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Everything posted by SayidSomal
The vulture strikes again as expected. But does this represent new insights of this group’s ruthlessness to chip away the tolerance they thus far enjoyed. Will the silent scholars speak out now? Allah has already exposed the two Hassan’s for the two cowards they are, supporting or at least tolerating what Allah prohibited, shedding the Muslim blood as a political tool to get hold off the proverbial throne. As a result of this, who else will fall from grace? I am not sure who the two Hassans you are refering are - but i am of the opinion that the goverment (or the Sharif that you support) should answer the culprits of this heinous crime in kind and do so very soon. otherwise they will soon fall from grace.
Togdheer Is Getting Out Of Control. Sland Bring In Militia
SayidSomal replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
maya, nala kuma falin - just we don't like marrying our beatiful cousins - hence we marry from other communities as adviced by our prophet (SAW) to spread love and to establish connections so none of these fighting for survival sorts of incidents will not be prevalent in the future. BTW - why would 28s and above girls not married and is there a large number of them and divorcees for that to be included in the scheme as clause that do not apply?? -
Togdheer Is Getting Out Of Control. Sland Bring In Militia
SayidSomal replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: ^^ I never said that- I said they were known for some tendency with Geel. Hey Sayid- I think they recently signed a new deal called "The protection and prevention scheme" which is an insurance policy covering all beautiful girls between the age of 15 and 28 aimed at curbing the trend of marrying beyond the clans of burco (if push they might stretch till Hargisa and Berbera). The policy excludes over 28s and divorced women. Therefore I can ask for 28s or divorced women. How about it then?. is that so? they never learn do they -
Togdheer Is Getting Out Of Control. Sland Bring In Militia
SayidSomal replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by NGONGE: Sayid, last night, Che & Ibti were claiming that Qardho had some business people. Ma run ba? The only business person I heard off from those parts was Ms DD. Don't listen to these two when it comes to Qardho - listen to Cowke instead For a man who claims to "know nothing" (with indian accent) you definitely mastered the Somali Sarbeeb. Burco disowned you long ago. -
Originally posted by NGONGE: How did Qardho get dragged into this? I thought Ibti and Che were talking about business people? :mad: Jamac Qubri was it?
Originally posted by FiqiKhair: War Che, when the Dhahar incident happened the two folks that died in that battle were from the xiji and meydi collecting communities of Waaciye, who felt threatened as the mad came all the way to the laamiga in which Waaciye lies on, the same for Qardho. Fortunately for the Duub guys from Maakhir, the Waaciye boys came in from the mountains weapons blazing one afternoon whilst the 'Qardho boys' hid and were trying to vacate for the coast to sail away to far off places. Fakin Fakir (in the hindu sense) Waliba Beenlow ah. also your story is riddled with contradictions.
Togdheer Is Getting Out Of Control. Sland Bring In Militia
SayidSomal replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
LOOOL@ "islaan yar" - talk about oxymoron. Ibti - does this alleged Sultan from afar geedi ka xiga with houses and horses. does he have any beatiful daughters by any chance and want many camels to add to his status. -
Togdheer Is Getting Out Of Control. Sland Bring In Militia
SayidSomal replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
^stamp P.s. this little investigation is againts the rules of the site my dear ssecessionists. -
LOOOOL ^^^ why don't you tell us what happen to you at qardho that made you so fearful of the heavenly peaceful place. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: A&T they were busy making money and building blocks when the smooth talking ones robbed them blind miya?? Che- Reer Qardho history is well known- particularly with Geel indeed Qardho's history is an illustrious one whether be it with Geel or Gabdho.
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Adna caloosha hakuu fariisato Ibti take note-Reer Qardho are muggers-who knew adna hakuu dhaqaaqdo! Weligayaba gabdhaha Burco waanu jecleyn - balse hadda Bossasa naga fara madhoojisay. mar dhow Burtinle iyo Qaloocan baanu weerarin.
Dad waalan - 'D' dhuunta haydin istaagto
so, it is haram to steal or gain goods/services by deception. but is it haram to get back what you perceive to have been originaly stolen from (or its equal value)you by any means necessary inl;cuding theft or deception???
i don't think they can do both: conflict of interest and what not.
Mahamed Adow and an Arab American guy are reporting from Arafat whilst wearing Ihram (in Aljazeera channel) - i can'tn help but wonder, are they performing hajj or are they working?
oh yeah... a man named Gongen (who works there as cowboy) told me about the place
being there, done that and get the t-shirt with saalada idiha smutched on it. As for Hamish Wilson - the man is SNM "Mujaahid", so don't take him lightly.
Originally posted by Norfsky: Sanad walba mid kii hore ka sii daran ha lagu so diro are we suppose to say Aamiin to that?
"Any Publicity is good publicity"? Sheikh Sharif "I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right." Riyaale "Allah curse the ones who publicise - but there's no such thing as bad publicity". Al-Shabaab & Aweys "There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is NOT being talked about." Faroole "there's a sucker born every minute," somali people
Journalist Freed - She says she was tortured by southerns holding her
SayidSomal replied to Thankful's topic in Politics
Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Loool This is so sad. When you compare a so called "state" with a war zone in an effort to score a point. All you low expectation puntilanders should be thoroughly ashamed!! There is an outrage against puntiland because the expectations are different and you keep telling us you are different and you have law and order and yad yad ya, so great, so successful, so yad yad ya, better, stable, just yad and some more yad. So it is logical to expect better conditions, treatment- heck kidnapping should not even happen there. Unless of course you are taking all that cantrabaqash back and saying puntiland is just as part of the chaos as moqdisho, and we should expect the same things that would happen in a war zone. waad la heshay. ThankfulSP - war ninyahow isku xishood oo wax iskula har. P.S. BTW - what happened to the alleged baby being born to the female captive? -
All praise is for Allah, by whose grace all things are completed and may, Allah reward well, with surety of satisfaction those that are the instruments of his commands. Jazzaakalahu Khayran wa Ad-hakkallahu Sinnak. You are appreciated. Ciid Mubaarak one and all.
maya. haddaba waad isoo wici karta. Anigu mar dambe kuma soo wacayo - Mr. Amxaq baan u turaaya.
waxaas iska Dhaaf. waayaha, balse war baadan hayn.