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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. ^obviously wax kale. i phone this congestion charge yesterday, when i asked for the receipt to be sent to my email address - the operator said "oh my gosh - are you the same sayid somal on SOL?" freaky!!
  2. ^Val, I know :cool: and i have my reasons Ducaysane - i am not from 'P'land.
  3. ^^ - i know! i was unfair there - i am big enought to admit that - however i am still awaiting his apology and i hope it comes soon.
  4. Originally posted by Fabregas: ps. where is qardo? in the saudi desert? No! it is in the Somali lushlands. :cool: Educated Now?
  5. LOL@Val - yeah, you should be concerned. still globe trotting?
  6. i have more muscles (like professor Stephen Hawkins ) in my brain then he could ever muster - so, i wonder what you'll do when i trounce your home boy. p.s i didn't know you spoke somali like carablaawe
  7. Originally posted by NGONGE: Sayid, This is not a defence of his opponents, saaxib. That his opponents are wrong is not even open to questioning. They refused to talk to the former TFG (when he was on their side) and they still refuse to talk to Sh. Sharif. Their crazy position has not changed. We know what they are and what madness they are capable of. Could you say the same about Sh. Sharif? Does his constant pragmatism (for lack of a politer word) give you an inkling of what he would do next? This is about Sh. Sharif, saaxib. Don't try to turn it on its head and make it a trial of others. Our suspect here wears Armani not a cumaamad. What do you have to say in his defence (if any)? Ngonge - you said 'That his opponents are wrong is not even open to questioning'. consequently it would stand to reason that he is right since they can't be both wrong as they stand polar opposites on politics. The minor mistakes and miscalculations are not the fault of his own but rather that of his teachers and advisors. give him time and space and i am hopeful the man would come to his own in short time. i reserve my judgement on the end of his tenure. in the mean time i wish him success and victory, hopefully which will benefit the Somali peninsula. my advice to all the naysayers is give the man a chance.
  8. Malika - Horta - why do you always side with my opponents? or is it you wish them to be defeated hence why you irk them on?
  9. ^^ i know - you and che are known to make hot air noises - continue as you were. Originally posted by strawberry&cream: if you hate the house of Al-Saud enough to forfeit Hajj and Mecca, why not boycott the very source that avails the Saudi royals with the power and means to go about as they do? and no i am not talking about oil. Source: is it strawberry & cream?
  10. ^ - Qardho is respectable twon with history and very easy going people - never be worried. it just some attention seeker decided to insult qardho and its female inhibintants for attention. he better apologise and withdraw his stu-pidand uncalled for remarks which had nothing to do with topic btw.
  11. His former comrades disagreed with him and rejected the path he chose. They accused him of being a traitor who went back on everything he formerly believed in. They vowed to continue the fight and never stop until the last foreign soldier was out of Somalia. The geography teacher found himself cornered. If he were to remain safe in the presidential palace, he had to make use of the foreign troops that were still in Somalia. He and his supporters explained this one away by saying that though such troops were indeed foreign, they were not the dreaded Ethiopians. These were Ugandans (and others). When did Uganda ever do us wrong? They asked! The metamorphosing did not stop here. Now the geography teacher was happy to associate with Americans and others that he strongly opposed a mere two years previously. Now he was happy to request the assistance of the world in the form of more foreign troops and financial aid! Now he was comfortable with the idea of fighting his former comrades and wiping them out of the face of the earth. Now he was nonchalant about spitting out statements regarding terrorist outsiders and the plans they have for Somalia. Now he was ready to distinguish the difference between all Islamic groupings. Now he was, in words, actions and deeds a fully formed Abdullahi Yusuf! Yet, his supporters still make excuses for him. They still shout about how innocent and genuine the man seems. They still argue that he has a plan and that his plan is one that is good for Somalia! They do not see the contradictions, never notice the doublespeak, refuse to acknowledge the worrying signs and totally brush aside all protests. To them, the publically scrutinised journey from being a humble geography teacher to becoming a fully-fledged clone of Abduallhi Yusuf does not exist. Like a mother of a mass murderer, they still see that innocent baby who brought her lots of laughs and love! They still look upon the man as a humble geography teacher. that might be - but perspective and hindsight are wonderful things - might you think? Also you forget that the man clearly said to his opponents - Came and talk to me - put your requests to me - had they done that and pledged allegiance to him - i am sure all their request would have been met - including kicking out foreign troops. Now Ngonge answer me this - why aren't his opponents aren't talking to him - what is wrong with talking to someone and either agreeing or disagreeing with them.
  12. :mad: @ Che - who the f'ing do you think you are - equiting nuisance with Qardho?. Apologise forthwith! YD - stay away from the keyboard before i report you to GD.
  13. Originally posted by -Serenity-: quote:Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: i wanted to, really - just a little bird told me you wouldn't like the date or the presents for the guessts Who dare speak for me? Xaaji Xunduf
  14. ^^^who are you talking about? BOB bes!
  15. Originally posted by Fabregas: You totally confuse being under the bottom of the socio economic ladder, and assimilation within society. To give you an example, an African Carribean might have millions of white friends, go to all their parties and weddings, wear an England 9 shirt- yet they could still live in the worst area and have all the same problems Somalis have. I have grown up with working class cadan youths who seem to be perpetually involved in criminal behaviour and the dole seeking lifestyle. Believe me, the Somalis you melodramatically described are in a far better position than them. On the other hand, many Somalis( probably many on this forum), tend to associate and confine themselves( that is, outside work and uni) within the SOmali/Muslim community. But they still have university degrees, work in nice jobs and take care of the fam. They also still have an interest in the politics of Somalia and one could hold a oxford degree but the bigggest tribalist on earth. All immigrant communities have areas, habits, food, etc, which are exclusive to them. Somalis,and this probally due their tribal and Islamic culture, tend to socialise amongst themselves. Thus, segregation/isolaton ism( even most cadans themselves don't interact with non whites) isn't really a problem. What is a problem is the socio economic conditions many Somalis and other immigrant communities find themselves in. The point is that they could still keep some aspects of their culture, keep themselves to themselves and still do well economically and socially, like many other immigrant communities have done. Lack of opportunities is the problem, not integration or assimilation. Frabregas - The Hammer Marx - The nail Ngonge - The wood Frabregas - couldn't agree with you more.
  16. on their campain ticket - they had Obama/Biden. i only saw Osama Biladen.
  17. ^^^ they don't call me Raage for no reason
  18. Che - i haven't written this - got in email. Norf - there are pictures with the email - but i don't know ho to post them here.
  19. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOL - some funny stuff in here. war xaggee ka kenteen waxaan?
  20. If someone else has already posted on here - Sorry! enjoy reading this weird things. This is weird History Mystery Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presiden ts were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head Now it gets really weird. Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln . Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are composed of fifteen letters. Now hang on to your seat. Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'. Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford'. Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater. Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials. WHO FIGURED THIS OUT? INCREDIBLE 1) Fold a NEW $20 bill in half... 2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below 3) Fold the other end, exactly as before < /B> 4) Now, simply turn it over... What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!! COINCIDENCE? YOU DECIDE As if that wasn't enough... Here is what you've seen... Firstly The Pentagon on fire... Then The Twin Towers. .And now .. look at this! TRIPLE COINCIDENCE ON A SIMPL E $20 BILL Disaster (Pentagon) Disaster ( Twin Towers ) Disaster (Osama)??? It gets even better 9 + 11 = $20! Creepy huh? Send this to as many people as you can, cause: Hey, this is one history lesson most people probably will not mind reading!
  21. !waffle, waffle and some more pointless waffle. you could have said - to my sub clan and any person that comes from there. you have pond fish mentality my friend - grow up!!
  22. the poster is not pety - because he is the Sayidka. Paragon - Laba nin oo xun baa mesha xaraan iyo xaar ku kala daadshay. kuwana dabadhugley bey u noqdeen. Meshii udugga lagu oogana waxaay ka dhiggeen meel aan soomaali deggin oo dad belayo ah oo ajnebi degaan.
  23. miskiin - khayr insha'Allah, oh they would love marking you - LOL@Deex yaacansahey. classic
  24. i am having female poets all the way - found some impressive sisters. i am looking forward to their lyrical poems. Paragon - he is in toronto by the looks of it. i don't what we are paying would even cover his ticket. Ibti - i know! what tomorrow?