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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: on the 4th november, somaliaonline is going to have an election for new Somaliaonline president and vice president. this is your opportunity to nominate running mates for these roles. The only condition for the Somaliaonline President is he or she must [*]not be clanist. and by the way you can't nominate yourself. FYI: Clanist are the ones who have strong loyalty to one's own clan, party, or group regardless of wrong or right. consequently they lack courage - my definition of courage is doing rigth when everyone around you is doing wrong. The top five nominees would have a thread ballot created for them on 1st of november and will close on 4th of november. the job of the choosen ones will be to run a commentary on the issues that face somalis today in every corner of the world and come with solutions as well as guide the nomads on SOL about current policital situation on Horn of Africa. they will also be allowed to have a cabinet consisting of five(5) people, in which the president will decide what portfolio they should hold. i will kick start the campain and i nominate Xiinfaniin for president Abtigiis & Tolka for vice president good luck For those of you - who asked the question; "where did you get this people/nominations - why aren't my people represented" enjoy! - source link!
  2. Poll Results: SOL ELECTIONS!! (32 votes.) For President Choose 1 Xiinfaniin 22% (7) A&T 12% (4) Cara 31% (10) Nyphthys 28% (9) Paragon 6% (2) ........................ For Vice President Choose 1 Xiinfaniin 6% (2) A&T 16% (5) Cara 44% (14) Nyphthys 25% (8) Paragon 9% (3) something is fishy with this election!!! To all the nomads in here - you could all learn something from The Worst’s Country in the World (United States of ****holes); accept defeat with the tail between your legs and stop wining (case note - foxnews) how do you reconcile the fact that they choose Bush (the supidies *his spelling -not mine* man alive) then Obama (the African "Intellectual" and "powerful orator") - one thing they have in common - they bought the election with greens - apparently! I projected a Cara victory = northerns victory - Barack Victory = Black Men's victory.
  3. ^^oo yar barka noqonaya??? will you be .5??
  4. To All the northerns: i have reliable sources who claim that the two leading candidates so far in this election are from the North. :cool: if one can prove then i will stand corrected - untill then calacalka iga daaya. :cool: i put the blame for all this commotion squarely on the shoulders of Ibti - for she intistigated this.
  5. what you on about yaa ilmaha la korin lahaa??? Ilaah ba koriya ilmaha - not a man who kills them by kicking them out of their mothers womb and then out of the mother's lap - literally - kurey or no kurey - you should have shanked the guy with a double edge tooray and danced on his body - decapitated his head and played banoni with it.
  6. ^^where were these people (who seem nominating you now)when the nominations were going on??? in fact were was you??? i take it you don't have any legitimate claims and won't be shouting the wrong shoe size now that have been nominated for cabinet positions by the leading candidates.
  7. caadi ma too many whipping/washamsi nuune - tell me you ignored the abused and played banoni with that guys head. :mad:
  9. ^^A^T ONLY $12!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOL - were you expecting $1million question - he knew i couldn't afford that - hence $12 - which i gave to him now. you'll find that i have answered those question properly in the first page 3 post. now do you have anything else - or are you the one to shout "the wrong shoe size" next??
  10. ^^that "yad yad yaa" thing makes laugh. what legitimate concerns do you or any of your friends have - share it with us - should they be ever legitimate (God forbid) - we shall be open to persuasion.
  11. i now get it - Ibti & Ngonge are in Saluugsi temperment proper qabqablayaal - scremaing and throwing warlord tantrums "if my clan, village and aritoore is not on the list - i am going to distrub everything else" = if i am not choosen/on the list - i will throw my sanity like a "caanoboore" bottle out of the bram I wonder who is going to scream "wrong shoe size" next???
  12. loool, does havin a car increase your kalluumeysi tactics! obviously the poor sod though so
  13. Ms DD iyo Ibti - this is a Somali DHiii Moq Raaasi - blend of Islamic and somali ethics. 1st principle is - power can not be given to those who want it... had somalia practised this - they wouldn't have the hafl the problems they ahve now. - and i am being serious here..
  14. Originally posted by nuune: I remember one time, nin baa naagtiisa oo uur ah haraati siduu ugu wadey ayey cunug caloosha ku jira soo tuurtey, ku kaloo asna hal sano jireyna oo ay dhabta ku heysay markaa asna haraati baa ku dhacdey oo darbiga ayuu madaxa ku dhufsadey madaxii baa kala dillaacey. naagtii baa lagu yiri ninkan sidan kuu galay adiga iyo ilmahaagaba maad iska furtid, markaasey tiri xaasidiin baad tihiin odeygeyga ii daaya ha na qaraaco aniga iyo ilmaha ee orda shaqa yeesha. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: please say this is not true - i don't know which is worse the last paragraph or the first one - i would like to live in my la la land where i believe this sort of thing does not happen.
  15. you did vote - and you voted for the girls - prefering your northen chic for the presidence. we know - no need to hide. be proud and wear their stickers - then chalk A&T on your face with sliptick and claim it was done by a southerner who hated you for supporting girls over guys
  16. ^^ trust you to mean else where!!! nobody is allowed to nominate themselves - it is against the constitution :mad: even ms dd.
  17. Contrast this list with the one in 2007, when politically netural people such as Val and rudy won proof please - i didn't even know there was an election in 2007 - how long were they to serve and what have they done - what did the job entail etc???
  18. ^^^Typical Somali opposionist - there is no pleasing them. 1. how many females did you want?? - there are some who are even against females being included in the process at all. 2. everybody apart from you nominated people - if you don't nominate - you can't complain of the results 3. north of where?? if somalia - i have reliable sources 2/5 people are from the north of Somalia P.s i am glad to see you have voted - however feminine leaning your votes are.
  19. this are real life jokes - but it didn't happen to me. - preemtive warning: JB & NG - Don't even go there :cool: 1. Poor qaxooti guy is on the phone to a girl - when she asks - girl: where are you/what are you doing now?? Guy: i am driving to friends house ! Girl: ooh you have car now? Guy: yeah - i recent bought BMW (be my wife) car Bus Tonnay: *this is 63, to Kings Cross* Girl: when did you get off your car and quickly get on the bus?? *Phone dies* 2. same xariif on the pohone to another girl Xariif: *revs the padel of his 2500w hoofer couple times* Xariifada: *upon hearing the reving engine says* ooh are you in car?? Xariif: yeah babe - i just bought a ferrari *revs the hoofer couple more times for good measure* Xariiffada: hears shouting from a female voice - screaming "warya Cabdi - maxaad huufarka wakhtigan uga qalineysa"??? *phone goes dead again*
  20. Well - its time for the SOL nomads to participate in real elections!! - we had the nominations in the politics section and now is the time for the real election in the general section. the polls will close this friday and after jumca we will anounce the winners and they have till the following monday to name their cabinet. Let see if the somalis nomads are capable of conducting fair elections. those of you who are admins and the moderators are the election observers.
  21. nominations are now closed - go to the general section for the elections. you may continue to the commentary from here. the five people with most nominations are as follows: 1. Xiinfaniin 2. A&T 3. Cara 4. Nyphthys 5. Paragon
  22. Scorpian Sista - are you the same Dibqalooc Walishiis in Taleex? who in twenty years to the day bite me??? BTW: Ciid Milaad Sa'iid
  23. ^ BG - are you thinking about smacking some children?? besides the point where are those documents i have been awaiting from you???