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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. ^^ I know that you think, that i am joking if you miss - just don't miss reading those three suras three time each tonight. Trying is for wimps - Doing is for the wise. i always thought you to be wise man.
  2. LOOOOOOL@ the arabs writing somali as if they were white men - proper carrablaawes (carrab=tongue)
  3. Originally posted by Jamaal11: Wallee waa markaad isku qaban jidheen wey jidhaa iyo ma jidho, ood ma jidho u badan jidheen. quote of the month
  4. Ngonge - Ibti told me the girl that wanted to see you - apparently she would pay good money to see you with your hair and if you let her shave it for you, she would triple the amount. so come man - do it for charity.
  5. Originally posted by Juxa: this is the second time someone is saying sayid waa 28 :eek: dadkaan maxaa udhiman? :confused: & :mad: *like a woman whose age has been miscalculated* what are you saying??
  6. The following SOL’s contingents attendance is compulsory - should they fail to attend - I will be asking SOL's resident fakir to do the necessary habaar Jamal11 NGONGE chubacka Intuition NinBrown G G Abu-Salman Jafe101 Ismahaan *Buuxo* Thierry Emperor Adam Z Fabregas Nehanda Marx Lily Faheema Baraf Juxa and Ibti add the ones i left out.... Come and cleanse your souls people :cool:
  7. ^where have you seen a fakir without tusbax??. Nuune Fakir - fakirs are not known to give anything other than habbaar and sometimes when something is given to them - a couple long ducas that make no sense awaiting juxa's confirmation for your absolution.
  8. 28 year old baby waa akhiro simaan. jury will be out on my case for long while. *waxa goorta hurta ma labbaatan jir ba $%^&ku laabta yaal, timiha shafka jiq ku noqdeen* = the case of A&T & JB.
  9. a fakir who loses his tusbax!! tut, tut! now you habbaars won't work anymore Subax wanaagsan iyo maalin khayran kuli
  10. The Vagabonds & Fakirs are foaming at the mouth again at the mere mention of qardho/sayid. Tallo: waryaaya darreerka iska tira - sidan waa laa dhamaaye - Rag iska dhiga
  11. <*seeing qaloocan bothering che - shouts out * "qaloocan, qaloonbi, qaloon, qalood, qaloombi"
  12. ps: why are you pretending inaad tahay dhaayman iyo luul and your phone rings constantly. 13 missed calls from 9 different numbers - how is that for diamond and pearl attending a funeral is an obligation on muslims and it must be adhered to.
  13. Juxa, Juxa, Juxa!!! goordmad juxunjuxadda barata? what are you on about forieng wive vs somali families - ma ana ii dan leedahay? bal noo sheeg - half baked stories are not my cup of tea and becareful before you are given the juuni! that ibtisaam is bunny boiler
  14. ....."i See U Like Eatin Plants....but Can U Plz Not Eat Mine While Im Gone"
  15. i did not tell her you were married - just that you were from Burco
  16. Originally posted by IndigoBlue: LoL dee you look like a Siyad ka daro dibi dhal - you must have counfused me with Jaceylbaro when have you seen my mouth?
  17. LOL@xox&xax - you have given me ideas now. no more real names - given that both you have the same names - it looks like same person calling more than once - and that is a problem.
  18. ibti you beenlowad LOL@IndigoBlue (indhabuluug)- but why did you call me Siyad? she knows about them - that is the problem
  19. Subax wanaagsan akhyaarta khayrsan, Juxa, Ibti, Fu-fu, Ngonge, Nuune iyo kuwa ka daba yimaada. Wa laay sheegay in shalay lay caynaayey - waan idin cafay :cool: Juxa; seriously is that what you want me to say? ma dad waalan baa imanaya meesha? P.S. don't either of you call me on any of my numbers - the mrs has the phones
  20. All able bodied young somali professionals who live in or around london and have seen this advert should attend - haddii kale - Waxaan Illaah ka baryaya $%&*^&(OP*&^%$£%^ "%£^$%&*&*(^%$%£ ^$£%&*()_)*&^%£$ "£$%&^*()))(&*^%$ %£$^&*(((*^%&$£ in kuligiin "£$&%*(*^&%$^&*^()*& %^$%$%& "$£%^&&&^%£$^&* :cool: nuune spit on it - the rest of you say aamiin!
  21. LOL@new park, mss dd let the girls know of any worthy projects that you see happening in dhulkii hooyo. :confused: @ people implying i was somehow part of this event in the first place. Althought i wish i was, this event is solely these lovely ladies pet.
  22. Congratulations to Qardho & Qabridahare – Commiserations to A&T and KK
  23. Well Done Juxa & Ibtisaam - Good Luck with everything - i will pray for you lot and the event. Barwaaqo - i am sure the girls will attend your wedding albeit with donation bucket