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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. this south african girl seating next to me says: AIDS- stands for - A merican Idea Discouraging Sex i replied: "that is dumb - no wonder your country is full of aids" Now she is acting all stroopy - i have done nothing wrong. Nuune: Shut ya mout :mad: - haddii kale madaxaaga iyo jirkaga kala gooynaya. next time check yourself before you reply - you might be in two pieces. :cool:
  2. ^^^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL but my answer is in your signatute: Markey daani maaha tidhi Maxaan talo meel ka dayey Markey dani maaha tidhi Ka sii deyey meel la dayey Markey dani maha tidhi ku Laabtey halkaan ka daayey so come on where is it (solution) - i look every where. LOl
  3. Alxamdullilaah if he had come back to the natural state - but i can't help but think it is stunt - for the benefit of the fat arab that he has to face in court on monday. Allah (SWT) knows best.
  4. I got to tell everybody: Somali boys can and have done great work of art today - all the teachers came to congratule me today - it pleased me very much. i quite proud of them - they affirmed my belief in the somali boys. what is suprising about this is the two boys that everyone complains about were the ones leading the way.
  5. Gheele T & Xiinfaniin - Thank very mucho garasiyas aad iyo aad baad u mahasantihiin. RedSea - wakh wakh iyo waali! - orod riyaha rac haddii kalena sheego haddaad rabtit inaad ina'adeerta is tustit. Originally posted by Khalid-Jnr: Sayidka, As much as I appreciate your relentless effort to educate the not so authentic nomads here at SOL, but I have to challenge to you to this one to give us a further explanation. I have yet to see anyone who corroborated your list to be true and representative, I mean standatd Somali not regional one. Even if it's regional one I don't mind learning as long as I know the facts. So I demand to know the answer, or else I will forced to inaad kuu gabyo oon idhaahdo: War wiilkan soo daahiree sayidka noo sheegtay Ee yiri waxaan ahay ustaad iyo kii alifka soomaal meershay Ee hadana diidan inuu iga dow baxaad tahaye!. This was my first ever attemp inaan afareey isku dayo, I think inaanan sidaa u xumeyn only time will tell.. Khayr Allah haku siiyo. the months that wrote on this thread is well known by all Proper Reer Badiye Soomaalis. They signify one way or another certain rituals are undertaken by the nomads on the time that these months are named after - the famous among them being the Gu'Soore. haddadan rumeysanneyn waxaan qorey halkaan ka baar
  6. i am going to lead friday prayers now - laters DD - thanks
  7. i see that i have being ignored!! :mad: a teacher was beaten up by a parent and her boyfriend - then the school gave him a written warning. apparently the maths teacher had told off the woman's son saying something along the lines of; "if you want to work in tesco, staking shelfs then continue to behave that way" only he didn't the boy's mother works at tesco, but as cashier!
  8. ^^LOL - you would have being more thruthful if you had said; it was darn to hard - and i don't have enough ciliate cells to come with any solutions to anything.
  9. Hello! i am soo proud of my students - they really worked hard today - i almost forget how capable they can be - when they want to be.
  10. use the jahooyinka e.g. near far south of somalia, kismaayo, South East (SE) of kismaayo - now do that in Af-Soomali
  11. ^^^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL - war Bob baa manta soo dhigtay. According to my eedo KK of KKK clan "Calanley, Calacal iyo Carar are synonyms with one another" run miyaa taas???. Where as Taleex & Qardho are synomyms with Royalty iyo Rag after the FAANKA - Comes lesson 2: Jahooyinka (directions): Bari Galbeed/Bogox Koofur/Koonfur Waqooyi now where is calanley?
  12. Bobboow boowe qosolka iga daa - haddii kale gacantada keen - mastarad baan kuu sarayaye odoo calacalaya calanley u carareysaa
  13. markii naomi b ku soo xagatay - miyaad ani isoo dhigatay??? tii timaha kirtatana laheyd waata kuu camireysa naa bellaayadada igala tag. hus lagu yidhi ye. :cool:
  14. Fight fight - girl on girl - warya pass the pop corn i am back the bellaayo looking one who are you backing??
  15. i see there are no solutions - at least not today - no wonder we are in deep ............ and the deep blue sea.
  16. Originally posted by Bella*Princesa: Whoever taught Sayid*somali how to use a PC should be lined up and shot. naa xaas baan leyahay - minyaarona iima ogola - ee xagaa iga mar. taasi waa amar - tana waa talo - wax baro! - 'lining up and shot' iska dhaaf. :cool:
  17. Gheele T - my sincere apologies for the mistake in spelling the mnohts incorrectly:p changed now. as for you my young cousin - please change your incorrect spelling of my honourable name :cool: as for what months you taught you heard in Soomaali - those were the ones the wadaads tried to translate from Arabic to Af-Soomaali and is lunar calender: there are three that start with soon: 1. Soondheere masculine noun: eighth month of the Somali lunar calendar 2. Soon masculine noun: ninth month of the Somali lunar calendar; Ramadan fast 3. Soonfur masculine noun-time: tenth month of the Somali lunar calendar, 4. Sidataal feminine noun: eleventh month of the Somali lunar calendar JNR - Xilliyada (seasons) are as follows: Jiilaal/Diraac Gu' Xagaa Dayr Diraac Good - December Qudhac - Qac
  18. warya Boobe - Ceeb - see wax ka yihiin - please don't take my educational serious topic into the diatribe that is known for the troll section. thanks KK- jeestada joogi - it is so called laxadhaqo - becuase it is the start of Dayr (autumn/fall rains) when the little rams are fattened and sold in settlements. keep learning
  19. As the thread name suggest - this is a place where you should only come in and post - if you have a SOLUTION - what that means in effect is No Naysayers (somebody who speaks against something, especially somebody who habitually expresses contrary opinions WITHOUT offering SOLUTIONS to the problem) As matter fact the only time one is allowed to mention a problem here is when it precedes a solution - that does not negate - the wisdom of constructive criticism - so long as the criticism is followed by a solution . As the norm - the poster starts the topic - 1st installement of SOLUTIONS to the OLD age Qabiil and negatives associated with it 1. We know criminalising it won't work - it has been tried with utter failure 2. Somalis make it sacred - hence unavoidable 3. It has many uses - good and bad So how do we deal with this topic and find solutions to its negatives and make use of its positives??? Solution: count every one - before you ask how - if there is a will there is a way?? Somalis being proud lot - would no doubt - be more than willing and able to be counted - as long as reer hebel is doing it and they won't be beaten. For nomads - allocate reservers of land for each sub clan (like scotland) = no more wars over water hole. make the clans compete with one another over production of things or how well their area is doing - somalis love to be number one - competition is healthy. in towns/settlement - use affertive action for minority clans to ensure equal access to jobs/education/property. minorities being any one residing in an area where they are the minority in number compared to dominanite clan numbers - i.e. not the actual # all over somalia. - i love to go on - but i'll stop here for others to continue - rememeber people - only solutions please.
  20. LOOOOOOOOL@Kool_K - its cool - look again - i have learned my lesson. but you'll forgive me - if i were to say - you weren't actually born in Sibteembar - but in all actuallity you were born Laxadhaqo ee sanidka *wonders: what major event took place at that time*, haa - markii la dilay 12kii wadaad ee diiday go'aankii Afweyne(aun) ee aha in raga iyo dumarku ineey siman yihiin.
  21. Bilaha Soomaaliyed Lix Kor Toddob Fushade Gu'soore Samoolad Diri Cawl/Sagaaro Balqaad Dambarsame Laxadhaqo Samalaho Kalahan Diraac Good - any one who knows what each one stands for or what event/time it is named after or even just their english =??? No More: Jannayo Febraayo Maarso Abriil Maajo Juun- none italian - in honour of NW. Luulyo Agoosto Sibteembar Oktoobar Noofembar Diseembar -let the discussions/learning begin - good luck!
  22. there are no sources - please give link - preferably one with historical background.
  23. i only trade with my records for ones which i don't have - if grant - the gand old man is willing to trade - he only needs to click pm.