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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. the correct terminology for 'air crash' shil diyaarad/dayuurad - unless it exploded in which case it is no longer a crash and it becomes qarax.
  2. there are too many old people in here - when was it last celebrated???
  3. if patience is virtue. Tolerance is an skill very nice quote - who should i attribute it Malika??? - i wanna used for piece of writing i am doing here now.
  4. Habarsane - i see that you have taken my friend DQ's advice!!! horta have you nominated anyone yet??? Allamagan - war ninyahow haddii aad naga qabatiit naagtas waan ku dari nominations'ka - marka ma awoodi karta hawsheeda?? Peace Action - nominate some one please - mesha dictator ka ma jiire!!
  5. that was the most boring lecture i had to seat thru ever - i nearly felt asleep - it wasn't so much about the content of the subject that i found boring - the teacher was walking dead with no sense of humor. i learned nothing in that lesson. what waste of time.
  6. you'll find that i am student today - i am in uni.
  7. i am in class whilst posting this!! we are learning about the theory of scribbles and assign meaning to it :confused: :confused: :confused:
  8. Wac-alay*kum*wasalaam wa*raxmatullaahi*wabarakatu
  9. ^^your parenst must have down well!! - i am being presumptuous (that you are young and was raised in the west) - in which case i would like to belief that they were guided by the light of Allah thru the somalis culture and custom, which is on the whole Islamic - am i correct?? or am me orect!
  10. you choose the topic and i'll bring my 2 pennies - you'll find that my 2 pennies are worth more (in terms of monetary value) than your 2 cents
  11. ^^^you are commiting the classic mistake of associating customs and culture with people who no longer practise what that culture dictates - is like saying islam is bad because muslims behave bad. tut tut - i thought you were better then that - equating the faulire of the somali diaspora to raise their children properly as they have done centuries back home. yet refuse even to acknowledge the barriers they have to go thru (which they do everyday) to get to where they are today and still struggle on. somalis woes (both in the diaspora and back home) are numbered in months if not in you believe that???
  12. Cirdey - War Xal qaado - before you break my kaftan over my head - now go an find my mid an 7ba ilma adeer ah ku dhufto. Caaaliyah -writing pattern??? how does that go then?? and whilst you are at it - why don't you entertain us??
  13. Candidate Presidential Vice Presidential Total Xiin II I 3 A&T I II 3 Xaji Xundhuf I 1 Cara I I 2 Che I 1 Nephthys II 2 Thiery I 1 Paragon II 2 MMA I 1 Dabshid I 1 Dhubad I 1 Laba X I 1 Malika I 1 Abdiladif I 1 Ibtisam I 1 The following people’s nominations have been disallowed General Duke (3) DQ (1) Supremacist (1) Oodweyne (2) T2T (1) – I’ll consider disallowing General Duke’s nomination, if he comes here and votes like a democrat and promises to support the next somali president (regardless of where he comes from) with the same enthusiasm as he done for uncle yey. Lot of other people were being nominated for cabinet post – but unfortunately that is a job for the elected officials to decide. Keep the nominations coming in folks.
  14. as for the topic of the thread, there are several factors for the high number of somali children in northen hemisphere countries with autims; these range from environment combined with medicinal drugs that are designed for inhabitants of these regions to naturing ways of the somalis, from food to intellectual stimulus. as for the solutions - one has to understand the problem at hand first and then enact what is the best solution for that particluar person/community. you must have missed the above lines - when i have ever denied the reality on the ground???
  15. ^^xagee baad u carareysa - ma cirdey baa hoos kugu yeray?? and i never write stories - you must have confused me with my mini A&T
  16. AAliyah4kow6 - that autism thread and your accusation of egocentrism put me off telling tales for today. Cirdey aka paragon - godin iyo hangool labadaba waa sitaa - waxaan la'ahay miid aan 7 ilma adeer ah ku dhufto adiguu mid may haysaa??
  17. acknowledge these children's extraordinary achievements and give them their dues without saying other ethnic groups are better than them. Do ^^ that first and i'll acknowledge your 2 cents and debate with you.
  18. waxwalba ina abti - maxaan ka iibiyaa?
  19. Very sad state of affairs for the somali diaspora almost as much as it is for the somali people in the Horn of africa. i am well aware of the disparaty between the health care services (before any of you jum down my throat for the comparison)nevertheless i am more saddened by the fact that people in here are rumbling about other ethnic groups being better than our children, whilst some even insinuate our religious and cultural practise for our downward spiral. as for the topic of the thread, there are several factors for the high number of somali children in northen hemisphere countries; these range from environment combined with medicinal drugs that are designed for inhabitants of these regions to naturing ways of the somalis, from food to intellectual stimulus. as for the solutions - one has to understand the problem at hand first and then enact what is the best solution for that particluar person/community. But - I must say the solution does not lie In lambasting our culture and customs and way of life – for I vehemently belief in it being the best among all other in every shape and form Somali children are most underestimated intellectuals of this world - how can you par with a children who have amonst them, multilinguals, qur'an xaffiis, gifted & talented and most resilient children ever to walk on the face of this earth. and yet are being moved around the world without any consultation or regard for their feelings, witnessed horrors that would break a grown man breakdown. please what ever you do - acknowledge these children's extraordinary achievements and give them their dues without saying other ethnic groups are better than them.
  20. ^^ibti is not here - wey iga tagtay marki aniga i warayso
  21. Ibti - how do you know i am happy?? p.s. i already checked the bbc, but been bey shegeen.
  22. Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoooooooooooon SOL Trollers!! how are you all - any news for me??
  23. LOOOOOOL@Ms DD - meys dhiibtay?? in that case no more xogxogosho, rubing, jumping throats and what ever else was coming your way:D ..............................sign here please - and our agreement will conclude as thus. Ibti - althought i am not doctor - i concur with my new peace partner Ms DD - the diagnosis seems to be coming from reading those sites - all they seem to have is "it if bleeds it leads" illness.
  24. Hello Ibti - whats bothering you eh?? rama lala miyaa??
  25. Ahlan All - JB are you ill - what is with the pills??