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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Questions The Miracle Question The miracle question is a method of questioning that a coach, therapist, or counselor uses to aid the client to envision how the future will be different when the problem is no longer present. Also, this may help to establish goals. A traditional version of the miracle question would go like this: "Suppose our meeting is over, you go home, do whatever you planned to do for the rest of the day. And then, some time in the evening, you get tired and go to sleep. And in the middle of the night, when you are fast asleep, a miracle happens and all the problems that brought you here today are solved just like that. But since the miracle happened over night nobody is telling you that the miracle happened. When you wake up the next morning, how are you going to start discovering that the miracle happened? ... What else are you going to notice? What else?" Whilst relatively easy to state the miracle question requires considerable skill to ask well. The question must be asked slowly with close attention to the person's non-verbal communication to ensure that the pace matches the person's ability to follow the question. Initial responses frequently include a sense of "I don't know." To ask the question well this should be met with respectful silence to give the person time to fully absorb the question. Once the miracle day has been thoroughly explored the worker can follow this with scales, on a scale where 0 = worst things have every been and 10 = the miracle day where are you now? Where would it need to be for you to know that you didn't need to see me any more? What will be the first things that will let you know you are 1 point higher. In this way the miracle question is not so much a question as a series of questions. There are many different versions of the miracle question depending on the context and the client. In a specific situation, the counselor may ask, "If you woke up tomorrow, and a miracle happened so that you no longer easily lost your temper, what would you see differently?" What would the first signs be that the miracle occurred?" The client (a child) may respond by saying, "I would not get upset when somebody calls me names." The counselor wants the client to develop positive goals, or what they will do, rather than what they will not
  2. Ok - enough ranting – let me practise what I preach. How about this for an idea: Let’s apply Solution Focused brief therapy on the Somali politics: by the way Solution Focused therapy is a type of talking therapy that is based upon social constructionist philosophy. It focuses on what clients want to achieve through therapy rather than on the problem(s) that made them to seek help. The approach does not focus on the past, but instead, focuses on the present and future. How does this work? The therapist/counselor uses respectful curiosity to invite the client to envision their preferred future and then therapist and client start attending to any moves towards it whether these are small increments or large changes. To support this, questions are asked about the client’s story, strengths and resources, and about exceptions to the problem. Solution focused work can be seen as a way of working that focuses exclusively or predominantly at two things. 1) Supporting people to explore their preferred futures. 2) Exploring when, where, with whom and how pieces of that preferred future are already happening. While this is often done using a social constructionist perspective the approach is practical and can be achieved with no specific theoretical framework beyond the intention to keep as close as possible to these two things.
  3. When NASA began the launch of astronauts into space, they found out that the pens would not work at zero gravity (ink will not flow down to the writing surface). • Solution #1 To solve this problem, it took them one decade and $12 million. They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, in practically any surface including crystal and in a temperature range from below freezing to over 300 degrees C. • Solution #2 What did the Russians do for the same problem? They used a pencil. It has become the norm in the politics section of SOL to only talk about the problems of Somali politics - for such highly esteemed website/online forum full of the toast of young intellectual of Somali diasporas; it is disappointment to see them waste time and energy on fanning the problematic politics of Somalia instead of talking about the solutions. I always reading something along the lines – X minister, X Editors of newspapers/websites, X NGOs, X Policy think tanks and X foreign governments agents are frequent visitors of SOL. I wonder what they think of when they read some of the posts and opinions on the politics section??
  4. maya, maya.... waad ogtahay micnaha - taas layskuma haysto ee odayga dhamadka hadlayoo kale hanagu noqo ninyahow - lets have our fun.
  5. watch it till the end - enjoy - dedicated to JB
  6. This should be interesting to watch...... Hopefully Dhalad would represent.
  7. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote:Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: S-Land = 'S' stands for Si'il P-Land = 'P' stands for Pu's'sy i presume Xishoodkiina wuuu kaa tegey xataa ....... Maya ana ka tegey oo politics'ka soo aadey wuxu ileen waa dirty
  8. S-Land = 'S' stands for Si'il P-Land = 'P' stands for Pu's'sy i presume
  9. ^ bal u sheeg ninyahow - dadkan wax ma maqlayaan e. Pride comes before the fall.
  10. LOL@ Ngonge is proper spin and campaign master - you should be care about that guy. as for my end - war waxaa laygu yiri - ma kulamaysi tactics are not working anymore.
  11. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ Paragon - Rageedii - at least you admitted your reason. how about one from Laasqorey oo Qorismaris sameysah??
  12. Warya Paragon - adna haygu darin ninyahow - you'll know i'll need my cup of coffe now and then - not that much of kitchen work is it? besides is not in in the contract, so they can refuse to do that Cadaan - you did that and look what it got you - Nothing i presume - besides i am not looking for wife - i am looking for a secratery - no caddaan thought please
  13. LOOOOL@ you two - don't be spreading remours to scare my future secretary away. i will hold you two to be responsibile, should no apply.
  14. the real Mccoy?? + impersanitions post and all the winks = Qorismaris - me think. i have suggestion - she should call herself Dunyazade and i will be the Shahryar sorted, there will be no need for qorismaris then.
  15. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ the exchanges - keep them coming boys - you sure are entertaining.
  16. ^^it better than Buuxo. BTW - 10/11 of people who replied here admit one way or another that they have pride and are vain. need i say more -
  17. do you meet thiscriteria if so, apply immidiately.
  18. LOOOOOL@ms DD However, no habaryar or eedos are allowed to apply
  19. Person Spec: 25-35 Maiden – can type min 100 wpm, fluent in Somali & English. Pay: peanuts + pinch I am not asking for much
  20. Originally posted by Paragon: quote:Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: ^^^War ma badhan baan taabtay??? Hadda un baan arkaye: 'Badhan' waa magaalo. Mindhaa 'Batan' ayaa ka waddey. Wax yaan la isku khaldin, oo uusan raggu isku soo saqajaamin. Magaaladayada murkan ka saar. Hadii kale xaal baan kugu lifaaqeynaa. Dhaharna dhiigkar bey kugu rida baan maqlay. as you are well aware Awoowe - Somali language has what is called tonel pairs (codeynta labban) e.g. Awr (camel) awr (camels) Beer (farm) beer (liver) etc etc... Badhan (town's name) badhan (button). Marka (not the city name ) haygu soo dhicin adeer - xalna iguma lihid. as usual indha-adeeyg iyo islaweynaantii soomaaliyeed baad nala hortimid.
  21. Originally posted by Nephissa: Are we to take this as a compliment or an insult, ya Sayid? knowing somalis - probably both
  22. Originally posted by Tuujiyee: Sayid Dhoore kor iyo hoos laga dhabay baa tahay marax yahoo... U better thank Somali Pride because if it wasn't for that, maanta waa lagu soo gumeesan lahaa oo John Smith iyo Brad Davis iyo waxaas baad la bixi laheyd. Waraa Isla weynida badan ma fiicna yes but somali karti iyo islaweynaan waxee leeyihiin that in aan equal la nahay other and not less qashiin iska daac daacsanaya!!! Anaga ayaa runta kuu sheegeyno Cuqdad hadee kugu jirto bax soo daac daac ee mardanbe somali iyo cey deeda hala soo galin meeshaan. Somalia Changed ugly things has happened yes and almost everyone is a victim of it but making up some bull crap to show ur cuqdad waa foolxumo. Madhi-baan hadaa tahay so what? hadii hoos laguu dhigi jiray soo what? Ilaahey Somali buu kaa dhigay ee is adkee qashiin yahoo adiga kali ma aha wax dhib iyo xumaan la marsiiye... Nin dadkiisa iyo wadankiisa naca waa doqon oo kaas baa ka xun 1000 keer kan dadkiisa jecel laakiin qof xun eh... your soft son!!! Wareer Badanaa!!! Isla-Weynaantaada - Iswas'sid baa ku xigta - so go right ahead. is-tuu-tuujiyow
  23. Mabruuk Walaal and welcome to the exclusive mile high club Amiin to all the ducas as well.