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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Does anybody know why he shaved the beard and what he is doing mogadishu and where is staying, who is paying for it, what will be his next move?? thiery and xiin come with the answers please.
  2. ma sidaan oo kale > :mad: nodody - and mean no single soul in this world can touch my children other than me - if they were to there will be hell to pay. exception are of course their mum and my mum, but even then they would have to have my explicit consent.
  3. SayidSomal


    the three near me are triving - i was thinking of buying one - if i only had the money
  4. this is getting funny walaahi - first time i received an email purporting to be from Daallo Airline - given me an award. now i get this Assalamu Aceikum? walal hadaba waxaa lagu oheysiinaya in aad kuguleysatey Hadiyat Qali ah. Heiyada caanka ah ee bishacas ayaa ugutalagashey dad kabadan 100ruun hadiyadaad oo ah mid lagudonsiinayo deeq lacageed iyo weliba mid rashinba. Taasna waxey imatey kadib markii ay shaqaluhu sii wadi waayen shaqadii ay kawadeen dalkaas Somalia ayadoo larijeynayo in shaqaluhu ay Shaqada jojindonaan bishaan dhamadkeeda sababta keentey inan Emailada umarino ayaa taas ah. Hadaba heiyadu dadbadan ayey horaba usiisey dadkaan oo kala jooga Garoowe, Galkacyo iyo caasimada wadanka Somalia. Danta ay kaleedahey haiyadu waa iney teeqdan ay gaarsiiso dadka kunool somaliya iyo kuwa joga xeryaha qaxootiga ee Dadab. Dadka Somaliyeed ayaa ah kuwo dhibato kujirey in kabadan 18sano ilaama 18sano Heiyadu wey caawineysey ayadoo isticmaashey in kabadan 20million $ Ogow lacagta aad kaqadaneysid iyo rashinkaba waxey kuxidhanyihiin dadka aad biisho Amase inta carur kujogta. Fadlan laxariir xafiska kan Britain amase Nairobi, Kenya +254726817844 ogow hadii telefanku uu mashqul yahey fadlan emailka kusoo jawab Manager Mahamoud Ali Ciise
  5. since she is talking thru you - tell her that it was one of her minions who in intent to diss me said "its our girls who braver then your girls"
  6. maya sadex dhagax iyo cali taar baa jooga - intaasa waa inta la arkikaro - waxaa kalo joga boqol jinni iyo laba kun oo cimamiliyaal ah marka waa inaad qardhaas iyo qimin xiratiit
  7. the monty python lot are sacreligiouis lot - if they are not doing religion they are ok. but they are not funny when they do religious jokes
  8. are you gonna visit Taleex or not???
  9. nuune - the was two famous women in my village one could drive a car, the other wore a trousers once (whilst fighting a men) sida kale waan fiicanahay. adiganah Haye -miss ghanima - what is your beef with me today??
  10. Waayaha aduunyada ku wax qaadan maysidee, Ruux walaal ku moodaa hadii uu ku waheshadoo... Oo wacad ka diidaa, Warankaad kutuurtee kugu weecen doonee. by: nin waalan
  11. what is more dangeroues - walking around hawd with surweel iyo cabayed or kamakasing around somewhere in kent???
  12. cali dheere waa gumiri - waxwalba waxbuu ku falaa waa nabad iyo col aniga as usual - now would you be kind enough and asnwer my question with regards to the kamakasi thing on saturday?
  13. ^why are you ignoring me horta? i am gonna call Cali Dheere iyo Cali Taar to kidnap you as soon as you land in Bosaaaaaaassssssso - you watch.
  14. ^it doesn't look like it - i think they were talking to you old man - go and get some sleep
  15. Mey duushay?? horta ha duusho - don't forget taleex and qardho - already waa laga sugayaye?? i just send them a smoke signal that you are on your way - Cali dheere is waiting for you
  16. :confused: :confused: yey la hadlaayan? ma ngonge mise ani??
  17. Ms Dd - my question was not about the sagootin - rather why you and your peers from p.l are being beaten by your others from s.l?? why have you lot chicken out???
  18. ms dd - is this true what i hear - s-l girls are braver then p.l girls - with regards to this kamakasi thing your doing the sagootin for??
  19. ^Warya Mr Major - ha bilaabin hadeer! LOL@sabootin & sagootin sagooti verb: see off, send on one’s way for those of you who wish to learn af-soomaali - contact mr-af-soomaali (aniga)
  20. i know you missed your sayidka, but why call him crazy - you disrepectful subject? come on aim your camera at the nomads - and send me the pictures - on receipt of them, you can collect a $37.00 from dahabshiil on serious note - i had conversation with my contact at the british council yesterday - they are still willing to fund that little project we talked about - i am also willing to puirsuit it - provided my contact stop saying "somali - and land together at the same time"
  21. Salaam all, warya 'mistar' way duushay - maxaa ku dhacay waxaan isla ogeyn??? xadtaa kardkii aqoonsiga waad iga qarsatay! sawirradii badiyahana waad ka gabsatay - war heedhe sidaan si ma aha - ee maxaa xal ah??????
  22. Perhaps, i should have made it clear that i have already raided the net for any thing useful,especially Shafi's place. i have seen all these pictures with exception of the first picture by nuune. in any case, thanks to all those that posted.