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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. ^^^LOOOOOOL good come back but as ever i must warn u - u don't know what your are messing with - the amount of domestic abuse of men from the south by the north women i hear about are countless - saxiib ddon't become another statistic
  2. Che, halga faada with ur toys and be a good boy till she gets back whose is being kick to the curb now???
  3. POOR che - they are even now - passing him to each other - one to ka neefi, whilst the other gets more sharper tool to cut him with - WAR CARAAAR!! CAGAHA WAX KA DAY
  4. Che ka neefi in the meanwhile che that is what happen warning you about - becareful saxiib, next thing you lose wouldn't be your breath - if you get my drift - these northern girls are belaayo i tell you :cool:
  5. two southerns went to north - their names were yalaxow and xabiib - they decided to change the names to Jaamac and Qawdhan obviously to appeal to northen girls - they went on double date with two northen girls, during the meal - mr xabiib decide to go the loo and as he came back the northern girls said him - "Xabiibi what has taken you long" - the guy flipped and cried out "he is name is yalaxow too - he is no northen either"
  6. ^^^^notherners do not let best girls marry southerns or eastherns - and i am speaking from experience here apparently it only started after burco conference - it was one of the conditions for sadland's declaration of indepedence - so Che - just becareful about beatiful northen girls - they are worth it that is brother advice from me to you
  7. Originally posted by Malika: Hello Sayid, Alhamdullillah,life is threating me "okay"[ the self human being I am,I do not truly appreciating the blessings], how am treating her is a complete different issue.I am actually underestimating ,and not fully enbracing her "life"..Lol[ I bet you didnt expect a long winding response..heh] Ngonge,he just seemed a tad bit too happy for the miserable me..astagfirullah! Hello Malika, sorry didn't see your long reply (i prefer long replies than the usual 'fine' line response) before - as for life treatment - how it usually works is you treat your life well and it looks after you (you got the imagine yourself as being that of your sould as you and your body as your temple) does that make sense???? i am confused now :confused: anyways take care of yourself and each other.
  8. WOMEN’S HEALTH & FAMILY SERVICES The Brady Centre, 192 Hanbury St, London E1 7HU TEL: 020 7377 8725 FAX: 020 7377 1064 Women’s Health and Family Services is a community health organisation that works with women and their families from the Bengali, Chinese, Vietnamese and Somali communities in Tower Hamlets to ensure better access to health provision, improve health literacy in the community and highlight health inequalities. WHFS Diabetes Team Diabetes is a health concern for many people living in Tower Hamlets and as a chronic life long condition, WHFS, funded by Tower Hamlets PCT, is trying new ways of reaching those people with diabetes who need more help. Can you help us deliver our ambitious plan to increase the quality of care and management for people from minority ethnic communities living with diabetes in Tower Hamlets? We are looking for people with a background in BME community development and/or health education. You will need to be a highly motivated person with commitment for achieving change. The three posts are: Somali speaking Diabetes Team Manager (Ref:SDTM) Salary: 29, 246 Sc SO2 (Incl ILW) 35 hours pw • To manage Somali Diabetes Education Project and Diabetes Befriending Project and to lead on provision of community based structured diabetes health programme for the Somali community in Tower Hamlets. Somali speaking Diabetes Educator (Ref:SDE) Salary: 24, 591 Sc 6 pt 26 (Incl ILW) 35 hours pw • To help deliver diabetes education through the X-PERT Diabetes PROGRAMME for people with type 2 diabetes from the Somali community in Tower Hamlets Bengali speaking Diabetes Befriending Volunteer Co-ordinator (Ref:BDB) Salary: 24, 591 Sc 6 pt 26 (Incl ILW) 35 hours pw • To establish a network of Bengali and Somali volunteers who can provide practical and moral support to people with type 2 diabetes living in Tower Hamlets. WHFS Office Manager (Female post) (Ref:OM) Salary: 26,928 SO1 (Incl ILW) Pro rata 21 hours pw WHFS is also looking for a highly organised and motivated person to be responsible for the efficient running of Women’s Health and Family Services administrative, and clerical systems on a day to day basis as part of our committed staff team For an application pack for either of the above posts please email: quoting the reference no. for the application pack you are requiring. Closing Date: 29/9/08 Interviews: week beginning 6/10/08 WHFS is an equal opportunities employer
  9. hello malika - how is life treating you and you treating her?
  10. Uganda seeking miniskirt ban Uganda's ethics and integrity minister says miniskirts should be banned - because women wearing them distract drivers and cause traffic accidents. Nsaba Buturo told journalists in Kampala that wearing a miniskirt was like walking naked in the streets. "What's wrong with a miniskirt? You can cause an accident because some of our people are weak mentally," he said. The BBC's Joshua Mmali in Kampala, the capital, said journalists found the minister's comments extremely funny. Wearing a miniskirt should be regarded as "indecent", which would be punishable under Ugandan law, Mr Buturo said. And he railed against the dangers facing those inadvertently distracted by short skirts. "If you find a naked person you begin to concentrate on the make-up of that person and yet you are driving," he said. "These days you hardly know who is a mother from a daughter, they are all naked." Vice list According to the minister, indecent dressing is just one of many vices facing Ugandan society. "Theft and embezzlement of public funds, sub-standard service delivery, greed, infidelity, prostitution, homosexuality [and] sectarianism..." he said. Earlier this year, Kampala's Makerere University decided to impose a dress code for women at the institution, our reporter says. The miniskirt and tight trousers ban has yet to be implemented, but our correspondent sought the opinions of women on campus about the minister's opinions. "If one wants to wear a miniskirt, it's ok. If another wants to put on a long skirt, then that's ok," one woman said. But others had more sympathy with Mr Buturo. "I think skimpy things are not good. We are keeping the dignity of Africa as ladies and we have to cover ourselves up," one woman, called Sharon, told the BBC. source
  11. enuun: that is better congratulations walaal, lakin 'weekend' ka ku ekey, duulimaad badan buufis bey dadka ku rida ayan maqalay
  12. Ramadaan taa na diciifiseey saaxiib. Did I tell you this boy with a severe gooryaan problem once uttered "War ninyahoow soonku...". I have the feeling he wanted to complain. Then, he was squeezed by the gooryaan inside so hard and he read that as a sign of warning. he qucikly changed his language, "Haa, Soonku waa caafimaad", he shouted. Halkiibaan ku dhow nahay. LOOOOOOL masha'Allah - the best defence you can have mate, keep it going. Nuune - (i got stop typing you name, i always get that urge to burst out that lullaby tune) weeligayba qunyar socod baan aha - ee sidan maqlay adaa duula - run miyaa sidas?
  13. LOOOOOL@A&T - maa naneystayda ka baqday??? lol - saxiib ana waa kusalaamay - ee see tahay beryahaan, qunyar socod baad noqotay haddeer, alxamdullilaah!. Nuune: ana niyaadan ka salamay, gacanteydana waa tan Ibti: ......hhmmmm!
  14. on serious note - i have actually being involved in a project that was about identity and i read this article (one posted here) during the project. for one to actually fully identify themselves it goes beyond the nationality or the race/continent that the person comes from. one has to define what identity is first, for me idedntity means = what identifies (to recognize somebody or something and to be able to say who or what he, she, or it is) somebody or something i.e. the name or essential character that identifies somebody or something. working on that understanding: i am a male human being, muslim, from african continent, somali by birth, a son, brother, nephew, cousin, uncle, loving husband, devoted father and a teacher.
  15. Abtigiis - Baarqab miyaad isu malaysa? isa soo daa dee, hadaad qooqday, sayrsayr bilaash laguma bixin out of all the people who posted after my greetings, the only one who mentions my names does not even return my salaam (rather he calls for a fight) :mad: - what happen people?? no love for your Sayid??
  16. Subax wanagsan walaalayaal!!! Maxaa isku dhacaaya? ama yaa isku dhacaay??
  17. happy birthday KK (Klux Klan) - i worked out your age with my fingers and your age came to .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ...... 20 years old (cos i only 10 fingers and 10 toes)
  18. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: No can't see them :cool: *walks out*
  19. VAL - i am well alxamdulilaah, Barwaaqo iyo Caano Geel. BTW haven't you heard we are the most improved council in London now - 3 stars out of 4. Do you reside in lambeth or just south of the river? anyways - come to work for lambeth i am sure you'll enjoy working here. Norf1- you are parading on my thread man! - tempting my potential colleagues with your offers of sun, sea and petrol dollars - stop it right now.
  20. however i wouldn't use the f word in any of these situations
  21. Joke section is down below, on your way to the politics section keep going and you'll find it behind the staff office good luck and don't get lost :cool:
  22. I wish I knew how to fake a good faint, I'd probably faint a dozen or so times a day; presentation in front of my boss and important clients --- wheeee..hitting the floor. Down I go! Honey, what's for dinner? -- yep, bye bye. Down I go! start practising i say
  23. Aah Barwaaqo (i can't still get over you changing that prosperous name) - how are you walaal - are you still in lovelorn? i posted this as i have personal mission to bring many somalis in to my work place, currently we are 12 in the council and we have lovely social fraternity. Norf1- lambeth is the most improved council in london. the best i say.
  24. Soomaaliyeey shaqa ma rabtaan?? Maya! Bax Marka Haa! Halkan Jobs taabo marka. hadii aad cawimaad u bahantihiin ii soo *** pm.