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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. "if you live long enough you'll see camels give birth" - somali proverb there is always first for everything. first time a post of mine has been deleted. CL - You have my sincerest apology - it was mere distasteful joke in response to repugnant article. i hope you can forgive. if you server on SOL long enough, you'll see saqajaan climbing high horse in order to get to higher moral ground - my proverb :cool:
  2. in the somali case, of course - i hardly ever read you talk about about anything else
  3. ^^^Dhuuke - Do you belief the end justifies the means?
  4. JB - eat your heart out!! - what do you make of my translation below? please note this is a literal tranlation: The people I am talking to have neither the moral fibre nor faith. As if they had grazing land for brain, which requires dredging (mud extraction) They descent on the previously ring fenced yard If they were to face one direction and protect their interests As a group of people (united by brotherhood) & adhere to self (kept) agreement They would have not been any less than anyone else. only they are cutting the hobble rope from underneath each other. You have been hammering each others’ heads for all eternity. When you disembowelled each other, it caused the floods to enter. Your offspring’s (your prosperity) scattered about and baked (by you lot) And you eat their fresh meat as your midday meal O Somalis, (don't you know) the straight path is covered Only the one who wants God’s favour can find it The man who sulks and disperse (out of fear) the constitution and divine revelations, only occurs the wrath of God (religion) There is no shelter in being clannish, only shattering shedders. Enjoy-espcially those who are somali challenged
  5. The Jamatu Nasril Islam (JNI) passed their verdict on Mohammed Bello Abubakar, 84, according to Sharia law. This comes two weeks after the Nigerian press and the BBC reported on the case. Talking to the media then, Mr Abubakar challenged Muslim scholars, saying there is no punishment stated in the Koran for having more than four wives. However, Mr Abubakar advised other men not to follow his example and marry 86 women. No limit The former teacher and Muslim preacher lives in Niger State with his wives and at least 170 children, and says he is able to cope only with the help of God. "A man with 10 wives would collapse and die, but my own power is given by Allah. That is why I have been able to control 86 of them," he told the BBC. Most Muslim scholars agree that a man is allowed to have four wives, as long as he can treat them equally. But Mr Bello Abubakar told the BBC: "To my understanding the Koran does not place a limit and it is up to what your own power, your own endowment and ability allows. "God did not say what the punishment should be for a man who has more than four wives, but he was specific about the punishment for fornication and adultery." Niger is one of the Muslim majority states to have reintroduced Sharia punishments since 2000. Several people have been sentenced to death for adultery by Sharia courts but none of these sentences have been carried out. Source
  6. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Dumarkuna shaah xumaa LOOOOOOOOOL classic reply!!! Nuune: Horta oogow inan ahay Sayidkaga :cool: Tan Labbaad: Sayid Sabaax bila micne laguma bixin, haddii adan ka joogin jidka aad ku socotiit, sabaaxadan kugu dhufto afarta sulux baad afartan malmood salaxeeysa. unlike Ibti - no one will back you up
  7. Sayid, haye maanta maxaad walaaqeeysaa, mise sida JB ayaad xalay wax soo qarbudey, nin arbushaad badan baad tahay digniin: hadadan ka wantoobin waxaan kor ku xusan, adigan xal ku qabsan Kow: anigu wax ma walaaqo. wax uun ban waaniya Labbo: anigaa xalay laygu qarbudey Saddex: nin degan oo edebsan, eedaadna soo maray baan ahay. marka meel ba iga dhacday, markaad igu tilmantay 'arbushadnimo' iga fog. :mad: fursad ban ku sinaya (in kasto wantatiir dheer igu qadaneyso) inaad ka wantoobtiit waxaa qortay :cool:
  8. ^^^^^ leave the unknown be - Would someone please send him a keyboard. typing with a mouse must feel like trying to catch a mouse.....very tricky!!!!
  9. Subax Wanagsan Akhyarta!!! LOOOOOOOOOL@Nuune & Ngonge - thanks for the laugh. if i tell what happen to me last night - i'll probably trump JB's story..i'll wait for his first
  10. Wanba qirta - now will you do it? what's more i am more than happy to acknowledge i can't translate for sh - if you'll translate the hundren documents i have here in fron of me. I would really like someone to translate this poem and i'll pay them Terms and condition apply
  11. Finally A Worthy Topic!!! but why are they unknown - i knew they were the unsung heroes of somalia, but definitely not unknown.
  12. it seems common sense prevails - why would anyone (apart from somalis i mean) kill each other whilst being killed by a third party?
  13. ^^^back to reading minds are we? how do you know what he meant? i would really like to your tranlation - please do (on my behalf)
  14. Morning Ibti - be prepared to counsel instead of mentoring few bullied children because if this guy’s action. which one is it - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeww or good for the health? just please don't offer these choices to the children
  15. Sayid care to translate that into english,bruv? I don't care!!! if the book was in Af-Soomaali, you should have at least copied the title in Soomaali. if the book is in english-why would i translate it into Soomaali, since no one here actually boast/brags about not speaking/understanding english like they do with the Af soomaali :mad:
  16. good morning people!!!! usually there used to be offers of online coffe and what not from the first trollers - what happen? has the recession caught up with everyone?
  17. Would someone please get him out before he eats shyyyyyyyyyyytt. :mad: is 9 in the morning and i already had 3 people say to me "have you seen it?" :mad: i just feel so sorry for my students, thank God they are on holidays - i can just imagine dealing with an incident of someone either being bullied to eat a boggie or fights over somalis eat boggie name calling. for those of you who have seen Big Brother in the UK - Mo (a somali guy on the show) eat someone else's boggie last night for bet over a beer.
  18. ^^your saqajaanimo know no bounds - continue like this and you'll end marrying a goat like that Sudanese man.
  19. Originally posted by Mr-Warmonger: sayid_somal if you're looking for brownie points among the xalimo's i get it laaking stop pretending yaa internet warrior. first of all - i have got all the brownie points i need. :cool: second i am not the one calling myself warmonger and the likes to appear what i am not. Saqanjaanimada meel kale la aad. All of the above, saaxib. Dismiss them if you like but don't insult the man (or at least do it with style). You're a bit too blunt and asking for a fight there. No need to beat around the bush saaxib, with this guy. asking for a fight??? warmongers are more suited to that - i just deliver :cool: all in all thanks for the advice!!! your concerns are noted.
  20. ^^^ i just don't know whether i want to knock you of the block or just keep silent about your irreverent topics. choose between the two and i shall be obliged.. :cool:
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: Sayid, there is no need to be rude to him, saaxib. Many people share his views. which views? somalis not being africans or somali women marrying foreigners not being right or just any other saqajaan views???
  22. No. The wedding went ahead, but everybody was talking about the incident, when the nikkah was done, all the elders went into another room with the two man and left everyone rumouring about what transpired between the men. Somalis and rumours - man they can exaggerate things.
  23. Somali marrying African!!!!!! :confused: :confused: are Somalis not african??? don't bother answering, as you are not fit enough to distinction that in the first place. Reason why they do that - to avoid the chance of marrying Saqajaan from somalia, i presume. either this thread was created simply to get reaction or more sinisterly the poster actually beliefs he is raising a legitimate issue. if the first applies then you have the reactions enjoy :cool: if on the other hand you really belief this is a real issue to discuss; you either have low self esteem or you are simple retarded :cool: that is my take on this thread.
  24. just the though thats all.... even in animal's meat there is certain parts that man do not eat in somalia. i remember getting a slap for tasting a kidney in badiye - apparently, only women eat the head, kidneys, stomach etc. and man eat the main body parts of the meat. is this the case where you are JB?