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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Jb - i had to deleted it - just in case one of them decided to ask one of their parents to translate it and got slapped instead -
  2. EDIT: Sayid, THANK you, but I don't represent nowhere, keep that in mind, I just float and roam around maraxyahow Marax already ties you to a particular geography in somalia. had you being floating; qawdhan would have being more appropriate
  3. Originally posted by nuune: iska jir, waligaa gabar haku dhihin tundheer aan kaa saraaa, if you do, make sure you say taraarax aan kaaga dhalinaa. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL - talking from experience? - is what it looks like from here!
  4. LOOOOOOOOOOO@JB &Nuune - i guess you guys couldn't decipher that one then??
  5. we should develop a SOL dictionary for the likes of Ngonge & Ibtisaam , where all these words are stored for future reference. i nominate Jaceylbaro and Nuune to be the official teachers; one representing the northern and southern dialects respectively and of cousre moi as the moderator for the standard Somali. :cool:
  6. ^^^warya - ha cayiin bantu'da - this guy is buffoon not a bantu
  7. Legdin! Anyone? have any of you guys ever being in Legdin o 1:1 with a girl - i know Nuune has already admitted in his signature with all the excuses for losing it. what i would have given to see the two JBs vs two of the girls - (you both can choose who you face)
  8. Did anyone congratule this buffoon for being able to see far from a bottom of a well than we somalis can see from a top of a mountain , in addition to his warning for the somalis???????? whilst we may chastise this buffoon, does anyone wander that maybe we (the somalis) are the proverbial goat, who lied down to be slaughtered????? :mad:
  9. Originally posted by Johnny B: Ngonge, here is my match-making of our girls when they were in their teens. Tell me i almost got it right. Johny - since you were there, where are you? - Are you the one with red short running to the waters, whilst Jac&Nuune do their thing - oh poor nuune, waa laga jensaday, where as mr love is really trying hard to hold on to the pants and chat at the same time
  10. Cabdiyo, whatever you do don't translate for Ibti, what i wrote. :cool: LOOOOOOOOOOL@jac horadada markan qabtay dhigatay $^%&^*&(*)()(&%%$£"£$%%^&() good luck with deciphering that one. that is enought dembi for me today, i have go to go and wash them off now.
  11. Ibri; use smoke signals, i hear reer burco respond quickly to smoke signals rather than emails joke a side, i will give him a nutch or should that be jug, *says: "jug" "Jug"*
  12. Cuqdadley, Maxaa ku haya manta waadigaas afka kala hayee? enought you two - i am quitting whilst ahead here, i'll go an do my prayers now
  13. Jac, whose Saqajaan?? - waadigaas ii caamirinayehe/dhoolidhirayehe. Edit: LOOOOOOOOOL@Cabdiyo - thanks ina'abti for putting my worries at ease.
  14. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL@JAC&NU - waan ogahay in aad taqaniin gabaygaas - so let me pre-empt you guys markaan meshaas ka tegay waxaan lahaa anoo gacmuuhu madaxa ii saranyihiin "Alla, hala hubiyo ahalbah ( ) barba hoos daloolaleh e" now i dare you guys to say fill in the middle part. haddii layburiyo iddinka ka masuul ah - cos you guys have egged me into it
  15. what worries more than anything in this article is the fact that this baboon can SEE FAR from a BOTTOM of a WELL than we somalis can SEE from a TOP of a MOUNTAIN :mad: whilst i have every faith in the ability of the somalis to fight (albeit senselessly at each other), i do not unlike the rest of you who posted above me, discount the mad ramblings of this baboon, for i know, that all crazy ideas/opinions in history have habits of being implemented by their originators or those that think alike. hence i am grateful for being aware.
  16. Malika, the album is less than £10; its £9.99. NUune: LOOOOOL - horta guur mataqaana? nightmare kulahaa?? war naga daa ninyahow - weeligaa ma guurtay habeen horta? adiga iyo Jaceyle maad dhamistirtaan gabaygaan booga hore, bilowgiisa ku qoray?
  17. Morning Malika - how have you being lately? - re presents - give him the World Beat Album - with its all lovely beats from the African East Coast including somali and swahili and their rhythmical ocean waves and sounds. Morning Ibti - how are you and have your recovered from your old age wounds/injuries? Jac - being the reer magaal you are, i bet you have never being on a nightime guur?? Nuune - another reer magaal - talk to me when you have been on guur?
  18. Xalay baan hababoo ka dhacay haddaqya sii jeeda, waxaan soo hilaacoba mid baan soo hor joogsadaye...........(i'll leave the rest for you guys to fil in) Good Morning one and all. Warya Jac - did you get lost on your way back from Borama to Hargeisa and ended up in Sheikh??
  19. ^^^maybe he had something else going for him then the looks and the religion
  20. ^^Do you want a Somali man or not? preferable Mr Warmonger (aka Saqajaan) a simple yes or no will
  21. ^^^ Would someone please give this woman a man, i nominate Mr Warmonger (aka Saqajaan)
  22. ^^sheherazade waa SHE shidan - ee tas ogow! She Shidan: horta what grade i am now? and moving up one grade - what will it get me? if nothing what will it take me closer to??
  23. ^^^^^LOOOOOOOOOL - say please first!
  24. Daydreamers live in the lala land, which is pounded by the singsin ocean. so please snap out of it and come back to reality - daydreaming is soo unsomali - stick to being what you all are. :cool: on the positive side - we note that Mr Che has become a night dreamer of late