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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. good afternoon people. what is on offer?
  2. The Anglo-Somali Society is a non profit-making international friendship society whose objective is tofoster friendship and understanding between Somalis and the English-speaking world, and to developcultural and social relations between them. NEWS:– New date for House of Commons Tea Party: We’ve confirmed that this year’s Anglo-Somali Society teaparty will be held at the House of Commons from 4pm on Thursday 8 July 2010.– New Society Journal available: click here for contacts page. the contents look interesting. The Journal is sent to all Society members.If you are interested in joining, please download a membership form here. – General Meeting, Oxford House, E2. Thursday 22 October 2009, 6.00pm - The Mental Healthof Somalis in the UK: Two talks with questions and discussion. For more details, click here. – Appeal launched for Hargeisa School for the Deaf: The Society is raising funds for the Hargeisa School forthe Deaf. More information is available here. If you are able to donate funds of any amount - small or large - your contribution will be gratefully received. LINK
  3. i am too tired to read all the stuff and nonsense that is flying here back and forth - but as i skip throught it is quite clear to me that this xeer is fully of flaws and no judgement passed there in can hold anything worthy of mention. Consequently, i agree with the two fellows here A&T and Ngonge. they should have redress. i see another thread in the making.
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ If the Yehoodi guy got it for agreeing to sit down with the poeople he occupies and give them false promises, then Obama also deserves it for making false promises. totally agree - also add that prize is worthless - my awards are better
  5. ^^Qufacaan aad ugu wan qashay 'duke manifesto' naga leexi intuusan matag nagu noqon. Ngonge Gurufkaan guruddambays ah oo guruuructan badaan oo aad ‘guru’ga ugu wacdo iga maslax intuusan is gawricin – such man is not befitting to hail from Burco a city renowned chivalry and to the point personages. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' People hold your horses - haddaydin kaftanka qaadan karin kafan xirta Forgive and Forget - i mean no harm to any of you and its words on screen. you are my people and i love you all and i hope God is gonna keep me calling on you. :cool:
  6. I have been contacted by one of our contacts regarding an exciting event taking place on our doorstep at the Lambeth Palace on October 15th. See below for an opportunity to for some of your youth to attend the Muslim Christian Forum event on climate change alongside other associated issues. Aimed at young people aged between 18-25, this event will allow local Muslim and Christian youth to partake and contribute to local and wider democracy, with a chance of attending the wider summit in Copenhagen In December. To apply please visit, register your interest. Encourage your youth to have a voice now! Don’t miss out!!
  7. ^^Abti... afkaweyne aniga hayla soo gelin. you are a boy of no significance, inapt and devoid of any decorum. therefore, you are dismissed henceforth.
  8. For the attention of Af-weyne^ Diatribe and pointless verbiage are your trademarks. a mere boy in his mid twenties, wannabe solicitors who thinks an excess of words that add little or nothing to the meaning is tantamount being taken seriously or sign of being grown up. Now take note in your tone and stop pointless diatribe in your responses to me son. Failing that don’t respond at all.
  9. ^ first of all thank you for shortening your response for my midget brain. otherwise i would not got anything you said. now i'll leave you alone
  10. ^leave Abu-Salma alone - take on the ninka xiniinyihisa ku tusay (mr.Somalia)
  11. ^ @ furka tuuro - what are you implying now - ana furka tuuray?? marki horeba ima saarneyn Jamaal - don't listen to that vagabond - isaga ku soo gubtay markii hore.
  12. ^ka dhex bax raga! Jamaal - markan ariga raaci jiray aniguba ma arki jirin - balse markaan kuray noqday oo geela daba galay - meel walba ku arki jiray
  13. ^Dhahar ba ka jaban what is more - i even heard in Coventry it is all free
  14. i don't think i can afford another one now
  15. xaal baan doonayey - xaar buu ugu soo turay - wasakh Haye another phd lover? - ok - i'll admit i don't know the man - but to belittle the honourable profession of teaching over a mere man is unbecoming of you. you are behaving like al-shabaab i presume the said man is/was involved in education a teacher of some sort - be at school level or higher education???
  16. Xiin - what is wrong with the term 'school teacher'??? :mad: ninyahow - I demand an apology!
  17. ^dadka haygu soo dirin Dhagax - email ibtisaam. she is looking for punctual spokesman - juxa and her fired me on the spot, when i arrive one minute or hour (no big difference) late. looking forward to Ngonge's "the shirt" or was it "it was the shirt" story
  18. my boss just told me off - for being on this site - :mad: Goodbye
  19. ^LOOL war adigaa ba Sarqaaliibsan gorma dhahay waan sarqaabsanahay?
  20. Originally posted by sheherazade: I'm 37. Get over it already.This age thing is a novelty to first and second generation not-born-under-a-tre e Somalis. oo maxaa igu tiri waxaan jidha 27? qoralka labaadse waa kugu raacsanahay
  21. Blisss?? oo adigu qolama ahayd? kuma Fahmin! :confused: Jamaal11. ari boowe - maxaa tiri? :confused: Saakan sibaan u sarqaaliibsanahay :confused: Edit: Wa Calaykumwasalaam,
  22. Subax wanaagsan. Dear Juxa & Ibti and all the solers who attended last week's event. I am so sorry for my lateness - please accept my sincere apologies. It only occurred to me yesterday - how late i was and the fact that i did not offer an apology when i finally arrived :eek:
  23. Originally posted by Jamaal11: Sir, yes, sir. J11 here reporting for duty, sir. i can see you saluting - now for my order: stand right there and dadka baar - do it as they do in some of my secondary schools; ask them to jump up and down and if you hear any qadadiic noise - ku shub dheh. *heads of the place* see you all there. SOAS university - nearest tube station Russell Square, Hobton, Ueston Sations
  24. Originally posted by BARWAAQO: PS : The thread title is as ugly as Rudy's personality. Congratulation - I hope all your plans bear fruits