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Everything posted by SayidSomal
^talking from experience yaa sheh?? how is your job hunting going horta? you find place in dubai or malaysia yet?
malika, it doesn't matter where it is, unemployed somalis stand around either leaning on walkistick/wall/post or simple just hold their waist - but why i wonder?
^^the poem was to Naden - warning her to stay away before you go mad and start throwing fits about
morning Malika, do you want more tea? Johny - i countered the presence of the cynics
Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: ----------------------- Stay off this Naden! And I shall offer a higher bribe in kind! Miisaan haday noqoto iyo miyir haweeneedba Mawluhu aduu kugu khalqoo maanta aan rabine Maamuus ayaad mudan tahay iyo maalmo sooryaba'e Ha yeshee Nadaneey mid baa mindiyo soo qaatay Mudac iyo minshaar buu wataa oo madaxuu kaa goynee Ha u bixin mullaaxooy yuuna meelo kaa ridine Midaasi waa iga talo iyo miyaa la ii sheegay Hayeshee mid baan garanayaa oo aan miinka ka cadayne Maaweelo iyo geeduu marshaa duulka aad tahaye Hadii aad maryaha tuurta ood muran ku taageerto Yaana maqlin Muusanoow danbiyo maxaa la ii caayey yaana maqlin Ma afadiis baan aheyn maxaa la ii maagay? Moderator baan doonayaa yaan lagu mashquulin Midaasina waa iga digniin iyo marag ha loo yeelo Digniin iyon bar!!! A&T; war intaat iska dhaaftit hablaha aad la gurmanaysid - adiga iyo xiin isu baxa oo silsilad gabay mesha ka fura - taasi waa iga taalo.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@A&T - warya Xiinfaniin faraskaga la dhaha, waxay ila tahay inaad sidaas ogay iyo inuu aad u dheereyo aana gabar reer boqor ah na, aan ku bedeshaday - marka maxaa ka rabtaa faraskayga aadan gaari karin ninyahow?? pre-empt: Xiin, No pun intended
good afternoon trollers - what is happening or who is happening????????
^^^^^^^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ dhafoor qiiqle, i bet they can't even ride in that bloody truck. good early morning from sayid to jb&the and only ayeeyo kuxkax.
LoooooooooL@Sayid-Somali...I thought Sheh and Ibti changed you but I guess their efforts were to no avail. sxb unlike you, those two couldn't change me, even if i wanted them to
^^^listen boy, don't get carried away, you are only phone call away from being .................
white men are weak- black is better - hence the old somali prayer for dark skinned boy rather than the light skinned one, hayam obviously haven't heard of this prayer,
^^^^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ whats the point?? clearly, you don't want to be Lily's mahram then??
^^^she shiishadaydii - now - haygu bilaabin
^^the difference is one is lawful for you to travell alone to, where as the other you have to take thepoint as mahram - now which one do you want. ps. no it is SW
^^war dee adaa meshaa soo dhexgalaye - eee ka bax baan ku idhi, haddii kale wale waan ku waali - Dhibicyahow!! Ar muxuu noo maleeyay???
^And what keeps you in grey London? She does! Lily - not you too - come to lambeth and find what the future holds for you forget about your sunny daydream!
stop, turn around, walk like a giza - come and tell us how you feel after
i see that SHE is still wanting to violate the fatwa decreed by sheikh ibn unknown1 - war hooy came to lambeth and still be within the bounds of the sharia.
^^^^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL awaiting conformation from author of the pact- untill then - i believe i am still your online husband - so please do hurry with tea and canjeelo
Nuune - sxb iska waran - gabdhahaan mid miyaa ka heshay oo aad rabtay ineey wax iska tiirahdo? Ngonge - you should practise lowering your gaze - a brotherly advice - also please do tell Cara that you gave her to me as peace pact between me and the northerners on SOL Cabdiyo - wasn't it you who adviced me before not to go and argue with women and their debates? and still i can't get a reaction from Cuqdadley :mad:
has this place become a women zone or is it my eyes?
Ello Ello! woz appening ere then 2day???
Good Morning All. Warya JB - taas waxaa ka daran, mid soo iibsatay funaanad ay ku qorantahay "kiss me", markaasay dadka waydiisay 'waa maxay kiss me?' - midkoo ciyaal suqu ayaa soo boday oo ku yidhi "anaa aqaan" bacdeena laba ilma adeer ah, labada dhaban kaga dheejiyay - iyadoo bodboodeysa ayeey meshii ka carartay. since everyone is asking, Cadaan when are you coming to Madaw my village.