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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. OOUUUCHHH!!! that hurt!!! what matters now is how he recovers!!! - i always thought he was going to be another PRince Hameed - its unforgunate
  2. Good Morning One and All! Dabkii ma la shiday? gacmaha i qaboobay!! Edit: Malika & Ibti Waydan Salamay :cool: JB & Faynuus: Haygu Afurinina!!!
  3. what do the Reer Baadiye/Miiyi on SOL make of this Carab/Berber Bedouin? Col Gaddafi is the longest-serving leader in the Arab world , having ruled Libya since he toppled King Idris I in a bloodless coup at the age of 27 . Known for his flamboyant dress-sense and gun-toting female body guards , the Libyan leader is also considered a skilled political operator who moved swiftly to bring his country out of diplomatic isolation. In 1977 he invented a system called the "Jamahiriya" or "state of the masses", in which power is meant to be held by thousands of "peoples' committees On foreign trips he sets up camp in a luxury Bedouin tent and is accompanied by armed female bodyguards - said to be considered less easily distracted than their male counterparts . A tent is also used to receive visitors in Libya, where Col Gaddafi sits through meetings or interviews swishing the air with a horsehair or palm leaf fly-swatter. "I see him very much as a Berber tribesman, somebody who came out of a culture informed by the desert, by the sand, and in some ways very atypical of modern leadership, and that's given him a certain endurance and persistence." for further reading
  4. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Democracy is what Somaliland keeps alive ,, if you want to know take that as an example and live with it. i thought after Allah - it was diaspora funds and Jaat that kept Sadland alive - :cool:
  5. Originally posted by Cara: Sayid_Somal, why don't you tell us what democracy means to you? On second thought, don't. No more talk out of you. I hereby appoint myself your queen and you must do as I say. Now go to Dhulqarnayn and apologize to him for your temerity, after which you will be his servant for 1 year and do his every bidding until he has forgiven you. That's an order You are in no place to give me orders - for you'll find that I am your online husband - ask NGONGE - after all he was the one who gave me to you as part of peace agreement between me and the Northerns on SOL :cool: As for what democracy means to mean - more than anything i associate democracy with pretext used (by western countries) to propagate a version of governing system and to subjugate other peoples and ways of governing especially Islamic i.e. the ways Allah - our creator wants to govern ourselves, which in my opinion majority of what is good about democracy is drawn from Islam and common sense anyway
  6. Ookiyalaha iska bixi saxiib - be like these when you are looking at the picture :eek:
  7. ^^^Have you ever being slapped - or punched or kicked, stabbed, slashed, grazzed, stampped, and lastly but not the least painful; shot and after all that - then had your mouth washed with saop? BTW- the question is What does the word democracy mean to you?
  8. Sayid, Soo digii lahaa waan ku cafiyey! Waan ku cafiyey - raalina ahow hadi an kugu gafay. laakin ma ii shegi karta sabaabta lagu wacayo 'Mini A&T'
  9. Now that you are - don't leave without footprints - Well what is your understanding of democracy? - please DO NO Cut & Paste of what other people think about the subject - i just want the simple nomads here to tell their side.
  10. ^^^thank you - but that was not the question - the question is Should Somalia have Prisons? if so why? and if not what do you do to the criminals. just your opinion will suffice. :cool:
  11. Jazakallah khayr once again all - i wish the brother who argue with and shouted proufanity at me - could read this now - anyways i'll try not to argue with ignorant again.
  12. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: dhulQarnayn :cool: Supports em! ^^^ Those are not somalis - look they are wearing bullet proof vest - not self respecting somali pirate would seen wearing bullet proof vest - so perhaps you are not supporting Somali pirates
  13. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Sayidoow, ayeeydey (allaha u naxariistee) baa wexey dhihi jirtay 'qosolka badan ooyin baa ka dambeysa', eebal dhoola cadeyska kala yaree maandhoow... adigu see wax u fahanta? mise annaa ka laygugu daray? anigoo ku camirayah ayaa ugu soo jeensatay. and prophet Muxammed (SCW) said: Smile is a charity and therefore not dembi - do you get me know
  14. Classic indeed - it is the epitome of hypocrisy When is Mr Osama & Binladen i mean Obama & Bindeen go to use this as part of their adverts against the republican part??
  15. Tom Makulaal iyo Jerry Jiir !!! Now would you be so kind and chase each other outer my thread and take your nonsense and stuff with you
  16. ^^^Another "Somali Politician" in the making. however i much prefer you were an Islamic leader in the making:cool:
  17. i am now even more confused - you said Here is how BBA works: There are three parties in the BBA Deal. 1. Bank 2. Customer 3. Owner Of Asset First Step: Customer identifies property to be aquired. Second Step: Bank purchases property from owner on cash basis. Third Step: Bank sells property it aquired to Customer at cost plus profit margin. Forth Step. Customer repays Bank in N installments (eg n= Now! - that is what i have - i wanna know whether this what the majority of Culama/scholars agree with or not!!! the bank i am with is not an islamic bank but they have produced all these sheiks/imaams/islamic scholars who say this is halaal even as far as saying (on question related to the actually financial equity of the bank being acquired in unislamic manner i.e. that their profit was gained thru interest and as such that is what they bought the house with) the counter arguement offered by these scholars was that if a shop sold alcohol does that mean the milk you pay from there is xaraam? i look forward to you answers and many thanks in advance for your anticipated response or more approriately Jazakallah Khayr.
  18. maya waa charity!! so here and another and take this one for good measure
  19. Ibti - Abti i wholly concur - but if you say to somali (at the moment) the word 'islamic' - they run hundren mile per hour screaming "clan courts" before you can even finish the sentence.
  20. My Contrubition: Jaajuus miya tahay = are you a spy Yaad u shaqaysa = who do you work for Hadal!- hadi kale iska jir Speak! or else...
  21. due to the uncalled for - aflagaado!! i think!!
  22. i think your fasting is already broken !! so you can say what is in your mind