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Everything posted by SayidSomal
Ngonge - use the following nouns and adjectives as clues - bu t leave Barwaaqo alone Coconut Misanthropist Lethargic Profane Che - i know - tell me about it - next time be clear, so that i don't go for the 'predictable' route. in the mean time Never turn your back on a charging turtle.
For ME 3 monkeys sittin' under a coconut tree Discussing things as they are set to be Said one to the others Now listen you two There's a strange rumor that can't be true They say man was descended from our noble race But the very idea is a big disgrace No monkey ever deserted his wife Or her baby to ruin their lives YEAH, the monkey's drift is mine. and the last verse of the chorus: Educated fools they have ruined di world And start make it hard for both di boys and di girls Dem steal all the Africans diamonds and pearls And start bank it up inna federal reserves Educated Goons Educated demons Educated mules Educated fools Afr0 GirL - Dumarkeedi! Che -Guevara - ) No one likes a smartass, Especially another smartass, Unless they have their own TV show, then they're a comic genius NGONGE - unrelated & unwarranted poem :confused: but thanks confused old man! rudy-Diiriye - 2/4 of the people this thread is for, live in your side of the pond! - do you know them?
"the world, it seems to me, is divided into the wise, who know they are fools, and the fools who think they are wise." - Socrates There is nothing more tedious then to define fools, especially when they are 'educated' and especially when they are Somali (ethnically) and more importantly Muslim (supposedly). There are few in here (SOL) and we all know who they are - they come in all shapes, sizes & gender. You might recognised them from the below description. They are people who are full of academic or scientific information, degrees, honors and postgraduate training and yet, by all ordinary standards of ordinary people, is too 'istubid'to know enought to come in out of the acid rain - Their excuse is "i don't follow the crowd'. These are the educated fools of SOL. they are the empty shirt stuffed with genuine educational achievements, professional training (which i like to call liberal brainwashing, but without soap) and genuine professional recognition or certification and yet is totally wanting in undertsanding. They are the ones universally referred to by their fellow SOL contrubitors as "that prized futos" or "so-and-so", "that damned fools". All who meet or read their post are cursed by their presence and their frequent misuse of outsize immature histrionics or rococo role playing. History has changed them innumerable times; if it were not for the general human reluctance to make permanent record of general (as distinguished from particular) human folly, this would be much easier to document. Sometimes the educated fools display the urge to be enfant terrible , writing obscenities on the privy wall or he/she may show the need of notoriety at any cost, but the usual reaction is simply uncomplicated istubudnimo! Of course, the educated 'futos' are not the only educated ones, who consistently post rubbish in here, BUT the educated 'futos' are the only ones who post indefensible gibberish and try to pass it as an argument in defence of an opinion or position. My advice to these educated fools in here is be wise – Don’t just think, you are one - Your are Not! More importantly, Have limits and decency as dictated by your Lord who created you from a clot of congealed blood and thought you by the pen; that which you didn't know. p.s. i choose not to name you lot, in the faint hope, you know yourselves and would heed the above advice. there are 4 of you lot so far, 2 girls & 2 guys - if you fail to heed the advice above - i just hope that you won't meet each other in real life and have babies
Somaliaonline.com/forum/general&politics on 3 x dalaqa. i am free finally
i was divorcing you - now do you still want that last dalaqa??
Sheh - you can't be both fine and shidh so which one is it? - i look forward to the somethingsomething Ibti - you seem to eager to become a divorcee - what gives?
There is seems to lot of things happening in the Horn of Africa. 2009 is unlike the last years, the is elections, selections and electric squalbles. what i want to know is; what are the SOL members predictions - i.e. who will do what, who will win, who will lose, what will be done about it and by whom. and are we to learn new names and nicknames p.s. just a predictions please for the record, desist from the usual dire tirade if you can - if you cann't no blame on you - the somali adage would apply "ceebtada mahee waa caadadadii"
There is seems to lot of things happening in the Horn of Africa. 2009 is unlike the last years, the is elections, selections and electric squalbles. what i want to know is; what are the SOL members predictions - i.e. who will do what, who will win, who will lose, what will be done about it and by whom. and are we to learn new names and nicknames p.s. just a predictions please for the record, desist from the usual dire tirade if you can - if you cann't no blame on you - the somali adage would apply "ceebtada mahee waa caadadadii"
There is seems to lot of things happening in the Horn of Africa. 2009 is unlike the last years, the is elections, selections and electric squalbles. what i want to know is; what are the SOL members predictions - i.e. who will do what, who will win, who will lose, what will be done about it and by whom. and are we to learn new names and nicknames p.s. just a predictions please for the record, desist from the usual dire tirade if you can - if you cann't no blame on you - the somali adage would apply "ceebtada mahee waa caadadadii"
:mad: ^^What was the out come of the divorce? here is one dalaqo and another dalaqo - do you want the last one - ibtisam - or should i hold on to that?
i need unrgent help - quick - what strategies does one use to remember vocubs????
oh why ddin't yuo say?
even people in china heard about your little weather problem Sheh and your insistence to fly regardless of the weather. pm? - how should i introduce you??
^^ let us not have that Xaggee iyo xagaan exchange again. now i know why they call you old man - i didn't know you were as old as the furniture in SOL.
^one down, 54 to go! Malika - it is the teacher in you, who is reading. i wonder if it would work with somali could somebody write something in somali, jumbling the words except the first and last letter, which will stay in the right place.
Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. not lot of them in here (sol) i guess
^first one was for you second one was for LOZ awaiting to see if y'all can answer!
maxaa lagu beryay? ama maxaa lagu caweeyay?
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Hello all, re-the girls on the kamakasi mission: on the orders of the sayidka soomaalida " leave them alone! - nobody is to speak ill of them or their intentions " also i would like to add that "i for one, am glad that they have returned save and sound" besides, there is always another time, summer perhaps. T- care
Pirates: US wants to fight them inside Somalia + more ships captured
SayidSomal replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
gheele that is what happens when i am serious for once in here, most of the time, i just babble here in there, but reading the exchanges between you and emprore, i got irate that that are hyenas circling around wounded somalia and the its children are argueing whether the bites that its going to receive would damage, kill or even make her better. -
Pirates: US wants to fight them inside Somalia + more ships captured
SayidSomal replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
it is very sad day, nay it is catastrophic and national shame the day when a supposedly a sovereign country invites outside agencies to come and kill their own regardless of what they are doing. What is even worse is not the first it happened nor do I think it will be the last. then there is also those who jsutify this. :mad: i have never been ashamed of being somali nor will i ever be, but i am ashamed to share my ethnicity with some people, especially those claiming to represent me.