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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Wixii an Illah aminsaneyn waa laga roonyahay. :cool:
  2. Wakhtigii af jiiniga la garay :confused:
  3. ^yaanan ku iibsan - geelban leeyahay - orod amus oo ninki hindiga aha raaliyo u noqo :cool:
  4. All in good time Malaabbey Horta ayn is guursono - legend of zu ba wadaadka ah, webiga mudug baa markhantiga ah, Raaliyo iska micneyndoona. soo tiix waxwalba oo aad doonaysid - balse aynu isla garano - guurka ka horeya kuli.
  5. maxaa legend ku noqotay - Bootayn???
  6. who is this legend of zu horta? ma nin ba ma naag ba? legend of scarf is more suited.
  7. ^i am coming! Warning thought - i would say anything to make you mine (read submissive)
  8. Hold you horses A.Z. - i would never nor ever have categorised or degraded you personal wish as xaraam or anything as such – so you must be talking about someone else here. As for the topic - first of all LOL@ "i want my daughters to gossip about these boys not mock them" but as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what you will consider beatiful in 20 -30 years from now might be "akhis" to your future daughters - unless you obviously asked them whom they find attractive - which then defeats the purpose. Keep up the somalinimo but not to a prejudicial degree.
  9. How about it Jokolaato iyo Malab - Raaliyadaydii inaad noqoto raali ma ka tahay??
  10. ^for what?? answer quick before Che fills in for you with his you know what mind
  11. Good advice Malika as usual. A.Z. just pray your plan does not back fire. also just curious why only the good looking ones?? BTW - what is with obsession Somali this and that as if being Somali was perquisite to good moral upbringing or Somalis are immune misdemeanours/dembi. ?????????????????
  12. Jealousy is one of the deadly sins. any somali minyaaros here???
  13. You might be on to something here ibti - tv having subconscious effects on people on serious note - if people already possessed hatered then it will incense them to higher outrage and will properly lead them to take the kind actions you describing. thinking about, it was couple years ago in the summer that a friend was telling about their local imaam getting attacked on broad daylight on his way to the masjid by man on bike who clubbed him on the head with tool he was carrying, local none muslims gave the man a chase directing the police to his where abouts. at the same time people from the local pub treated and comforted the imaam till the ambulance arrived. this happened in Easth Dulwich an all white area between Brixton and Peckham. The woman i was telling about watched t flight 93 or something last week on channel four and she was asking questions about that too. of course it is all clear that this channels/tvs have their own agenda in showing these documentaries/shows this particular time. if it bleeds it leads sort of thing. hoping for a "big conversation" as they say.
  14. Hello one and all. What is wrong with marrying none somalis - is it Xaram or something??? All you unmarried lot get of your back sides and doonta Calafkiina - complaining over the internet is not improve you loveless lives
  15. “Haddaa hee… riyadii baa lagaga nabadgeli laayahee ma soo jeed baa lagaga nabad geli” Riyaale riyadii buu ugu dhacay dadkii bela ka dhacday meeshi.
  16. La'ilaha Ilalaah - War muxuu yidhi?? Warya dee, waxaan ku idhi - af Muslim ama af gaalo mid uun ku hadal.
  17. Ibti - indhaha isku qabso Fu-fu - fay-fay tahay?
  18. Ngonge - one footprint of one she camel among many of our camels will undo all the wispering your islaamo will make, so rest assured - gabadhu already waa no soo xerotay - just formalities are left, so please save face and think of your poor brothers self esteem, before it is too late.
  19. where i can get hold of copy - source please? it would be interesting to see what it adds to the oral bit and pieces and whether or not it includes all the myths about him??
  20. LOOL@ Mr Xoog - if reer waqooyi are like anything reer Bari - this mr xoog is little weakling who is properly dying anorexia. Reer Bari give poeple the worst oxymoron nicknames.
  21. ^Came down dear - its only Ramadan Time. besides you might get punched back. on seriouse note - just remember you are fasting or think something positive before you feel the urge to attack. JB move on man - waxaagu waa xad'dhaaf. Ngonge you brother is her cousin - find an alternative. only option left is Qardho.
  22. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Sayid belo iyo Qardho naag daaf, those are angry bunch LOL - there was time that all somalis were engaged naag daf(woman snatching) , fortunately reer qardho never engaged in that. if we did there would branch of love called Qardho Syndyrome
  23. this is interesting - that explains.... even the name suggest - amazing how i didn't connect it before. Ibti thanks for the info. JB maskiin war waan ka qalaynaya maanta kabacdi - illeeyn meelbey Burco ka dabqinaysaye..... Ibti is being saved for Qardho dude - no wonder you also hate qardho.
  24. Abraar - war ninyahow xasidsaniddaa - miyadan ogeyn in malika 'married' tahay - apparently to Tyson looklike - so think of her would you before posting lyrics like above - because once he sees her reading that whilst giggling, she'll be like lucky if he doesn't bite her tongue off. Ibti - it must be only you reading the 'hunqaaco' cos, i haven't seen any here. As for other somali forums or that matter chewing dens - i have no idea as don't venture into those but i do no know one thing and that is a man who talks about his wife in anyway negative is called 'Dayus' where i come from and that place is called Somali republic.
  25. ^^adigana burcaa lagugu falay, now you calling it tuulo, what is next..... kadaro dibi dhal?....