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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. miss natural what you gonna do with dior? just don't break the men's fast as you walk by
  2. LOL@ Val & Malika - war reerkiina ka agtaga oo qolakale guursada. this questions are too easy for me - is there harder ones for minyaara doon like me funny enought, i remember case of one woman wanting a divorce from her husband because he lied about his clan when he married her. in Kenya of all places. cajiib!
  3. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Koley hablo badan oo khayr qaba ayaa SOL joogee, marka hore adigu yaad ahayd, Mr Somalia? Reerkeebaad ka dhalatay? Wax ma soo baratay? Ma caafimaad qabtaa? Da'daadu waa imisa? Hooyo iyo aabe halkey deganyihiin? Cid ku taqaana SOL ma joogtaa? Ileen jiri walba hablahayaga ma siinee. Bal warkaaga hala helo. Waya'aragnimada kugu dheeraatay give the poor guy chance - what is with 21 questions??? i can tell you this much he is not from buhoodle
  4. Thanks to Paragon, Juxa, Gheele T and MMM - so far i got that the song was done in 70s (what i suspected anyway) however no specific year - that it was the Waaberi group that did it (never mind the lead singer - the woman?) and that it was Sangub aka mr.'single mother maxaa dhaley' (somebody should say to him - maybe what he was accused of has caused the single mother phenomenome) that penned the song (which i never knew)and furthermore there might have been other copied versions for clanistic reasons instead of wadaaninimo (which i can belief). The rest of you stop the buufis isku ridanta and the dandansi. Lol @ FU-FU - odeyga isha ku rida wale - you never know they could be brothers or cousins. JB has bit of sun tan thats all Ibti What did you write there - and why did you edit??? Off to Jumaca now across the road - Istakhfuranllah for any dembi. :cool:
  5. dadkeyga miyaa la garab rogi ciidaydu miyaa dhamaataa dhulka soo anigu malihi dalka soo anigu malihi gumaysiyaa nacayaa yee geeridu dhibaysaa waqtigii dhamaayoo kuu dhaqaaqi doonaa ninkii dhoof ku yimidaa geeridu dhibaysaa... two friends had fight over this song as to when and what is sang for. one (from Hargeisa) claimed it was for the anthem of the SNM and it was sang by some woman *forget the name* during the 1980s bombarment of northern somali towns and cities and it was against Somali goverment or as he called it "******" The other guy (from shilaabo)claimed that it was for the war of liberation in Western Somalia during the 1970s war against Ethiopia colonial army. he didn't know who sang it but refused it was the woman that the other guy claimed. during the agrument Shilaabo guy asked Hargeisa guy "ya ku gumaystay" since the song is about gumaysi dhacaya. The hargeisa guy said in matter fact way "dee ******ta" Shilaabo guys sucker punches the hargeisa guy - Qardho & Burco split them apart anyways - where our resident historians in SOL - i want to know the whole story behind this song??? Warning: i heard this and that are not sufficient evidence - so please should you feel like saying that stay away from the keyboard we don't want to have virtually fisticuffs. :cool:
  6. Ibti - first of all i presume this is for this ramadan - and if you want the money raised to go to the people in Somalia - the latest you would send that money would be the 15th day of ramadan so they can either use it for what is left of Ramadan and the Ciid. Ramadan is either tomorrow or next day schools all reopen on the 7th of Septembar the earliest day that i can get you a booking and confirmation. that only gives you a maximum of five days to organise the event - are you still asking for what time has got to do with it? and if you want to attract more than your 200 friends or so which at best of time only half would turn up - you need at least three months to organise for it to be succcessful event not three weeks. anyways give me date and time that you intent to hold the event - what the event will be about and preference for another date and time should you first option not be obtainable. the premises will be free but you'll have to think about other cost involved and how you intend to pay.... lot to think about, but still do able if you guys are dedicated 100% - communities and families would turn up - but not pay extronate prices as they simple can't afford it. keep things simple yaah!
  7. ^^ all your qabil on SOL deny you - what hope will be there for those you refuse to send their xaquul qabiil.
  8. Juxa & Ibti your are proposing a worthy project, but unless you can put together things very quickly in miracle sort of why you are running out of time. in any case if you guys are quite serious about it - i could help you in many ways including hosting premises and official org name for receiving sponsorship money. the quickest way - will be to work with one our schools and their students in organising an Iftaar or some sort of event which is open to the public and quickly move with the sponsors. very unlikely but do able - as they say if there is will there is way. SOL lot are quite helpful and specially you two - i am sure they will support you in anyway they can.
  9. Originally posted by juxa: oh one more thing why dhagaha iskaga goynee yaa sayid, ibti and i asked you something maalinhore & Juxa did you ask Sayid Somal or shall I? Sayid only talks to me if he wants help, haadi kaal he puts me on ignore or bullies me. ibti i noticed that about sayid, lets boycott him. Wow! ladies when have i ignored you - you two are amongst the most helpful people to me in SOL - why would i ignore you?. Althought lately there are many people oo Xaal igu leh - maybe i am growing to many grey hair and one brown amonst the gar timo - hence all these people can't be wrong. please ask again your question and i'll be obliged to answer before i go for my lunch and i am sorry if i have not answer you before. althougt i wasn't even aware you asked. :cool:
  10. LOL - Juxa didn't you know Ibti's compass has only North and South directions. Anything pass or below Burco is Southern with her.
  11. Originally posted by sheherazade: Salam Sayid. Waan kugu riyoodey. U were wearing an earring and belonged to a tribe the Somalis dis. But u were happy. LoL. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL as long as i was happy. clear your pm, i owe you an apology..
  12. i feel sorry this athlete - and i can't help but agree with fufu had they been white i doubt this furore would have been made. lets not forget half these female athlete can be described as feminine in way by their looks. P.S Woman is nothing but a Man with Womb. we all have both chromosones of y or x in some or another. as long at these athlete has a womb and all other function of female nature then by definition they are female. regardless of which chromosones are dominant.
  13. ^take the 'h' out of the 'dee' otherwise you sound like you saying 'duh' as in homer simpson. fufu indhaha miyaa nuureysaneysa before ramadan? you reminded of lecture i heard last ramadan about the many ways you can make sinna -Eyes -Mouth -Heart -and finally intercourse my advice to you saxiib is to looked at your oori when ever you feelt he urge to look other women's pictures - take with you different pictures of your oori even if need be
  14. Fabregas that is one of my favourite movies Oh, can you see,,,, i am coming to america.......
  15. Subax Wanaagsan Juxa, Ibtisaam & Sheherezade. Galab Wanaagsan Norfsky, Jaceylbaranlaawe & Fufu. Maxaa la sheegay - is tomorrow fast time or unknown yet?
  16. in 1992 in finland i remember there was this big arguement at the Masjid about wether to fast the 4 hours our so that the sun was out (which you couldn't see properly anyways) - or whether we should fast a minimum of 8 hours or better yet follow how many hours they fasted in Arabia. :confused: as for the question possed in the thread's title - NO! not in my household.
  17. LOL@ ii tirjuma - what is there to translate?? alla xasidsanidaa - unless people are hospital is that what you say to them?? anyways i hear you modelling like qalaanjo qoor dheer - is it true??
  18. Ibti - i am back from the miyi. i have salaato ari that looked liked dog's doodo came out of my ears still. btw - miyi has internet now - its 21st century you know - not the 19th century when you was around the miyi last. habaryahay cajuusta ah oo islaan yar loo yaqaan. Fufu - walaaqan ka hadlaayo waa the same one that you and nuune are good at like west african women walaaqs the fufu that you are so fond of.
  19. haye, see layahay? why are people congratulating Jaceylbaro ma Garowe buu minyarad ka soo guursaday mise midkale baa u dhalatay?? Juxa - faras baan ka dhacay? any lacag in it for me?? guul la'aan lacag la'aan style! Fu-fu & nuune - weli walaaqi miyaa wadaan? Ibti - ma isa sawidhay adigoo aloolan?