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Everything posted by SayidSomal
Wa nabaad Mpenzi (wouldn't you rather a man say that to you than cynical feminist?) as for the email - reply "the world might end tomorrow - resend email after tomorrow if you are all still living and breathing and can actually have computers" :cool:
^^^Dar Salaam Calling ......... de.. de..de..de.. HELLO! MALIKA *line drops dead* ...*sigh* the price of abandoning technology in the west how are Mphezi (or what ever other you sujuis call each other)
^^^ you actually had point?? you bloody half wit how is that for tact?? :cool: as for my political views - are you saying JB is setting me a trap and soon as i get there - he'll put in jail for my political rambling???
^^an educated fool who thinks sarcasm doesn't cause offence. i guess they didn't teach you that - 'sarcasm is the lowest form of wit' and by the way - thanks for the compliments, my soomaalinimo means more to me than having tact (the art of asslicking whilst attempting to kick it)
Apparently this scientist have being receiving death threaths from people who are scared the world might end tomorrow. BTW - isn't the Big Bang Theory mentioned in the Qur'an?
^^^ Subxanallah!!! they removed the first five letters of the salaam because it spells out illegitimate child. istakhfuranllah!
I don't think i'll even attempt another visit for the forseeable future but i would like to explore another avuenue if you can help with that - i would greatly appreciate. i'll pm you -
Salamu Calaykum One & All. Maxaa lagu beryeey?
J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o! i had planned and visit to partner 2 schools; one in Sadland and another in Bugland with two schools in London - i had the funds approved and teachers who were all willing to travell to the hot zone. Then suddenly the kidnappings in bugland and the stories about teachers getting shot (for supposedly spreading christianity) came to surface and on top of that Foreign Office's warning do "not travell to Somalia, even in Sadland under any circumsatnces" :mad: i am not technological advance so you'll have to tell about how i can at least set up some sort of virtuall link between these schools, obviously without visiting them. Edit: BTW the artcile is quite positive - well done on those involved - hope it bears fruit for all.
Originally posted by *Blessed: ^This is the second time you question my honesty, bruv. Yaa ila kaa xantay? Xal Qaado - raalina ahow
^You know he built a school in a tuulo in Somalia. Naseem waa rageedi! REALLY? PROVE IT
is this for real or what - especially the supposed message?
sayid, there's only one prince naseem oh yeah?? prove it mate!! i am just kidding - i guess there is only one Prince Nazeem HAmeeeeeeeed!!!
By the way, Imam'ku ma reer-baadiyu ahaa? Feedhka moo soo celiyo isaguna. I am fed up with the sterotying of Sheekhs as people in capable of boxing and doing the Sabaaxad! Try on Al-shabab! Wajigay kaaga dhici walaahi.,
Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Salaams to all on this page: Malika, Lily, Ngonge,Sayid Somali,BG,nuune,and Even CL. Ramadaan Kariim! Sayid, have you finally managed to shed off the ghost of A&T? I mean the ignominy of being compared to me? no not yet anyway - with all the attraction you being geeting lately - i might not want to.... but your answer in PM worried Walaahi... Cajiib
the blatant differences between these morons Nkurumah, Nyerere & Mugabe and this crazy nomad is 1. they speak/spoke english better than the former master, who by the way invented the language. the crazy nomad can hardly speak his official language(arabic) let alone english. 2. they were house niggers, althought one run away (mugabe)to the fields, once the kitchen got hot. he (qaddafi) lives on the desert of all deserts and he never once lived in air/conditioned house. 3. They paid lip service to African Unity - he paid in dollars 4. the crazy nomad is the only african leader to get compensation for his people from their former masters (italiano) 5. i continue - but i might break fast, so i'll stop here.
Malika - What? admiration, and the likes of Nkurumah, Nyerere & Mugabe - i am confused and baffled? please explain - before i explode!
Originally posted by nuune: Sayidka, looool@hees caruureedka, eheheheh, war niyahow aduunya lama socotid, yeah, am still called nuune and get away with many things lol that explains a lot - from here onwards you are an adult - GROW UP!! unless you are good child who shares their spoils in which case stay nuune and passed thru the net, sayid, why dont you make sambus with kalun? Would you buy it? Geel jire iyo sambuus isma racaan :cool:
indeed they do!! or perhaps the petro dollar?? which ever you looked at it - this nomad has made big impression in the world. i also hear no longer wants to be an Arab - hence reason why he waers logo of Africa every where he goes
Nuune - markastoo oo aan qoro NUUNE - waxaan soo xasuusta the Somali Lullaby that went Ayaa dilay oo dagaalay Ayaa dur kuluul ku jeexay Qofkii dilay oo dagaalay dagal baa naga dheexeya Dadow ii daya Nuune, wuxuu doonayo siiya, wuxuu diddona haku dilina....etc - i can't finish nor remember everything and what order they came in but i presume that you get your sambuusa because given your name is nuune and what ever you want is given to you and what you don't want no one can force on you - NO wonder you call your self baby - in the real world (where i live) i ask around the answer is awlays the same: Sambusa Kaluun - war ma nuuna tahay - walaal ma samayno sambuse kaluun ku jiro. unless you are talking about caribbean patty - i hardly see where they sell somali sambusa (somali being the operative word here)
^^Sayid danbeeya xagee ku aragtay adigu?? as for the question - i asked why don't they make it - not whether they can make it or not - whether it was somalia or in here london - all i seem to get is SAME OLD SAMBUUSA with HILIB ARI and BASAL (onions). not even variation of meat ios offered .i.e. beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, ect
i guess not much
Horta - maxaa sambuusa soomaalida kaluun loga samanwaayay?
JB_ maya hora igu afurtay!! don't you remember?
^^^be serious please - handing somalis over to aliens is only known to the Warlords.