta horteeda taal Haddaad laad ku hurguftaa Habaar weyn kuma dhahdee Inyar bey ka hifataye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Hiloowlaha ay dhashaa Haddii meel laga hayaa Asuu haaraa habeen Waa tii hoogeysatoo Ilmadu ay hibitiqdee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Haddaan been lagu hadleyn Wadnaha harkiisa iyo Halbowlaha dhiiga wada Hareer baa laga dhigoo Halkeey joogaan iyagu Yaa loosoo wada hoydey HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Hantida aad leedihiyo Wixii aad haabataa Haddii loosiiyo hibo Abaalkood lama helee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN
  7. Qaybta 3aad ee Hooyadu Waa Laama Huuraan: ---------=0=------------ Geed yare kaa hooshay meel Hadii aad haah dhehdaa Hubkii bey ka hmndadoo Iyada oon hagar lahayn Haaw waa tii soo dhehdee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Odaygu waa haajiraa Hawuu meel ugu kacaa Haduusan mawtku helin Hortaadey taagan tehee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Habeenkaad soo dhaxdaa Hurdada aad uma heshoo Qalbiga waa ka hamidoo Hiloow bey kuu qabtaye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Horey adigoo aan ahayn Dudkuu bey u hanjabtoo Halyeey beey kaa dhigtoo Amaan bey ku huwisaye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Abaarta hawaarsatiyo Harraad meelloogu go'ay Heeyhaata uu dhaanku yahay Cirkuna haawanahayaa Halihi ey soo heshaa Hadeey ho' inna dhehdaa Innaga oon soo hambeyn Waatii aan heensanoo Hamuunteedii horiyo Dhib bey la hagoogatey HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------
  8. Qaybta 2ad ee Hooyadu Waa Lama Huraan: ---------=0=------------ Sidaanaan halis u gelin hungurigeey suubisaa Dhaqsaba hoo nama dhehdee Intii ey ka hubsataa Iyada yaa ku hormartee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Reerku haduu yahay hayaan Hayinka aan saaran nahay Hogaankeey haysatoo Hoosbey kaala hadashoo Intii aad ka hurudaa Waa kuu heestaa hadane HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Cilmiga shiikh ku hormariyo Nin haamaan ah iyo hanad Iyadaa soo hayn jidhee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Haddii loo baahdo hiil Geesiga loo habar wacdiyo Fuleyga aan haadka hubin Iyadaa soo hayn jirtee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Deeqsi aad soo haybsatoo Hamuuntii kaa ba'shiyo Bakhaylka aan kula hadleyn Iyadaa soo hayn jirtee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Aabbuhu waa hawsha guud Ayuna hoosbey hayaan Habantii guriga iyo Hooygii bee noo huftaye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN!
  9. We'll have to counteract this, instead of knee jerk reactions (which might have it uses of clarifying something) but actually never solves the problems as the damage has already been done. We need to expose this so called "think thank" for what it is instead of what it claims to be. In my opinion the way to do that is by tuning out well executed relentless propaganda that ensures anything that comes of that organisation is relegated to bin, without a question. Now the question is do we have the means to do that, we might not have as many newspapers, but we certainly can buy few columns a month and publish few researches in one of those widely read liberal journals.
  10. Ibti - I remember reading one of the articles mentioned in there yesterday and thinking 'where do they get this?' and 'what questions did they ask' and in this articles I read, they had words like 'Almost third' "nearly half". I belief what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger!! - hence now i know what their way of thinking is and where they are going with this, i'll be sure counteract.
  11. Warya Nuune; Manta maaddo xiisala ba bilowday Carays Ciise Kaarshe Ilaah ha naxariiste wuxuu aha Aftahan, Af miishara kuyaal. Heesihisa tan uga helo waa HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN waana tana: Qaybta 1waad Higaad waa la akhriyaa Hagaag waa loo socdaa Hor waa loo sii hoydaa Hadal waa la hindisaa Ha'dii kale waxaan lahaa Mudaan uurka hurrudnoo Culays bey hayn jidhoo Talaabtey la hakatoo Xanuun bey la hingatey HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! Ha'dii kale waxaan lahaa ---------=0=------------ Habeen goor uu bartamay Caanihii bey nagu habtoo Horaadkeey noo dhigtoo Dharkii bey na huwiseye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Calooshaadoon hif oran Adiga oon ka haqabbi'in Hunguri ma haweeysatee HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Habaaq goor aad tahayo Talaabta aan la holi karin Adoo ciidii hambaday Dhaqsaba waa ku hinjisaye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Afkaa aan ku hadalniyo Hannaankeeniyo hub qaad Hagaag bey noo bartey HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN! ---------=0=------------ Innaga oon haybad qabin Hal beesa aan suubsan karin Habaaskeey naga huftoo Waa tii noo hiilisaye HOOYADU WAA LAMA HURAAN!
  12. Urban - Tuulada ka soo tak!! i'll cover one way ticket to london it is unforgunate brother, but all the schools are in london. Ibti - don't duck, you spoke the truth. We shall change this, otherwise some of ours little brothers, cousins etc willing ending up chewing JAAT in feltham soon, or be to busy wondering/standig around outside somali cafe, with i.o.u slips in their pockets, talking about, which warlord is in charge of mogadishu and x warlord is better than the current one. instead of wondering what job will they get with their uni of london degree in booming mogadishu town. However i am hopeful, we will realise the later goal.
  13. We have legal, moral and religious grounds for greater somalia. But we are missing the key ingredient; The Human Resource to realise this goal.
  14. You were about as funny as AIDS there!!
  15. Update: i have good responses from the sisters. but not enough from the brothers - what is going guys? - could it be the above conditions? ironically it is our young boys that are in most need of mentor or role model. Come on guys, lets get our act together and give something back to our community.
  16. you can start with stable regions in somalia now. on the hymen issue is for those thick headed that they would even fight the police, if their grievance is not taken on board, but agree i with trusting one another thing for it to work.
  17. Lol@ Faarax's against the FGM. belief me, i would join that organisation. In stable somalia; i belief the practise can be stopped all together in lest then couple years. and i don't say this lightly. given that all the sheikhs/imaams and all educated somalis agree the practise is unislamic; they only need to take the following steps to totally eridacate it: Ban the practise, write into law, get the sheikhs/imaams, radios, all other medias and touring education workshops publicise the law and the reason for it constantly (daily), none stop for at least one year Faarax's against FMG (i mean all men), loudly and clearly denounce fgm and say they will not marry women who had been mutalited obviuosly excluding the ones who it had been done to before then. offer free hymen test for any parents or prospectus marriage partners to allay their fears and reduce excuses for the continuation of fgm Take active steps to find people who commit this act after the law is passed and prosecute them in public and make a big fuss about it Persecute all involved from the father, brothers, uncles who failed their duty of care (either by allowed to happen or not doing anything about it even after it happened) and the mother, aunts, the witch (who carried it out) and any women who held the child down. i agree education is the most important of all these steps, however as education takes while to have impact. i think the drastic actions are needed to get it going quickly. what do you think?
  18. What had happened to poem/somali literary appreciations society? mise afki ba lumay? if that is the case - who are resident translators?
  19. Ibti - i also agree there is no comparison. this was intended for guys who say "i don't agree with it or i hate it but, but is not my place or concern to do anything about" which in my opinion is given a tacit consent for the practise.
  20. Intentions are clearly & evidently different, psychological fgm is lesser as most would understand that there is no evil intention behind it where as on the other hand fgm is more scarring physical in the long term and can have very dire consequences like infections, still births, death of mothers during delivery etc. almost every somali mother I know had still births due suffocation Poor choose comparison i agree, however i just felt so irate that anyone can stand and hear the horror that it must be when fgm is being carried and do absolutely nothing about it.
  21. I thin Rer Bari have the most sarcastic and misleading nicknames in the Somali peninsula, They name the darks amongst them Cade or Carab And the lightest among them Dhuxul or Madobe
  22. :mad: a 2,3,4,5,6 etc years old can not run from a gang women, tricking them first and then holding them down so hard that even sometimes they break their bones. Where is the father: probably he can hear the cries. :mad: :mad: Ultimate responsibility lies with male members of the family to protect the weak one from harm and abuse. I wonder how many men would stand and hear the cries of their daughter being raped?
  23. Just because they don't the operation does not mean they are not complicit in the act
  24. No! - But we sure don't stop it - given that we are supposedly the one capable of stopping it, hence the MAIN blame.