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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. he is Fakir of comedian hence why he knows more about qardhaas than qardho. lol
  2. ^ your two cents are worth £2 pounds Farancab, i have intuition that Intuition is a woman. hint:signature Kool_Kat - those two spoke to me in Amharic fully aware that i am somali and once i told them "i don't speak qushasha language" they got upset actually the jamaican guy laughed first - it was the ethio who got the insult first. jamaican only got upset when in laid into his supposed saviour mr salads who was buried in a toilet :cool:
  3. according to the votes in here only 3 people agree with Ngonge on the clan been everything. Despite contradictory votes (dadka vs qabiil & dalka vs Qaran ) assuming people voted on scale of importance - from now onwards can we claim clan is nothing in here (sol)?
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by Indhoos: Bali ayaa waxaa ku dabaalanaya boolon-boolooyin. Boolon-booloyinkaas, boolon-boolo labo boolon-boolaa ka horeeya. Boolon-boolana laba boolon-boolaa ka dambeeya. Boolon-boolana labo Boolon-boolay u dhaxaysaa…Boolo hanoqoninine Boolon-boolooyinka baliga ku dabaalanaya bal sheeg? WAxaan moodayay in afsoomaali lagu hadlayo ,,,, apparently - A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.
  5. Gheelle.T mada dhihi doona? i waran saxiib - xagee ka dhacday??
  6. i nearly got thumped earlier by Xabashi & Rastafarian working together. Where was this clan then???
  7. ^never had you as an atheist? what gives? i know that ngonge says you were jilted by mullah - but is that enough reason to be come an atheist???
  8. it was qardho that stopped those five somali individuals being pawned to the ethios on route from bossaso to garowe. Cowke - milix iska yaray saxiib
  9. it was qardho that stopped those five somali individuals being handed to the ethios on route from bossaso to garowe. i am proud of that.
  10. not under Qardho's name :mad: i bet jb changed the bits that said SL into PL. reason source is hidden - checked ONLF's websites no such thing mentioned.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Yours will sound silly. But Sayid AL Qaradawi sounds great. Warya Sayid Somal, waa lago garan waayay. Sheegato waaxid. warya cayda duuban iga daa dhegcasyahow :mad: and fyi my horse Xiinfaniin calls me Sayid Qardhood unlike Burcawanis anigu carabi kuma hadlo. Af Soomaali
  12. Originally posted by nuune: ^^ Name dat degmo between qardho and taleex, sxb is caddee baan ku dhahay su'aasha ka jawaab ha leex leexan and for your info, dat degmo is not between qardho and taleex, it is between taleex & dhahar saan horey u sheegay, qardhaas unbaad tahay qardho waxba kama ogid :cool: LOOOOOL ka daroo dibi dhal i never took you to be one who would not know what degmo is but sense degmo can be described in many forms - i will give you the benefit of doubt - degmo i meant in this instance a nomadic settlement and nomadic settlement are by definition temporary but since you asked for its name - its called dooxada geelyacas and it falls within the administrive district of Qardho.
  13. Che: Somali-Sayid Wise man you are, but tell me who are the residents of Qardho Surely I and NGONGE have no cousins there in the words of your cousin: Qardho is 1/3 of Pentlands population and seats on 1/3 of the land as to your second comment - Thank God for that quote: Nuune ____________________ ____________________ yes i was born in the vicinity of Qardho, well to be precise right in between Qardho and Taleex, but since Qardho is major town’ I have always went there for my shopping and my mother still lives there. ____________________ ____________________ Sayid, according to your own words in the quote, you are not from Qardho at all, but you CLAIM so which is fine I claim Qardho, Qardho claims me, – isn’t that good enough for you? Until you mention that tiny town you were born between Qardho and Taleex, then waxaagu dhan waa kakac It was degmo not a town quote: Aaliyah416 ____________________ ____________________ This is your way of telling us you are from qardho?lol,tuug la qabtay talo ma leh. ____________________ ____________________ Eng. Its already a common knowledge that sayid is from Qardho. Nothing new Aaliyah afka caanaley – fadlan u sheeg quote: Farancab ____________________ ____________________ Originally posted by strawberry&cream: clan doesn't have to be everything, but unfortunately it is. ____________________ ____________________ It is only in the minds of Ngonge's burcaawi clan, not Reer Qardho at least Farancab fariid finally gets it quote: Kool_Kat ____________________ ____________________ Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: you wouldn't believe if i told you i am not from either of the many sub clans that live there and yes i was born in the vicinity of Qardho, well to be precise right in between Qardho and Taleex, but since Qardho is major town’ I have always went there for my shopping and my mother still lives there. ____________________ ____________________ As my Indian friend would say 'buul shiidh'!!! WHAT! After all this, sheekada ma wexey ku biyo shubatay: Shopping baan u aadi jiray Qardho? Consider yourself disowned... Just like your Indian friend you jumped the gun, unlike you I was at least born in the district of Qardho.
  14. Thus it was destined that the war between falsehood and truth shall be waged on this very forum. And there I was: galloping forth, galliantly marching with words of dignity and freedom, dismantling the arguments of falsehood with words as blunt as Persian swords. However, some have confused the affair and they have personally attacked me for my views when they couldn't withstand the ferociousness of my operations and noble words. And what was my crime? It was simply opposing the AMISOM occupation and genocide. And if you ask again? It was simply advocating for the territorial, religous and cultural intergrity of the peoples of Somalia. Freedom is crime to the sheep who willingly goes to altar of slaughter. Fabregas is a mujahid with humour
  15. what happened to them (avators) ?? is the only way i recognise people
  16. orod oo dhakhtarka u tag - we can't help you here Dhalinyarada Qardho oo dayactir ku sameenaya wadooyin Ururka Dhalinyarada gadiidleyda ah ee gobalka Karkaar ayaa bilaabay olole ay dib u dhis ku sameenayaan qeybo kamid ah jidadka magaalada Qardho iyo kuwa isku xira magaalooyinka waaweyn. Ololahan ka bilowday magaalada Qardho maalinimadii shalay ayaa lagu dayac tirayaan jidka isku xira magaalooyinka Bosaso, Qardho iyo Garowe. Olalaha Dayactirka ah ayaa ah mid ay soo abaabuleen dhalinyarada magaalada Qardho, ayagoo gacan ka helaya maamulka degmada Qardho. Guddoomiye degmada Qardho Cismaan Buux Cali ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in iskaashi ka dhaxeeyo ayaga iyo dhalinyarada, isla markaana ay gacan ku siinayaan, wixii dhaqaale iyo taakulo ah ay kala qeyb qaataan ururada dhalinyarrada. Mid kamid ah xubnaha ururka Dhalinyarada ee hawshan bilaabay oo Horseed Media la hadlay ayaa sheegay in hawlahan u baahan yihiin khibrad badan iyo dhaqaale badan, balse ay ayagu ay ku dadaalayan inay wax ka qabtaan jidadka, wuxuuna sheegay in ay buuxiyaan meelaha burbursan ee wadada ayagoo markaasi markaasi ku shubaya ciid iyo dhagaxaan iyo waliba oolyo jidka lagu adkeenayo. Dhalinyarada ayaa sheegay in hawshan ay tahay mid baahan Dowlad iyo hay’ado waaweyn inay qabtaan, balse intii karaankooda ah ka shaqeenayaan, sidii looga hortagi lahaa khatarta ka imaata jidadka sii burburaya ee wadada halbawlaha u ah magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland. Horseed Media
  17. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOL@ Buuxo & Ngonge Walaahi, you two made me laugh out loud. run beed shegteen, however you wouldn't believe if i told you i am not from either of the many sub clans that live there and yes i was born in the vicinity of Qardho, well to be precise right in between Qardho and Taleex, but since Qardho is major town’ I have always went there for my shopping and my mother still lives there.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: To the man who has fallen into the abyss, adeer the Qhardo you claim is but a dot on the landscape that is Puntland. You seem to be angry about something and actually belive other communities of Puntland somehow have an enmity towards the sub group that dwels in Qhardo . You suffer from an incurable symptom of clan hate and I hope you get better. As for the President of Puntland, he was welcomed by the people of Qhardo , Karkar , elders and political leaders lined up and saluted him. Thus go and cry the crocodile tears of a confused soul. my dear fake orange, i have got no idea what you are talking about however, being aware that education is not your strongest point, i assume that you rant is in reference to the acient city of Qardho and beatiful mountain ranges of Karkaar and your usual rants of deflecting your inner hate and inabilities on others in mistaken notion that accusing others of your ills, will absolve your unforgivable clannish rants in here is absolutely laughable. Cowke relax and put down the magical spliff lest you become what you are arguing against
  19. Disclaimer - Baby face & LibaaxSankaTaabte - i did not break SOL golden rule, but I’ll admit the rooster is mine LOL@fabregas continue as you were. P.s Che - is qardho a qabiil? - because my sentiments can only whipped with Qardho