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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: to be, or not to be: that is the question: Jir ama ha jirin: waa kobteey suaali joogtaaye Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer Ma waxaa jid rooneyd jikraha maanka kuu jiifa The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Jugta waraf fallaadhiyo darxumo jeedal kugu jiida Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, Amba jilba dhigasha aad dulmiga mowjaddii jebiso And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; Jamac ula jihaaddoo kolkaa dhimasho jiif raacdo No more; and by a sleep to say we end Juuq li’ina gama’doo kolkaa jiradu kaa guurto The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks Oon laxaw jirinin laabta iyo kuman halaag jooga That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation damaq intuu jiir dugaalshee jalamsi ruugaaye Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; Ee aad jecleyd joogsigood gabaxna jiifkeede very good attempt - balse laba qaawan isma qaadan
  2. marka maxaad rabtaa hadda?
  3. in Qardho they chant: Alle ka cabsadde 'aids' kuma dhaco in Burco they chant: AIDS = American Idea Discouraging Sex as for the topic - the usual bile from the usual bile busher; who is more likely to have single handedly tarnishes the good name of Somalis people leave the good name somalis alone whether they be in burco or qardho. :cool:
  4. The F-Word while now largely accepted as an integral part of the English language, still confounds, provokes, and scandalizes. How did it come about? here are some of the possibilities: "F.U.C.K." originated in the 1800's in London, when they used to charge prostitutes "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge". So officer got sick and tired of writing those, um, lessee, 26 characters, not including spaces, so it got abbreviated **** and stuck. In ancient as the british sailors spent a lot of time on seas - So some of them resorted to homosexuality, which was crime until an unwritten law was introduced in the navy, which basically said: sailors were allowed to engage in homosexuality on the birthdates of king they were given a placard that they hung on their door while they were having sex. The placard had F.*.*.*. (Fornication Under Consent of the King) on it. and many others each with story of its own: "File Under Carnal Knowledge" "Fornication Under the Christian King" "Fornication Under the Command of the King" "Fornication Under Carnal/Cardinal Knowledge" "False Use of Carnal Knowledge" "Felonious Use of Carnal Knowledge" "Felonious Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" "Full-On Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" "Found Under Carnal Knowledge" "Found Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" "Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" (referring to the crime of rape) could you believe this was part of our inset today???
  5. Originally posted by Haatu: I also liked the Moomins aaah... the moomins, moomin, moominmama, moominpapa brought back memories - i can still sing the song in finish.
  6. subax wanaagsan kuli, yuu jilaafay sanadkii baxaayey sida kalena yuu herdiyey sanadkii soo gellaayey?
  7. congratulations/hambalyo - Mr Sophist. Alxamdulilaah all are well.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I used to tell her great tales of J.Qabar when I had my eye on her (for my younger brother). first of all there are no great tales to be told about Jaamac Qabar (unless your brother has the same name) Secondly qardho has exchange policy which qaloocan has refused to reciprocate (althought burco has) but more importantly my three younger brothers are not the types of guys who take kindly to in gabadha loo soo shukaamiyo and worst of all with great tales about Qardho (which it has its fair share) and finaly reer qardho are not as lame as reer J.qabar to woe girl with great tales about their tuulo.
  9. Chubacka - in lambeth were else. 26 june. Ngonge excuses - get on with it. i don't know whether to be insulted or annoyed the fact that they now have asked Dr Martin Orwin to do poetic scenes rather the many capable somalis - probably the work would be done by Hassan Alto then credited with Orwin.
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: Ibti, does Sayid guy have a younger brother or something? what are you insinuating? :mad: Ibti, i hope you didn't tell him about qardho's exchange policy.
  11. Originally posted by miles-militis: The beauty of the flag is in its Somaliness, without any regard for claims of ownership and/or originality, but the minute the discussion descends into that sphere, it looses its Somaliness and becomes a Somali. Till then, I couldn’t agree more with that – where do I co-sign – Mr MM? Consequently I drop all the claims made by qardho forthwith
  12. i forgot that Che_ was vagabond somali fakir. sorry my mudug brothers - no offence meant
  13. ^ we know you are not from qardho, balse waa lagu geyn insha'Allah
  14. miles-militis - proper reer qardho - offend and then offer camels - boowe don't offend in the first place. the flag was designed in qardho - then first illustrated at Xamar - then first raised at Hargaisa. Qardho existed before hargaisa @X Xundhuf. Timacade was reer Qardhood adeer, true unionist Allah ha u naxaristee.
  15. ***Amazedly Surprised*** both Cawaales were from Qardho* - "Bela ka dhacday" as we say in qardho waryadhee gabadha daaya - now that she knows reer are qardho original designers of somalinimo. this is in reference fact that both Cawaales are the subjects of the king who resides in Qardho
  16. "Frailty, thy name is woman!" translate that Ngonge - i kind of sense it would be kind of thing you would have said in Somali Romeo and Juliet they will only translate - i have booked them for my june event - it should be interesting.
  17. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: quote: Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: Somalilanders are the only people capable of designing flags. We designed the blue flag Yaah? Which blue flag are you referring to? I am feeling FiqiKhair's added touch to the new flag...Well done... Sister you seem surprised, the blue one aad haada la roortan iyo the song aad ku heestan ba, nimaan uu dashey the clans of what is now called Somaliland aya sameyeh Puntland has a flag now. Okay, Mohammed Awale Liban was Somalilander?? that is news to me - i always taught that he was reer qardhood Ibti where did you hear that from?
  18. Baayo DD, Balaaya mesha ka dhacday, dadka oo dhan wexey la lelecanayaan maseyrnimo. allow yaa u sheega in filfisha ka baxda qardho in ey daawo u tahay maseyrnimda Horta reer burco (lead by ibtisaam) waa belaayo, marka waa in filfisha liin dhanaan loogu dora. Reer Xamar (lead by Tuujiye) waa qax iyo qox, marka waa in filfisha moos lala siiya. Reer mudug (lead by che) waxoodu wa indha adeyg marka waa in filfisha indhaha laga geliyo.
  19. Subax wanaagsan reer qardhood iyo reer burcood. fadlan ogaada qardho qumaney baa qardo leh, mesha burco ka leedahay burcad iyo budh.
  20. ^hadana ma waaxad wada burco burcad baa "eedha'boodh" leh